The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, March 16, 1916, Image 5

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President. Ass’t Cashier Cashier.
The Value of Thrift
In advocating and encouraging economy, we do
not mean avarice or stinginess, but to do away with
wasteful habits, to use your money, your time, your
energy for the uplift, not only of yourself, but for
the betterment of the community in which you live.
Genuine economy is free from all suspicion of
meanness, of stinginess. It is commendable in every
sensble man and woman. Some empty-headed fools
—or the codfish aristocracy—may call it stinginess,
but what do we care for that class.
We are not advocating any new fad. The success
ful men of all history have been the men that have
practiced economy in time, energy and money.
First National Bank
We Pay Five Per Cent Interest on Time Deposits
| Announcement |
| I desire to announce to the ladies’ of Loup i
City and vicinity that my line of spring dry f
: goods has arrived and is now awaiting your f
inspection and approval. The stock com- I
1 prises I
All the very latest
novelties in line
j dress goods
1 and is strictly up-to-the-minute. Call in and I
see what the newest things are in the season’s i
offerings. The prices are reasonable and the I
quality and patterns are all that can be de- f
| sired. |
| iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
We say that Kyanize is the best
Finish for your floors and furniture
It will make every inch of woodwork in your
home like new. Kyanize is the most durable
finish made. You can easily put it on. In clear
and seven colors.
Come in—well tell you all
If you buy this 10c. brash about it. We give you enough
we give you Free our c . , , 7
Kyanize to rennish your tavonte
rhair — and we’ll refund the
ten cents if you’re not delighted
with Kyanize. ]
Then again .don’t overlook Kyanize
White Frame!—for all white wood
work in die parlor, living room—for
the white bedsteads, bath room, etc.
Once applied, a damp doth keeps it
’ f new and fresh.
Dally sells for less.
Try Chase’s first—it pays.
F. Martin was a Rockville passenger
L. A. Williams was a Rockville
visitor Monday.
Charles Masin came over from Ord
Monday on business.
Mrs. M. C Mulick was a Grand Is
land visitor Monday.
Taylor Gibson went to Grand Island.
Wednesday, on business.
Mrs. Rosa Curtis visited with her
daughter at Austin Tuesday.
Miss Nellie Grierson is spending the
week with home folks at Ansley.
C. L». Rein came up from Lincoln
Saturday evening on business.
A. B. Outhouse was a business pas
senger to Rockville last Thursday.
Now is the time to get your harness
oiled and repaired. Bring them in to
James Bartunek.
Andrew Szafrajda was a Rockville
passenger last Thursday, returning
in the evening.
L. H. Currier returned home Mon
day evening from Rockville where he
had been on business.
Robert Jenner jr. visited with
friends at Arcadia over Sunday, re
turning Monday morning.
Frank Sobiesezyk was a passenger
for Dannebrog Monday morning to
visit a couple of days with relatives.
C. C. Cooper and wife were east
bound passengers for Council Bluffs
Saturday to spend several days visit
Mrs. Moncel Milburn came down
from Arcadia Tuesday and spent the
day visiting at the W. D. Garner
E. A. Miner, and family were pas
sengers for Wolback last Friday to
visit over Sunday with lelatives and
Miss Waunetta Conger returned to
her home at Arcadia Monday evening
after visiting here with her many
The Misses Emily and Ida Steen
were Grand Island visitors Saturday
where Miss Ida consulted an eye
Miss Nellie Grierson was a passen
ger for Arcadia Saturday evening to
spend Sunday with her uncle, J. P.
Cooper and wife.
Elsie Sharp returned to her home
stead at Manville, Wyo., Wednesday,
after several months’ visit with her
mother, Mrs. I. Sharp.
E. A. Currier, of Manchester, S. D.,
arrived here Saturday and visited un
til Tuesday morning with his brother,
L. H. Currier, and family.
Mrs. E. G. Dickhute, who has been
here visiting with her brother, W. H.
Watts, and family, returned to her
home at Burwell Saturday.
Mrs. Floyd Janulewicz and children
went to Ashton Tuesday to visit, and
her sister, Clara Bolgacz, returned
with her in the evening.
The Misses Flora and Elva Ohlson
left last Thursday morning for David
City, their future home. Mrs. Ohlson
and younger children going Saturday.
Miss Elizabeth Dinsdale visited at
the home of her brother, Robert Dins
dale, and family last Thursday, re
turning to her home at Palmer Friday
Miss Emma Fowler returned home
last Friday evening from Aurora
where she had been to help her sister,
Mrs. A. B. Conger get settled in her
new home.
Mrs. A. O. Bunn and daughter, Miss
Bessie, returned to their home at Am
herst, Neb., last Friday morning. They
attended the funeral of her father,
Henry Lewis.
Mrs. S. E. Rentfrow returned to
her home in Omaha last Thursday
after spending the week here visiting
with her daughter, Mrs. R. T. Young,
and family.
Mrs. Frank Adams and daughter,
Minnie, were eastbound passengers
for Columbus last Friday morning to
spend a week or so visiting with rela
tives and friends.
R. E. Gilmore, who recently moved
from Austin to York, Neb., was in
town this week, coming up to drive
his car to York. He will return the
latter part of this week.
Wanted.—Men who desire to earn
over $125 per month write us today for
position as salesman; every opportun
ity for advancement.—Central Petrol
eum Co., Cleveland, Ohio.
The closing out sale at the Hub
Clothing store will last but two weeks
longer, and then the stock of goods
will be moved to Sioux City, Iowa.
Read the ad on the last page.
Seed Corn—I have some choice 1914
yellow seed corn I will sell for $2.00
per bushel. Sample of same may be
seen at First National Bank of Loup
City, Nebraska.—Mike Chilewski.
A. B. Teed, of Lincoln, state rural
school inspector, will be in Sherman
county for two days, March 23 and 24.
Mr. Teed will visit and inspect the
rural schools of the county in com
pany with County Superintendent Cur
Erwin Brothers, evangelists, who
start revival meetings her next Sun
day, have just closed a very a very
successful meeting at Wymore. At
that place 376 people made profession,
forty of whom came froward the last
Mrs. J. H. Martin arrived here on
Saturday for an over Sunday visit
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Amick, and family. She returned to
her home in Omaha Monday accom
panied by her brother, Jack Amick,
who will visit there for a week.
‘ Daily sells for less.
Try Chase’s first—it pays.
Seed corn for sale, 1914 crop. See
Egnac Janulewicz. 11-3
James Bartunek will oil and repair
your harness. Let Jim do it.
G. W. Collipriest was a business
passenger to Rockville Saturday.
E. G. Taylor returned home Satur
day from St. Paul where he had been
on business.
Grandpa Fletcher came up from
Boelus last Friday and visited be
tween trains.
Corn Flakes, 6c per package, at
The Loup City Cash Store. Wm. Lew
andowski, proprietor.
When you are in need of
glasses, see Henry Eisner. Sat
isfaction guaranteed.
William Odendahl came up from
Ashton Monday evening and visited
until Tuesday with relatives.
Mrs. Carl Mickow and baby were
passengers to Austin on Saturday to
make that their future home.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. O’Bryan returned
Saturday evening from Grand Island
where they had been visiting with
J. H. Burwell attended the debate
at Sargent last Friday evening be
tween Sargent and St. Paul. Sar
gent won.
Miss Ina Noise left last Thursday
morning for Cawrence, Neb., to spend
a week or ten days visiting with her
many friends.
Mrs. Lawrence Costello and chil
dren came up from Grand Island on
Saturday to visit with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Mulick.
Mrs. Clyde Wilson came up from
Ashton last Friday evening to have
some dental work done. She returned
home Saturday via freight.
Mrs. Lew Owen and daughter Edna,
of Arcadia, were shopping and visit
ing in our city last Friday, returning
to their home the same evening.
E. P. Dailey and wife went to Scotia
last Friday to spend Sunday visiting
with their daughter and other rela
tives. They returned home Monday.
Mrs. Susan Tockey of Loup City,
and daughter, Mrs. J. H. Tockey, of
Arcadia, visited with relatives at Boe
lus last Thursday, returning the same
Mrs. S. A. Pratt, who has been here
visiting with her many frilends and
relatives the past week, returned to
her home at Pleasanton last Satur
Mrs. J. A. Arnett and Mrs. Gust
Youugland returned home last Friday
evening from Phillips, Neb., where
they had been to attend the funeral
of their little granddaughter.
August Beck, who has been here
visiting at the E. T. and C. F. Beus
hausen homes for the past week, re
turned to his home in Steamboat
Springs, Colorado last Friday morn
Mrs. M. Levy and little son Nathan,
came up from Hastings last Friday
evening and spent several days visit
ing with their sister and daughter,
Miss Ruth Levy. They returned home
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Prichard jr.
were passengers for Sargent Saturday
evening to spend Sunday with rela
tives. Mr. Prichard returned Monday
while Mrs. Prichard and baby re
mained for a few days longer.
Seven Strong U. S. Fea
tures—-Examples of a vast
difference between the U. S.
and other cream separators.
(1) Small bowl—very easy
to run.
(2) Nickel Silver Skim
ming Device—the
only guaranteed non
rusting skimming de
vice. |
> (3) Easy Mechanical
W a s h i n g—brushes
and brushing almost
| (4) Sanitary Bowl Cham
ber Liner—milk never
comes in contact with
the iron frame.
(5) Automatic Cut-Off—
impossible for milk or
water to penetrate in
to the gear chamber.
i (6) Gears—strong, medi
um sized. (Drive
Gear not too large,
Pinion Gears not too
small) quiet running,
will wear indefinitely.
(7) C losest skimming—the I
U.$. Holds the
Wo rid’s Record.
Call, telephone or
write, and we will
bring one out.
Daily sells for less.
Chase’s for fresh groceries.
Vincent John was a Grand Island ;
passenger, Tuesday.
Jack Pageler went to Grand Island
Tuesday, on business.
Mrs. Albert Seabeck was up from
Rockville Tuesday on a little busi
H. M. Eisner returned home last
Friday evening from Omaha where he
had been on business.
Wanted—Two rooms for light
housekeeping. No children. Address
Box 375, Loup City, Neb.
Edwin Ohlson left last Friday
morning for Lincoln and Omaha to
visit a week or so with friends.
The Misses Grace and Mable Lang
were easthound passengers for Lin
coln Monday morning to spend the
week visiting with home folks
George Rightenour of Litchfield,
was here this week. Mr. Rightenour
will probably farm near Loup City
the coming season.
Mrs. Ernest Bell, Mrs. O. S. Mason
and Mrs. WT. D. French went to
Schaupps. Wednesday, to visit Mrs.
French’s sister, Mrs. Ed Oltman.
Earl Mcllravey came home from
York where he is attending school,
last Saturday, to spend a week or two
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Mrs. H. M. Coletrane and Mrs. J.
Forte, of Sargent, visited with the
former’s son, Clarence Coletrane and
wife, last Saturday, returning home
in the evening.
Mrs. James Fawthrop, who has been
here with her daughter, who is con
fined to her bed on account of sick
ness, returned to her home at Hast
ings Tuesday noon.
A. C. Ogle sold three Ford cars
the past week. John Long, William
Hancock and O. S. Mason were the
purchasers and are busy trying out
the new machines.
John Olson and bride arrived here
from Omaha Monday evening for a
short visit with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Olson. Mr. Olson was
married at Omaha Sunday.
Farm for Rent.—I have three quar
ter sections of good farm and grass
land, well improved and located, that
I will rent to the right man on favor
able terms.—W. F. MASON.
Nelson Fisher, and family and Nel
son Smith, and family, returned home
Monday evening from St. Paul where
they attended the funeral of their
father. H. N. Smith, who died last
Mrs. J. H. Tockey, and family, who
reside at Arcadia, but who have been
here visiting with relatives the past
week, left Friday morning for Shelby,
Neb., where they intend to make their
future home.
Miss Emma Janulewicz, who has
been attending school at York the
past year, returned home Saturday
evening. She will work at the Times
office for several months before re
turning to school in the fall.
The thirteen year old son of Mr.
and Mrs. Rev. C. G. F. Johnson, died
last Thursday evening, being the sec
ond death in a few days from dip
theria. The boy was only ill a few
hours. No new cases have developed
in the family and those who are ill
are improving rapidly.
Why pay big money for a poor,
new set of harness when you can gei
a good harness at my place for al
most the same money. Please come
to me and buy my make harness,
and you can rest assured that you
will get your money’s worth.—James
Ludwiek L. Gross, a young farmer
residing near Arcadia, and Miss Agnes
Psota, of Bristol township, were mar
ried at the home of the bride on Mon
day, March 14, Rev. E. M. Steen of
this city officiating. The young cou
ple will make their home on the
groom’s farm, near Arcadia.
In the political announcement
column this week will be found the
announcement of George Brammer of
Bristol township, who is a candidate
at the coming primary for the demo
cratic nomination for Supsrvisor of
the Sixth district. Mr. Brammer is
well qualified for the position and
no doubt will secure the nomiantion.
In another column is a letter from
a friend and former business associate
of W. S. Waite, describing conditions
in Mexico and telling of the extermina
tion of the assassins of Mr. Wait’s
brother. Owing to recent develop
ments in Mexico and the pursuit of
Villa and his bandits by the United
States troops, this letter is of unusual
C. J. Tracy filed for the republican
nomination for sheriff late last week.
Mr. Tracy has been a resident of
Sherman county since 1878 and has a
large acquaintance all over the coun
ty. Mr. Tracy has been a member of
the state fair police force for sixteen
years, the last year being chief of the
secret service department. He will
make an aggressive campaign for the
nominaltion. The entrv of Mr. Tracy
into the race maxes three Csandidates
for the nomination for sheriff. L. A.
■Williams, J. J. Golus, and C. J. Tracy,
all of Loup City.
Owing to several cases of diphtheria
west of town and that a good many
people have been exposed to the dis
ease, the board of health decided to
prohibit all public meetings and also
closed the schools until danger of
spread of the disease is past. Dr.
Case, of Lincoln, member of the state
board of health was here Saturday
investigating conditions. There has
been no teases outside of the Johnson
family and it is thought that any dan
ger of the spread of the disease is
past, but as a precaution the schools
will not be opened and no public
meetings will be held for a few days.
Loup City State Bank |
Meat and Brains j
The brainest people of the world are meat eaters.
Brainy people make the money because they have
more than the usual allotment of brains.
This exceptional brain development is due in great
part to the eating of the right kind of meat— t
GOOD meat.
Eat Meat and Buy It Here |
Pioneer Meat Market |
O. L. TOCKEY, Proprietor
The De Laval Separator j
Call and see one at my store
and get prices on them.
The Best Separator Made
Rockville, Nebr.
A\ lion looking for a good lunch or short order
drop in at the
South side of Public Square
We carry a full line of Bakery Goods. Careful atten
tion given to all special orders.
Spring Announcement
Our line of summer dry goods and novelties is now on
the shelves and you are invited to call and inspect the
newest weaves and fabrics for spring and summer wear.
Chick Food, per 100 lbs.$2.35
3 10c Tins Prince Albert, Velvet or Tuxedo, ,25c
Horseshoe, per lb.45c
10-lb. pail Whitefish.60c
Get our prices on Coffee.
Potatoes, per bushel.75c
Come in and get prices on seed potatoes.
Oatmeal .>.20c
Sunshine Cornflakes, 4 pkgs.25c
Grapenuts, 2 for.25c
Wheat Krumbles, 1 pkg.8c
Matches per box.4c
Prunes, per lb.10c
Extra Fancy Dried Peaches.10c
Good Choice Peaches.8c
10-lb. Keg Holland Herring.$1.40
Barrel Salt . $1.85
Karo Syrup, 43c per gal.23c per \ gal.
i Oil Sardines, 7 boxes for.25c
Soda Crackers, per lb. 7£c
Loup City Cash Store