The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, March 16, 1916, Image 1

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    \ Loup Qty Northwestern
The following letter which was re
ceived recently by W. S. Waite, of
Loup City, from a friend and former
business associate, regarding the mur
der of his brother, William H. Waite,
and the disposal of his assassins and
(the general condition of affairs in
Mexico will undoubtedly be of con
siderable interests to the readers of
The Northwestern who were ac
quainted with the murdered man.
“Conditions in the country are
worse in some ways than when we
left last June, although there is not
much fighting going on just now in
this part. The financial condition is
simply awful, and no prospects of im
A mediate settlement.
“Am banking on Roosevelt becom
(ing our next president, predicted
more than two years ago that he
would be “it” next, and I hope that
ffg I was not mistaken. The U. S. has
>" reached a point where she needs a
real man at the helm, for there will
be some real work for us to do dur
ing the next few years unless extra
ordinarily good judgment is used,
certainly much better than Wilson
has demonstrated that he is capable
With Roosevelt at the head, we
would not have had war with Mexico
as we are absolutely certain now to
have sooner or later, no matter who
is elected. The "poor down trodden
peon” would have been far better off
than he is today. Many thousand
lives of Mexicans and Americans
would have been saved, and untold
millions of dollars worth of property |
also saved. With all this mess caused
by the meddling and interference of
Wilson, he still has the effrontery to
state publicly that the U. S. has not
interferred in Mexico, and will not.
The man evidently believes the aver
age American is an idiot, which he
would be if he believed such rank
"I do not remember whether or not
I told you that the men we felt cer
tain were implicated in the murder of
your brother had all been killed. I
think that I did, but gave no details,
which I now can do. It seems rather
remarkable the way they were put
out, and in a way confirms my suspi
> cions of their having done the other.
“The three, Caciano Hernandez, the
old mozo of mine, Gomez and Molina
had been allied with different gangs,
including the regular army, but
later were with a gang of rather more
pronounced bandits than usual. It
seems that Dario Reyes, Dr. Halls
man at la Guadalupe, had been com
pelled to pay two hundred pesos to
the leader of this gang. Dario was a
brother-in-law to Cristobal Aguirre,
the Tizamar butcher, and these two
were, I felt certain, the instigators of
the other three in the other and I also
think that these were the ones who
supplied the money to buy off the
judge when we had Caciano in jail.
Once they were into it they simply
had to get Caciano out of jail or he
would have exposed them.
“Now to come to the final turn. The
leader of this gang heard or suspected
that Cristobal and Dario had hired
these other three to kill him. He
went or sent some men to Cristobal's
house asking for him. When Cristo
bal came out, they simply accused
him of trying to have the leader put
out of the way and shot him down.
Dario they took prisoner and started
for their headquarters, but left him
hanging to a limb on the road to
Acayuean, some distance out from
San Juan. The other two were with
a portion of the gang which made its
headquarters at Tizamar; these were
Caciano and Gomez. They were tied
up to a post over night, and during
the night a fandango was given be
fore them to celebrate the coming
event. Next morning a portion of the
gang mounted their horses, and drove
these two before them along the road
to the river. The mounted ones had
a good time riding against the vic
tims, who, of course had. their hands
tied behind them , knocking them
down, trampling them with the
horses, etc., and when they reached
the river threw them in as they were,
tied. The other one, Molina, had his
head split open with a machete at
Rives Station (now called Burro),
where the trains used to stop for
supper coming down from Cordova.
My bookkeeper here saw him there on
the station platform and knew who it
was. All of this took place within a
couple of weeks. The man, who has
been on my place all through, is a
relative of the leader of the gang, and
my bookkeeper was there and at
Buenavista all along, so I feel cer
tain that the above is about as ac
curate as anything one can get in the
way of information in Mexico these
days. To tell you the truth, I am glad,
on my own account, as tvell as your
brother’s, that they have met their
ends. If I had ever come within their
reach they would probably have made
See our splendid display of spring millinery for Easter. It
is a marvelous collection of the new 1916 creations, embracing
the very latest designs from home and abroad. Every age and
every taste and desire can be easily and quickly satisfied here,
and the prices this season are very attractive.
1916 is a Year of New Styles
We have them here—the latest, the best, the most striking
and pleasing of all styles. The modest and tasty designs for aged
ladies, the fashionable creations for the dashing devotees of
styles, or the practical hat for street wear and for children, every
thing is provided for in this collection.
The Leading Millinery Store
an attempt to get even with me.
These are rather sordid details to put
into a letter, but I felt that you would
be interested to know how this came
about and was carried out, and why
it only served to confirm my previous
suspicions of them. So far as the
sordidjness is concerned, it is nothing
to us down here. We are so ac
customed to such things and even
wrorse, that we expect almost any
“A very large percentage of the
“patriots” so called, of this country
are of the above class, some a little
better, some a little worse, and a
small percentage of comparatively do
cent men. But these last are weak in
the upper story or they would not be
in the gang; weak or crooked and out
for what they can steal quietly. You
can see why the blood of all we
Americans and other foreigners and
educated, decent Mexicans boils
when we think of Wilson’s so-called
Mexican policy which has made all
this possible.
As soon as the U. S. puts this
country in order, we can expect to be
able-to do something with our prop
erties, but not before, within any re
asonable length of time.
“During fights some time ago, prac
tically all of Achotal and Juanita were
burned, including the stations, and
now the government is attempting to
clean up and is'reconcentrating the
people in the towns, and has burned
all of Tizamar, los Quemados, Aguaca
tillo, and several other villages. The
people’s houses on my place were
burned, and all of the wire stolen
from that little place of mine beyond
Tizamar. Ramon Diaz got permission
for my man to remain on El Pro
greso, also for about a half dozen of
the Tizamar families to go there.
“Have written him to see if he can i
get a family or two to go onto your
place, and hope that in this way we'
can hold things from going back too
much, until we can do something. I
iiiiHimmiinimmmuniiiuiiniimiiHuiimmnmnimmmmiHiiiiiiiHmmiiinmmiinHummmnnnn mmiiiii
I take pleasure in announcing to the public that I have just completed an up-to
date Optical Parlor, with the latest scientific instruments for refracting the eye.
I am a Graduate Optician, and have successfully passed the State Board examina
tion and
Fully Guarantee to Fit You
or refund your money. I have fitted glasses for the past six years, but am now
better equpped than ever to give satisfaction. Call in and see me.
Registered Optician and Jeweler
Trombone Soloist at Tabernacle Meet
ings, Beginning March 19.
have a fine plan for working the
places, if we ever get the chance.
“In my above reference to the “pat
riots,”! failed to mention that it is
only a very small percentage of the
total population which has taken part
in all this “muss”, but they have
gained the upper hand the decent ele
ment is'unarmed, disorganised and
scared. The Mexicans are not really
a fighting people nor a trouble seek
ing people. The country is cursed
with a lot of unprincipalled dema
gogues and such an immense amount
of ignorance that they find easy
traveling. The common people have
such a wonderful knack of believing
the wrong fellow and consequently ar
riving at wrong conclusions. It is a
shame to think of all the trouble they
have been led into by these agitators.
The agitator can of course promise
them anything and everything, just as
Madero and Carranza and all the rest
have been doing. An honest man
can’t offer so much, consequently in
their ignorance they follow the wrong
man.” *
St. Josephat’s Catholic Church.
Every Saturday evening at 7:30
Rosary devotion.
Services on Sundays as follows:
Morning service at 10:30, Mass, and
the usual Polish sermon, except the
ast Sunday of each month, when the
English sermon is given instead of
hd Polish.
A cordial invitation is extended to
all to attend all our services, and es
pecially the English services.
Loup City, Neb., March 11.—Editor
of the Northwestern: In your paper
of March 2nd, was an article on peo
ple and the road problem, which I
think was pretty good and seemed to
have been written solely with the
view of making better roads, which
we surely need in this county, and
which will take a long time and lots
of money to make them good. In
the first place, for making good roads
we should not be afraid to offer all
possible assistance w£ can to the
official wliq has that part of the
county business to look after. While
it is true that we pay taxes for the
making and maintenance of roads, it
is the duty of every citizen to do his
part to help boost the work along.
In the meantime we will have to ad
mit that we have not got as good
material for making solid roads for
all kinds of weather; namely, gravel
and small rocks, as some countries
have; but, in the absence of this ma
terial. we must make the best we
can from what we have to work
with. Now, when we get our roads
graded so we can use the road drag
on them after each rain and oftener
if necessary to keep them smooth
and little ruts filled, the maintain
ing of them will be cheap compared
with what it costs to make them, as
the small grader and drag will be
the most necessary tools to use.
some people may think that I am
a crank on dragging the roads but
my experience teaches me that I can
give the people more satisfaction and
pleasure in riding over such roads
than the same amount of money
spent in any other way. I have two
pieces of road in my district, one on
each mail route that have had noth
ing done to them since last fall un
til the other day I went over them
with the drag and found them in
good condition with exceptions of
little low places where water could
not cross the road and so had to
settle there. One of these pieces of1
road was dragged four times last
summer and the other was graded
lightly and dragged five times with
two harrowings with a common har
row, also.
Let us all cooperate and work to
gether with one end in view—that
of better roads, and please bear in
mind the nearer you travel to the
center of a road the easier it is to
maintain that road with the drag.
The time is not very far distant
when, in my opinion, a law will be
passed making it more compulsory
on the road overseer to drag the
roads than at present. If anyone is
doubtful as to the difference between
a road that is dragged and one that
is not let him ask the mail man, who
travels the road nearly every week
day during the year, and it he does
not favor dragged roads it would not
change my opinion in that respect,
as I have pieces of road that cannot
be dragged satisfactorily and there is
considerable more trouble to keep
them in shape, and I will venture
to say the parties who travel them
are dissatisfied.
Hoping these few remarks will be
; a boost for dragging the roads when
they need it, and then more drag
Yours respectfully
Overseer District No. 12.
A letter received by Mr. and Mrs.
James W. Conger since the dynamite
explosion two weeks ago at Maple
wood, a superb of St. Louis, Missouri,
tells of the narrow escape of Mrs.
Conger's sister, Mrs. Richard Jordan
and her two children. Mrs. Jordan
had been sitting at the window rock
ing her year old baby. When it feil
asleep she arose and laid it down on
the bed and at that instant the explo
sion came, blowing in every window
in the house and all the pictures
from the walls. The letter states
that if Mrs. Jordan had not moved
when she did probably i.u? baby
would have been killed as the in-rusli
of glass and window frames were so
great; as it was, the baby was cut
over the eye and Mrs. Jordan was
cut on the arm by flying glass. A little
four year old girl was uninjured but
badly frightened.
When Mr. Jordan arrived from his
work done in St. Louis, he was also
very much frightened to see houses
destroyed and other damage done so
near to his home. But they are more
than thankful that the injuries were
no worse. Not a house within three
blocks of the explosion could be oc
cupied that night, making over two
hundred people homeless.
Horses For Sale.
Four head of good, young work
horses. Inquire of George F. Doug
las. Phone 7503. 13-2*
Daily sells for less.
UltUtttwg ©jmrittg
Mrs. Mayhew is expecting a lot of new Pat
tern Hats the last or the week. Call Friday
and Saturday.
A Great Opportunity
Spring Suits
I still have a few beautiful new spring suits left
from the New York consignment of March
1 st, which I will close out on
Friday and Saturday
of this week and next. Do not lose this op
portunity, as the suits will go for from
$12.50 to $18.00
and they are worth from $16.50 to $25.00.
Call ana see for yourselves.
A splendid war correspondent was
lost to the journalistic world when a
Larkins. Pa., young man enlisted in
the United States marine corps.
Shortly after enlistment the Larkins
hoy found himself in Haiti -with the
marine corps expeditionary force, and.
in a letter to Sergeant Frank Stubbe
of the local recruiting station, he
wrote, concerning the occupation of
that Carribean isle by the force of sea
soldiers, “a mutinous, riotous seditious
and tumultuously violent party of Ca
cos barred our way to Haut de Cap.
Their heedlessness, rashness, and pre
cipitancy led them to attack our party,
but they certainly found it a dismal,
forlorn, and piteous task, for we dis
posed of them with neatness and dis
“Our only loss in that battle was the
correspondent’s ‘I", was Sergeant
Stubbe’s comment.
There will be no regular teachers’
examinations heid on March 17th and
18th. On Saturday, April 15th will oc
cur a special examination in all sub
jects, one day only. Friday’s ques
tions will be given on Saturday fore
noon and Saturday’s questions will be
given on Saturday afternoon.
Study Center Work.
The next meeting for study center
work will be held on Saturday, April
Sth. Prof. Martin of our State Normal
will talk from 12:15 to 2:00 P. M. In
his talks Mr. Martin discusses vital
questions in reguard to training and
teaching children. These talks are for
both parents and teachers and cannot
fail to stimulate, aid and inspire all.
Teacher, you owe it to yourself and to
your pupils to attend this meeting.
County Superintendent.
Daily sells for less.
You Need Not Be A Banker
We have models this spring especially
adapted to those conservative gentlemen who, while
particular about their dress, do not desire some of
the extreme fashions that are popular this current
The “Diredor” stands foremost among
these models as one that will stamp the wearer with
prosperity and that luxurious conservatism usually
found in the custom tailor’s finest product.