The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, March 09, 1916, Image 5
.....MuimumiiiiuuiimiiuiumiiuuMuiinuMiunuuninuuiiiiniiMHiiiHiii The'"SILENT SMITH” —Model 8 shows what should now be expected of a typewriter. Ball Bearing^ Long Wearing The success of the L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriters has been due to the fact that the wants of the user have dictated its construction. The user has decided in favor of certain improvements now incorporated in Model 8. Among them are: Silence of Operation—The most silent running efficient typewriter ever placed on the market. Absolute silence has been very nearly attained. Decimal Tabulator—A help in billing and tabulating. There is no extra charge for this convenience. Variable Line Spacer— Enables the operator to start on a given line and space from point of starting; also to write on ruled lines whose spacing varies from typewriter spac ing. A great help in card work. Faster Ribbon Feed—Insures new place of impact for each typeface. Choice of Carriage Return—Upon special order the new left hand carriage return will be furnished in place of the right hand return. All the important features of previous models have been retained — ball bearing carriage, typebars and capital shift, back spacer, key-controlled ribbon, removable platen, protected type, flexible paper feed and automatic ribbon reverse. Write for New Catalog of Model 8. It will explain why the L. C. Smith &C Bros. Typewriter is a synonym for superior service. U C. SMITH & BROS. TYPEWRITER COMPANY Factory and Home Office, SYRACUSE, N. Y., U. S. A. 1819 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. Sunshine means healthy hogs and increased profts and the best way to get it is with Sunshine windows for roof and sidewall. Sunshine roof windows put the sun shine on the floor of the pens where it is needed. Ak us about them. KEYSTONE LUMBER CO. Yards at Loup City, Ashton, Rockville, Scliaupps and Arcadia ANNOUNCEMENTS. County Treasurer. i uereby announce myself a candi date for the office of County Treas urer, subject to the wishes of the re publican voters at the primary elec tion to be held on April 18, 1916. G. W. COLLIPRIEST. County Treasurer. I hereby declare myself a candi date for nomination for county treas urer of Sherman county subject to the decision of the republican voters of said county at the primary election April 18.—D. C. GROW. County Treasurer. I hereby announce myself a candi date at the coming primary election for the democratic nomination for the office of County Treasurer, subject to the approval of the voters. I have been in touch with every de tail of the work of the office since I have been deputy and feel that' I am perfectly competent to safeguard the interests of the county, insofar as they concern the office of County Treasurer. Your support respect fully solicited. PEARLE NEEDHAM. County Treasurer. I hereby announce that I have filed for the nomination of County Treas j urer, subject to the wishes of the democratic voters at the primary elec ' tion to be held on April 18. Your sup port will be appreciated. GARRET H. LORENZ. Ashton, Nebr. County Treasurer. I hereby declare myself a candid date for the nomination for County Treasurer, subject to the decision of the democratic voters of Sherman County at the primary election, April 18. T. H. ELSNER. County Treasurer. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the democratic nomination for County Treasurer, subject to the wishes of the voters at the primary election April 18. Your support and vote will be appreciated. EMIL HOLUB, Bristol Township. County Sheriff. 1 hereby announce that I have filed for the nomination for sheriff of Sher man county, subject to the wishes of the republican voters, at the April ! primary election. Your support and vote will be appreciated. L. A. WILLIAMS. County Sheriff. i I hereby announce myself a candi date at the primary election to be held April 18, for the democratic nomina tion for County Sheriff. Any favors shown me will be appreciated. A. C. OGLE. County Sheriff. I wish to announce that I have filed for the democratic nomination for sheriff of Sherman county, subject to the decision of the voters at the primary election to be held on April 18. Any favors shown me will be ap preciated. J. A. THRAILKILL, I ' Litchfield, Neb. I -—----T" - ' For County Sheriff. I hereby announce that I have filed for the nomination of sheriff, on the democratic ticket, subject to the good will of the voters at the April primary election. Your support and vote will he appreciated. LOYD N. BLY. County Sheriff. I hereby announce that I am a can didate for the democratic nomination for county sheriff at the primary elec tion to be held on April 18. Your sup port and vote will be appreciated. M. C. MULICK. County Sheriff. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the republican nomination for county sheriff, subject to the wishes of the voters at the primary election to be held on April 18. Your support and vote is respectively so licited. J. J. GOLDS. Clerk of District Court. I hereby declare myself a candidate for the nomination for Clerk of the District Court of Sherman county, subject to the decision of demo cratic voters of said county at the primary April 18, 1916.—CHAS. BASS. County Judge. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the nomination of County Judge on the non-partisan ticket sub ject to the wishes of the voters at the primary election April 18, 1916.—E. A. SMITH. County Clerk. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of County Clerk, subject to the wishes of the democratic voters at the primary election to be held on April 18, 1916.—L. B. POLSKI. County Attorney. I wish to announce my candidacy at the April primaries for the demo cratic nomination for County Attor ney. I respectfully solid the votes of all who think I should have a second term. LAMONT L. STEPHENS. County Superintendent. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the office of County Super intendent of Schools of Sherman county, subject to the good will of the democratic voters at the April pri maries. I assure you one and all that 1 shall not only appreciate any effort you may make in my behalf, but, if nominated and re-elected, I will con tinue to do all in my power to further the cause of education in Sherman county. L. H. CURRIER. — County Assessor. I hereby announce that I am a can didate for the nomination of County Assessor on the democratic ticket i at the primary election to be held on i April 18. Your support is solicited. O. F. PETERSON. — County Assessor. I wish to announce that I am a can didate for the nomination for the of fice of County Assessor subject to the will of the republican voters of the county at the Primary election, April 18. & H. WELTY_ State Representative. I hereby announce that I have filed for the nomination of state represen tative from the 57th district, on the republican ticket, subject to the wishes of the voters at the April pri mary. Your vote and support respect fully solicited. ALONZO DADDOW, Austin, Nebr. State Representative. I hereby desire to announce that I a:n a candidate for the nomination for Representative of the Fifty-seventh District subject to the will of the re publican voters of Sherman county at the Primary Election April 18. Your support will be greatly appre ciated. , C. W. BURT State Representative. I hereby announce that I have filed for the democratic nomination for state representative of the 57th dis trict, subject to the wishes of the voters at the April primary election. Your support and vote will be appre ciated. C. W. TRUMBLE. Supervisor Fourth District. I hereby announce myself a cindi date for the nomination for super visor from the Fourth District on the democratic ticket, subject to the wishes of the voters at the April pri mary. Your support and vote is re spectfully solicited. J. B. O'BRYAN. Supervisor Fourth District. I hereby announce that I am a candidate for the nomination for supervisor of the fourth district, on the republican ticket, subject to the wishes of the voters at the primary election to be held on April 18. Your support appreciated. W. T. GIBSON. Supervisor Fourth District. I wish to announce that I am a candidate for the nomination on the republican ticket for the office of County Supervisor from the Fourth district. If my services in former township offices have been satis factory. I will appreciate your sup port at the primary election, April 18. H. J. JOHANSEN. State Senator. I am a candidate for the republican nomination for state senator, 22nd district, comprising Kearney, Buffa lo and Sherman counties. Your sup port and vote is respectively solici ted. ROLLIN ORCUTT, — Minden, Nebr. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. For the month of February 1916. George P. Heapy and wife, to Mary Anderson, deed, lot 2 block 4 in the original town of Hazard, $900. Alfred Anderson and wife, to Frank J. Maciejewski, deed. Part SW% sec tion 7-15-14, $800. W. R. Mellor and wife, to Henry Ohlsen, quick claim deed, part SW% section 18-15-14, $1. L. A. Williams to Joseph Jankow ski, sheriff’s deed, lot 7 block 9 in original Ashton, Nebraska, $375. Loren Gee and wife to John F. Pet terson, deed, NW% section 35-15-15, $6,000. Arthur C. Mayer to Wayne Maw hinney, deed, SWl,i section 18-13-13, $13,500. E. G., Taylor to Polly Spotanskl, deed, NW»4 section 25-15-14, $8,000. Warren Williams to Belle Williams, quick claifn deed, NE*4 section 18-15 13, $1. Anton Dymek and wife to John P. Leininger; deed, section 10-15-16, $7,000. Anton Spotanski and wife to E. G. Taylor, deed, section 10-14-15, $1,200. Julian M. Bassett, to H. B. Van De ear and C. C. Carlsen, deed, part of lot 1 in section 1-16-16 and lots 3 and 4 in section 6-16-15, and other lands, $6,820. Jacob J. Synak and wife to Jacob Svnak. deed, lots 7 to 12 in block 10, Barker's second add to Loup City, $1. Henry Jenner to Frank N. Mickow, deed, NEV4 SE*4 section 11 and W% of NW14, NW%, SW!4, and sy2 SVV>/4 Of section 12-13-16, $8,000. Frank N. Mickow and wife, to Henry Jenner, deed, lot 1 in section 24-15-15 and part of SWV4 section 18 and NW*4 section 19-15-14 and SE14 section 13-15-15, $13,000. Frank N. Mickow and wife to Robert and Clee Gilmore, deed, SWV4, NWV4 SW!4, Wy2 NW',4 sec tion 12, NEt/4 SE14 section 11-13-16, $10,000. Robert E. Gilmore and wife, to Frank N. Mickow, deed, SW*4, NW>4„ SW14, NE14, and NWy4, SEV4 section 14-14-14, $13,000. William R. Stickney and w’ife, to Frank Jaros, quick claim deed, NEt4 section 22-16-14, $1. Lone Elm Cemetery Association, to George Zahn, deed, lot 28 in row 2 in Lone Elm Cemetery,$5. F. S. Treat and wife, to Eliza E. Treat, deed, NEV4 section 33-16-13, $1. Andrew P. Paulson and wife, to James C. Fletcher, deed, SE1^ section 13-13-13, $2,500. Frank R. Wyman, (with) John W. Fox, agreement for deed, SE^ section 21 and NE*4 section 28-13-16, $7,000. Frank Hand and wife, to David Brown, deed, lot 2 in block 10, origi nal Hazard, $500. Marie Psota. to Frank Psota. quick claim deed, NE'A section 1-13-15, $7,000. Marie Psota, to Jos. W. Psota, quick cllaim deed, SW% section 1 13-15, $8,000. U. S. of America, to William C. Fithen, patent, SW*4 section 29-16 16. Kegina Beier, to Andrew F. Faul son, quick claim deed, SWV4, SEVi, section 13-13-13, $1. Julius F. Beushausen et al, to Josie Kowalski, deed, SWVi section 19-15 13, $5,350. Alice E. Hughes and husband, to Sophronia Simpson, deed, part of block 16 in Benschoter Brothers first add to Loup City. $1. Clark S. Reynolds, to Alice L. Bone, deed, NWVi SEVi section 10-15 15, $3,500. Lorenz Krolikowski, to Martin Kro likowski. quick claim deed, NEV4, section 30-16-13, $1. Joseph Blaschka and wife, to Fred G. Stenger, deed, SWV4, NEVi. sec tion 23-15-15, $1. Jessie F. Meyer and husband, to Albert F. Jenkins, deed, interest in SEVi section 7-15-16, $1. Ralph H. Powell, to Orren Slote, deed, lot 1 and N% lot 2 in block 2, original Litchfield, $300. Jabez Pleasance to The Estate of James Slote, deceased, deed, part of SW% section 36-14-16, $100. George F. Douglas, to R. H. Ma thew, NEti section 19-15-15, $7,800. HOUNDED BY BLUE FISH. Wilkesbarre, Pa.,—Hounded by a school of blue fish that had followed her 2,500 miles from New York, the V. S. S. “Tennessee” put into Port-au Prince, Haiti, and unloaded a company of United States marine corps recruits last week, according to a letter re ceived by Sergeant Frank Stubbe of the local recruiting station of the mar ine corps. “The waves rolled high,” one of the recruits wrote Stubbe. “and, for the first time in my life I realized the big ness of the ocean, the smallness of me. and the minor part I could play in the great scheme of things. Is there a life beyond death, I asked myself? If not. what is the purpose of my being? Why was I ever born? Pondering over this stupendous question I stag gered to the rail, and, after a while, was forced to give the whole thing up —together with some trifles I had eaten for breakfast. As I let go of my feelings, a big blue fish jumped out of the water and gazed hungrily into mv beautiful blue eyes. He was a hand some fellow and I knew that I'd re member him if I ever saw him again. And sure enough, five days later, as' we were entering the harbor of Port au-Prince, and while I was again medi tating on the philosophy of life, that same blue fish jumped out of the water as if to devour my inmost thoughts. It seems that a school of them followed us all the way down to Haiti because of the recruits aboard who had never before been to sea.” "Some piscatorial embroidery,” was Stubbe’s comment on the letter. MOTHERS. Should see that the whole family take at least three or four doses of a thorough, purifying system cleaning medicine this spring. Now is the time. The family will be healthier, happier and get along better if the blood is given a thorough purifying, the stomach and bowels cleaned out. and the germs of winter, accumulated in the system driven away. Hollister’s Rocky Mountain Tea is the very best and surest Spring Remedy to take. Get it at once and see the difference in the whole family. Their color will be better, they’ll feel fine and be well and happy. 35c. The best spring tonic laxative, purifier.—Graefe Pharmacy. ROAD NOTICE. To AH to Whom it May Concern: — The commissioner appointed to lo cate a road commencing at the north easct corner of Sec. 11-14-15 and run ning thence south on section line be tween Sections 11 and 12-14-15 one mile and there terminating has re ported in favor of the establishment thereof, and all objections thereto or claims for damages must be filed in the County Clerk’s office on or before noon of the 15th day of May A. D. 1916 or such road will be established without reference thereto. Dated this 1st day of March A. D. 1916. L. B. POLSKI, Co. Clerk. Dally sells for less. ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I ALL IN ONE BODY AND ALL IN GRASS 3 TO 5 MILES FROM LOUP CITY | fenced and cross fenced, good wells, windmills, reservoirs and tanks, abundance of | water and al good soil. A considerabe portion of this land can be broken out and will make good | farm land. We will divide this into any sized tracts to suit purchasers and sell on very easy terms | or accept clear farms in exchange as partied payment. I If You Want a Good Stock Farm, Come and See This at Once | THE FIRST TRUST COMPANY LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA ailllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIII»lllllllillil|||Hllu||i|i||||H|||||H||l||iHul|il|||lti||MIIIII||,ll|||lllllll|IHI|l,,,|,|||,|,,,,|||||||||||i||M||||||||||||||||i||||H||)|))|||||i|||M|||||||i||||||||ti||Hm||i||[||[||||||||||[||||||||||[|i|[||i|||||||||||||||||||||imu||||[|||(|||||M||[|||H||||||||M||||^|tM|||||||||^|||i|||||||||||||