- H We have the exclusive selling right of this great laxative. Trial size, 10 cents. THE REXALL STORE, Wm. Graefe, Prop. DEER CREEK NUGGETS. Too Late for last Week Martin Bydalek has been on the sick list suffering from his teeth. William Stott,from Rockville, was in this vicinity buying cattle last week. Deer Creek was visited by some rain January 1. the first rain of this year. Frank Bydalek, and family, were guests of Frank Kaminski on Oak Creek Sunday last. Jacob Ritz, of Rockville, has been on Deer Creek the past week insur ing life, buildings, etc. Paul Fargaczewski, from Omaha is visiting at the home of August Masch ka, and family this week. Andrew Bonczyinski, one of the Deer Creek shelling proprietors, is busy shelling for all the farmers. School District No. 12 began Mon day after one weeks’ vacation. The pupils sure had a fine time during the week. Claus Lemberg returned to his school duties at Farwell after spend ing the holidays with his brother Harry Lemberg. Ignatz Goc, of Deer Creek receivee his first call with Miss Barbara Kos micki of Oak Creek at the St. Frances church last Sunday. Miss Emma Platek returned to he home in Farwell last Tuesday afte spending a few days with her sister Mrs. Stanley Nowiski, and family. The Misses Clara and Ida Peter returned from Grand Island when they are employed, to visit with thei mother, Mrs. Lawrence Peters for i few days. For Sale—I have decided to sell m; 160 acre farm in Blunt, South Dakota which is rich land all prairie and leve No improvements, and the crops an good every year. Will sell cheap i sold before May 1, 1916. For pai ticulars inquire of F. J. Maciejewski Ashton, Neb. On the threshold of a new yea my first thought is to subscribe tor The Northwestern and bring the year of 1916 in better form than the year of 1915, and in spite of disturb ance you can make in your general business buy all what you read and this is the way to start the year of 1916. Herbert Plembeck is taking violin music lessons from B. H. Lorenz. Elmer Koch had L. S. Galszenski, of Ashton and installed a new phone on line thirty-nine. Mrs. J. W. Peters, who has been on the sick list the past week, is much better at this writing. A few from here attended the funer al of Anton Sobiesczyzk of Ashton who died last Monday. John Heins helped George Glins man haul his porkers to the Ashton market last Wednesday. Messrs. Ben Maciejewski and Dan Bvdalek are now attending the St. Francis school at Ashton. A Leap Year dance wac given by the Deer Creek Outlaws, at the J. W. Peter’s barn Sunday, January 9. Miss Dora Bothe arrived from Farimer, Iowa, for a short visit with her friends. She left on Wednesday. A few of our dance partners at tended the dance at Ashton Monday 1 which was given by the Ashton club. Miss Streletski, of Farwell, who has been visiting at the home of John Maiefski, departed for her home this ■ week. Miss Lizzie Weiss began boarding s at Paul Kritski’s last Monday as * she has been walking to her home ' three and a half miles every morning i and night. Estrayed—A big Poland-China hog r came to my place last Sunday. The , owner of the hog can inquire of B. 1 H. Lorenz. Ashton, Nebr., and pay for i this notice. , [ George Carsten had a misfortune ' last week of getting his right knee - bit by a mad hog. Dr. A. E. Wanek was called and dressed the wound * and George is taking life easy. The'"SILENT SMITH” 1 i —Model 8 shows what should now be expected of a typewriter. SttyEEISKffr rprni'M'Mlir r Ball Bearingj Long Wearing The success of the L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriters has | been due to the fact that the wants of the user have 1 dictated its construction. The user has decided in favor • of certain improvements now incorporated in f^odel 8. 1 Among them are: Silence of Operation—The most silent running efficient typewriter ever placed on the market. Absolute silence has been very nearly attained. Decimal Tabulator—A help in billing and tabulating. There is no extra charge for this convenience. Variable Line Spacer—Enables the operator to start on a given line and space from point of starting; also to write on ruled lines whose spacing varies from typewriter spac ing. A great help in card work. Faster Ribbon Feed—Insures new place of impact for each 5 typeface. Choice of Carriage Return—Upon special order the new left hand carriage return will be furnished in place of the right hand return. All the important features of previous models have been retained I — ball bearing carriage, typebars and capital shift, back spacer, \ key-controlled ribbon, removable platen, protected type, flexible j paper feed and automatic ribbon reverse. Write for New Catalog of Model 8. It will explain why the L C. Smith OC Bros. Typewriter is a synonym for superior service. L C SMITH &i BROS. TYPEWRITER COMPANY Factory and Home Office, SYRACUSE, N. Y., U. S. A. 1819 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. Bob Wiezorak was seen on his job hustling subscribers for the Rural Weekly as he is employed in the Ford Automobile contest which will be given away on the 27th of this month. School District No. 12 is making arrangements for a box social which will be given next month and it will be the Leap Year social as the boys are to furnish the baskets and girls the pocket books. Mrs. Andrew Smedra and son, Stan ley, were passengers to St. Paul the first part of last week, where Stanley was taken to Dr. Grothan for treat ment for his right knee, which was sprained a few weeks ago. ASHTON NEWS. Louis Schuman was here Saturday, visiting. Jos. Sonefeldt was in Grand Island Saturday. Miss Annie Moore visited here a few days this week. George Adamski returned Thursday evening from the east. Pete Petersen was a passenger for Omaha Tuesday morning. Fark Mudloff of Farwell was here on business last Saturday. Adam Ghering was an eastbound passenger Tuesday morning. Frank Sobiesczyzk and wife, of Loup City, were here Monday visiting. Mr. and Mrs. John Rewolinski re turned from Omaha Saturday even ing. ' Born, to Mr. and Airs. Jos. Bartunek, on last Tuesday, January 4, a big baby boy. Albert Harvey and sister, Aliss Bes sie, attended the dance here Alonday night. Airs. Nagorski went to Farwell Fri day to visit her children at that place. A. C. Wickman of Farwell attended to business here Thursday, returning Friday morning. Jake Papernick of Valley has been visiting his mother, Airs. Chudzenski, who is-quite sick. Peter G. Badura Jr. was a visitor who also attended the dance at Far well Saturday night. Air. and Airs. Luksewicz of St. Paul attended the funeral of A. Sobiski here on Wednesday. Airs. Polen, who has been visiting here the past week returned to her home in Omaha Monday. Air. and Airs. Ault came in Thurs day evening from Grand Island, where they had been shopping. Airs. Calome visited here several days the first of the week with her mother. Airs. Kaikowski. Airs. Alike Krulikowski returned Monday evening, after visiting in eastern Nebraska for a week. Howard Arasmith, of Farwell, and R. Alexandra, of St. Paul, attended the dance here, Alonday night. Rev. B. Radka was a passenger for Omaha Tuesday where he is to at tend the funeral of Bishop Seannell. Airs. C. L. Wilson and children re turned from St. Paul Friday evening, where they had been visiting for sev eral days. Emil Ojendyk returned from Colo rado Springs, Colo., last Thursday, from the bedside of his mother, who is very ill at that place. Aliss Humpal. of St. Paul, arrived Alonday evening, the guest of Aliss Nellie Jamrog, also attended the dance here Alonday night. Aliss Tecla Kaminski, of Loup City, visited her grandparents, Air. and Airs. Kaminski, and many friends here, re turning to her home Monday. Reports are that Airs. A. Bogues, who has been dangerously ill with pneumonia, is slowly improving, which is good news to her many friends. Joseph Jankowski, brother of Jas. Jankowski, who has been visiting here for several weeks, returned to his home in Chicago Alonday morn ing. George Harriman, former depot agent here, came in Saturday and loaded his household goods and shipped the same to Ravenna, where he is located now. L. S. Galczenski and wife, John Wardyn and wife, Mrs. Kwiatowski and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wardyn, Sr., visited over last Thursday with Mr. and Airs. John Jezenski at Loup City. E. Paddock unloaded the gas tractor here Monday that he won in the Daily News contest. Mr. Paddock is well pleased with the tractor and will leave it here for the present until the roads get in better condition so he! can move it out to the farm. WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP. James Turvey visited at Hulburt’s Sunday. Rev. John A. Roos is on the sick list this week. Warren Sinclair was a Lee Park visitor last Monday. Carl Purson and Victor Larson are attending school at Arcadia. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Jewell visited at Malm’s last Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bridges visited at J. H. Welty’s place Sunday. The Lindahl children visited at C. G. Johnson’s Saturday and Sunday. Riemer Bauma and Thomas Travers hauled corn to Warren Sinclair’s Monday. William and A1 Anderson took dinner with their parents in Arcadia Sunday. 1 Miss Pearl Leininger visited at Os car Jewell’s place a couple of days this week. Miss Mae Smith of Arcadia, spent Saturday and Sunday with her sister, Mrs. J. W. Darrow. Mrs. Wilford Anderson has been staying in Arcadia the past week on account of the illness of Mrs. August Anderson, who is some better at the present time. The wise man sees, hears and thinks. The fool Is tickled with the sound of his own voice. AUSTIN NEWS. - i John Gray is on the sick list. 1 Mr. Couton was passenger to Rock ville Friday. - < Rob Gilmore was a Loup City visitor 1 last Monday. Hiriam Hartwell was trading at Austin Monday 1 District No. 28 has an enrollment of twenty-two pupils. Ella Daddow spent Sunday with her friend Helen Ogle. Clarence Jack has recovered from; his recent sickness. Mr. Hendrickson is kept busy this week shoeing horses. Hiyo Aden spent Monday evening at the home of Dan McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Couton and family are suffering with the grip this week. Harry Gregg and family spent Sun day at the home of Melvin Sickles. Nine new members were taken into the Austin church Sunday, December 2. Marion Fletcher, Steve Trompke and Clarence Jack enrolled in Dist No. 28 Monday. Mrs. Hartwell, Mrs. Jack and daugh ter, called at the home of J. H. McCall Monday evening. Miss Rhea Rentfrow was very sick the past week, but is slowly recover ing at this writing. Mr. Hartwell and Robert Gilmore hauled lumber from Loup City Mon day for Mr. Henrickson. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McCall, January Cth, a boy. Mother and baby getting along fine. Congratulations. There is no school in “Rose Valley” district this week on account of the ill ness of the teacher, Miss Rhea Rent frow. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Paige, and fami ly, Alonzo Daddow and family, Mrs. Talbot, and Milt Fletcher and son Harry spent Sunday at the home of Frank Daddow. Aid society met with Mrs. Rent frow last Wednesday, and they de cided to have an oyster supper and “Parcel Post” sale. Everyone come, bring a package and also your pocket book. The pupils of Austin school who were neither absent nor tardy during the month ending December 31 were: Anna, Nora, Nella Arthur and Willie Couton, Ethel and Harold Daddow, Clarice, Alma, William and Seldon Me Call, Helen Ogle and Albert Fletcher. CLEAR CREEK NEWS. Vern Rainforth is on the sick list. Frank Kuhn is under the weather. Rev. Wagner preached at Beulah Chapel Sunday. William Garnet bought a team of colts at the sale. Dwight Chamberlin was shopping in town Saturday. Mrs. J. A. Bowser is having a tussle with the grippe. Dick Kritser, and wife were shop ping in Litchfield Saturday. Stock, and everything, sold well at Bervey Halcomb’s sale Monday. Skating is the greatest past time for the scholars in District No. 25. Mrs. W. H. Hill sold a horse to the horse buyer in Litchfield Saturday. Charles Harshfield loaded an immi grant car for Red W'illow county Monday. Mrs. Ella Duncan and daughter, Marie, are reported on the sick list this week. Mrs. Fred Kohl’s mother, brother and sister, of Sweetwater, came for a visit this week. The weather is some colder this morning. Tuesday a blanket of snow covered the ground. Mrs. Sadie Shettler and daughters Dortha and Gloria, went to Arcadia Friday to visit her parents. Frank Boroff, and family and Chas. Harshfield, and family, took Sunday dinner with John Rainforth. Mr. and Mrs. Thoms Parsley went to David City and Bellwood to Visit Mr. Parsley’s mother and brother. The Clear Creek Aid society met with Mrs. F. T. Richmond all day Thursday. There were forty-two present. Dick Piper gave their new house a warming last Saturday night with a dance. The Johnson Brothers fur nished the music. Charles Brookshier is helping A. D. Jones make some hog crates pre paratory of having his hog sale some time the last of this month. Mr. and Mrs. Hager, Mr. and Mrs. Richmond and daughter, Florence, and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Garnet, at tended the supper and entertainment given by the Degree of Honor ladies in Litchfield Friday evening. DAVIS CREEK. Too Late for Last Week. Walter Palu hauled a load of wheat to Ashton Tuesday. Alex Dzingle took one load of corn to Ashton Wednesday. Peter Reuland spent New Year’s day with MiSs Florence. John and Frank Garvel visited at John Pelenoski’s Thursday. Frank Trump has a fine mare that was cut on a barb wire fence. Tony Zaruba is hauling his rent corn to North Loup this week. Skating is sport for the young folks on the pond in Charley Brown’s pas ture. The Watkins medicine man, of Loup City, was here the latter part of the week. Jess Barnett was in North Loup Wednesday and brought home a load of coal. Ira Manchester and wife, of North Loup, were out to Jess Manchester’s Sunday. Jess Manchester had a car load of hogs shipped to the Omaha market Monday. Frank Manchester and son Clarence, < and John Pelenoski, were in Schaupps Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Orent have post >oned their visit in the east as they lave all been sick. The little children of Mr. and Mrs. ?. P. Brown, are having a siege of he whooping cough. Mr. and Mrs. Pelenoski and children fisited at the home of Prank R. Man ■hester, and family, last Sunday. Frank Manchester and Tony Zaru >a were in Ashton Monday. Frank lad some chickens on the market. It it thought that the little five year fid son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Trump, swallowed a 22 rifle shell Sunday ifternoon. Mrs. Howard Haimmer and children )f North Loup, spent Christmas week' with her sister, Mrs. E. F. Paddock, uid children. Ed Manchester, William Nave, Ed Stillman, Tony Zaruba and George Barnett, all hauled hogs to North Loup last week. There was a New Year’s dance at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Reuland last Saturday night and everybody bad a real nice time. School began Tuesday again after a weeks’ vacation. Our teacher, M. Mc Cord, spent his Christmas and New Years with his uncle at Loup City. Lillian Smith, of Ashton came out to C. F. Brown’s place and again opened up her school after having two weeks’ vacation for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. George Barnett and daughter Nellie, returned from Lin coin Monday where they have been visiting. They report as having the time of their lives while there. Well, as this is a new year and Leap Year at that, the girls ought to get busy and not be so bashful, as these old bachelors are and see if they could not persuade some of them to change their name. Wonder what was the matter with E. F. Paddock Christmas week, as he came home and has been nursing a pair of black eyes. He and Santa Claus surely couldn’t agree and gave Earn a present of a pair of black eyes, which are not very becoming to him. John Pelenoski was in Ashton last Wednesday. Earn Paddock was in Ashton Mon day and brought out his big Bull trac tor. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Orent and baby and Tony Zaruba, were in Ashton last Monday. Frank Manchester called at the E. F. Paddock home Thursday evening on business. Ed, Joe and Brun Orent, spent last Wednesday evening with Frank R. Manchester. Mike Krilkowski is taking care of William Kruger's stock while the latter is in Grand Island. Miss Gladys Manchester is on the sick list with that horrid old grippe and was unable to attend school this week. Miss Laura Zelinski is staying at the home of her sister and brother-in law, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Palu, and family.. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Palu spent New Years day with Mrs. Palu’s sis ter, Mrs. Frank Spotanski, southwest of Loup City. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Kaminski and children went to Loup City to visit with Mike’s brother, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Kaminski, and family. Mr. Kruger, whose first name is un known, died at the Grand Island hos pital last Thursday. He has been suffering with kidney trouble. Three of the Orent boys and Frank Manchester and son Clarence, were hunting one day last week and brought home twenty-one rabbits. The latter two and Mr. Pelenoski was out Sun day and got ten rabbits. Frank Garvel, while hunting last Tuesday, thought sure some one fired a shot at him as a bullet grazed past his head from a cannon. People should be very careful how and where they shoot as you can not tell what may happen. William Kruger went to Grand Is land last week to attend the funeral of his father. Mr. Kruger batched with his son William last summer, go ing to Grand Island later hoping to get relief from his sufferings but could not. We sure sympathize with Will. Ed Manchester met with an acci dent last Thursday afternoon. He went out to hitch up to the hay rack with the intentions of hauling a load of hay, when his team circled around with him, almost getting away, and Ed in some manner struck his knee. He was not able to stand on it for a while the next day. Luckily he did not break his leg. It has only been a little over four years since he had that same leg broken. Order of Hearing and Notice on Pe tition for Setttlement of Account. in the County Court of Sherman Coun yt, Nebraska. State of Nebraska, Sherman County, 88. To the heirs, devisees, "'legatees, creditors, and all persons intrested in the estate of Herman Sperling, de ceased. On reading the petition of Mary M. Sperling, administratrix praying a fi nal settlement and allowance of her account filed in this court on the 4th lay of January, 1916, and for distri bution of residue of personal proper ly, decree of heirship and of posses sion of the real estate belonging to said deceased. It is hereby ordered that you and all persons interested in said matter may, md do, appear at the County Court ;o be held in and for said County, >n the 3rd day of February A. D. 1916, it 10 o’clock A. M„ to show cause, if my there be, why the prayer of the setitioner should not be granted, and hat notice of the pendency of said setition and the hearing thereof be fiven to all persons interested in said natter by publishing a copy of this irder in the Loup City Northwestern, l weekly newspaper printed in said :ounty, 3 successive weeks prior to laid day of hearing. Witness my hand and seal this 11th lay of January. 1916. (SEAL) E. A. SMITH, County Judge. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF LOUP CITY CHARTER NO. 7277, INCORPORATED I At Loup City, in the State of Nebraska, at the close of business, Decem ber 31, 1915. RESOURCES: Loans and Discounts . $237,072.71 Overdrafts, secured. $.; unsecured, $2,341.28 2,341.28 U. S. Bonds deposited to secure circulation. 7,000.00 Securities other than U. S. bonds (not including stocks) owned unpledged .$ 1,801.11 Total Bonds, Securities, etc ... ’ 1,801.11 Subscription to stock of Federal Reserve Bank. 3,000.00 Less amount unpaid . L50o!o0 1,500.00 Value of banking house (if unencumbered). 8,708.61 Equity in banking house . ’ 8,708.61 Furniture and fixtures . 1852.70 Net amount due from Federal Reserve Bank. 5^177.67 Net amount due from approved reserve agents in New York, Chicago and St. Louis. 1,461.81 Net amount due from approved reserve agents in other reserve cities . 15,810.46 17,272.27 Net amount due from banks and bankers. 1,730.72 Outside checks and other cash items. 1,463.93 Fractional currency, nickels and cents . 121.05 1,584.98 Coin and certificates . 8 347 75 Legal-tender notes . 1 280 00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from U. S. Treasurer . 350.00 Total . $296,019.80 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid in . $ 25 000 00 Surplus fund . 25,000.00 Undivided profits .$ 9.47 Less current expenses, interest, and taxes paid. 9.47 Circulating notes outstanding . 7,000 00 Individual deposits subject to check. 114^594X6 Certificates of deposit due in less than 30 days. 30,696.53 Total demand deposits . 145,291.19 Certificates of deposit . ’ 93,719.14 Total of time deposits . 93,719.14 Total ••••. $296,019.80 I, L. Hansen, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of mv knowledge and belief. „ L. HANSEN, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th dav of January, 1916. (SEAL) E. A. MINER, Notary Public. Corrct;—Attest: A. B. OUTHOUSE, W. T. CHASE. W. F. MASON. Directors. FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF ROCKVILLE TOWNSHIP. RECEIPTS: Balance on hand Jan. 1, 1915, as per last published statement.$ 199.22 Received from County Treasurer, Jan. 12 . 1,500.00 Received from County Treasurer, June 17 . 2^200.00 Received from County Treasurer, Aug. 28 . 610.00 Total .$4,509.22 EXPENDITURES: Road District No. 18. Paid for road work .$ 704.22 Paid for material . 52.80 Paid for salary to overseer . 148.15 Total .$ 905.17 Road District No. 19. Paid for road work .$ 901.15 Paid for material . 142.75 Paid for salary to overseer. 165.75 Total .$1,209.65 Road District No. 33. Paid for road wrork .$1,268.47 Paid for material . 233.01 Paid for salary of overseer. 213.94 Total .$1,715.42 Paid for indigents of township .$ 42.5(1 Paid for officers’ salary and miscellaneous expenses . 95.SO Balance on hand Jan. 1, 1916 . 540.6S Total .$4,509.22 I. E. Dwehus, clerk for Rockville Township, Sherman County, Nebraska, solemnly swear that the above statement is correct to the best of my know ledge and belief. E. DWEHUS, Township Clerk. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11th day of January, 1916. (SEAL) C. H. RYAN, My commission expires April 1. 1921. Notary Public. BRING YOUR GRAIN I TO THE Loup City Mill & Light Co. Furnishes all the light and power and also makes the best of flour. Handled by all Merchants. BUY FLOUR THAT IS MADE IN LOUP CITY | HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL KINDS OF I Hard and Soft Coal TAYLOR’S ELEVATOR I . LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA . . I JANUARY TRAVEL SPECIALTIES Some of the biggest and most important conventions of the year will be held in Lincoln in January. These conventions will interest thousands of Nebraskans. IN LINCOLN, JANUARY 17-23 MEETINGS OF ORGANIZED AGRICULTURE: Board of Agriculture Sheep Breeders and Wool Growers Horticulture Society Corn Improvers Live Stock Improvers Florists and Bee Keepers Horse Breeders State and County Fairs Cattle Breeders Good Roads, Rural School Patrons Dairymen’s Association and similar associations. Swine Breeders GENERAL CONVENTIONS: State Horticultural Society State Bottler’s Association Brick and Tile Manufacturers County Assessors State Lumbermen’s Association nFor official programs/information, etc., annlv to W. R. MELLOR, Chairman, W. S. WHITTEN, Sec., Commercial Club Lin “ coin, Nebraska.