The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 13, 1916, Image 5
\ One-Fltth w 'OU5TENHOLM & STERNE 0ne.Flllh | | OFF THE HOME OF GOOD CLOTHES OFF ' | Thirty Years in Business in Grand Island | \ HALF YEARLY DISCOUNT SALE j | Starts Saturday Morning January 15th to Saturday, | | January 22nd ( it s a ureat Merchandise Event that our hundreds oi customers anxiously wait lor. It’s one rare opportunity | | *° secure good dependable clothes at reductions within the limits ot honest merchandising. ■ 1 Complete Clearance of All Winter Wearables | This store has had a remarkably successful season. We have done a tremendous volume of business, and we have done it along straight lines with straight merchandise at straight prices. H| We have not averted any financial crisis in the woolen market—neither have we saved any millionare clothing manufacturer from bankruptcy. p| We have not been selling clothing for less than it is worth during the season, nor do we believe any one anyone else has, such statements being largely advretising fads. U Now is the time for special price reductions, and we offer you a bona-fide 20 per cent discount on every article of Men’s and Boys’ Clothing in this store. §g You 11 see plenty of prices more sensational than ours; but, remember, our reductions are from our former low selling price, and not from so-called “Values” and represent big and real saving of Jj m good money. j| This is the time of the year when you are looking for special price reductions and are entitled to them. The condition of the merchandise market, with its steady advancing price, is such, however, that we cannot give you the discount of former years. A bona-fide 20 per cent discount from our || == regular all-season price insures you a safe purchase and a genuine bargain. Hf To offer you more would be a ruinous business policy, and to say we are giving you more would be a public lie. HI ,in h?rme.r years> you will find every value as represented and you 11 find every discount from the article’s regular selling price. = Visit this sale and see the difference between a bona-fide reduction and a comparative value reduction from an imaginary price. (All Suits, Overcoats, Plush and Fur Lined Coats at 1-5 Off Regular Price | Fur Caps 1-5 Off And All Wool And Cashmere Caps One Fifth Off $30.00 Suits and Overcoats $24.00 $25.00 Suits and Overcoats $20.00 $22.50 Suits and Overcoats $18.00 $20.00 Suits and Overcoats $16.00 i---: I Neckwear 1 $2.00 ties $1.50 ties $1.00 ties 50c ties | $1.451 $1.05 65c 35c Copyright Hart Schaffner & Marx Men’s Mackinaws One Fifth Off11 $18.00 Suits and Overcoats $14.40 I $15.00 Suits and Overcoats $12.00 1 $12.50 Suits and Overcoats $ 9.38 1 S10.00 Suits and Overcoats $ 8.00 I Fifty Overcoats in odds and ends, one of a kind, values up to $15.00 priced at $7.45 | Shirts Heavy flannel, regularly priced "I A _ at $1.00 and $1.25. f VW A line of odds and ends, dress shirts, slightlv soiled, value up FA. to $1.50.3UC Men’s fine dress shirts, Eclipse and Em ery lines, $1.00 and ^A _ $1.25 values.I VV Handkerchiefs 10c handkerchiefs, t? now.3Q Manhattans, Regular Semi-An nual Sale French flannel, with attached and de tached collars, none worth A4 AA less than $2.50, sale price. ^ | a|||| Men’s Shoes 100 pairs Men’s shoes, all good styles, Goodyear, Welts,button and AA laced, sale price. Suspenders Silk, lisle leather end suspenders A A^ worth 50c per pair. | 120 Per Cent-Ali Men’s Trousers at Twenty Per Cent Discount-20 Per Cent i I Underwear M Heavy wool shirts and drawers, regularly $1.00 "fA and $1.25, now. I SC g Extra heavy fleeced shirts and drawers, regular OICa HH ^ fifty-cent garment. UvC g Heavy ribbed shirts and drawers regular AA_ fifty-cent garment.UvC g Extra heavy fleeced union suits, va $1.00 value. I vC g Heavy ribbed union suits, aa regular $1.00 . DvC gi Hatch one-button union suits, heavy weight QA Hi first quality. OvC m One-fifth off on Munsing Union Suits for Men g and Boys for Winter Wear. Children’s double breasted suits, from 36 boy’s knickerbockers, excellent win 9 to 16, knickerbockers 26 A4 AA ter suits, double-breasted, suits, worth up to $5.00 Q | mJfQ worth up to $10.00. Sale begins on Saturday, January 15th and positively closes on the 22nd. WOOLSTENHOLM & STERNE The Home of Good Clothes One Block South of II. P. Depot Grand Island, Nebr. llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllM Sweaters One lot in grey with shawl collar, all sizes, a goodAA heavy one .s One-fifth off on all other wool sweaters. Boy’s all wool Jerseys in small sizes, regular A A $1.00 values.OvC HI Hose Dress cotton hose in all colors, 15c A values. HQ m Men’s fibre silk hose, 25c A A quality, 2 for.AvC E Black and tan hose, regular 10c value. I jQ is Cashmeres, in black only, 25c <§ M quality ..| 4C M Children’s Overcoats, Suits, Trousers All Boy’s and Children’s Overcoats, Suits and Trousers, one-fifth off the regular price. Bath Robes, House Coats 33 1-3 per cent off on all bathrobes, house coats and smoking jackets. s|