The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 13, 1916, Image 3

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Hi*- story of the development
M ''t wireless communication
% J In the United States covers
a span of only sixteen years.
When that story comes to
be written the historian will
find that the major portion
of his material and notes
accumulated for the task re
lates to the activities of the navy, and
that, in this portion of them, the fig
ure of Capt. William H. G. Bullard, U.
S. N„ is prominent.
For, Just as the navy pioneered in
wireless, so, within the navy. Captain
\ Bullard was a leader of the pioneers,
says the New York Sun.
It really was seventeen years ago
that Captain Bullard, then a young
naval lieutenant, fresh from Spanish
American war service, was attracted
♦ ’by a new subject. During his student
(lays at Annapolis electricity and elec
trical engineering had attracted him.
These studies he carried on further
lollowing graduation. He became
known as one of the "electrical shops"
of the navy.
Wireless appealed to him, both a3
an electrical engineer and as a mili
tary officer. With his knowledge of
electricity the military possibilities
. that lay in wireless were readily ap
parent. So he threw himself into the
He is now—and has been ever since
the position was established three
years ago—superintendent of the navy
radio service. In that capacity he is
charged with the direction of the most
extensive wireless service in the
world today. More than fifty shore
stations, approximately 250 ship Cita
tions and about 750 navy radio opera
tors are under his direction.
Under the slender shadows of the
trinity of towers on Arlington Heights,
overlooking Washington from the Vir
ginia side of the Potomac, is a brick
building, dwarfed by the great struc
tures that rise above it. In one cor
ner of this building, on the second
floor, is the office of Captain Bullard.
Born in Pennsylvania in December,
1866, he is forty-nine years old. In
1882 he was appointed to the Naval
academy, from which institution he
' was graduated four years later, but
to which he has returned for four dif
ferent tours of duty as a member of
the faculty. Physics, chemistry and
electrical engineering have been the
, branches he has taught, and a text
book he has written on electrical en
gineering is standard there and else
In 1899, the year following the Span
Ish-American war, Mr. Marconi
brought to this country from Italy
three sets of his wonderful new wire
less apparatus, the immediate purpose
being to use them in reporting the in
ternational yacht races of that year.
The navy department, long interested
in the subject, appointed a board of
four officers to observe and report on
the working of the system.
Following the report of this board
the department placed the battleship
Massachusetts, the armored cruiser
New York and the torpedo boat Porter
at the disposal of Mr. Marconi for
further experiments with a shore sta
tion established on the grounds of the
Highland lighthouse, near the en
trance to New York harbor. An an
tenna was stretched from the flagpole
near the house of the lightkeeper, and
this had the di~iinction of being the
first radio shore station used in the
United States. Later a commercial
station was erected near the same
spot, and still later, in 1903, the navy
put up a permanent shore station
With the erection of the flr.;t ex
perimental station the three vessels
named were equipped with radio ap
paratus, the first vessels of the navy
to be so equipped. This was the be
ginning of the navy radio service.
, Its growth and development has
'f neen remarkable. No part of the At
i lantic or Pacific oceans is too far
\ tway to be out of reach of a radio
gram from an American naval shore
station. When the fleet was engaged
recently in its big war game on the
Atlantic coast the department at
Washington was in a position to be in
instantaneous communication with ev
ery unit.
Quite as remarkable as the tale of
the development of radio for strategic
Cor]rjAiy0£R oullakd
purposes is the tale of its develop
ment in the navy for purposes quite
apart from war. Every department of
the government now uses it at times
for communication. Its service to
commerce and the merchant marine
has become indispensable. Watch and
clock makers in the Mississippi val
ley region, who. through wireless sets
they have erected for the purpose,
regulate their standard timepieces by
the daily time signals sent out from
the Arlington station; marine and oth
er interests, who receive from the
same source weather bulletins; pas
sengers aboard ship, who receive the
daily news bulletins broadcasted over
the ocean from navy shore stations at
certain hours; dwellers on the far
shores of Alaska and the insular pos
sessions, who have no other means of
communication—all these and many
others benefit by the service.
And the cost? It is trifling by com
parison with what is accomplished, for
of all means of communicating the
wireless is the cheapest. Last year
congress gave for new installations at
high power stations $1,500,000 and for
maintenance $500,000, the $1,500,000 to
be a continuing appropriation until
uI course rne navy is mil me umy
branch of the government that has
wireless equipment. The army, for
example, maintains a cable from
Puget Sound to Alaska, an extensive
system of wire telegraphs in Alaska
and also several wireless stations
there, all engaged in commercial as
well as public business.
Then the coast guard cutters, under
the jurisdiction of the treasury de
partment, all have wireless equip
ment aboard, while in the department
of commerce is lodged supervision and
regulation control over commercial
and amateur wireless operators; but
since 1904, by executive action of the
president, the navy is supreme in the
field of coast stations. Commercial
stations operate of course on the
coast, hut they must not be so located
as to interfere with the operation of
navy radio stations.
The organization of the naval radio
service is a growth and a develop
ment. When wireless first came into
being in the navy the old bureau of
equipment handled it, but subsequent
ly the duties were absorbed by the
bureau of steam engineering. Then
the passage of the radio act by con
gress in 1912, with its provision re
quiring navy radio stations to relay
and handle maritime and commercial
business and the joining in the same
year of this nation in the London
radiotelegraphic convention threw a
tremendous burden of new responsi
bilities on the bureau.
W’hereupon the radio work was or
ganized as an administrative unit and
Captain Bullard was detailed as super
intendent. The bureau of steam en
gineering still provides material, but
the administration of affairs is under
the direction of Captain Bullard.
Observe the radio map hanging on
the walls of Captain Bullard’s office
and you will get an idea of the wide
extent of the shore service—no map
can show the everchanging locations
of the 250 ships of the navy that :re
equipped with wireless. Big circles
Carl Guiott of Pendleton, Ore., a
musician, Is enjoying the recovery of
his sight in one eye after a period of
complete blindness lasting 15 years.
He suddenly regained his vision while
walking and he rushed to his home to
behold his wife and child, neither of
whom he had ever seen.
Australia seems to have an Inex
haustible supply of marble, which is
found there in many colors. In addition
to pure white.
Dr. Alexis Carrel of the Rockefeller
institute, famous for his feats in sur
gery. and who recently discovered a
"perfect antiseptic” for use in the
treatment of wounds, will be honored
by the French republic. Announce
ment is made that he will receive the
next promotion to the rank of officer
in the legion of honor.
A candle burning steadily for two
ik lays releases energy equal to one
horse power.
V Finland has an area of 144,249
'quare miles, of which one-sixth is wa
ter. owing to the innumerable lakes in
the interior of tag country.
The balance wheel of a watch vi
brates 300 times a minute, 432,000
times a day. or 157,680,000 times a
year. As each vibration covers about
1M: revolutions, the shaft on which the
balance wheel is mounted makes 236,
520,000 revolutions in its bearings
each year.
A farm engine driven by a gas mo
tor has been invented in Europe that
is equipped with its own producing
plant for making gas from waste ma
terial, such as bark, sawdust or dry
More than 90 per cent of the refin
ing and smelting of drosses and scrap
metals in the United States is carried
on in the territory east of the Missis
sippi and north of the Ohio river
Boxelder county. Utah, not many
years ago a mere desert, has this sea
son, for the seventh time in eight
years, won the grand horticultural
prize at the Utah State fair. The word
boxelder has not the same signifi
cance in New England as in the West,
where the tree by that name is one of
the commonest of all.
There are evidences of a prehistoric
| race which lived in Oklahoma.
- --
&?/? m/?ec enter m/gel £J3
roueRs d£AR rr. hycr, m
mark the ports of Atlantic, Gulf and
Pacific coasts where navy radio sta
tions are maintained, with a solitary
big circle in the interior showing the
station on the great lakes at the Chi
cago naval training station.
But the continental map cannot!
show all. Inserted in the margin ar%
other maps showing the navy radio
stations in Cuba, the Panama Canal
zone, Porto Rico, Samoa, Guam, the
Hawaiian islands, the Philippines and
Alaska, and even one at Peking,
China. At a glance one gets the out
line of the tremendous spread of the
"As originally contemplated," said
Captain Bullard in discussing the ex
tent of his service, “plans were made
for a coastal chain of radio stations
on this continent at practically 10(1
mile intervals, and a long distance
Improved apparatus and the In
crease of reliable ranges have made
so many shore stations useless, so a
number have been built. On the long
distance chain it has been found pos
sible to cut down some of the island
stations from high power to medium
"We are now building high power
stations at San Diego and Honolulu,
and a medium power station at Guam;
also eight high power stations in Por
to Rico and the Philippines.
"The new station at New Orleans is
complete. It works with Darien on
the Isthmus. A general relay station
is being built at Isabel, at the mouth
of the Rio Grande river.
"Certain naval radio stations in
Alaska communicate with a Russian
station at Anadyr, Siberia, and tests
are being conducted between them
and a Japanese station at Ochllshi."
“Where do you get your enlisted
personnel of operators and electri
cians?” was asked
“From the same sources that the
rest of the navy gets its material,
with the addition that often men
who are already wire or wireless op
erators enlist for the purpose. The
naval training stations at Newport.
Chicago and San Francisco train
young men for the duty, and we have
a system of sending some to the elec
trical school In New York for special
training. Bright signal boys aboard
ship also show aptitude for radio work
and are given training which fits them
to become operators."
“Have you any provision for a re
"Practically, yes: but It is all volun
tary. As we are constantly inter
changing business with commercial
companies we are in touch with them
and their operators. Such of these
operators as desire to do so list them
selves with us. giving essential bio
graphical and physical data and state
ment of experience, expressing a will
ingness to enter the naval radio serv
ice in time of national peril.”
How Nutmegs Aid Digestion.
A drowsy state after meals is what
we should welcome, for it is the moat
favo able condition for good digestion.
Nutmegs may produce it because their
effect is to increase the flow of gas
tric juice. The nutmeg is much nsed
by doctors tr a remedy In weak di
gestion. If one has a keen appetite
he does not n ;ed nutmeg, for appetite
is tin most powerful stimulan' of the
flow of gastric juice. If the appetite
is not good the digestion will be
feeble, and then the addition of a lit
tle nutmeg will be found of benefit.
One Woman’s Way.
"Yes,” said the old doctor, "I once
knew a woman who died from worry."
"What did she worry about?" quer
ied the pale patient
"Why, she just worried because she
had nothing to worry about," an
swered the M. D.
Ending One Discussion.
"1 don’t see how he can afford to do
all the things he does.”
"Are his creditors worrying?"
“1 don’t know.”
"Then why should you?"
Central Powers Agree to Practically
Every Demand Laid Down by
the American Government.
Washington, D. C.—Two communi
cations from Germany reached the
United States late last week, one con
taining a proposal to pay an indemni
ty for the Americans lost in the Lusi
tania disaster, which may bring ne
gotiations on that subject to a con
clusion, and the other conveying as
surances that German submarine
commanders operating in the Mediter
reanean would not torpedo non-com
batant ships of any character without
warning them and according safety to
their passengers and crews.
The communications were deliver
ed to Secretary Lansing by Count von
Bernstorff, the German ambassador.
The secretary immediately sent them
to President Wilson.
Official Washington now considers
that America and Germany at last
are near a final agreement on the
conduct of submarine warfare. Of
ficials made no attempt to conceal
their gratification at the attitude
Germany apparently has assumed. It
was considered to be virtually in har
mony with the American viewpoint.
Tension regarding the entire sub
marine question seems to have less
ened considerably. Austria in its re
ply to the last Ancona note, having
assured the United States of its in
tentions to operate submarines with
due regard for international law and
the principles of humanity. Turkey
and Bulgaria, it is understood, next
will take steps to give such guaran
tees. It is stated authoritatively that
Germany and Austria-Hungary will
use their influence to accomplish this
The Lusitania controversy except
for the wording of the agreement
then entered into, is considered in
Teutonic circles here virtually ended.
Million Dollars in Stamps Stolen.
St. Paul, Minn.--Robbers obtained
approximately $1,000,000 in negotiable
internal revenue stamps and several
thousand dollars in cash as the re
sult of probably the most skillful and
successful crime of the character in
the history of the northwest. Blowing
a large safe in the old federal build
ing. at Fifth and Wabasha streets,
without attracting attention the rob
bers selected their loot with compar
ative leisure and rejected a large
quantity of stamps that were unne
gotiable. They then made their escape
without leaving the slightest trace
of their movements.
Despite the fact that the building is
situated almost in the center of the
down town district across from the
city hall and court house and but
one square from several of the city's
principal hotels no one could be
found who had heard the explosion.
Bishop of Omaha Dies.
Omaha.—The Right Rev. Richard
Scannell, bishop of the Catholic dio
cese of Omaha, man of God and man
ly man, died at his home here Jan
uary V. Always apparently robust,
Bishop Scannell’s death comes as a
shock to the community, to the Cath
olic .church at large and to his follow,
ers. He would have been 71 years
old on his next birthday. May 12.
Bishop Scannell was a priest of
God for forty-four years, and a bishop
of nearly twenty-eight years. Trans
ferred from the Concordia, Kans., dio
cese he became bishop of the Omaha
diocese January 31, 1891. Always a
zealous churchman, his influence in
the Omaha diocese was felt imme
diately. His fame, at the time of his
death, was of international magni
Town Looted by Strikers.
Youngstown, O.—Six city blocks
were partly destroyed by fire at a
loss of $80,000, and several persons
seriously injured from bullet wounds
as the result of battles and riots of
3,000 steel workers on a strike here
last Friday night.
For practically six hours, crowds
of men, many maddened with drink,
ran through the streets smashing the
windows of buildings with clubs and
then tearing out entire fronts. The
rioters then would loot the place and
then apply the torch.
The 3,000 laborers struck for an in
crease from 1SV6 cents to 25 cents an
hour and spurned a compromise of
fered at 22 cents.
Suit to Test the Iowa Law.
Des Moines, la.—An injunction suit
has been filed against the American
Express company here to test the
right of the express company to trans
port liquor into the state. Judge Ay
res, in district court, set the hearing
for January 14.
Swift Co. Has Banner Year.
Chicago.—The year 1915 was the
greatest in the history of Swift and
Company, the packing company re
ported. Sales aggregated $500,000,000,
an increase of $75,000,000. over 1914.
Will Can Onions for British.
Seattle, Wash.—Four tons of onions
and 5,000 tons of carrots have been
purchased on the Puget Sound for
shipment to Ladner, B. C., where they
will be canned for shipment to Eu
rope. It is understood the produce
will be used by the British army.
Killed by Snowslide.
Georgetown, Colo.—Arthur Osborn,
an engineer, and Edward Collins, a
miner, were caught in a snow slide
near Silver Plume and carried down
Mount Kelso in the avalanche.
Jan. 10, 1915.
French cut German railway lines
to prevent relief of Altkirch.
Turks marched on Egypt.
Turkish army of reserves, trying
to save Erzerum, repulsed at fron
German aviators threw thirty
bombs on Dunkirk.
French aviators defeated German
airmen in battle at great altitude.
Abbas Hilmi, deposed khedive,
called on Egyptians and Sudanese
to rise against England.
Jan. 11, 1915.
Allies, attacking from Perthes,
tried to cut German rail communi
Russian lines greatly re-enforced.
Military authorities took over all
blankets in Berlin and Branden
Italy sent garrisons to her isl
ands in the Aegean.
American party on way to re
lieve German and Austrian pris
oners in Russia halted temporarily
by Russian government.
Jan. 12, 1915.
French attempted offensive near
Perthes and Soissons.
Germans repulsed French in Al
Russians pressed the Austrians
back near the Nida river.
Austrians were fleeing from
Turks and Russians fought for
the Erzerum road; Noury Bey tak
en by Russians.
British government asked women
to persuade men to enlist.
Remainder of Turkish Tenth
army corps routed at Kara Ourdan.
Jan. 13 ,1915.
Germans victorious at Soissons,
’orcing French to abandon five
miles of trenches and cross the
Aisne, leaving guns and wounded.
Kaiser watched Germans take
the heights of Vregny.
Russians occupied villages in
Mazurian lake region and threat
ened Mlawa.
Turks occupied Tabriz and re
ported Arab victory over British
on lower Tigris.
Dover forts drove off two Ger
man submarines.
Dardanelles bombarded by allied
Jan. 14, 1915.
Germans took 3,150 prisoners and
14 guns in two days’ battle at Sois
Russian invasion of East Prussia
by new force of 800,000 men begun.
Germans retook several positions
on the Bzura. ■
Turkish invasion of Persia con
Armenian refugees fled into Rus
Jan. 15, 1915.
British made gains near La
New Russian army marched
north in Poland.
Von Hindenburg’s forces declared
to be in peril.
British took Swakopmund, Af
American Red Cross sent sup
plies to Saloniki and Virginia and
Maryland sent relief ships to Bel
Jan. 16, 1915.
Austrians brought up heavy artil
lery to hold the Donajec river.
German troops sent to Budapest.
Italian gunboat Coatit damaged
in the Adriatic.
German hydroplane los* in North
French submarine Saphir su ik
by Turkish mine in Dardanelles.
Allied aviators bombarded Os
The change to electric power on
Sweden's most northerly railroad In
the world has increased the train ca
pacity 40 per cent and the speed 50
per cent over steam operation.
A telephone which is claimed to be
explosion proof and flame proof has
been invented in England for use in
mines or anywhere that explosive
gases or liquids are present
For peeling potatoes In quantities
a carborundum lined metal cylinder
has been invented, against tbe sides
of which the tubers are whirled by a
revolving bottom plate.
After a lengthy investigation the
United States bureau of standards has
decided that the lightning rod, when
properly installed, is a trustworthy
means of protecting property.
The entire body of a new automobile
headlight Is made of glass, a vacuum
between the reflector and the outside
protecting the finish of the exterior
and keeping it cool.
sacK3 maae or a raor.c woven irom
paper strips that are twisted with a
short vegetable fiber are being suc
cessfully used for transporting ore ir
A new German machine cleans and
sorts medicinal tablets, rejecting
broken ones, and packs them in boxee
or tubes at a rate of from 150,000 to
200,000 a day.
A new device to prevent an automo
bile headlight throwing rays that da*
zle consists of a series of concentric
metal rings, to be mounted behind the
lens to reflect all the light along
parallel lines.
Oatmeal is generally adulterated
with barley flour to give it a whiter
It is interesting to note at the pres
ent time that when the war broke out
with Turkey in 1878, Carmen Sylvia
the "poet queen" of Roumania, was the
first to volunteer as a nurse. She
worked night and day in the hospitals
and after the war was ended the sol
dlers among themselves collected
enough of the small coinage of the
country to raise a national monument
to “Muma Ranitola”—“the mother ot
the wounded”—of which the queen
was extremely proud.
Home Economics Association Urges
Farmers' Wives to Attend Ses
sion January 17 to 21.
Lincoln.—In addition to many farm
ers wlio will offer the results of much
practical experience at the Nebraska
Improved Live Stock Breeders' asso
ciation during Organized Agriculture
Week here, January 17 to 21, some of
the most prominent speakers on live
stock problems in the middle west
will be on the program. Among
those from out of the state are C. F.
Curtiss, dean of the Iowa Stale Col
lege of Agriculture; J. H. Skinner,
dean of the Indiana College of Agri
culture; George McKerrow, Pewau
kee, Wis.; and H. R. Smith of St.
Paul, Minn., (formerly of the Ne
braska College of Agriculture). Sec
retaries of several of the national
breeders’ associations and members
of the Nebraska College of Agricul
ture will also speak.
The Nebraska Home Economics as
sociation will also be in session dur
ing agricultural week and a cordial
invitation is extended to the wives of
those attending organized agriculture.
The programs are prepared especially
for the needs of the country home.
Boy Babies in Lead.
One set of triplets was born in
Nebraska during 1915 and 171 pairs
of twins. The vital statistics pre
pared by Secretary Case of the state
board of health shows that 14,137 male
children were born, as compared with
13.407 females, a total of 37,544.
One hundred and thirty-one babies
were colored, 24,109 American. 1,003
German, 794 Scandinavian, 183 British
and 312 Bohemian.
Douglas county had 2,224 of the
11,943 marriages in the state. Whee
ler county had seven marriages and
thirty deaths.
The chief cause of death was or
ganic diseases of the heart, 1,163 being
from this cause. Pneumonia killed
813, cancer 606 and tuberculosis 398.
Forty-eight persons committed suicide
by taking poison, fifty shot and twen
ty-seven hanged themselves, while for
ty-nine killed themselves by other
means. Three deaths were due to
Douglas county furnished the larg
est number of divorces, 642. Lancas
ter county came second with 243. Ar
thur, Banner, Perkins and Sherman
couunties had but one divorce each.
Over Million Taxes.
Taxes paid by property owners of
the state for the present year will ag
gregate $21,396,358 as against $20,
405,457 last year. This includes taxes
for all purposes, state, county, school
district, city, town, village—and it
takes into consideration the fact,' too,
that the state levy was reduced a full
mill for the year. The total at that
is about $1,000,000 lower than it was
three years ago. The increase comes
from a raise in local tax rates in sec
tions of the state Dodge county makes
probably the best showing of any
county in the state by paying $346,692
this year as against $502,477 last year.
Estabrook for President.
A petition containing the names of
several hundred supporters was re
cently filed with Secretary of State
Pool presenting the name of Henr?'
Estabrook as a candidate for the re
publican presidential nomination,
subject to the 191G primaries. The
petition states that Mr. Estabrook is
the first bona fide candidate to file;
that he is a product of Nebraska, and
will represent what may be termed
"new leadership.”
To Observe Child Labor Day.
January 24 will be observed as Child
Irftbor day throughout the country and
while State Superintendent Thomas
does not believe a whole day should
be devoted to the observance of the
same, because Nebraska has so many
special days, he thinks a short time
should be spent in each school and
recommends a program offered by the
national child day committee as prop
er to use.
Pool Busy in uecemoer.
The month of December was an un
usually busy month 'in the office of
Secretary of State Pool. In 1914 this
office received during the month of
December a total of $2,470.20, but
during the same period in 1915 the
records show cash receipts of $5,
120.14, a net increase of $2,649.94.
Moorhead Accepts Reappointment.
Governor Morehead has received
the acceptance of Harley G. Moor
head, appointed to again hold the of
fice of election commissioner of
Douglas county. The term is for two
years and began the 1st of January.
Prison Population Increased.
The prison population of the state
increased from 341 to 369 during th6
month of December and the number
of these convicts out on parole went
up during the month to 215. This is
the meat of the monthly report filed
with the governor by Warden Fen
ton. Of the 369 Inmates behind the
walls at present two of the number
are women. Four women are out on
parole and are said to be making
good. Officers and guards at the in
stitution number forty-six, including
Mrs. Fenton, who is matron.
Gets Rhodes Scholarship.
Paul B. Means of Osceola, a former
Nebraska university man, was chosen
as a Rhodes scholar at Oxford uni
versity for this state by the special
commission appointed to make the
selection. Chancellor Avery announc
ed the selection of Means after two
other applicants failed to pass the ex
aminations. Means took the exami
nations a year ago with Paul Good of
Lincoln and both passed exceptional
requirements. Good was finally chos
en at that time. Means will leave
for England next September.
Gently cleanse your liver and
sluggish bowels while
you sleep.
Get a 10-cent box.
Sick headache, biliousness, dizzi
ness, coated tongue, foul taste and foul
breath—always trace them to torpid
liver; delayed, fermenting food in the
bowels or sour, gassy stomach.
Poisonous matter clogged in the in
testines, instead of being cast out
of the system is re-absorbed into the
blood. When this poison reaches the
delicate brain tissue it causes con
gestion and that dull, throbbing, sick
ening headache.
Cascarets immediately cleanse the
stomach, remove the sour, undigested
food and foul gases, take the excess
bile from the liver and carry out all
the constipated waste matter and
poisons in the bowels.
A Cascaret to-night will surely
straighten you out by morning. They
work while you sleep—a 10-cent box
from your druggist means your head
clear, stomach sweet and your liver
and bowels regular for months. Adv.
The wise woman marries for pro
tection as well as for revenue.
About four years ago I had a severe
attack of Kidney trouble and Gravel of
the Bladder. I was afflicted this way for
one year and had severe pains in my back
and shooting pains in my bladder; I got
so bad that I was not able to work for
about two months; I could not rest at
night; I would have to get up several
times during the night to urinate, and
at these times it caused me great pain.
I read so much and heard so much of
Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root I decided to
try Swamp-Root; after taking several
bottles I was restored to good health
and I have not been troubled with my
kidneys and bladder since. I cheerfully
recommend Swamp-Root to others with
kidney and bladder troubles.
Yours respectfully,
802 E. 14th St. Pittsburg, Kansas.
Personally appeared before me this
5th day of May, 1915. F. H. Fleming, who
subscribed to the above statement and
made oath that the same is true in sub
stance and in fact.
JOSEPH KEYS. Justice of the Peace.
In and for the County of Crawford and
State of Kansas.
Provo What Swamp-Root Will Do For Yon
Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co.,
Binghamton. N. Y., for a sample size bot
tle. It will convince anyone. You will
also receive a booklet of valuable infor
mation. telling about the kidneys and blad
der. When writing, be snre and mention
this paper. Regular fifty-cent and one
dollar size bottles for sale at all drug
Punishment That Surely Might Be
Classed as “Unusual,” Though
Possibly Not “Cruel.”
Not very long ago there lived In
England an old man who always rode
on a donkey to his daily work, and
tethered him while he labored on the
roads or wherever else he might be.
It had been pretty plainly hinted to
him by one of the local landowners
that he was suspected of putting It
in the fields to graze at other people's
“Eh, squire, I cud na do sich a thing,
fer my donkey won’t eat nowt but net
tles an’ thistles.”
One day the gentleman was riding
along the road, when he saw the old
fellow at work and the donkey up to
his knees in one of his clover fields
feeding luxuriously.
‘‘Halloa, John!” said he. “I under
stood you to say your donkey would
eat nothing but nettles and thistles?"
“Aye,” said John, “but he’s been
misbehavin’ hisself, sir. He nearly
kicked me i' th’ chest just, now, so I
put him there to punish him!”
Purely a Defensive Measure.
“Hear how old Wogram got even
with the war?”
“No. How’d he do it?"
“Well, when the war cut ofT the dye
stuffs Wogram cut off his whiskers."—
Was a Godsend in This Case.
It Is not always that a lack of money
Is a benefit.
A lady In Ark. owes her health to
the fact that she could not pay in
advance the fee demanded by a spe
cialist to treat her for stomach trou
ble. In telling of her case she says:
'1 had been treated by four different
physicians during 10 years of stomach
trouble. Lately I called on another
who told me he could not cure me;
that I had neuralgia of the stomach.
Then I went to a specialist who told
me I had catarrh of the stomach and
said he could cure me in four months,
but would have to have his money
down. I could not raise the neces
sary sum and in my extremity I was
led to quit coffee and try Postum.
"The results have been magical. I
now sleep well at night, something I
had not done for a long time; the pain
in my stomach is gone and I am a
different woman.
‘Every time I had tried to stop cof
fee I suffered from severe headaches,
so I continued to drink it, although I
had reason to believe It was injurious
to me. But when I had Postum to
shift to it was different.
“To my surprise I did not miss cof
fee when I began to drink Postum.
“Coffee had been steadily and surely
killing me and I didn’t fully realize
what was doing it until I quit and
changed to Postum.” Name given by
Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich.
Postum comes in two forms:
Postum Cereal—the original form
must be well boiled. 15c and 25c pack
instant Postum—a soluble powder—
dissolves quickly in a cup of hot wa
ter, and, with cream and sugar, make*
a delicious beverage instantly. 30c
and 50c tins.
Both kinds are equally dellcioua
and cost about the same per cup.
“There’s a Reason” for Postum.
,—sold by Grocera, t