The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 13, 1916, Image 2

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t --- i
Brief Mention of What le Transpiring
In Various Sections of Our Own
and Foreign Countries.
Figures just published in Berlin
show that the cost of living scored a
reduction in the month of November.
• * •
Dispatches from Cairo state that,
jewels of the Maharajah of Kapur
thahia valued at $4,000,000 were lost
aboard the steamer Persia, which
was sunk recently near Alexandria.
• * *
A war credit of $100,000,000 was
enthusiastically approved by the Bul
garian parliament, says a dispatch
from Saloniki. All sections of the op
position voted with the government.
• * *
Berlin reports that the Russians
have suffered very severe losses in
their Galician campaign. After sev
eral un successful assaults on the Aus
trian front near Toporoutz over 2,500
bodies of Russians were counted.
* * •
Schools have been organized in the
trenches on the Austro-Hungarian
front., -chiefly for the purpose of giv
ing the men something to do and re
lieving the tediousness of the long
periods of inactivity during the win
Between 200 and 300 of the pas
sengers and crew of the British liner
Persia, of the Peninsular and Orimtal
company, perished when the vessel
was torpedoed and sunk in the Medit
erranean by a submarine whose na
tionality is 6aid to have been Austrian.
• • •
Austria-Hungary’s reply to the sec
ond American note on the sinking of
the Ancona virtually disavows the
act. Austria offers to pay indemnity
for American lives lost and agrees to
Bink no more ships without first as
surance of safety for those aboard.
* * *
In connection with the omission of
Ireland from the operation of the
conscription list, it was noted in the
lobby of the British House of Com
mons that the latest figures of the
Irish population show the total males
of military age to be 717,000. of whom,
it is said, about 125,000 have enlisted.
Petition for an injunction against
the enforcement of the new state
prohibition law was denied in the
United States district court in Seat
tle, Wash, by three judges.
• * *
The will «f the late Thomas L.
Shevlln, former Yale football star,
filed for probate in Minneapolis,
leaves the estate of $3,500,000 to the
widow and two children.
* * •
A petition to place the name of
Charles Warren Fairbanks, former
vice president, on the primary ballot
in Indiana as a candidate £c<r the re
publican nomination for president,
was filed with the secretary of state
at Indianapolis.
• • •
One hundred members of the New
York Bast Side branch of the Young
Men’s Christian association have en
rolled in a company for military
training. This is the first step to
have more than 500,000 Young Men’s
Christian association members
throughout the country formed into
an army reserve.
■m m m
Major General Grenville M. Dodge,
U. S. A., retired, the last surviving
field commander of an army on
either aide In the civil war, died at
his home In Council Bluffs, la., re
cently. General Dodge outlined the
first continental route from Omaha
west and was the .chief engineer who
built the Union Pacific to Salt Lake
• « •
Mathew A. Schmidt was convicted
at Los Angeles of first .degree murder
as the accomplice of James B. Mc
Namara in the blowing up of the Los
Angeles Times building five years
ago. The specific charge was of hav
ing murdered Charles Hagerty, one of
rthe twenty victims of the explosion.
Tho jury fixed punishment at im
prisonment for life.
» * *
Between $10,000 and $1o,trt) in cur
rency probably was obtained by the
bandit who robbed the mail car at
tached to the westbound Sunset Ex
press of the Southern Pacific railroad
at San Antonio, Tex.
• * •
Wireless telegraph apparatus Is to
be installed on thlrty-slx freight
barges that shortly are to be put In
service on the Mississippi river. The
fleet of barges, each of which will
be of 1,400 tons, will pljr between
Minneapolis and New Orleans, in com
petition with the railroad service.
• • •
Kansas got out of debt January 1st
State Treasurer Earl Akors took up
the last outstanding bonds, totalling
$159,000. Akers has suggested is
suance of $25,009,000 in bonds for good
* • •
Edward L. Diamond, his wife,
Samuel Parkin and Samuel Simon
were indicted on charges of first and
second degree manslaughter growing
out of deaths of 12 persons in a fire
which destroyed the five-story Dia
mond Candy factory in New York, No
vember 6.
• * •
A tannery which, when completed,
will cost $7,000,000, and will employ
between 4 000 and 5,000 men, Is to
be erected in St. Louis by the Inter
national Shoe company, it was an
nounced by officials of that concern.
An epidemic of grippe is causing
havoc among the lumber jacks in the
woods cf Wisconsin, acording to med
ical and hospital authorities, at Ash
land. A large number of cases have
been brought to that city for treat
* * *
Commercial organizations through
out the country, composing the Cham
ber of Commerce of the United
States, have voted overwhelmingly
at a referendum Just completed in
favor of international agreements to
prevent war.
• • *
A movement has been launched
by various commercial organizations
of Arizona to secure the annexation,
virtually by purchase, of sufficient
land from Mexico to extend the boun
dary of Arizona and California to the
Gulf of Cr.lifornia.
• * •
A. A. (Scotty) Allan of Nome, Alas
ka, owner of Alaska racing dogs
which twice won the classic All-Alas
ka sweepstake 412-mile dog team
race, reached Seattle from France,
where he sold to the government for
army use in the Alps 440 dogs, 308 of
them from Alaska.
» * »
A General Grenville M. Dodge me
morial room is to be fitted up in the
state historical building at Des
Moines. Practically all of General
Dodge’s war correspondence, his vari
ous commissions, his photographs and
his writings completed since the war
are in the collection.
• * *
The National Security league an
nounced at its headquarters at New
Yoik that several thousand delegates,
representing business and patriotic
organizations in every section of tlie
country, will attend the National Se
curity congress, which meets in
Washington January 20.
» • *
Linton Hoover of Harlan, la., is
chief of a party of four men who
ha\e made a contract to supply the
French government with 5,000 horses
and 25,000 mules within the next four
months. The animals are to be de
livered at a rate of not less than
5.000 a week. The value of the ani
mals is listed at $14,000,000.
Johnny Kilbane of Cleveland and
Richie Mitchell of Milwaukee fought
ten fast rounds in Milwaukee, the pop
ular decision giving Mitchell the bet
ter of the bout.
• * •
Frank Chance, former manager of
the Chicago National baseball team,
who managed the New' York Ameri
can league team, will manage the
Los Angeles Coast league team this
year, it was announced by John F.
Powers, president of the club.
* * *
Less Ilarcy, the middleweight cham
pion of Australia, easily defeated Ed
die McGoorty, an American middle
weight. in the eighth round of their
match in Sidney. McGoorty was pun
ished so severely that his seconds
threw up the sponge. The fight was
witnessed hy 16,000 persons.
• * •
Joe Stecher, the Dodge, Neb.,
wrestler, who has earned the wrest
ling championship of the United
States, gave the grappling fans of St.
Paul, Minn., a little treat when he
took on tlie four best men the St.
Paul promoters could dig up and
dumped the entire quartet In eleven
• • •
The official averages -of the Inter
state Trap Shooting association for
the season of 1915, made public in
New York, show that Woolfolk Hen
derson of Lexington. Ky., Is high av
erage amateur and Sam Huntley, the
crack Omaha shot, ranks second, with
an average of .9679, a few points be
hind Henderson.
A naval and aviation academy to
cost $10,000,000 at San Francisco, ©r
on Sar. Francisco bay, is proposed in
a bill introduced in congress by Sen
ator Phelan of California.
* * *
Secretary Garrison was directed by
the senate to furnish full information
as to the original cost, maintenance
cost and general usefulness of every
army post in the United State®.
* * •
Purchase of the 'Chesapeake & Del
aware canal for not more than $2,
500.000 and the expenditure of $5,
000,000 In improving and fortifying
it, was proposed in a bill introduced
in congress by Senator Saulsburv of
• * *
Tli* National Association of Cloth
iers has appealed to Secretary of
State Lansing for assistance in an ef
fort to persuade Germany and Great
Britain to allow dyes to be shipped
from Germany to this country. Offic
ials of the association declare that
the present supply of dyes will last
only a few Months.
• • •
Representative Shallenberger, of
Nebraska, introduced a bill creating
a commission of five persons to be
known as “the United States commts.
sion for enduring peace, wrhose pur
pose it shall be to aid in bringing
about enduring peace at the earliest
possible moment."
• * *
Senator Hitchcock Is making aa ef
fort to push his Philippine self-gov
ernment bill. It is anticipated that
debate on the measure itself is ex
pected to occupy the senate for sev
eral weeks.
* * •
A 5 per cent dividend, the first paid
by any federal reserve bank, has
been declared by the Richmond bank
on the net earnings for the period
between November 2, 1914, and De
cember 31, 1915. Other reserve
banks have more than made expenses
and may declare dividends later.
* • •
Hundreds of measures were intro
duced when congress reconvened. One
of the bills introduced included s
resolution to extend the thanks oi
congress to Henry Ford for his peace
Diefe 2tbteilung ift fiir bie
5amilienglieber, mdcfye am f
liebften Dcutfd? lefen.
Sow 6d)Mtyla£e
be$ eurobiiifdieit
Sijlfer. Mmi
aBiiljrenb auf ben europaifdjcn
Jtriegsfdjaupliitieii ibinterlidje '.Hutjc
^crrfdjt, bie nur Ijin unb tuieber
burd) Seilangriffe ober lofalc iBor*
poftengefedjte unb SlrtiQericbucEe
unterbrodjen toirb, beginnt c5 fid) ini
Crieiit madjtig an regen. ben
• bcutfdjen iJcitungen merbcii aroar nur
Icifc atnbcutuugen auf bie foittincu*
ben (Jreigniffe am Sue3 - Waual unb
in Segtjpteu gemadjt, unb amtlidje
UBelbungen iiber biefen aufunftigeu
JJriegSfdjaupIafc febleu bollftiinbig.
£ie aWelbungen, bie bon friegeri*
fdjen I'orbercitungeu in iflalciftina
unb bftlid) bom Suea - Wanal betid)*
ten unb in ber feiublidjen '^reffe mit
Sorgen befprodjen iberben, nieljren
fidb in bcu lenten logon bermaBen
unb taudjcu jo beftimint auf, baB
e§ nidjt angeljt, fie allc alS crfunben
bon ber £>anb an toeifeu. (Jin Atcrn
bon aBabrbeit ift in alien biefen
9fad)rid)ten oljne ^toeifel entljalten,
unb ber .stern ift, baB in ifJalaftina,
Srtrieu unb bftlid) bom Suea * W’a*
nal ein groBeS beutfd) * tiirfifdje^
$ecr aufamuteiigebradjt loorben ift,
baS (JnglaubS 2ld)ifle£ - ocrfe amj
Wnnal treffen foil.
Csu bcnticpen 3eitunoen murbe be*
fount gemacpi, bafj gelbmarfdjaE*
Cafdja uon ber ®olB, ber 'Sefctjlstja-;
ber ber tiirfifdjcn 1. Strmee uo.n J?on-!
itantinopel, feiit §auptquartier in
illeppo, Sprieu, cingeridjtct Iiat unb
bort bic lefetcn SSorbereitungcu fiir;
ben 2t ngriff auf SI eg pp ten trifft. Dtej
Slrntee be* gelbmarfdiaU* beftelit in
erfter XJinic au* bent Stonftantino
pilcr Slmtceforp* ber titrfifdjcu Sir
tnee, ber item be* o*mantfd)en ■’Oee=
re*. Die Solbaten finb mit itrupp
®emebren auSgeriiftet unb merben
pon beutfdjen Offijieren gefiUjrt. 3»
oerldfelicben Cadjridjteu jufolgc _er*
bieli greiberr oon ber ®olp bei fei*
ner Slnfunft in Slleppo Delcgramme
oom beutfdjen itaifer unb Porn Sul
tan ber Diirfei, in bencit if)nt 511 fei
nem febmierigen Unteruebmen ®liicf
gemiinftbt murbe.
Con befonberem ^utereffe ift bie
amtlicbe Ctelbung au* Xionbou, bafj
bie britifdjcn Druppen an* ben Dar*
banellen juriidgeaogen morbeti finb.
Die Camming ©aEipoli* bringt
ein nriUtarifcbe* Untcrnebmcu aum
2lbfd)lujj, meldbe* ein SIbentcuer gc
nannt mirb. tt* ift inbeffen both al*
etma* gana anbereS, febenfafl* al*
etma* grofje* geplant gemefen. Dag
bie ©nglanber ben 3ug lebiglid) ben
Cuffen juliebe untemommen baben
foEten, biefe Sluffaffung ift liingft
fdjon befeitigt. ©obi follte burd) bie
eroffttung ber DarbaneEen bent
Serfebr ber Miicrten ber freie ©eg
fiir bie SluSfubr be* ruffifcbcu ©e
treibe*, bas fiir cine englifdje SInleibe
uerpfanbet mar, unb fur bie Cer
forgung Cut>Iaiib* mit ©affen unb
Chmitioit gefebaffen merben. Ciog
lid), bajj (Stiglattb fid) baau nerfiau*
ben batie- Stouftantinopel, meldje*
ben DarbaneEen - Siegern in ben
Sdboff fallen foEte, an Cufjlanb 3U
iiberlaffen. Da* bdtte aflerbing*
einen Crud) mit ber gefamten bisbe
rigeu Colitif (fnglanb* Cufjlanb ge*
geniiber bebeutet, aber c* mdre both
nur ein meitere* Opfer gemefen, mel
dje* bie britifebe Colitif, fiir bie Sin
freifung unb Cemidjtung Deutfdj
lanb* Cunbe*genoffeu ju merben,
bdtte brittgen miiffen. Die (fngldtt*
ber batten fid) and) burd) bic Se
feBung ber bie ©infabrt in bie Dar
baneEen beberrfebenben Snfeltt uor
eitter ctmaigen fpateren Ueberra*
fd)ttng feiten* Cufjlanb* gefdjupt.
3ubem mar bie gunge be* Ceftfce*
Stonfiantinopel* fiir tfnglanb ttidjt
meljr eine fo brennenbe, feitbem e*
bic gefamte 3u9ang*ftra[je burd) ba*
Ettittelmeer nad) Slegppten unb bem
Surjfattal beberrfdjte.
Cfit ber Sramiitgung ber Durd)*
faljrt burd) bie DarbaneEen unb bem
CefiB Stouftantinopel* felbft in ben
ruffiftben §dnben foEte SHcgppteu
unb ber Suea - Stanal, ber aentralc
2eben*ner& ber gefamten britifdjcn
©eltmad)tftc0ung, gefdjiiBt merben.
C?it ber Ciebcrringititg ber Diirfei
auf bem ©ege burd) bic DarbaneEen
foEte fincm Unfturm ber europdiidjen
C'liltelmddjte, Dcutfcplaitb* unb De=
fterreid) - llngam*, gegett ben Orient
f auf bem ©ege iiber ben Calfan eine
j unitbcrminblidje Sdjranfe erridbtet
merben. Sud) Centralen, ^talien
(bamali noth neutral), Cnmdnien,
(Sriedjenlanb unb Culgarien, meldje
an ber grage ber CJeerengeu unb
bem aufunftigen CefiB A^onftantino
pel* ein Sntereffe baben, fofltcn aunt
Slnfdjlufj an ben Dreioerbanb fleran*
Iafot merben.
toaren me toetxreicpenben po*
Iitifdjen ©rtodflungen, toeldje bet bet
Snangriffnabnte be# 2arbanetlenau*
geS mitgefprodien Eja&en. SBaren bie
bolitifdjen 3bJede, toelcbc mit bent
Untemebmen errungen toerben foil*
ten, fo toe it auSfdjauenbe, fo ift baS
Unjureitbatbe ber ntilitarifdjen 2Jtit*
tel, toelcbe jut Sluftoenbung gelang*
ten, um fo unberftdnblidber. ®tcfe§
Unjureicbenbe ift aHerbtng# mit bet
ftdberen ©ttoartung einet Sorpota*
tion bet gcnonnten 9?eutralen teil
tocije an erflaren. 2ie ©riedjen foil*
ten ein £anbungsbeer enffenien, bie
©ulgarcn iiber bie iiinie Slbrianopel
—Gnos nad) ftonftantiuopel mar
fdjieren, bie Stumanen Dom 2anbe
ber ben ruffifdjen Ginmarfd) in bie
iiirfei (nad) ben rnffifetjen Grfolgen
in ben fiarpatben) unb ben ruffifetjeu
Xurcbbrurf) burd) ben S3o3poruS com
Sdjroarjeu 5D2eci aus unterfriifeen.
Slber nid)t einntal vdaliett bat fid) 311
ber Gntfenbung eitter Gjpebition nad)
bett Xarbatiellen bereit finbcti laffen.
'JJoIitifd) unb ntilitiirifd) tjafeen bie
Slfliierten, bat in erfter X*inic Gng
lanb, cine ungebeure 92iebcrlage au
ben Xarbatiellen crlitten. 311 ber
bodbften 92ot batten bie Gngldnbcr
iljrcit Slitdjener au JDri unb SteUe
gefanbt. Xer follte fid) burd) eige
nett Slugenfdjein non ber Situation
au ben (Gallipoli - gronten iiberjeu
gen. „Xcr XarbaneUen - ftelbjug
roirb fortgefefct." Xas rourbe ba>
mals als 92efultat ber Cfular * 3n
fpeftion ilitdtjeuerS Pott bonbon aus
Dcrfiinbet. Xa§ aber roar bamals
fcbon als S3Iuff erfennbar. Xcnn
felbft in Gnglanb gelangte bie Gr*
fenntniS immer offenfunbiger 311m
Slusbrud, baf) allc Opfer pcrgeblidb
feiett, ein Grfolg ausgefd)loffen fei.
Xiefc Grfcnntnis bat ttuumcbr 3itr
SRaumung ber britifdjen Stcllungeli
unb jttr Slufgabe bes gefatnteu iln
ternebmens gefiibrt.
29as bie Gtigliittber auf ber .§alb*
infcl ©allipoli unb an bett Xarbanel
leit juriidgelaffen baben, ift ein
griebbof auf bent $unberttaufenbe
non SJJcnfdjeu begraben liegett; auf
bent bie roeiteftgebenbeu politifdjen
'^lane, ber Xurcbbrtub nad) Jfonftait*
tinopel unb bie Xctfung bcS 2uej*
fattalS unb SleggptenS, eingefargt
„Xa§ traurigfte ftapitel ber briti*
fdien laffen in biefera ftriege", fagt
Gin fd)tudbiid)rr Tvcblfdilng.
?i e ro 9) 0 r f. Xie Reiter beS
2t)nbifaieo, roeld)c§ bie 5projentige
euglifeb • frauadfifdje Slnleibe im Sfe
trage Don $500,000,000 garautier*
ten, niad)tcn befannt, bafj $280,000,*
000 beS Sfetrages bcbufS Slttlage
jum Sgubifatspreis Don 96% au*
riicfgeaogeit roorben roaren unb bafe
uur $40,000,000 in offcntlid)er2ub*
ffription aunt fiitrfe Pon 98 oerfnuft
roiirben. Xer unperfauftc 91 eft Don
$180,000,000 rourbe unier bie i'2it
glicber beS SpnbifateS Derteilt, roic
ein friiljereb Uebereittfoinmen be
ftimmte. Sin ber Sdrfc rourben bie
SPottbb nur nod) jum 'Jfreife Don
94% gebanbclt.
S3ou ben auriidgejogenen $280,
000,000 foHen minbeftenS $100,
000 Don 2)2unitionsfabrifanten iiber
nommen roorben feiti. Xie Gnglan
ber baben bamit ibre 9)anfce*S8rii»
ber roieber einntal tiid)tig iibers £br
gebauen. Xie 2JJnnition§fabrifanten
erbalten offenbar fiir ibre fiieferun
gen fein 23aargelb, fonbern bie Sin
leibe-93onb§ unb miiffen fid) bi§ aum
Ginlofungs • Stermiti bcrfclben in
fiinf Sabren mit 5 iproaent Sinfen
Sfritifcbe fRrgierang fnaft amrrifani
fcfje SSkrtyabierc.
©nblidj f)flt bic britifcfje fRegierung
eingefefjen, baft bas amerifanifdje
SBolf nicfjt bcreit ift, friegfiifjrenben
SJtaticnen, bic in furjer bor bem
StaatSbanfcrott fteben fonnen, auf
ibr webrliefje3 ©eficfjt" bib ©elb ju
leiben. $er britifcfje ©rfjatifanjler
toil! jefct eitglifdben Untertanen bie
amerifairifdjen Gifcnbabn * Sfftien
mtb Obligationen unb fonftige ame
cifanifcfje iBertpabiere, bie fie sur
enormcn .§otje non fiinf Siflionen
5)oflarS befiften folfen, abfaufen, urn
fie in ben '-Ber. ©taaten al§ cicfjer
fjcit fiir Slnleiben ju berbfanben. ©e
gen cine foldje 2ran§aftion ift fofem
ber ©idjerbcit ber ©rfpatniffe beS
amerifanifcben 9?oIfe§ nicfjtS einju
tsenben. Slber bom ©tdnbpunft ber
9?eutralitat bleibt ber biSberige @in
manb gegen bie ©emabrung finan
?ieller $iilfc an Mtricgfiibrenbc be
DeutfrfjlanbS Hcbcrlcgenfjeit oner*
Die englifdje Breffe erflart, baft
bet gricben jeftt unntoglidj fci, toeil
DeutfdjIanbS militarifdje Jtiagc gun
ftig ift. Die§ ift enblidj eine Hnet
feitnung bon DeutfdjIanbS militari
fdjer llcberlegertljeit! ©Ieidjaeitig
madjt e$ bie englifdje fPreffe flar,
baft DeutfdjlanbS geinbe ben fhrieg
(nnaieften toerben, in ber ^offnung,
baft ein giinftiger SSenbepunft in ber
Suhxnft eintritt.
Der beutfdje DieitftSfanjIer Ijai fei*
erlidj erflart, baft Deutfdjlanb bie
SeranitoortILdjfeit fiir bie gortbauer
beS ftriegeS ableftnen nxiiffe, unb baft
biefe ©eranttoortlidjfeii attf bie
©djultem (SnglattbS fallen toerben.
Die Scufterungen ber englifdjen Bref
fe betoeifen, fo urteilt man jeftt in
Berlin, baft Gnglanb bereit ift, biefe
SBerantmortlidjfeit 3U iibemefjmen.
Die SBeiSfjeii ber beutfdjen BoIfS
toirtfdjaft fulminiert in bem ©aft:
SBit ftaben, toaS toit braudjen unb
toir braucjen nidjtS, toa» toir nidjt
A barn, together with ten horses,
much valuable harness and a large
quantity of hay, was destroyed by Are
on the John Beirman farm, near Lind
say. The loss amounted to over
John Bragg, mayor of Holdrege,
died from the effects of a wound in
the face which he received while
hunting. The accident occurred as he
was crossing a fence, pulling a gun
after him.
Robbers broke into the Guy Butler
drug store at Holbrook recently and
stole fifty-two rings, eleven watch
chains, three watches and some cuff
buttons. The loss is estimated at
over $200.
At a meeting of the members of
the Midstate Poultry association at
Kearney, it was decided to erect a
building at the Buffalo county fair
grounds for the display of the annual
fair exhibits.
Steadily increasing activity was
displayed at Lincoln by Dan Cupid
during 1915, when 995 marriage
licenses were issued as against 925 in
1914. The birth record was about the
same as in 1914.
The Nebraska association of Title
Men will hold their annual convention
in Fremont, Tuesday and Wednesday,
January 26 and 26. W. W. Barney is
head of the association A very large
delegation is anticipated.
Joseph Cline is in a hospital in
Lincoln, with two feet badly frozen,
facing amputation of both. Cline
said the marshal of Ravenna drove
him out of town and he had to walk
twenty miles in the snow
William Osterman, owner of the
Dexter hotel at Fremont, recently
gutted by fire, announced to the
Commercial club a plan of remodeling
the building on a large scale intended
to give Fremont a 100-room hotel.
A plan is being worked out at Te
cumseh whereby there will be a
summer race meet at Auburn. The
proposition is to have a circuit of six
towns and hold a meet in June and
the early part of July of the coming
Twenty-three cases of smallpox
were reported to the Wymore board
of health last week. A rigid quaran
tine is being enforced and the mov
ing picture shows, billiard and pool
halls, churches and schools have been
Commercial interests at Beatrice
are hoping that the Missouri Pacific
can be induced to build to that town
from Virginia, during the coming sea
son, and a director of the road is
Quoted as saying that the construction
should be started during the new
For the first time in its history the
state of Nebraska has become heir of
an Omaha man. It wTill inherit the
$2,000 estate of the late Karl Mauch,
as the result of a decision by County
Judge Crawford that the dead man
left no legal heirs. Mauch died with
out leaving a will.
The County Board of Supervisors of
Dodge county have refused to accept
the offer of the nineteen insurance
companies holding policies of the
county court house, which recently
was destroyed by fire at Fremont. The
adjusters offer to settle for $35,000.
The county asks $47,000.
The first filings for the primaries to
be held next April were made in Gage
county when a petition was filed ask
ing that the names of G. W. Stein
meyer and D. S. Dalby be placed on
the ballot as candidates for the re
publican nominations for members of
the lower branch of the legislature
from the Thirty-first representative
The Nemaha County Republican
and the Auburn Granger have been
consolidated. R. E. Cunningham pur
chased the interests of his partner,
Mr. De Wolf, in the Republican, and
later made a deal with J. H. Ilundas,
whereby he became the owner of the
Granger. Mr. Dundas retires from
the Auburn newspaper field after
thirty years of active service.
The sale of the Lincoln Western
league baseball club by Hugh L.
Jones to the Lincoln Baseball and
Amusement Co., a stock company,
was completed last week. The sale
price of the club was announced at
$12,500. George R. Stone, formerly
a big league player, now a banker at
Coleridge, is the new president of the
club. William (Ducky) Holmes, man
ager of the Lincoln club in 1906 and
1907, will manage the team.
A small, carefully made black cof
fin was left on the porch of the home
of Mrs. F. E. Brown of Fremont re
cently. The coffin contained Mrs.
Brown's name in red ink. It had b-^en
constructed in a skilful manner and
covered with black enamel. It was
turned over to the county sheriff who
claims to have found evidence indicat
ing who the sender is. Mrs. Brown
has been very ill for some time and
the incident is looked upon with ex
treme gravity by relatives.
Eleven thousand dollars in old se
curities were unearthed at the home
of Peter Bradenberger, an aged re
cluse, who died on his farm near
Lincoln a few days ago. No heirs are
known, but efforts are being made
to locate relatives of the dead man.
The Nebraska City council has re
fused to pay the bills of the water
and light company until the latter
pays its occupation tax. which
has been delinquent for the past sev
eral months and amounts to nearly
$700. It is thought a lawsuit may be
the result of the controversy.
Arthur J. Weaver of Falls City,
known as one of the most successful
fruit growers in Nebraska, is being
urged by his republican friends to en
ter the lists as a candidate for Unit
ed States senator.
The town of Chadron started the
new year with two new buildings
under construction. A $10,000 opera
house, with a seating capacity of 300,
and a bank building that will cost
$40,000 are under way. A new bank
is to be opened in Chadron in the
near future, financed by eastern cap
More* than 50 000 sheep are being
wintered this season in the vicinity
of Shelton.
According to reports of health au
thorities there are over 100 cases of
scarlet fever in Omaha.
Herb Stillwell, Otoe county farmer,
reports the loss of eighteen head of
cattle by some unknown disease.
Over four hundred young farmers
are taking a short course in agricul
ture at the Wayne State Normal.
Herbert Howe, son of the late
Church Howe, has been elected head
of the First National bank of Auburn.
The town of Ravenna has a new
auto regulation which requires cars
to be parked in the center of the
W. A. Overhage and W. W. Moore
have purchased the Schuyler Sun. F.
Ralston Moore will continue as local
The record for moisture precipita
tion at Beatrice last year was 35.9
inches, or 12 inches more than in
A. L. Caviness, secretary of the
State Normal board, has been elected
superintendent of the public schools
of Kearney.
The Blair National bank has sur
rendered its federal charter and rein
corporated as a state institution.
There is no change in officers.
York county’s treasurer has issued
more than 600 automobile licenses
during the year 1915, giving York
county third place in the state.
W. B. Rogers of Giltner has pur
chased the Gibbon Reporter from R.
A. St. John. Mr. St. John expects to
engage in the banking business.
A penny lunch, consisting of soup,
vegetables and bread, is being pro
vided for Omaha school children by
a woman’s organization of the city.
S. C. Webber sold 40 acres of pas
ture land two miles northwest of
Schuyler recently to Jim Paviicek,
for $150 an acre. The land is not
r ive thousand bushels of grain
were consumed when fire completely
destroyed the Babbs grain elevator at
Beatrice. The loss will aggregate
Nearly one hundred guests were
driven into the frigid night air thinly
clad when fire destroyed The Grand
hotel at Arlington. The loss is esti
mated at $20,000.
Nebraska City movies have been
notified that there will be no more
vaudeville there because of the fail
ure of that particular feature to make
good on the circuit.
The dates for the annual tourna
ment of the State Bowling association
have been set for the week beginning
April 3, at Lincoln. Lincoln had the
meeting last year.
A new mi'k inspection ordinance
has just gone into effect at Beatrice.
The ordinance provides for testing
dairy cows, as well as their milk.
Dairymen have offered no objections.
The annual report of the Beatrice
Y. M. C. A. for the year 1915 shows
that the attendance at the various
department meetings for the year was
32,736, a flattering increase over the
previous year.
Union evangelistic services are be
ing held in the huge tabernacle just
completed for that purpose at Paw
nee City. The services commenced
New Year’s evening and will continue
through the month of January. The
tabernacle has a seating capacity of
over 1,200.
The Rev. Fletcher L. Wharton,
pioneer Methodist minister of Lin
coln, received a substantial New
Year’s gift from business men of that
city. He was given a canceled mort
gage on his home for $3,500 and $220
in gold, or $3,720 in all.
Charles Olson, 32, a young farmer
residing two and one-half miles north
west of Cedar Bluffs slipped under a
tractor engine which he was taking
to his homo and was fatally injured.
He lived but a few hours. His skull
was fractured and lower limbs
Edgar Howard, editor of the Colum
bus Telegram, is confined to his homo
with scalp wounds, a wrenched back
and possibly internal injuries re
ceived New Year’s night when an au
tomobile, traveling at high speed,
struck him as he was walking on the
street in Columbus.
F. H. Barclay of Pawnee and C. C.
Westcott of Plattsmouth, president
and secretary of the Nebraska Retail
Clothiers’ association, were in Omaha
last week arranging for the first con
vention of the organization to be
held in the metropolis February 15
and 16. The association was organ
ized last March and a delegation of
several hundred is expected.
Hog breeders of Johnson eounty
and the northern half of Gage county
are pleased with the work the gov
ernment is doing at the Teeumseh
station in its efforts at eradicating
hog cholera. Since April 1, 1914, the
work has been carried on under the
direction of Dr. S. E. Cosford and four
assistants, government veterinarians.
The result has been the reducing of
the loss in 1915 to approximately
1,000 head of hogs, or but one-sixth
the loss of the year before the work
was begun.
A number of cases of smallpox
having developed at Wymore, a meet
ing of the mayor and city council and
the physicians of the city was held
last w'eek for the purpose of consider
ing plans to prevent the spreading of
the disease.
Bob Foster, a barber of Kearney,
died at his home suddenly, the death
having about it an air of mystery. It
is believed he consumed a quantity
of hair tonic or otherwise swallowed
the poison by mistake. When found
by the physician he was in a delirium
from which he never recovered.
The village of Lewiston suffered a
destructive fire recently. Three build
ings, a hardware store, a general
merchandise store and a shoe store
were destroyed. The estimated loss
is $30,000.
J. Swartz, a fanner residing in En
dicott precinct, holds the record for
raising the most corn per acre on a
small field in Jefferson county. From
three and one-half acres he husked
out 355 bushels of corn, an average
of 102 1-7 bushels per acre. The corn
was weighed and seventy-five pounds
were given per bushel.
Not a Myth but an Actuality*
Shown in the Returns of Ag
ricultural Statistics and
Every Department of
Trade and Com
The trade revival in Manitoba, Saa
katchewan and Alberta is an actuality
and not a myth. There is today a
spirit of optimism in the air, just as
two years ago there prevailed the op
posite spirit of pessimism.
A general trade revival has been
felt in every department of business in
the Prairie Provinces. The agricul
turists are in better shape than they
have ever been before in their lives.
No farmers of any country are in bet
ter financial condition and in a more
general state of prosperity than are
the farmers of Manitoba, Saskatche
wan and Alberta. The farmers have
harvested a record crop—a crop which
enriches them to the extent of some
thing over $400,000,000.
In the cities the prosperity of th«
country has been reflected. Every
where business Is on the hustle. The
wholesalers and the retailers and the
implement dealers find business goofi /
The banks and other collection houses t
find collections satisfactory, and finan
cial men declare that westerners are
paying up their debts. In Winnipeg
the bank clearings have been the larr^
est in history, exceeding some weekt^
the figures of Montreal and Toronto
The grain shipments have been the
biggest in the history of Winnipeg and
in the history of the twin ports, Fort
W'illiam and Port Arthur. The mail
order houses have had a big year, the
rush of fall orders exceeding all previ
ous years and taxing the capacity of
these establishments, whose most san
guine expectations have been exceeded
by the actual business done.
The tide has turned in western Can
ada. The people of the West are
forging ahead, forging ahead in actual
production and in creation of wealth,
giving generously to charitable and
other funds, paying up their back
debts, while going along carefully as
regards any creation of new debts.
They are economizing but not scrimp
ing, acting cautiously but not miserly.
The financial heads of eastern Canada,
of the United States and of Europe are
no longer criticizing western Canada:
rather they are unstintedly offering
their praise and their compliments.
The financial press recognizes that
the tide has turned in western Canada,
and it has been published to the world.
The condition of western Canada at
the close of 1915 is one of optimistic
prosperity, backed by the same deter
mination of western people to go on
increasing their productiveness and
maintaining the records which they
have already established.
The trade revival of western Canada
Is the happiest feature in the business
survey of the whole Dominion for 1915
and in the outlook for 1916.—Adver
Extremes Meeting.
She—My dear, the coal's all out.
He—And I'm all in!
Dr. Pierce’s Pellets are best for liver,
bowels and stomach. One little Pellet for
a laxative—three for a cathartic.—Adv.
Some men spend so much time
boosting the other fellow’s game that
they forget their own.
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for
Infants and children, and see that it
In Use For Over 30 Tears.
Children Cry for Fletcher’s Caatori*
A woman is always perfectly sure
she is in the right until it comes to
backing her apinion with real money
To set the Benuine, call for full name. LAXA
TIVE BROMO QUININE. Look for siBnatnre
of E. W. GROVE. Cures a Cold in One Dar. *sc
Painless Method.
DeAuber—I wonder why the art
committee failed to hang my picture?
Criticus—Perhaps they thought it
would be less painful to electrocute It.
Says Too Much Meat Forms Uric Acid >.
Which Clogs the Kidneys and i
Irritates the Bladder. f
Most folks forget that the kidneys,
like the bowels, get sluggish and clog
ged and need a flushing occasionally,
else we have backache and dull misery
in the kidney region, severe head
aches, rheumatic twinges, torpid liver,
acid stomach, sleeplessness and all
sorts of bladder»disorders.
You simply must keep your kidneys
active and clean, and the moment you
feel an ache or pain in the kidney
region, get about four ounces of Jad
Salts from any good drug store here,
take a tablespoonful in a glass of
water before breakfast for a few days
and your kidneys will then act fine.
This famous salts is made from the
acid of grapes and lemon juice, com
bined with lithia, and is harmless to
flush clogged kidneys and stimulate
them to normal activity. It also neu
tralizes the acid's in the urine so it
no longer irritates, thus ending blad
der disorders.
Jad Salts is harmless; Inexpensive;
makes a delightful effervescent lithia
water drink which everybody should
take now and then to keep their kid
neys clean, thus avoiding serious com
A well-known local druggist says he
sells lots of Jad Salts to folks who be
lieve in overcoming kidney trouble v
while it is only trouble.—Adv.
Saying the right thing at the right
t’me is equivalent to keeping your
moutn shut when you have nothing to