I l ^|P Shoes Men’s Shoes $4.50 Dress Shoes, genuine Kangaroo.Sale Priee $3.79 $4.50 English Dress Shoes.Sale Price $3.79 $3.85 Gun Metal Shoes.Sale Price $3.19 $3.35 Gun Metal Shoes.Sale Price $2.69 $2.95 Gun Metal Shoes.Sale Price $2.39 Men’s Work Shoes Peter’s Good Feeler, $4 value.Sale Price $3.49 Peter’s Homestake, $3.95 value.Sale Price $3.19 $3.00 0. U. Shu.Sale Price $2.49 $3.40 Tuffer.. - Sale Price $2.69 $3.50 Storm King.Sale Pnce $2.79 $3.60 Willow.Sale Price $2.89 Ladies’ Shoes Kirkendall Dress Shoes $3.75 Value.Sale Price $2.98 Foot-Schult, $3.25 Patent Colt.Sale Price $2.69 Peter’s Black Diamond $2.35 Gun Metal Sale Pnce $1.89 Mayer Gun Metal, $2.50 Value.Sale Pnce $1.89 Peter’s Tan Calf, $3.50 Value.Sale Price $2.48 Mayer’s $3.25 Value.Sale Price $1.89 Martha Washington, $2.50 Value.Sale Price $1.98 Boy’s and Girl’s Shoes Peter’s Good Value, $2.50 value, sizes 2 to 6. .Sale Price $1.96 Peter’s Black Diamond, $2.25 value, sizes 13 to 2,. .Sale Price $1.76 Peter’s Black Diamond$2.10 value, size 7 to 13, Sale Price $1.67 Peter’s O. U. Shu, $1.85 value, size 10 to 2,.Sale Price $1.39 Men’s and Ladies’ Oxfords Peter’s Black Diamond, $4.50 value.Sale Price $3.29 Peter’s Cascade, $3.00 value.Sale Price $1.98 Peter’s Vici Kid, $2.00 value.Sale Price $1.36 Mayer’s Custom Made, $3.50 value.Sale Price $2.19 Ladies’ Peter’s Diamond Special, $2.75 value,Sale Price $1.79 Mayer’s Custom Made, $3.25 value.Sale Price $1.98 Misses* Oxfords Kirkendall Mary Jane, $1.75 value.Sale Price $1.29 Peter’s Mary Jane, $2.00 value.Sale Price $1.39 Mayer’s Mary Jane, $1.75 value...Sale Price $1.19 Rubber Boots B. F. Goodrich Rubber Boots, $4.25 value.Sale Price $3.19 All overshoes and rubbers will be reduced in price dur ing this sale. * Men’s Shirts Fine Silk Shirts, $3.00 value.Sale Price $1.29 Fine Silk Shirts, $2.50 value.Sale Price 98c Wool Shirts, $2.50 value.Now $1.89 Wool Shirts, $2.00 value.Now $1.69 Wool Shirts, $1.75 value.Now $1.29 Dress Shirts, $1.50 value. Now $1.09 Dress Shirts, $1.25 value.Now 98c Dress Shirts, $1.00 value.Now 79c Dress Shirts, 50c value.Now 39c Work Shirts, 50c value.Now 39c Boy’s Work Shirts, 40c value..•.Now 29c Men’s Trousers, Etc. $4.50 value.Sale Price $3.29 $4.00 value.Sale Price $2.98 $3.00 value.Sale Price $1.98 $2.00 value.Sale Price $1.29 $1.00 value.Sale Price 79c Men’s Overalls, $1.00 value...Now 89c Men’s Jackets, $1.00 value.Now 86c Men’s Jackets, 75c value.Now 59c All over Overalls, $1.90 value.Sale Price $1.49 Men’s Duck Coats, $2.50 value.Sale Price $1.79 Men’s Duck Coats, $1.50 value.Sale Price $1.19 B. F. Goodrich Rainproof Slipon, $7.50 value.Now $5.39 $6.00 Raincoats.Now $3.29 Men’s Caps $1.25 value...Sale Price 89c $1.00 value.Sale Price 79c 50c value...Sale Price 35c Boy’s 50c value.Sale Price 35c Men’s Leather Caps, $1.25 value.Sale Price 89c Men’s Leather Caps, $1.00 value... ..Sale Price 69c Children’s Overcoats Children’s Overcoats, $6.00 value.....Sale Price $3.29 Children’s Overcoats, $5.00 value.Sale Price $2.79 Trunks $9.00 value.Sale Price $5.98 $6.50 value.Sale Price $4.29 $4.00 value.Sale Price $2.49 Men’s Sweater Coats $6.50 value...Sale Price $4.98 $4.50 value.Sale Price $3.89 $3.00 value.Sale Price $1.98 $2.50 value.Sale Price $1.48 $1.50 value.Sale Price $1.19 Men’ and Ladies’ Jersey Sweaters $2.00 value.Sale Price $1.69 $1.50 value.Sale Price $1.19 $3.50 value.Sale Price $1.98 $3.00 value.Sale Price $1.79 $2.50 value.Sale Price $1.49 $2.00 value.Sale Price $1.29 Men’s Hats, Etc. $3.00 Derby Hat.Sale Price $2.19 $3.00 Soft Hat.Sale Price $1.98 $2.50 Soft Hat.Sale Price $1.69 $2.00 Soft Hat.Sale Price $1.19 Men’s Sheep lined vests, $3.25 value.Sale Price 98c Men’s Leggins, 65c value.Now 48c Men’s Leggins, 60c value-.'.Now 39c Men’s Corduroy gauntlet gloves 25c value.Sale Price 17c Men’s Cotton gauntlet gloves 15c...Now 9c Men’s Cotton gauntlet gloves, 10c.Now 7c Men’s cotton mittens, 15c value.Now 11c Children’s cotton gloves, 10c value.Now 6c Children’s cotton mittens, 10c value.4.Now 6c Men’s 15c Handkerchiefs.Sale Price 11c Men’s 10c Handkerchiefs.Sale Price 7c Men’s 5c Handkerchiefs.Sale Price 4c Ladies ’ 15c Handkerchiefs.Sale Price 11c Ladies’ 10c Handkerchiefs.Sale Price 7c A Colossal Event—Never Again Such a sale as this. The pins knocked from under high prices. Mail order houses under sold—factory prices shat tered. Read this announcement from start to finish; it will pay you handsomely. In order to all confusion and misun derstanding we ask you to read this document often, then bring it with you to our sale of this stock, so there cannot be the slightest mistake regarding the values, etc. A square deal and one price to all. This sale positively lasts only 25 days. Now is the time to buy. A Sale. Kg in its extent; big in its scope; and big in its benefits most timely. For many reasons this is one of the most important sales ever held in Sherman County, for none but Merchandise of the highest quality enters into this selling. Read! Think!. Act? Lost opportunities never return. O'clock,' tatting 25! lays To the Public: Our instructions being to accomplish in the limited period of 25 busii!S days that which could not ordinarily be done in 6 months t.bi« sale will be all and *>. the words imply. All the might of our limitless resources will be thrown in one grand proo ;hat the prices here quoted are unmatchable in the way of giving genuine values Our vast experience teaches us that price alone will accomplish satisfactory resultsind uP°n the principal of low prices the greatest strides will be made Each and every article in this sale will be reduced in price for 25 days, and more i vill pay you to attend every day. It matters not where you live or what the weather conditions may be, it will pay 5 ** on hand in order to protect your pocket book and secure your share of manv bar train* Notice: Mr. Held has been in business long enough in your town to be well and fav lbly know for square dealings and honorable business principals. * While this sensational movement came unexpectedly, you can rest assured that eacl nd every article must be as represented. Let us have your attention for a moment. We have turned our entire stock over Walter A. McClure, who agrees to raise $8,000 in just 25 days. In order to do so we are going to present to the pfeople of this city and surrounding country the most astounding feast of b rains ever known in the history of this county. This $12,000 stock is composed of the' wrv highest grade of general merchandise. Not an article in this store like catalogue houses ca '• The motto of this store has been, “Not how cheap, but how good1’’ Having turned our ™ tire stock over to an experienced Sales Manager, with positive instructions to “get the md y” means we ^ the lid off, get our axe and start to slash prices as we know from ex perience of years that it takes prices and Real Bargains to sell the merchandise, so you wilJISf1 here some of tbe greatest bargains you everdreamed of—in fact we’want to raise vour ex pectations to the very highest point, for the values we are going to give you will be far frSnrr’ most vivid imagination; they will be so astounding that everyone will remark upon seeing the goods “How can they do it?” Well, our instructions are, “get the money and get d nick”— so we will. The entire stock—regardless of cost or former prices. 8 Pause, Peruse and Profit. This entire stock is on sale but our guarantee goes wit? 7ery article, covers every statement, and includes every price we make herein and we wish to emphasize that no misrepresentation or the slightest exaggeration has been tolerated id dis advertisement. This is an occasion, an opportunity so different, so extraordinary that even a comparison would be rediculous. To raise money on this stock on hand there is b]11® alternative—“Let the goods go for what they will bring.” Eclipsing all former efforts, anoriginal and direct appeal to the economical instincts every man, woman and child within 50 miles to whom the saving of a dollar is equivalent to a dollar made. 4 An event that will always be remembered as Central Nebraska’s most sensational IV cantde Movement of high class Merchandise. Nothing like it ever before attempted A Square Deal to all. F To the people: Having handled merchandise for years in the capacity of Sales Manag * can sPea,k with good authority, so will say that here is a good stock that Sherman county should be proud of. Now that it is offered to the buying public at such prices, it certainly w move fast. Now is the time to lay in your season’s supply ^ WALTER j McCLURE, Sales 1 iager. Look For the Colored Tag^ They Tell the Big Savings This Sale Positively Lasts ( nly 25 Days. Now's aieTime to bw Sherman County’s Fin •* Stock of Merchandise ———. __ =^=^^^========!==== —! TFINK! ACT! Lost Opportunities Never Return i I I TUESDAY, JANUARY 11TH We Will sell from 10 to 11 o’clock, 10 yards of CALICO for 10c. .Each Lady must measure her own ten yards and only ten yards to each person. Have your 10c ready. THURSDAY, JANUARY 13TH We will sell WHITE RUSSIAN SOAP 10 bars for 25c, from 11 to 12 o’clock. Only one order to a customer. MONDAY, JANUARY 17TH We will sell Men and Ladies’ Shoes and Oxfords, values up to $5.00, in Patent Leather, Tan and Black Dress Shoes. They go at 98c. WEDNESDaIaNUARY 19TH We Will sell Bogota Cofl'egular 30c coffee at 21c. Not over 5 pounds to a customerirom 10 to 11 O’clock. FRl^Y.luARY 21ST We will sell, from 10•v,o|^ocHa £°°d ^-sewedbroom at 19c. Not over 3 brooms^ x) a|,mer‘ v MONIKA Y, | UARyV 24TH We will sell Coat’s Thr from 9 t0 10 °’clock at 3c per spool, not over 3 spools to a omer’ From 10 to 11 o’clock, Dress Ginghams, regular 12 linghams at 8c per yard. Not over ten yards to a custome: --====== WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 26TH W will sell Sunkiss Oatmeal, regular 25c package at 14c, from 11 to 12 o’clock. Not over 3 packages to a customer. FRIDAY, JANUARY 28TH We will give free 25c worth of sugar, a oan of corn and a market basket with a Dollar’s worth of groceries for 98c from 11 to 12 o’clock. MONDAY, JANUARY 31st We will close out all remnants and broken lines of merchan dise that will be in the store on this date. Real Bargains. Close mt prices. Don’t miss this day. . Don’t Miss a I y of This Sale. - Everything as YOUTS llSpeCtf ully, We know your representations, nor T\ A A A Cl'V 1 cred.t is good but at _ the slightest exag- U L/ 1 I I I \1 J the prices we are geration^has^been Jjj JJ jBjy* | making, we will sell ture and fixtures for P. G. HEljj Proprietor I Bring in Your Produce I _ * 1] Same as Cash - ASHTON, - 1 - NEBRASKA — ............... Underwear Men \s 2-piece cotton, heavy fleece underwear at... 39c Men s Union heavy cotton fleece underwear at... .79' Men s Union light weight underwear, $1.25c value.Now 79c Men s l mon light weight underwear, $1.00 value Now 69c Men s Union light weight underwear, 50c value..! Now 36c Men s Mool union underwear, $2.50 value. Now $1 79 Men s Mool union underwear, $2.25 value. ' Now $1 69 Ladies ’ 2-piece heavy fleece cotton underwear.... 39c Ladies’ Union heavy fleece underwear, $1.25 value... .Now'89c Ladies Union light weight underwear, 50c value.Now 39c Ladies \est, light weight, 15. Now Qn Ladies’ Pants, light weight, 25c. .Now 19c Boy’s heavy fleece union suits, 65c value. Now 49c Boy’s heavy fleece union suits, 50c value..Now 39c Girls’ heavy fleece union suits, 65c value. Now 49c Girls’ heavy fleece union suits, 50c value.. “ ^Now 39c Hose Ladies’ all-silk hose, 50c value. wnw on Ladies’ silk boot hose, 25c value..S® Ladies’ silk lisle hose, 25c value. Now 19c Ladies’ cotton hose, 15c value...Now 11c Ladies ’ heavy fleece hose, 15c value. Now 11 * Men’s silk lisle hose, 25c value. Now 1Qr Men’s silk lisle hose, 20c value.Now 14c Men’s cotton hose, 15c value. Now 11c Men’s cotton hose, 10c value. Now 7c Children’s cotton hose, 15c value.Now 11c Children’s cotton hose, 10c value. Now 7c Blankets and Batting $5.50 all wool blankets.Sale Price $4.59 $4.o0 all wool blankets.Sale Price $3.29 $3.o0 all wool blankets. Sale Price $2.19 $2.50 Woolnap blankets.Sale Price $1.89 $2.00 Woolnap blankets.Sale Price $1.59 $1.50 Woolnap blankets,.Sale Price $1.19 Baby blankets, . .75c value.Now 49c Baby Blankets, 50c value.Now 39c Large size bed covers, $2.25 value.Now $1.49 Large size bed covers, $2.00 value.Now $1.29 Bed spread, $2.25 value.Now $1.59 Lace curtains, $1.50 value.Now 89c Single curtain 45c 90c Bats.Sale Price 69c 85c Bats.Sale Price 59c 15c Bats.Sale Price 11c 15c Bats.Sale Price 9c 10c Bats...Sale Price 7c Ladies9 Caps and Hoods $1.50 value.Sale Price 89c $1.00 value.Sale Price 59c Ladies9 Coats $15.00 value.Sale Price $7.98 $10M0 value.Sale Price $4.98 $8.00 value.Sale Price $3.98 Ik no Vailue.. ^ce $3-39 on Va!Ue. Sale 1,1106 $2.98 fonn iue.Sale Price $2.19 $3.00 value..Sale price $198 Groceries, Etc. Everything in the Grocery Department will be sold at less than cost. All stoneware up to 10 gallons will be sold at 8c per gallon. 10 to 20 gallons, Sale Price 9c; 20 to 30 gallons, Sale Price 11c. Potatoes In order to close out all goods I will put on sale 500 bushels of Early Ohio Seed Potatoes at 59c per bushel. Special prices in large lots. Booster Coupons During This Sale during th^sa^* * g°°d hoo*teT IwiU ^ve the Booster coupons Dress Goods Ginghams, 12ic value.Sale Price 9>c Ginghams, 10c value.. price g(. Ginghams, 8c value.Sale Price 6c Ginghams, 7c value.Sale Price 5c Outmg Flannel, 10 and 12c values.Sale Price 8c I aisting Flannel, 15 and 20c values. Sale Price 11c Comfort Clotli, 121c value...SalePr“e9c Comfort Cloth, 10c value.Sale Price 8c I French Ginghams, 25c value.Sale Price 18c j Sllk Stripe goods> 25c values.Sale Price 18c j White goods, 15c values.Sale Price Uc I Crepe, regular 35, 30 and 2i6c values. Sale Price 18c Waisting goods, 40c values.. Sale Price 25c Eiderdown, 50e value.Sale Price 39c i Flannel waisting, 50c values.Sale Price 36c Curtain Scrim, 50c value.Sale Price 38c Curiam Scrim, 40c value.Sale Price 26c Colored Damask, 50c value.Sale Price 39c Table Linen, $1.00 value.Sale Price 79c Table Linen, 60c value.. Price 39o Sheeting, 9-4,25c value.Sale Price 18c Sheeting, 10-4, 35c value.Sale Price 24c Pillow Tubing, 42 in., 20c value.Sale Price 14c Yoshina Silk, 25c value.. Sale Price 18c I Crepes Kimona goods, 35c value.. .Sale Price 23c Crepes Kimona goods, 20e value.•.. .Sale Price 14c I Wool, Silk, Etc. All $1.25 goods in serges and fancy colors.Sale Price 89c All $1.00 goods in serges and fancy colors.Sale Price 79c All ioc, 65c and 50c goods in serges and plaids. .Sale Price 39c $1.00 Silk, yard wide, in plain colors, checks, plaids and figured A fine selection.Sale Price 69c A1150csilks..Sale Price 39c Heavy corduroy, $1.00 value..*.. 6?c All wool red flannel, $1.50 value...Now 98c Red Flannel, 40c value. jjow ^ J Grocery Department | Corn, 10c value.. ^ ?Jc Salmon, 15c value.Side Price 10c I Matches.3 boxes for 10c j Calumet Baking Powder, 25c...Now 19c 1 Calumet Baking Powder, 15c.. 19c | Calumet Baking Powder, 10c. Now 8c 1 No l0ysters..."per can 8c I Sardines, mustard. .0 = .per can 8c | Sardines, oil. - _ a = ’ .per can 4c | Sweet Potatoes, 15c value. jj-qw uc | Pumpkins, 15c value.. 11(J | Pears..3 lb' can 11c I H°miny.per can 8c I Sunkissed Oatmeal.large package 19c | Puffed Wheat, 15c value.• .Now 9c i Coffee Special, 25c value.. § Beets, 15c value.. 11(J | Sunshine Com Flakes.. package 5e M Macaroni.Sale Price 8c | White Russian Soap.Sbars for 25c | Spaghetti.. Price 8c | bait, per bbl.Sale Price $1.89 M Doomed to Go 11 stock^riWtE2* t kneW WJ - b'S,!TT j'11 hf «- *■* ‘his sale. Our I .‘'E'rS*'6'a a kaiS&e ’-*I isa^sS^6 tssa *3 ~ 'fOS^A ai I