The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, December 30, 1915, Image 5
tW. F. MASON, President. L. HANSEN, Cashier. New Year’s Greetings We take this opportunity of extending to our friends and patrons hearty thanks for the most gen erous patronage extended us during the past year. The old year closes with a heavy' increase of deposits at our bank and we begin the New Year under bright auspices. The beginning of a New' Year is a good time to remember that while the best friend on earth may fail you, a nice little bank account is always behind y'ou. Start the New' Year right by placing an account with us. Deposit with us each w'eek a small per cent of your income and at the end of the year you will be surprised at the results, and will never miss the amount from your daily living. We invite you at the beginning of this glad New Year to join our growing list of satisfied customers and make our bank your bank. First National Bank "g We Pay Five Per Cent Interest on Time Deposits Announcement! . ■■ ■ — Our Store is Headquarters for Black Cat RE-INFORCED HOSIERY WESTERN UNION TELEGRAM Kenosha, Wis., Dec. 21,1915. R. L. Arthur, Loup City, Neb. Our new dye plant solves the problem of fast black dye for cotton hosiery. It is proven by every conceivable test a faster black than the imported article and has been found strictly harmless to fabrics. j You can assure your customers that FAST BLACK) will continue to be part of the broad BLACK CAT Guarantee of Complete Satisfaction to Wearer. Chicago-Kenosha Hosiery Company. Here you’ll find a complete stock of Fast Black Cat Hosiery. You can depend upon the same non-fading, non-crocking, sanitary dyes always used in its con struction. There’s a Black Cat stocking to suit every member of the family. Any material, weight or color at the price you want to pay. Buy your hosiery here, where satisfaction is guaranteed. R. L. ARTHUR LOUP CITY EVENTS I Happy New Year! Daily sells for less. Try Chase’s first—it pays. Rev. E. M. Steen was a business passenger to Ord Monday. A. N. Cook was a business passen senger to Grand Island Tuesday. Bert G. Travis and wife spent Saturday with friends at Boelus. J. B. O'Bryan returned home from Omaha last Friday where he had been on business. Henry Ohlsen was a passenger to Schuyler, Nebr., Wednesday morning, j where he is working. Roscoe Owens came up from his school duties at Grand Island Friday to spend the holidays with home folks. D. L. Adamson and son, Clyde, re turned to Seward, Monday, after spending Christmas with home folks. The Mesdames Wall, Landersc and Rounds visited in our city Wednesday j at the A. Wall, A. M. Bennett and W. T. Owens homes. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Magnusen re turned to their home at Marquette, aft ,.x spending the past week visiting at ^the J. Magnusen home. ^(jtflss Florence Leininger returned hhine from Fremont last Friday where she has ben teaching school the past month, to visit over the holidays with borne folks. '_ j i Daily sells for less. Try Chase’s first—it pays. E. G. Taylor was transacting busi ness at Rockville last Thursday. A. O. Lewis was at Ashton and Schaupps Monday on business. W. C. Mackey is visiting here over the holidays with his many friends. Miss Ruth Levy is spending the holidays with her parents at Hastings. Elmer Chaffee was a business visi tor to Ashton and Schaupps Monday. L. H. Spahr cleans and repairs all kinds of sewing machines. At Jas. Bartunek’s Hardware store. Mrs. Lizzie Shrove and nephew, Raymond Keith, visited with friends at Rockville a few days last week. Mrs. A. B. Dugger arrived here last Thursday from Tussa, Okla., to visit with her father, Robert Grutter. The Misses Klea and Lila McNulty came over from Hazard last Friday to visit during the holidays with home folks. Mrs. Grace Johnson came up form St. Paul last Friday to visit over the holidays with her mother, Mrs. Susar Tockey. The Misses Marie and Alma Remy arrived here from Grand Island last Thursday to visit with their aunt Mrs. T. R. Lay, and family over the holidays. Daily sells for less. Try Chase’s first—it pays. For general repair work, call on L. H. Spahr. Alfalfa hay for sale. Inquire of Burr Robbins. Hansen’s Sunny Smile coal—Your warmest friend. The Misses Alma and Erma Hapka are spending the holidays with friends at Ashton. Frank Sobiesczyzk and little daugh ter, visited at Ashton last Thursday with relatives. Paul McLaughlin was an eastbound passenger to Aurora last Thursday to visit with relatives. Miss Cora Leatherman left last Thursday morning for Batavia, Iowa, to visit with relatives. \\ illiam Odendahl and wife came up from Ashton Saturday to visit over Sunday with relatives. R. E. Dale returned home from Lin coln last Thursday where he has been working the past month. Raymond Oltman was an eastbound passenger to Omaha Saturday, return ing home Tuesday evening. A. B. Conger returned last Thurs day from Broken Bow where he had been on a business mission. C. A. Clark returned to his home at Ravenna last Thursday after visit ing here with many friends. James Bartunek left Monday morn ing for St. Joe, Mo., to purchase new goods for his harness shop. Carl Evans, who is employed at the C. B. & Q. depot, spent Christmas with home folks at Hastings. Earl Morrow returned home last Thursday from Aurora where he has been working the past summer. Ed. Oltman and family visited over Sunday here with relatives and many friends, returning home Monday. Miss Alice McBeth left last Thurs day moring for Osceola, Nebr., to visit over the holidays with relatives. January 7. a big dance at the opera house. Music by the Peerless orches tra of Ord. Don't forget the date. Mrs. Joe O’Bryan visited with her son Harvey O’Bryan, and family, and many friends at St. Paul Monday. Mrs. E. G. Taylor, and family, spent Christmas with relatives at St. Taul. They returned home in the evening. John Dietz and wife came up from Rockville last Friday and visited over Christmas at the John Stanczvk home. Herman Ohlsen came home from David City last Thursday to visit over the holiday season with home folks. Mrs. Mary Harll came up from Grand Island last Thursday to visit over the holidays with the Burr Rob bins family. Mrs. D. B. Carpenter visited here with many friends several days last week, returning to her home at Aus tin Thursday. Mrs. Albert Anderstrom and baby came up from Ashton Saturday even ing to visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Corning. Miss Louise Bartunek returned to Ord Monday after visiting here over Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Bartunek. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Keairnes ar rived here last Friday to spend over the holidays with their daughter, Mrs. J. W. Dougal. and family. Mrs. Nick Hansen and daughter, Gertrude, and son Lawrence, spent the day at Rockville last Thursday visiting with many friends. Mrs. J. E. Page and little Miss Emma Currier, returned to Morril, Nebr., last Thursday after visiting here at the L. H. Currier home. The Misses Jennie Sutton and Eunice Chase left Monday morning for Omaha to visit a week with Miss Marie Seabolt, formerly of this place. Mrs. A. J. Morgan, who attended the funeral here of her brother, W. J. Fisher, returned to her home at Mountain View, Nebr., Monday noon. The Misses Clara Anderson and Amanda Steen, attended the Christ mas program given at Miss Ida Steen’s school at Schaupps last Thurs day. Little Alice Mulick came up from her school duties at Ashton last Thursday to visit over the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Mulick. James G. Emery and Miss Bertha B. Allen, both of Comstock, were married by Rev. L. V. Slocumb at the home of Mr. Draper in Loup City, Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Enevoldsen and son Gilbert, returned to their home at Dannebrog Monday after spending Christmas with Mrs. Enevoldsen’s sister, Mrs. W. P. Taylor. J. I. Depew and wife, and daughter, Miss Roena, and the Misses Lena and Ada Smith, spent Christmas with the Barnes family at Aurora. They re turned home Monday evening. Mrs. A. T. Conger and two daugh ters, Alice and Abbie, were passen gers to Blair, Nebr., last Friday to attend the golden wedding anniver sary of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Long, and visit over the holidays. Dr. Marcy and son Charles, left lor Sterling, 111., Wednesday morn ing of last week in their sedan car, and in spite of the bad roads, rain, snow and sleet, they made the trip of six hudred and forty miles in three days. They expect to visit in Chica go and other cities before returning. They will be gone about two weeks. Daily sells for less. Try Chase’s first—it pays. Miss Frieda Dieterichs visited at the Fred Rein home at Ashton Mon day. Dwight Willis spent Christmas with friends in Omaha. He returned home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Coltrane spent Christmas with home folks at Sargent. Henry Eisner will fit you with glasses. Satisfaction is guaranteed. I. C. Smith and son Carl. were Rockville passengers last Thursday, returning in the evening. For Sale: A nice lot of Indian Runner ducks for a short time at 75c each—Mrs. John Warrick. Phone 7014. Corn Rakes, 6c per package, at The Loup City Cash Store, Wm. Lew andowski, proprietor. C. P. Peterson was a passenger to Grand Island last Thursday, returning home Saturday evening. Burnett Pinckney was a passenger to North Platte last Thursday to visit with his aunt, Mrs. C. D. Fowles. Albert Fiebig and father, Herman Fiebig, visited over Christmas with George Deininger, and family at St. Paul. Mr. and Mrs. George Lanterman came up from St. Paul last Friday to visit at the Fred Daddow home a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence McLaugh lin visited over Sunady with relatives at Aurora, returning home Monday evening. Charley Evans, Loup City's lost coon, is now located at Greeley. He didn't get as far away as we thought he would. Mrs. Floyd Janulewicz, and children, visited over Christmas with home folks at Ashton, returning home Mon day evening. Don’t forget the dance at the opera house, January 7. Special music by the Peerless orchestra of Ord. You are invited Come. Miss Mable Hansen went to Hast ings last Thursday to visit over Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Hansen. Miss Thressa Dzingle came home from Omaha last Friday to visit over the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dzingle. Fred Cox, and family returned to their home at Arcadia Saturday evening after spending Christmas at the Myrl Warrick home. Bark at (he old stand doing repair work. Bring in your work and see how ornery a looking job I can do for the money.—P. O. REED. Jess Marvel, and family, came down from Arcadia Saturday to visit a few days with Mrs. Marvel’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ohlsen, and family. L. B. Poiski, and family spent Christmas with Mr. Polski’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Poiski, at Ashton, returning home the same evening. Mrs. Claus Eggars was a passenger to Grand Island last Thursday to meet her sister, Mrs. Sylvia Smith of Oma ha, who will visit here for a while. William Schneidereit jr., returned to Lockport, 111., last Thursday morn ing after visiting here with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schneidereit. Mrs. C. H. Ryan . and son Frank, and sister, Miss Fern Bond, were pas sengers to Gresham, Nebr., last Fri day to spend the holidays with home folks. Mrs. J. H. Arnett was a passenger to McCool and Phillips, Nebr., last Saturday to visit with her son, J. W. Arnett, and daughter. She returned home Tuesday evening. Lou Schwaner and family visited over Christmas with relatives at Ord. Mr. Schwaner returning home Monday evening while Mrs. Schwaner and Charles remained for a longer visit. Mrs. E. A. Miner and son visited with her sister, Mrs. Carrie Mathiew son, and family at Wolbach during the holiday season. Mr. Miner going down Saturday and visiting over Sun day. W. E. Henry, and family, arrived here last Thursday from Fort Mor gan. Colo., and spent over Christmas at the F. M. Henry and J. P. Lein inger homes. They returned to their home Monday noon. At the annual session of the Ameri can association of fairs and exposi liofis, neld at Chicago, last week, W. R. Mellor, secretary of the Nebraska state board of agriculture, was unani mously re-elected president of the as sociation for 1915-16. The high school seniors held a class party in Society hall Monday evening. The evening was pleasantly spent and refreshments consisting of ice cream and cake were served. Misses Ohlsen, Woods and Clark and Mac and Archie Brown were guests at the party. Mrs. Margaret Ling and two grand daughters, Cecil and Gladys Ling, came up from Aurora last Thursday and visited over Christmas with home folks. Mrs. Ling returned home Wednesday morning while the girls will remain until after New Years. They are attending school at Aurora. The 1916 primary election will be held on the 18th of April. This is rather early and will give plenty of time for the sucesful candidates to get in their best licks by the time election day rolls around. National, state, county and precinct officers are to be elected next year and a merry campaign is looked for. Local politics have commenced to simmer and shortly after the new year many new developments are looked for. ""." ) Daily sells for less. Chase’s for fresh groceries. “Brewster’s Millions” at the opera house Saturday night Vic Swanson is visiting with his mother at Aurora this week. W. D. Zimmerman was a business visitor at Ashton Wednesday. V. L. Johns was transacting busi ness in Grand Island Tuesday. Ernest Rowe and Harry McLaugh lin were Rockville passengers Tues day. Miss Barbara Sobiesczyzk of Schaupps visited over Tuesday in our city. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mickow, December 20, a baby girl. Congratu lations J. L. Baily left for Sweetwater, Neb., Wednesday morning, to spend the winter. Mrs Viola Odendahl visited with her son William A Odendahl at Ash ton Tuesday. Miss Helen Prichard was a Danne brog visitor Tuesday to spend a few days with friends. Miss Frances Biahanta of Omaha arrived Monday and is visiting at the John Oltman home. Mrs. Mrs. S. N. Sweeland left Tuesday for Chicago to visit a week or so with relatives. P. E. Hansen returned Monday from Hastings where he spent Christ mas with his parents. James Burnett was a Grand Island passenger Wednesday morning, re turning in the evening. Miss Fay French went to Schaupps, Tuesday, to visit with her aunt, Mrs. Ed Oltman, and family. Ed Anderson and sister, Clara, and Miss Irene Jack are visiting with Ar cadia friends this week. Miss Carrie Cole is spending the holidays with her parents at Palmer, and friends at North Platte. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Hultz and fam ily are at Rockville and Boelus this week, visiting with relatives. Miss Clara Fullerton came up from Austin Tuesday and spent the day visiting with her many friends. Park Robbins went to Grand Island Wednesday, to visit over the holidays with his aunt, Mrs. W. P. Dunivan. Miss Agnes Weaver of Mason City arrived Wednesday evening to work for the Drs. Bowman & Bowman. J. E. Scott left last Saturday for Madison, Mo., to spend the holidays with his wife and other relatives. Mrs. Viva Gilbert was a passenger to Arcadia Wednesday evening to visit with her son. Art Gilbert, and family. The Misses Victoria and Rose Ta polski came up from Schaupps Wed nesday evening to visit with friends. Miss Vida Cowling was a passenger to Aurora, Wednesday, to spend a week or ten days visiting with rela tives. Julius Sorensen and wife spent over Christmas with relatives and friends at Boelus, returning home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Taylor were pas sengers to Alliance, Tuesday, to visit with Mr. Taylor’s sister, Mrs. Grace Trefney. Earl Daddow was an eastbound pas senger to St. Paul Tuesday to visit his brother-in-law and family A. L. Baliman. Lee Bly and family returned home from Greeley, Wednesday, where they had been visiting over Christmas with relatives. Miss Wanda Tockey returned to her home at Aracadia Wednesday evening after visiting here with rela tives and friends. Norton Lambert and family re turned home Monday evening from St. Paul, where they attended the funeral of W. H. Baliman. J. A. Chandler and wife returned home from Ravenna Monday evening where they had spent the Christmas holidays with relatives. Earl Mcllravy left Wednesday morning for Aurora to spend a few days visiting, and from there he will return to York to school. Mrs. A. Sorenson returned to her home at Lee Park Monday evening, after spending several days here vis iting at the L. Hansen home. Gus Lorentz and Harry Hinman went to Ravenna Wednesday and re turned with Mrs. Lorentz and the children in J. A. Chandler’s auto. Mrs. Dr. O. E. Lonagcre and son left Wednesday morning for Farnum, Nebr., to visit with relatives and from there she goes to Lincoln for a visit. The Misses Orpha and Winnie Out house were eastbound passengers to Lincoln and Omaha to spend a week or ten days vsiting with their many friends. R. L. Arthur butchered a two-year old steer this week. He sold the meat for $90. The steer weighed 1,150 and was raised by Lee on his plantation in Loup City. The Hustler’s class of the Presby terian church held a surprise party at the home of Miss Bessie Owens Wednesday evening. Games were played and a dainty two-eourse lunch eon was served. At a late hour all de 1 parted for their homes. A special movie attraction will be given at the Daddow opera house Saturday evening, January 1 “Brew ster’s Millions” in 5 parts, 240 big scenes. This famous novel and suc cessful play will be shown here for j the first time. Don't miss it 7/£*zA~ tfimPfcou srnM Jawi&etv', j(fc£fi., S?XOlC&&Up6t ty&srfA/ft-ifezikdiHa emd aM If you go to the Best place for your Lumber, Build- ri ing Material and Coal, you’ll get the right thing in the first place. You can’t afford to buy what you don’t want; we can’t afford to sell you what you don’t want ;j because we are HERE TO STAY and we can’t do it by misrepresenting. Deal with us; we will be careful to serve you well. Hansen Lumber Co. I The Yard With the Red Card | We Can Make You a Farm Loan on the Amortization or Rural Credit Plan On this loan the total payment will be $9.07 for each $100 borrowed, payable annually. If these payments are made for 20 years the loan will be fully paid off and released. Payments can be made in advance of matur ity or the entire loan paid off any time the borrower de sires to do so. Twenty-year loans relieve you of com missions and expense incident to renewals of five-year loans. In 1893 the company offering this loan made a $300 loan for 10 years at 6 per cent and this loan was renewed for another 10-years period at the same rate. A statement of this loan is as follows: Principal loaned .$300.00 6 per cent interest for 20 years. 360.00 $660.00 Under the amortization or rural credit plan annual payments on $300.00 loan would be $27.50, or a total for 20 years of.$554.00 Difference saved by borrower.$116.00 If you contemplate making a farm loan, come in and let us explain this plan to you. First Trust Company Loup City, Nebraska am A Seasonable Hint In fair weather pre pare for the storm. Lay in your winter’s coal coal now. How about your storm sash and doors — let us tell you how they will pay you dividends. KEYSTONE LUMBER CO. Yards at Loup City, Ashton, Rockville, Schaupps and Arcadia When Looking For a Square Meal Drop In at the Ideal Bakery & Restaurant South Side of Public Square Meals, Lunches and Short Orders at All Hours We Also Carry a Full Line of Bakery Goods / Careful Attention Given All Special Orders