The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, December 23, 1915, Image 7
The Bankers and Banking Institutons of Loup City Officers and Directors of the First National Bank of Loup City, Nebraska L. HANSEN, Cashier. W. F. MASON, President. C. H. RYAN, Assistant Cashier. The First National Bank of Loup City, the oldest bank in Sherman county, was originally organized by George W. Post, Lee Love, A. P. Cul ley and A. E. Charlton, as principal stockholders and commenced busi ness on October 5. 18S5. This institution has been here so long, is so well and favorably known by our people and has had so large ly to do with the growth and develop ment of Loup City and Sherman coun ty. especially the territory tributary W. T. CHASE, Director. to Loup City, that little need be said. W. F. Mason, the present presi dent of this bank came to Loup City October 4, 1S99, and but for about two years, 1909 to 1911 has been con nected with this bank since, in all over fourteen years. L. Hansen, the present cashier has been w’itli this bank so long that it would puzzle even the oldest citizens to tell just how long he has been oc cupying bis position of trust and en joys a most enviable reputation in the confidence of the people of this community. Mr. C. If. Ryan, the present assist ant cashier, has been with this bank for almost three years, is making good and if he continues in the bank ing business we predict, will early make a place for himself as one of the bright young bankers of the state. A. B. Outhouse. Vice President, the head of the Keystone Lumber com pany and W.T. Chase of this city and C. Bradley of Wolbach, Nebr., together with the above named officers, form the directorate of this bank. Messrs. Outhouse and Chase are among our very oldest citizens. Are both good business men and large property own ers here. Mr. C. Bradley is one of the most successful and wealthiest real estate men in Nebraska and one of the largest owners of Nebraska farm lands. This old institution enjoys a most enviable reputation in this communi ty and county indeed, with an un broken reputation for over thirty years of fair and liberal treatment to all, a surplus equal to that of its capital and an exceptionally strong lot of stockholders there are few better or stronger hanks anywhere and which is attested by its constant ly good and growing business. This bank is a member of the Fed eral Reserve System, which gives it an unlimited credit and is rated A. I. The handsome press brick build ing occupied by the bank is its home and is owned by the bank and is one of the iirst good buildings put up in Loup City and is today perhaps the best building in Sherman county. A. B. OUTHOUSE, Director. The First Trust Company E. A. Miner was born in Marion county, Iowa, and lived on a farm there until 1803, when he moved to Greeley county, Fehraska, with his parents. He re ided in Greeley coun ty until 1011, and rule to Loup Gity in April, 1313. and lielpe 1 organise the First Trust ony .ay v. i h C. Brad ley, C. C. Carls."; >V. F. Mason. Mr. Miner has !:tc t asso ia cd will: C. Bradley in tin- real esta'e. loan and insurance business since 1903. He is well qualified for the position he now hold as secretary of The First Trus company. lie is gseifly interested i ; agricultural affairs and reads every farm paper that he tan get hold of. E. A. MINER He is not a curbstone farmer by any means, as his place in the northeast part of town is a mi nature farm and his spare time is taken up in caring for the cow, chickens, white rabbits and bees and in perusing the farm papers. The First Trust company has grown from nothing, under his management, to quite an institution. Its members are representative and progressive business men and The First Trust company of Loup City ranks high among institutions of its kind in the state. The man witli a backbone has little use for a wishbone. One clerk with a smile is worth fifty with a scowl. It is not true that some men never cease working. We all die some day. Officers and Directors of the Loup City State Bank of Loup City, Nebraska c. . CARLSEN, Cashier. J. S. PEDLER, President A. W. BOECKING, Assistant Cashier. Among the foremost institutions of Loup City is the hank of which this article is written. This bank was or ganized on August 12, 1904, by C. C. and T. J. Hansen and C. W. Fletcher and was under their management until January 12, 1906, when these parties sold out to the present management. At that time the total deposits were $19,120.86, and the total footings $44, 377.10 which, when compared with the showing made as under the call of the Hanking department as of De camber 9, 1915, showing deposits of $245,514.70 and total footing, $320, 502.36, indicates the growth that has been made and that the busi ness of the bank has grown steadily E. G. TAYLOR, Director. and continually since January 12, 190G. In addition to this splendid showing, the statement further reveals that the sum of $2,319.31 has been paid into the State Guaranty Fund, which has now reached way past the million dol lar mark, and which absolutely guar antees against loss every deposit in this bank. In addition to the State Guaranty Fund, the individual responsibility of the stockholders of this strong bank aggregates more than one-half million dollars, which, with its large capital, surplus and undivided profits of over $70,000, makes it rank as one of the strong banks of the state. The officers of the Loup City State bank are: J. S. Pedler, president; John W. Long, Vice President; C. C. Carlsen, Cashier; A. W. Boecking and Ruby Johnson, Assistant Cashiers; Directors, E. G. Taylor, W. K. Mellor, S. N. Sweetiand, J. S. Pedler, John W. Long and C. C. Carlsen. A glance at the directorate reveals the names of several of the most prominent citizens and business men of Sherman county, three of whom have made their homes here for more than thirty-five years. This bank occupies and o>vns a nice , two-story brick building, 25x100 feet and the space not used for the bank quarters is fitted out in neat office rooms which are all occupied at the present time. One of the particularly strong fac tors with this bank is not only it3 large financial means, hut the fact that it is a bank of strong personal service and its officers are at all times ready and willing to assist its cus tomers in every possible way that will redound to their benefit and that of the community. A writeup of this bank would not be complete without special mention being made of its cashier, C. C. ('ari sen, to whom much credit is due for the growth and standing of this insti tution. His business ability, integrity, and personality have been a great fac tor in the producing of the splendid re sults and showing as outlined above. JOHN W. LONC, Vice President. .. CLEAN-UP SALE As I do not wish to carry over any holiday goods another season, I am making special prices on everything in the store until January 1, 1916. TOYS, DOLLS, CHINA, GLASS AND ENAMEL WARE, TOILET ARTICLES AND BOOKS AND GAMES. Another Big Shipment of China ware Will Arrive in a Day or Two A NICE LINE OF FRESH CANDIES ALWAYS IN STOCK Remember the place Grow’s Variety Store DAR GROW, Proprietor A 42-PIECE DINNER SET FREE to the person buying the largest bill of merchandise at our store Friday, December 24th One sack of flour can be included in all orders for this prize. Sugar by the sack not included. Candy and Nut Special We have a special offering in Candy and Nuts. Don’t forget to ask about it. We Wish You a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year C. C. COOPER