The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, December 23, 1915, Image 5

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    Professional Men and Women of Loup City
Our Doctors and Nurses Are at the
Head of Their Profession
There is no man who comes so
near the heart and ilves of the people
• as the dear old family doctor.
He is in the home In the times when
some loved one is hovering near the
\ alley of the shadow of death, and
when he brings them safely hack to
the bright sunshine of life, he has
earned the eternal gratitude of the
family. He hears all the troubles
both great and small, and his ready
sympathy never fails.
The pioneer doctors of Sherman
county have seen troublesome times.
Rver ready and willing to go when
tailed, it has been no small under
taking to serve the people through
* the early years.
Dr. A. J. Kearns is our oldest doc
tor, now. and lie came here in the
latter 80's. He knows the trials of
the country doctor. He knows what
it meant to travel this country over.
Ions before the time of telephones
and automobiles.
He was ever ready and willing to
go when needed, and he endeared him
self to the people for his ready sym
pathy and kindness, and when times
were hard as they often were in those
days, he shared them with his peo
“A man he was to all the country
And passing rich on forty pounds a
And now his pioneer days are over
And he can take life more comfortable
With the full assurance of duties
well done.
Dr. Main, too was here before the
automobile made its advent in the
v.est. and has came to be quite wide
ly known. And now since lie lias ac
quired a Ford, he loat hes his patients
quickly, hands out his pills and pow
ders. and gets back to town in less
time than it would have taken some
one to come for him a few years later.
Dr. O. E. Longaere came to Loup
City in 1907, having bought the prac
tice of I)r. J. H. Long. He is noted
for giving the bitterest doses any
patient ever took. It is hinted that
he never takes his own medicine,
which no doubt is the way of all doc
tors. He spent some time in the Phili
pine Islands, and knows something of
the stern realities of life as lived in
the tropical climate.
The Drs. Bowman began the prac
tice of medicine in Loup City in 1912.
While very new in our midst, they
have proved their worth to the public.
The people have learned to know that
when they hear a buzz and see a
streak, that is only Dr. J. E. in his jit
ney on a hurry call. Dr. C. L. with
her happy smiling face brings a
breath of cheer to the sick room
which goes a long way toward reach
ing the end she wishes to attain.
One of the noblest of callings is that
of a physician. To alleviate the suffer
ings of humanity, these people make
many sacrifices for the good of man
kind. Loup City certainly has a
splendid corps of physicians, and we
should take our hats off to them, and
not forget that a kindly word of en
couragement and appreciation will be
welcomed by them.
Mrs. W. P. Taylor is a graduate
nurse and has been located here for
five years. She has proved a valu
able aid in many cases of sickness
and accidents and is kept busy most
all of the time. Mrs. Taylor gradu
ated from the Omaha General Hos
pital Training school for nurses in
June. 1909 and spent one year as
head nurse in the operating room at
the Wise Memorial hospital in Oma
Loup Citp’s Attorneys
The profession of law is well repre
sented in Loup City. The pioneer law
yer is A. Wall, or Judge Wall, as he
is sometimes called, having been
county judge at one time. He came
to Sherman count}' in her earliest
days. He has braved the trials and
tribulations of the pioneer of the west,
and is well known to all the country
round. As a criminal lawyer he has
been especially successful. His power
of oratory has moved the sternest
jury to tears and won him many
cases, and much renown.
J. S. Pedler is another of the pio
neers of the county, having been in
turn, blacksmith, sheriff, lawyer, and
banker. He has served the county in
the capacity of county attorney as
well. A graudate of the “University
of Hard Knocks." he has received his
full share of bumps, but through it all
has been able to come out on top. and
could now retire from active life,
but the habit of work has become too
great a factor in his life, and he is
seen daily wending his way toward
office, or court room with his law
books under his arm.
R. P. Starr claims Loup City as his
residence but his legal business takes
him away from home much of the
time. He has been in Loup City for
several years and is quite well known
; having been in politics a few times.
He devotes his time and energies in
damage suits against railroads, and
has become quite proficient in his line
of business. His natural talent for
oratory and his splendid use of the
“King’s English,” makes his pleas for
his clients so forceful that the cold
blooded, hardhearted <orporatron is
ou< lied and li.oved io deepest sym
i-’ ii; a d i's purse si rings opened, to
the mamal benefit of client anl lawyer.
Robert H. Mathew is one of Loup
City's products. Born and reared to
manhood in the community, he has a
host of friends and needs no introduc
tion. He received his education at Ne
braska University and soon after being
admitted to the bar was elected county
attorney, which office he filled two
terms. He is also the only abstrector
The Bar Is Ably Represented By
Several Brillliant Lawyers
in the county and his law duties, with
his other work, keep Him very busy.
He lias a bright future before him and
will make his mark in the world. His
friends all know him as a practical
joker, and if they find quinine in their
popcorn or electricity in their door
knobs or chairs, they arrive at the con
clusion that "Rob” has been there.
L. L. Stephens, born and raised on
a farm near Rockville, is another of
Sherman county's boys to make good.
But reeutly graduated in law from the
State university, be is serving his
county In the capacity of county at
torney. Of a studious nature he is
ever delving in the volumes of Cobbov
and Elackstone, and when in the fu
ture you hear of great things of him.
remember he is a Sherman county
John W. Long is a member of the
Sherman county bar. Commercial
law is hi" specialty and the fact of
being a lawyer has assisted him
greatly in his business Though not
actively engaged in the profession of
law he is well read and no occasion
could find him unprepared
The Farmers Friend
Wishes You
jd <ZXCerry Christmas and
A ‘Prosperous
ZNjew Year
The Place With the Semaphore
When You Need Anything in
the Building Material Line
Call at Our Place
In addition to lumber and coal, we carry a full
line of builders’ hardware; barbed wire and woven
wire fencing; iron fence posts; steel corn cribs and
metal stack covers.
We Want You to See Our
Atlas Stock Tanks
We warrant them for twenty years. We have
sold more than 50 of these tanks since August 1.
€ Our sunshine windows for hog house roofs are
something new. We carry a large line of farm gates.
Keystone Lumber Co.