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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1915)
The Sellers Kitcheneed Note Special Features PRESENTS The Sellers Kitcheneed Note Special Feature Buy Good Furniture For Christmas Presents All First Class and Every Piece Guaranteed OT'R store is devoting most of its space now to the display of fancy pieces that make such handsome and valuable holiday gifts. And yet everything in the furniture realm enters into holiday plans. We are ready with the finest and largest stock of holiday furniture that we have ever shown. We feel sure that our assortment in all its varied lines is The largest carried by any house in this section of Nebraska, showing all the latest designs and the various colors and woods. The styles range from the latest American pro ductions to the Charles 11 and Jacobean finish so popular now, the country over. No matter what you buy it is sure to be appreciated and be useful to everyone in the home. It makes no difference what it is that you desire, you will find it at Daily’s and at the very lowest prices ever quoted on good furniture. Here are a few holiday suggestions: Mattresses SQUARE BRAND'’ I MATTRESSES | DUSTLESS NEVER LIMP ALWAYS ELASTIC ♦ Luxury [BEST FOR nEST[ Service* The famous “Square Brand” built by the largest mattress factory in the world, fully guaranteed, from $3 to $20 Beds of All Styles Brass, Yernis Martin, Oxidized, Wood, finished in Carcassian Wal nut and Oak; any design desired, from $3 to #50 Dressers and Chiffoniers In Carcassian Walnut, CJumwood, Oak (quarter-sawed and plain) ,and Walnut. In beautiful designs, and prices ranging from $ 1 0 to $40 Springs We handle the Leggett <k Platte spring, guaranteed for life; also the famous Kinney-Ilome slat fabric, guaranteed for 25 years. From $2) to $6.50 Rockers We have a fine assortment of Roekers in any finish at any price. A Sellers Kitcheneed and 26-piece Set of Oneida Com munity Silverware Both Nationally Known and Approved >1JLAM JW-tA. O-KTVk. . ^Uu * e*K - .^ J.r T. W • / r® 6 Knives 6 Forks 6 Dessert Spoons 6 Teaspoons Sugar Shell Butter Knife A Present Sure to Be Appreciated There is no more appropriate and acceptable present than one of the Sellers Kitcheneeds and a set of the justly celebrated Community Silverware. Sellers Kitcheneeds are known by every one who has ever seen them to represent throughly and in EVERY detail every requirement that could be made of a kitchen cabinet. They are built, finished and equipped to perform a labor, step and time-saving service for a lifetime. Just now, and as long as they last it is possible to scure this 26-piece Set of Ten-Year guar anteed Oneida Community Silverware with every Sellers Kitcheneed Sold, for $2.45. Pleasing Gifts for the Little Folios Then* are hundreds of other things to interest you in our hig furniture stock. Sewing bas kets—just the thing for a gift to mother, wife or sister—many styles, from $2.50 to $6.00. We also call your special attention to our line of small rockers for the little folks. Other pieces bring great joy to the little ones for Christmas, priced to clean them up. Come in, make your selections early and make sui t* of their delivery on time. A splendid line of cedar chests for the young ladies. Xo gift will be more appreciated. They’ll last a lifetime. Your Money Back on Any Purchase Not Entirely Satisfactory Buffets and China Closets The Waxed, Fumed, Polished an<l Golden Oak. In all sizes; prices t" suit your pocketbook. Library and Din ing Tables W carry a good assortment of tables in all styles at various prices. Book Cases We have the exclusive agency for the old reliable “Macy” at excep tionally low prices. Rugs and Lin oleum The Shuttleworth and Hart for! Bugs. Any size, quality or design. All prices. A fine line of linoleums. Sewing Machines TUI SEWING MACHINE Of KNOWN VALUE “• ««• •— — — -- NEW HOME A\ e handle the well known “New Home,” which is guaranteed to give satisfaction or your money re funded. The Sellers Kitcheneed Note Special Features E. P. DAILY FURNITURE CO. Furniture and Undertaking Sells It For Less Pays the Freight LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA The Sellers Kitcheneed Note Special Features