The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, December 23, 1915, Image 18
Loup City-Now and the Future—by Mayor Samuel A. Allen Great similarity exists between towns of the west in their growth and additional comfort for their citi zens. We, too, can mention the change from nothing to telephones, from planks to cement sidewalks, from dark streets to electrically lighted thoroughfares, from wells to a general water system, from soddies to real modern homes and business institutions and schools, comfortable churches, homes, newspapers, banks etc. An active commercial club, having about 100 members, anxious to pro mote the city's welfare and encourage the farmer to trade here. Loup City's new $30,000 school house, now under construction, means that we are not only keeping pace with the world’s education needs but are preparing for the future in a way that is to insure Loup City be coming an educational centre. Is this enough? We answer, yes; so long as we continue to improve. We believe that Loup City is a good place to bring up.children, believe that a beginning in life can be made here just as well as anywhere in the world, that it is a good place to live and work and be happy. No town in the state of like size can boast of more beautiful trees, well kept homes, nor more congenial people. A new man has a chance here provided he is willing to work and win. Loup City is growing along lines that mean no permanent set back, no reaction of local conditions need bring fear to the residents here. Lo cated at the most logical place in this section of the country, it will always and is bound to keep pace with the country’s growth. The constant day and night work of our mills for years, the steady shipment of grain and stock from our surrounding country under all conditions of crops of the past, proves the resourcefulness of the land. Our creamery, with an output of many thousand pounds of butter per WM. GRAEFE month; modern liotel; two weekly and one monthly newspapers; mail several times each day, argue for business, substantial now, and assured for the future. Look, during the day at the men about town, busy. Many of them their lives chuck full of effort, build ing, constructing, going and coming; business is here and actually being done, not going to be, but IS. Investigate individual concerns and observe that the small town of today presents every modern improvement of the city. Take these words you are reading, they have passed from the mouth to a dictaphone, and from there to a stenographer and from there to a linotype machine of The Northwestern printing office—modern —why is this? It simply represents the statute of Loup City’s progres siveness. The big city is meeting a sort of competition; it is losing its enticing atmosphere because more and more the improvements of today find their way to the small live town as quick ly as the large and the desire for living in the big place is becoming less and less each day because of the fact of its being just big is not enough since now it has no other ad vantages over the smaller town. Loup City and her people are be coming more and more advanced, not only commercially but socially, and the fact that its criminal docket carries fewer cases than any town of its size in the state, places a high credit mark for general conduct, of its people reflecting the work of church, schools and home in a way to prove our assertion that Loup City is a good place in which to live, in more ways than one. SKETCHES OF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS OF LOUP CITY. S. A. Allen, mayor of Loup City was born in Council Bluffs, Iowa, and has been a resident of Loup City for twelve years. Mr. Allen stands high in the dental GEORGE W. COLLIPRIEST President of the Council. DR. SAMUEL A. ALLEN Mayor. profession. He is a graduate of the Northwestern University Dental school of Chicago and Peeso's Post Graduate school, of Philadelphia, Pa. He is a member of the Nebraska State board of Dental Examiners, hav ing been appointed to serve a four year term by Governor Morehead about a year ago. In addition to his PETER ROWE City Clerk. other duties he is editor of The Ne braska Dental Journal, a monthly pub lication of large circulation, which was established three years ago. Mr. Allen belongs to the K. of P. and Masonic orders and is Worshipful Master in the latter named organiza tion. In spite of these things the doctor finds some time to spend at home with his family, consisting of Mrs. Allen, a son and a daughter, who seem to know their father pretty well at that. It gives us great pleasure to see Loup City business and profession al men win the highest honors in their profession in the state as Dr. Allen has done. The writer recont ly when in Lincoln met a dentist who said: “So you are from Loup City, where our dental editor lives. Dr. Al len is certainly a Rood dentist and a fine fellow.” Incidentally the doctor can make a good talk. Robert H. Mathew, City Attorney, born just south of Loup City, moving to this place twenty-seven years ago: graduated from Loup City high school, Kearney Military academy and law department of the University of Nebraska: has practiced law here for about eleven years; has served two terms as county attorney; owns the only set of abstract books in the county; possesses one of the best law libraries in the country and conducts an active law and abstract business in a building constructed by him for that purpose. He is a Mason, K. of P., Odd Fellow and a member of several Greek Letter fraternities. In his capacity as city attorney he is consulted on all questions of muni cipal law and from reports of the city board members, delivers the goods with cheerfulness and always gives careful attention to all matters placed before the board. He is strong for everything which will make a better Loup City, and devotes much time to every movement which might promote its growth. Mr. Mathew is one of Loup City's most enthusiastic advocates of out door sports and is in a large measure responsible for the organization of both the tennis and golf clubs and in which he takes the keenest interest William Graefe, Councilman, bom in Hall county, Nebraska, has lived in Loup City ton years,- in business all of that time; has four fine chil dren, three girls and a boy. Mr. Graefe takes a serious interest as a member of Loup City's boaid and can be seen at each and every meeting, taking active part in con ducting the business of that body. Being a business man he becomes a valuable member of the board and DR. O. E. LONGACRE City Physician. ROBERT H. MATHEW City Attorney. is always willing to look after all matters assigned to him. This is the stuff that makes town boards do things and Mr. Graefe is not afraid to do. Mr. Graefe conducts one of the most up-to-date and complete drug stores in the west ;a customer at Mr. Graefe’s store feels all the atmos H. R. H. WILLIAMS Police Judge. phere of the city, for the most mod ern show cases display a clean and well kept stock, his street windows, changed often, and in real "up-to-the minute” fashion, convinces a patron that Graefe represents genuine pro gressiveness in conducting his busi ness. James Burnett, marshal." Excepting the mayor, the man who receives the most compliments (?) on all things re garding the city, is the marshal. James Burnett, born in Indiana, came to Loup City in 1SS4. and has served as marshal for nine years. “Jim” is good natured. big, and wears a smile most of the time and. when it is con sidered that his duties include looking after the city’s streets and acting as the city water commissioner, the smile certainly conies from a strong hear t, Jim believes in a square deal, but in a “show-down” can lock a man up witli about as little trouble as anyone we know. Dr. O. E. Longaere, city physician. Born in Dodge county, Nebraska; lo cated in Loup City about nine years ago; graduate of University of Mary land. Dr. Longaere is called upon to adivse and act in all cases coming be fore the city health board and is will ing at all times to serve with his abil ity for the betterment of health con ditions. He has held different offices in the Sherman County Medical so ciety and is a student and close fol lower of advanced medical and sur gical treatment. Dr. Longaere is a Past Master of Loup City’s Masonic order; Past Chancellor of the Order of K. of P„ and a member of several other organizations in which he is al ways willing to take a helpful and ac tive part in the work. George W. Collipriest. Born at As tor, Iowa. President of Loup City’s Board, since his first year, three years ago. Has lived in Loup City' ten years, all of which time he has conducted the business of the Union Pacific rail through his position as agent here. Mr. Collipriest lets no man on the board work more dilligently than he. He is anxious at all times to build a better city and when the board is in session Mr. Collipriest devotes ev ery possible effort to see that money is properly and profitably spent. He has built a neat and comfortable home and the proud possesor of a mighty good wife and five children. George Collipriest leads a very busy and trying sort of life, but at that, has the reputation of the best natured ticket agent on the system. Mr. Collipriest stands mighty high in the esteem of the people of Loup City and the longer one knows him. the more reasons one learns why they are right. John Ohlsen has been a member of the city council for three years and has taken a great deal of interest in JOHN OHLSEN the affairs of the city. He is ^ senior member of John Olilson ^ S< Contractors. Architects and Build and has had over twenty years' . • experience in building fine brii k I other structures, including some the leading buildings of the st; The firm now has the contract for erection of the fine $.!0.000 s< i. ,1 house of Loup City, and the fine i a bank and office building at Chadi Nebr., which will cost about $40. • complete. It is tine that our busin* men can land and efficiently handle such big contracts, Chadron being , i the extreme western part of the stat but our business men are the equal < i any. Mr. Ohlsen was born Aug -t 1C, 1862. Will French has been associate i in the teaming and contracting li' at Loup City for many years, being a member of the ‘ Big Four.” He ha earned the enviable reputalion of com pleting every job he undertakes just as agreed and on time. He has been a member of the council for four years, scarcely ever missing a me-, .g of the city board. Ho wu- horn Minnesota and has lived in l.oup City for thirty-nine years and is r- .m I as one of our most reliable . ;ti. • . Peter Rowe, the genial and - ^ clerk of the city board, has serv-.i in his present capacity nine yeais. d has devoted more time and at nti n to liis official duties by far than >. - salary will ever pay him for. but ■ not care, as he enjoys official ”'»■ and believes that an official In. 1 give tile best that is in him to his sition. Mr. Rowe is an exj iat r and mason and is well knowt o r the county. Incidentally, he ke close to the political situation and influence is often much sought a: by prospective candidates. Mr. Ri .moved to Loup City front Grand land twenty-nine years ago and i . a fine wife and family. He is me i for the courtesy and fairness w i which he attends to the wants of tin having business with the city. JAMES BURNETT City Marshal. Christmas Will Soon Be Here Do your Christmas shopping early. We are trying our best to please you. We had a wonderful month in November for which we thank you. Help us make this a better one. Nice assortment of sensible and useful Christmas gifts. Women’s and Children’s plain and fancy Handkerchiefs, Each 5c to 50c. Men’s all linen handkerchiefs, 25c to 50c. A complete line of Men’s neck ware, Each 25c to 50c. Combs, Handbags, Barretts, front and back and side combs, 10c to $1.50. Santa ffllaua B?aii quartera at Btr Swanann a Stnr? A fine line of ribbon. All prices 10c to 50c yd. Beautiful Bed Spreads, $1.00 to $5.00. Table Cloths and Napkins, $2.00 to $6.50 Set. Ladies’ Misses’ and Children’s Coats, $2.00 to $15.00. Cotton Wool and Wool Nap Blankets, Pair 75c to $7.00. Complete Line of Pry Goods and Notions to Suit Everybody VIC SWANSON The Place to Buy Your Merchandise at the Right Price Christmas Gifts for Men Below we mention a num ber of serviceable gifts that are certain to be appreci ated by the men: Smoking Jackets Bath Robes Golf Coats Traveling Bags Sweaters Fur Caps Suspenders Neckties Slippers Fancy Sox Shopping For Men Easy at This Store Gus Lorentz Clothier and Furnisher The Store of Quality Goods You Business Men A becoming presence is essential in the present day scheme of things. Those around you, judge you largely by the impression you create. Your every request, your every command finds a response the more quickly if you look the part. You are cordially invited to visit head quarters for Schoenbrun Risde Tailoring Say “Shayne-Brun” You are sure to find here the most advanced in tailor ing, courteous treatment and complete clothes satisfaction. There’s no other way of dressing so effectively. Make your selection today and be measured.