The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, December 23, 1915, Image 11

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    Representative and Progressive Business Men of Loup City
New Enterprises Are Welcomed
by Our Business Men
J. A. Chandler, manager of the
Sherman County Telephone Company.
His experience in telephone work is
very large and his work as manager
of the Sherman County Telephone
system is giving entire satisfaction.
Ho has his office in the State Bank
building where he can be interviewed
at all business hours.
He was born at Moberly, Missouri,
1SS3. He first entered the telephone
service at Ked Oak, Iowa, where he
was in the employ of the Ked Oak
Telephone company in 1900. He then
moved to Omaha and was telephone
inspector of the Nebraska Telephone
Company where he resided for some
years before coming to Ravenna.
During the year 1912 he was manager
of the Ravenna Telephone Company,
lie came to Loup City in January
1914 and at once took charge as
general manager of the Sherman
County Telephone Company.
This company was first known as
the Nebraska Telephone Company
hut was latert aken over by local
i apital, E. G. Taylor, J. W. Long. W.
R. Mellor. Dr. Kearns and W.S. Waite
representing the capital stock and the
business was continued with Mr.
Waite as manager. For several years
Die central office was at the residence
of Dr. Kearns, hut in 1908 the com
pany built the new ceniral office on
the block west of the old location:
and equipped it with all modern con
\ eniences. The company now has
about eight hundred miles of line,
extending to every part of Sherman
county and has long distance connec
tions in every direvtion. At the time
the local company bought the inter
est from the Nebraska Telephone
Company there was five hundred
phones on the line, now there are
about two thousand and the line un
der Mr. Chundler’s management is in
good repair.
Bert G. Travis, proprietor of the
Loup City 5-10-15 and 25 cent store,
was born and raised in Hamilton
county, Nebraska. He lived at Aurora
and for many years was clerk in some
of the leading stores at that place.
On account of failing health he quit
the store for a time and accepted a
position as traveling salesman, but
later decided to seek a new location
and start in business for himself. He
came to Loup City in April, 1913. He
sought his location on the west side
of the public square in the old Porter
block where he first occupied only
the front half of the room. Later, on
account of an increase of business he
was compelled to set back the parti
tion and make more room. He has
his stock well displayed. His five,
ten and twenty-five cent counters are
well loaded with all goods in his line.
Mr. Travis numbers with the best of
our citizens. He is a church going
man and his efforts in behalf of the
upbuilding of all that is good in our
community* is never tiring.
“Max” is one of our merchants who
owns everything round about him.
The big store building, the large
stock of goods, the beautiful eight
room residence, are all his. And you
want us to tell how he got it? Well,
that would be too long a story to go
into all the details so we will abre
viate by saying that it was by strict
attention to business, in other words,
by “hard knocks.”
Max was born in Prussia and came
to America in 1881. He first located
at Grand Island, where he worked at
the printer’s trade. In 1891 he came
to Loup City and opened a photo
graph gallery which business he fol
lowed for thirteen years, lie bought
a farm on the west side of the river
and for a number of years engaged
in farming and stoc k raising. It was
hard times then and Max, like other
farmers, did not put his eggs all in
one basket, so to speak, but used
other means to provide. Being a
good photographer, he rigged up a car
and went through this and adjoining
counties working at his profession.
By this means he was able to keep
the family provided with necessaries
of life. Max said, “I was making
money, but. I couldn’t realize it. My
stock was growing, my land increas
ing in value, and it was not until I
had a sale could I see any profits
and then It all came In a lump sum.”
We mention this to give you a
glimpse of the hard knocks above
referred to. It was just such ex
periences as these and a determina
tion to win that has placed him on
easy street and has made him mon
arch of all he surveys. He is now
one of the leading merchants of the
town and carries a very large stock
of drygoods, shoes, groceries and
Henry M. Eisner, Jeweler and Op
tician. Mr. Eisner is a Nebraska boy.
He was born at Grand Island, Hall
county, April 9, 1881, where he lived
with his parents until 1898, when he
came to Loup City and has been a
resident of this place for seventeen
years. He was educated in the Grand
Island school. Before coming here
he worked in a repair shop at Grand
Island, repairing guns and bicycles.
This trade he followed during the
years of 189G-7 when he came with
his parents to Loup City and worked
for his father until li'Oti. In the fall
of 1907 he went to the Omaha Watch
making, Engraving and Optical In
stitute, where he took a thorough
course under Dr. A. B. Tarbox, an in
structor with eighteen years ex
perience in the Waltham Watch fac
tory. In 1908 he worked for three
months in a jewelry store at lied Oak,
Iowa, and then continued his course
of studies in the watch making school
at Omaha, taking another nine
months course and then worked for
Max J. Egge of Grand Island. Nebr.
During the year of 1903 he was in
poor health, and in the spring of 1904
went to Hot Springs, Thermopolis,
Wyoming. He took treatment at the
springs and while there made his
home with David Schoening whose
ranch was near the springs. The J
treatment at the springs and the re
creation on the rant It was the means
of his complete recovery.
In September. 1909, Mr. Eisner was
married and started in business here
the first of January, 1910. Up-to-date
he has repaired 3,000 watches and
has fitted more than 300 pairs of
glasses, all of which has given good
Thus it is seen that Mr. Eisner is
an expert in the art of repairing all
articles in the jewelry line. He holds
a state license as a optician and only
recently attended the meet with the
state board of Optometry at Omana
where he took examination in this
line of his profession.
Nowhere in the state of Nebraska,
in a city the size of Loup City can be
found a better and more complete
stock of jewelry that Mr. Eisner
caries. His cases and shelves are
well loaded with everything in the
jewelry line suitable for the holiday
trade as well as for every other day
in the year. Mr. Eisner keeps the
best goods that ca be bought on the
market. He handles only the kind of
goods that bears the manufacturer's
trade mark. His motto with every “Guaranteed.”
The exclusive clothier of The Hub
is a native of Russia. He started in
the clothing business in the old
country as a clerk when but 13 years
of age and consequently knows all
about the business from A to Z. Be
fore coming to Loup City lie was in
business for himself in Chicago. He
came to Loup City May 15, 190S, when
he w ■ associated in the clothing
bu~l.ithere with Mr. Kreistein, the
■•rm being known as Viener & Krel
States. A young man of sterling
stein. They opened business in the
old Nightingale building on the north'
side of main street. Later Mr. Viener i
bought his partner’s interest in the j
establishment and became the sole
owner. He is a thorough business
man and has given his individual at
tention to business, as trade and the
large and w'ell selected stock of The
Hub Clothing house will show It was
not long after he had taken over the
business until he was compelled to
seek more commodious quarters,
Unity of the Business Men Means
the Up-Building of the Town
[ when he moved his stock to its pres
I 'lit location. If you call at his place
f business yon will find not only
lonest values, but courteous treat
ment. Mr. Viener lias his clothing
muse here and also one at Mason
'ity. both establishments being well
stocked with up-to-date clothing.
Dolling & George proprietors. This
is one of the best bakeries that can
be found in the west. It is well
equipped with all modern improve
ments and has a large restaurant
parlor in connection. Mr. Dolling,
who first started the enterprise, April
1912, is a citizen here of many years
and is known as one of the best citi
zens in the community. Mr. George,
who joined him a little later, came
from Aurora some ten years ago and
first engaged in farming. He later
married Miss Tac-a Dolling. Mrs.
George has entered very much into
the life of the business since Mr.
George’s connection with the firm
and her able and willing assistance
to give their patrons the very best
that can be had in the bakery line, is
much appreciated by the public.
As we stated, the plant is well
equipped. The oven is 10x14 in size,
the mixers are of the best design, and
all other conveniences in like propor
tion. Besides furnishing the city,
they make daily shipments to Ashton,
Farwell, Rockville and Boelus.
C. R. Sweetland. plumber and elec
trician. was born on a farm near Loup
City and later moved with his parents
to town where he received his high
school education. He then took a
special two years course at Grand Is
land college, studying electricity
among other things. During the sum
I mer and after finishing school at
Grand Island he worked for the tele
phone company of this place.
He was the first mail carrier on
| Route No. 2. carrying mail for one
I year when he resigned his position
| to move to Sulphur Springs, Arkan
sas. Here he resided over two years
working with expert plumbers, from
whom he learned his trade.
He came back in June, 1911, with
his family, to Loup City, and has
since made his home here being en
gaged in the plumbing and electrical
Mr. Sweetland has a complete stock
of plumbing and electrical goods, also
a line of pumps and windmills. He
does first class work and satisfaction
is guaranteed on all work done by
The town is fortunate in having a
first class workman along these lines.
The business of the Hansen Lumber
company is carried on under the
supervision of P. E. Hansen, “the far
mer’s friend.” Mr. Hansen is a young
man from Hastings, who purchased
this extensive lumber plant from J.
P. Leininger and took charge on the
first of February last. That he is
making good may be seen by the
heavy loads of lumber that are daily
going through our streets with the
“Hansen Lumber Company” tag con
spicuously tacked on the side of the
wagon. Mr Hansen is a wide awake
young man of splendid business quali
fications, and the business is growing
under his management.
Many a little nose makes a big
Plenty of holiday bargains right
here in this town. Look for ’em.
W. D. Zimmerman
Real Estate
Farm Loans
the TURKEY is baked in a GREAT MAJESTIC RANGE. Call and we will show
you why all who use a Majestic range are perfectly satisfied.
This Majestic Range Will Make a Splendid Christmas Gift
Heating Stoves
Complete line of heating
stoves, all sizes. Come in
and look this line over before
you buy.
Blankets and Robes
We have the 5-A Horse
Blankets and Plush Robes;
also complete line of heavy
Hayhurst-Gallaway Hardware Co.