The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, December 16, 1915, Image 7

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    Daily sells for less.
Chase’s for fresh groceries.
W. O. Brown was a passenger to
Austin Saturday.
, R. E. Dale was a passenger to Lin
coln Saturday morning.
Mrs. D. L. Adamson visited in
Grand Island Saturday.
J. W. Long was an eastbound pas
senger to Lincoln Saturday.
Clifford Rein visited with Fred
Rein’s at Ashton Wednesday.
James Bartunek is making especial
ly low prices on horse blankets.
E. A. Miner was a St. Paul visitor
Saturday, returning the same day.
William Schumann and wife spent
the day at Grand Island Saturday.
Mrs. Fred Odendahl spent the
day visiting with friends at St. Paul.
W. F Mason transacted business
at Grand Island and Columbus last
W. D. Zimmerman returned from
Omaha last Friday where he had
1 een on business.
Mrs. I. S. Kieth and two sons, wlere
Rockville visitors Saturday, visiting
with friends and relatives.
Chris Bauman, and family, spent
over Sunday with Mrs. Bauman’s
brother. John Dietz and wife.
Mrs. A. C. Haggey and children,
were passengers to Grand Island
Saturday to visit with relatives.
For Sale: A nice lot of Indian
Runner ducks for a short time at 75c
each—Mrs. John Warrick. Phone 7014.
The Misses Alice Mulick and Helen
Tapolski came up from Ashton Fri
day where they are attending school,
to visit with home folks.
Gilbert Henkens returned to his
borne at Rockville Friday after
spending the day visiting with Rex
l'ord and Theodore Currier.
Miss Clara Polski visited at the
home of her brother. L. B. Polski. and
family, last Wednesday, returning to
her home at Ashton Thursday morn
Mrs. Lew Owen and daughter. Miss
Edna, and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ward,
all of Arcadia, visited here with many
friends last Friday, returning home
in the evening.
Opera house, Saturday, December
ISth, “From the Gutter to the Foot
lights" in five parts. One of Webb's
teries.. Prices Id and 15 cents
Special music.
Mrs. Minnie Schirkofsky and little
son Robert, returned to their home al
Grand Island last Friday. She had
been here attending the funeral ol
her father. L. Bechthold.
The eighth grade gave a surprise
party on their teacher, Mr. Nicoson
on Wednesday of last week. The
evening was spent in games. Light
refreshments were served and at a
late hour all departed for their homes
reporting a very pleasant evening.
Daily sells for less.
Try Chase’s first—it pays.
Alfalfa hay for sale. Inquire of
Burr Robbins.
Jack Pageler was a business pas
ing in the evening.
V. L. Johns was an Ashton visitor
Tuesday on business.
Joe O’Bryan was a business visitor
; to Grand Island Tuesday.
P. T. Rowe was a business passen
ger to Rockville Friday.
Henry Dunker visited with Fred
Hunker at Rockville Tuesday.
Fresh lettuce and radishes and
other vegetables at Pritschau’s. tf
T. E. Gilbert returned from St.
Paul Tuesday where js had been on
Mrs. J. A. Chandler went to Ra
venna last Friday to visit with her
many friends.
Automobile for sale. Five passen
ger automobile for sale cheap. Iuquire
of T. R. Lay.
A. B. Conger returned from Farwell
Tuesday evening where he had been
on business.
How’ard James Jr. returned from
Ord Monday evening where he had
been on business.
Rev. Theodore Young and Alfred
Anderson were business visitors to
Comstock Monday evening.
Miss Clara Bogacz came up from
Ashton Wednesday evening to visit
at the Floyd Janulewiez home.
Mr. and Mrs. Wroblewski came up
from Ashton Monday evening to visit
with relatives and friends.
Top prices paid for turkeys at the
creamery. Call us up.—Ravenna
Creamery Co., Loup City, Nebr.
Claud Clay, and family left Mon
dav for Morral, Wyo., where they in
tend to make their future home.
Mrs. J. H. Tockey fame down from
Arcadia Wednesday to spend the day
visiting with Mrs. Susan Tockey.
Miss Elizabeth Fike returned to her
home at Arcadia Friday evening
after visiting here at the Steel home.
Mrs. C. W. Conhiser and Miss
Bertha Retenmayer accompanied
cauia Monday to visit a few days.
Phil Pizer returned to Hastings
Monday after spending a short time
here in the interests of the Pizer &
> Co. store.
Rev. Father Jarka returned home
ing from Ashton Tuesday where he
had been on business and visiting
with many friends.
Mrs. John McDonald and two
I daughters, Opal and Klea, went to
: Hallam, Nebr., Tuesday morning to
! attend the wedding of a friend.
The reputation of J. I. Depew for
welding large castings has traveled
far and wide. Last week he did
welding for parties twenty-four and
thirty-two miles from Loup City.
■ .. I
Daily sells for less.
Try Chase’s first—it pays.
Hansen’s Sunny Smile coal—Your
warmest friend.
E. G. Taylor autoed to Mason City
Wednesday on a business trip.
“The Million Dollar Mystery” at
the opera house every Tuesday night.
Ernest Rowe returned home from
Ashton Thursday evening where he
had been for several days.
O. A. Woods was a business visitor
to St. Paul Wednesday morning, re
luming home the same day.
Clayton Conger visited with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Conger at
Arcadia last Thursday and Friday.
Mrs. J. H. Tockey of Arcadia is
here visiting with her mother, Mrs.
Susan Tockey, and other relatives.
Ward VerValin made a business
trip to Ashton Monday returning in
the evening.
FOR SALE:—Team, wagon and
harness and hay rack. Inquire of C.
N. Lambert.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Rettenmayer of
Aicadia, visited at the C. W. Con
hiser home Sunday.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John Dem
bewski, a fine pair of twins, a boy
and a girl. Congratulations.
Mrs. Carrie McMullen left Wednes
day morning for Aurora to attend
the funeral of her father, Peter Ja
Mrs. Herbert Mortz, and children,
came up from Scliaupps Tuesday
evening to visit a few days’ at the
Mike Kaminski home.
Mr. and Mrs. Claus Haider re
turned to their home at St. Libory,
Monday after spending Sunday at the
William Graefe home.
Downing Charlton returned home
last Wednesday evening from Oma
ha where he had been on business
and pleasure combined.
A fine girl of the regulation size
and weight arrived at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Daddow, west of
Wiggle Creek on December 13.
Mike Kaminski came home from
Schuyler Monday and visited till
Wednesday with home folks, return
ing to his work Wednesday morning.
Walter Scott, who has been here
visiting with his brother, L. M.
S< ott, and family, returned to his
home at Phillipps, Nebr., Wednes
day morning.
Opera house, Saturday, December
18, “From the Gutter to the Foot
lights” in five parts. One of Webb’s
series. Do not miss this thrilling
story. Prices 10 and 15 cents.
Special music.
Miss Helen Beck, who has been
here for some time visiting with her
uncles, E. T. and C. F. Beushausen,
left for Ord Saturday to visit a few
days with relatives and many friends
and from there she will return to her
i home at Steamboat Springs, Colo.
Daily sells for less.
Try Chase’s first—it pays.
I. C. Smith was a business passen
ger to Rockville Thursday.
Ira Iliddleson was a business pas
senger to Rockville Friday.
Miss Bertha Landeaur spent Sun- j
day with her parents at Arcadia.
Mrs. E. G. Taylor spent the day
visiting with relatives at St. Paul last
Mrs. Clarence Colt rune visited with
friends at St. Paul iast Friday and
Mrs. Iona Sharp spent the day at
Grand Island Saturday, returning in
the evening.
George Benschoter went to Hay
Springs, Nebr., last Friday to look
after his big ranch.
W. B. Flanders made a visiting
trip over in the neighborhood of
Hazard last Sunday.
Col. George Slote and Mrs. Slote
of Litchfield spent Monday here visit
ing with Drs. Bowman.
Top prices paid for turkeys at the
creamery. Call us up.—Ravenna
Creamery Co., Loup City, Nebr.
Mrs. Lamont L. Stephens was a
passenger to Lincoln Monday to at
tend the wedding of a friend.
Max. Leschinskv was a passenger
to Grand Island Monday on business,
returning home Tuesday evening.
Miss Alice Tangerman came up
from Rockville Saturday and visited
over Sunday at the Dietericlis home.
I. L. Conger returned home from
Dannebrog Wednesday noon where
he had been visiting with his brother,
Cash Conger, and family.
Mrs. C. J. Augustyn, who has been
here visiting at the heme of Mrs Joe
Wondra, returned to her home at
Shelby. Nebr., Saturday morning.
Mrs. Edward Oltman came up from
Schaupps last Thursday and visited
with her sister, Mrs. W. D. French,
and family, returning home Thursday
Mrs. T. L. Grierson left Tuesday
morning for Omaha to spend a few
days’ visiting with friends, and then
from there she goes to Atlantic, la.,
! to visit with her mother, Mrs. Ellen
Seymore, and other relatives.
Mrs. E. W. Thompson left Satur
day noon for Hot Springs, South Da
kota, to spend a week visiting with
her husband, Earl Thompson who is
in the sanitarium there for treat
ment. He expects to return home
with her.
The Loup City band is holding
practice meetings twice each week,
on Monday and Friday evening. The
; band will give a concert some time
in the near future, probably in Feb
, ruary. The bard has been holding
regular practices for some time. The
; concert to be given will be waited
i for with interest.
Special Attraction Dec. 17 I
All Seats Reserved. Adults 50c, Children 25c
Daily sells tor less.
Take advantage of the cut prices on
horse blankets at James Bartunek’s.
Corn Flakes, 6c per package, at
The Loup City Cash Store, Wm. Lew
andowski, proprietor.
Henry Eisner will fit you
with glasses. Satisfaction is
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd K.
Janulewicz, northwest of town was
gladdened by the arrival of a nine
pound boy on December 14. Here’s
hoping he will grow to manhood and
follow in the footsteps of his dad.
Willis Fulliton of Austin was in
Loup City Wednesday. Mr. Fulliton
will visit until next Monday with
run tives at Boelus and Central City
and then will leave for Anahem, Cali
fornia, where he will spend the next
three months visiting and sight see
There is a movement on foot
among several of our local pastors
to secure an evangelist and hold re
vival meetings here in March. If the
plans materialize it is the intention
to erect a tabernacle in which to
hold the meetings. Nothing definite
as yet lias been decided upon as the
movement is yet in its infancy.
How do nations raise moeny to con
duct long wars? Recently France,
England and Russia placed a great
loan in the United States. We tell
you in a special article in this issue
of The Northwestern how Jay Cooks
raised one billion dollars for the fed
eral government during the Civil war
when the situation was mighty dark.
Try Chase’s first—it pays.
Get your flowers for Christmas
from Pritschau. Order early.
It. P. Starr returned from Omaha
luesday evening where he had been
on legal business.
Fresh lettuce, radishes and other
vegetables. Agent for cut flowers.—
Yv truer Pritschau. Phone 58.
Mrs. Sadie Bailey, of Westerville, j
Nebr., is here visiting at the W. J. |
Fisher and George Bensclioter homes.
Ivliss Barbara Ignowski returned
home from Schaupps Saturday even
ing where she had been visiting with
C. F. Beushausen, and family, and
W. Hawk, and family, autoed to Kear
ney last Sunday and spent the day
visiting with relatives.
A. F. Eisner has been on the sick
list this week, being confined to his
home part of the time. The Christ
mas rush was too great for him.
Mrs. B. J. Swanson returned to her
home'd Ulysses, Nebr., Tuesday morn
ing after visiting here wTith her son, O.
L. Swanson, and family, and other
relatives. She was accompanied by
her little granddaughter.
J. S. Pedler had an accident Mon
day evening that has caused him
considerable pain since. He slipped
and fell on the steps at his home,
which were covered with a thin coat
ing of ice, and was severly bruised
about the back and shoulders. While
the accident was quite severe, it I
might have been worse and his j
friends hope for his speedy recovery. |
Miss Emma Rowe entertained the
B. Y. P. U. of the Baptise church to a
party at her home last Criday even
ing in honor of Miss Laura Weiss of
Shelton. The evening was spent iu
games and light remreshmeuts were
served, and at a late hour all departed
tor their homes reporting a most en
joyable time.
Every day we see or hear of some
thing mighty good and praise worth;,
about some oye in this town, and it
just clinches us in the opinion that
it is a “good place to live.” And we
hear and see good deeds and traits
of the farmers out in the country,
and that, too, gives us u mighty fine
feeling. A person might travel a
long way and see many worse places
to live than this town and among
these good towrn and country people.
It suits us.
Miss Amy Bass of Loup City and
Mr. Harry Roberts of Hazard were
married by County Judge Smith at
the court house on Tuesday, Decem
ber 14, at 11:30 a. m.
The marriage was witnessed by the
parents of the bride, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Bass, and her brothers and
sisters. Byron Roberts, of Hazard
and Miss Tena Bass acteid as best
man and bridesmaid.
After the ceremony the wedding
party repaired to the home of the
bride’s parents where a fine wedding
dinner awaited them.
Mr. and Mrs. Roberts will make
their home at Sweetwater. Their
many friends wish them mttch joy
in their married life.
Three choice Duroc boars.—L. N.
Smith. Phone Black 12. 52-3
No Doubt You are a Busy Person-But This Advertise
ment Was Meant to be Read. It will Pay You to do so.
There is a reason. You have an opportunity to come into our store
and inspect our goods. We have spent many months in completing
1 his stock. We have no dead ones. Every piece of merchandise is
guaranteed by the manufacturers trade mark and are marked with
plain figures.
We offer a reward for anyone bringing us a customer who has not
_ received perfect satisfaction on every purchase.
We have records of over 3,000 customers who have had watches re
paired and have purchased goods from us at the same time, with per
fect satisfaction at all times.
We carry the largest stock anywhere to be found in Sherman county.
You cannot make a mistake, because we will not allow a mistake on any
purchase. We back our goods with honest prices and honest quality.
This means service to you, and service spells success. ' Now be fair with
yourself, study our goods, compare with others and prove to your own
satisfaction the high quality of goods handled by us.
We thank you for reading this advertisement. Give us a call, and
you will thank us for the opportunity it offers.
Registered Optometrist.
Christmas Will Soon |
Be Here
Do your Christmas shopping early. We are trying our best to please you.
We had a wonderful month in November for which we thank you. Help
us make this a better one. Nice assortment of sensible and useful
Christmas gifts. |
Women’s and Children’s plain
and fancy Handkerchiefs,
Each 5c to 50c.
Men’s all linen handkerchiefs,
25c to 50c.
A complete line of Men’s neck
Each 25c to 50c.
Combs, Handbags, Barretts,
front and back and side
10c to $1.50.
Santa (flans Head
quarters at
Hir Swansons Store
A fine line of ribbon. All prices |
10c to 50c yd.
Beautiful Bed Spreads,
$1.00 to $5.00.
Table Cloths and Napkins,
$2.00 to $6.50 Set.
Ladies’ Misses’ and Children’s
$2.00 to $15.00.
Cotton Wool and Wool Nap
Pair 75c to $7.00.
Complete Line of Dry Goods
mid Notions to Suit Everybody
The Place to Buy Your Merchandise at the Right Price