Does Your Auto Need Repairs Bring the machine to this garage and it will be fixed up satisfactorily, hs we have one of ; the best repair men in the county and guar antee every piece of work turned out to be entirely satisfactory in every res.pect. Auto Repairing The fastest and best cars are used in our livery service, together .with competent drivers and _ at reasonable prices. Agent for the ' \ ? ;• HUPMOBILE . W. R. HENKENS ROCKVILLE, NEBRASKA A. A. GRAY I Auctioneer Seven Years’ Ex perience ■ For Rates and Dates Phone 4304 Rockville, Nebraska HENRY BUSHHOUSEN General Blacksmith and Wagon Maker HORSESHOEING The Best Horseshoer in Sherman County ROCKVILLE, NEBRASKA - , II ——I Eat Fresh Fish One Salmon or Chicken Hali but direct from ocean to your table, packed in ice and re-iced daily by express companies. Guaranteed to arrive in prime f; condition. Get a fresh Salmon, bake it according to our directions and you •will be sure to give us a weekly standing order. They are cheaper than beef and have a much higher food value; and what is more delicious than a well-baked Salmon? Each fish is in a separate box and weighs from 9 to 11 lbs. Our price is $1.50, prepaid to any ex press office. Check, Postal or Express order should accompany orders. Send us a, trial order and be come our local representative. Buckley Fish Co. 4154 Arcade Bldg. SEATTLE, - - - WASH. ROUTE TWO. Mrs. Andy Gray is reported very sick. Miss Adel Miekow spent Sunday at home. Alfred Jorgensen butchered the past week. Ernest Daddow is building an ad dition to his house. Ray McFadden and wife spent Sat urday evening in Loup. Mrs. B. Wilkie's mother, from Brock, is here visiting her. Werner Pritschau has had his house repaired since the cyclone. Mr. and Mrs. Ransink spent Sun day at the McLaughlin home. William Behrens sold hay on the Loup City market last Friday. W. G. Tucker left Saturday for Aurora to visit with home folks. Wilbur Currie, and family visited at Henry Goodwin’s place Sunday. Mrs. John L. Jenny worked at the home of W. G. Tucker last week. Mrs. Albert Snyder and daughter, Lena, went to Grand Island Monday. Charles May and Joe Caddy were | seen autoing toward Litchfield Mon day. Chris Jensen and his brother are husking corn for Tom McFadden this week. John Czarnek hauled corn from the neighbors, south of his place Monday. Vic Swanson and family spent Sun day afternoon at the home of Rav* McFadden. Miss Ethel Lewis has entirely re covered from her severe sick spell of the past month. People Ask Us What is the best laxative? Years of experience in selling all kinds leads us to always recommend as the ?: