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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1915)
IHP aUI Table Dainties from Sunny 1 Climes * # _ "'! ■ Hawaiian Pineapple From trcf .1 Hawaii, home of the sweetest, most luscious pineapple, comes the one; and California, where the tenderest asparagus grows, supplies the other. The Libby care and cleanliness back of both is a warrant of a product that will please you. * Insist on Libby's at your grocer’s. hiii. Libby, McNeill & Libby, Chicago . mil Judge Properly Warned. In a rural justice court the defend ant in a case was sentenced to serve 30 days in jail. He had known the judge from boyhood aud addressed him as follows: “Bill, old boy, you're a gwine ter send me ter jail, air you?” “That's what,” replied the judge. "Have you got anything to say against It?” “Only this here, Bill: It will be bad for you when I git out!” SUFFERED FOR FOUR YEARS. Mr. J. M. Sinclair of Olivehill, Tenn., writes: “I strained my back, which weakened my kidneys and caused an awful bad backache and inflammation of the bladder. La ter I became so much worse that I consulted a doctor, who said * that I had Dia « betes and that » my heart was af fected. I suffer air. j. m. auwiwr. ed for rour years and was in a nervous state and very much depressed. The doctor's medi cine didn’t help me, so I decided to try Dodds Kidney Pills, and I cannot say enough to express my relief and thankfulness, as they cured me. Dia mond Dinner Pills cured me of Con stipation.” Dodds Kidney Pills, 50c. per box at your dealer or Dodds Medicine Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Dodds Dyspepsia Tab lets for Indigestion have been proved. 60c. per box.—Adv. Not if He Knew It. "If you were to marry again, would you marry the same husband?” "He says not.” Two Hundred Pounds. Eva—There's one thing about Mari anne—she has such poise. May—You mean avoirdu-pois. He Was an Expert. There was only a glimmer of light in the hall, but the old gentleman at the head of the stairs could just dis cern the outlines of two figures, very close together, near the front door. ••Helen,” he snapped angrily, "this is too much! It’s half-past eleven, and that young man’s not gone yet! Doesn’t he know how to say good night?” After a short silence there floated up the stairs to him in his daugh ter’s voice, low, breathless, languor ous: "Doesn’t he know how to say good-night?” she echoed. “Oh, father, I should just think he does!” For a really fine coffee at a mod erate price, drink Denison’s Seminole Brand, 35c the lb., in sealed cans. Only one merchant in each town sells Seminole. If your grocer isn’t the one, write the Denison Coffee Co., Chicago, for a souvenir and the name of your Seminole dealer. Buy the 3 lb. Canister Can for $1.00. —Adv. Trapping the Elusive Mouse. Every housewife has had the experi ence of finding a carefully prepared mouse trap denuded of its bait, but un sprung and minus its victim. This can be avoided and Mr. Mouse’s cap ture assured by using for bait cheese crumbs instead of a large lump. To get the crumbs the mouse must press down and thus set off the spring. A lump, on the other hand, is easily stolen. Write mnrlne Eye Remedy Co,, Chicago for illustrated Book of the Eye Free. Indolence to the mind is as rust to iron. Always sure to please. Bed Cross Ball Blue. All grocers sell it. Adv. Hate is a low-grade powder that's apt to flash in the pan. 10c Worth of (fU POND Will Clear $1.00 Worth of Land Get rid of the stumps and grow j big crops on cleared land. Now is the time to clean up your farm while products bring high prices. Blasting is quickest, cheapest and easiest with Low Freez ing Du Pont Explosives. They work in cold weather. Write for Free Handbook of Explosives No. 69F. and name of nearest dealer. v DU PONT POWDER COMPANY WILMINGTON DELAWARE Nebraska Directory Boom* from 11.00 up single, 76 cent* up double. CAM PRICES REASONABLE DOCTORS MACH A MACH DENTISTS r3rd Floor Paxton Block 16th A Farnam St*. .Omaha Bert equipped Dental Offices in Omaha. Reasonable prices Special discount to all people living outside ef Omaha RHEUMATISM can be cured or money refunded. The Serum Treatment is the only positire cure known. Only ten days time required for a cure. Call or write for testimonials and full particulars. Or. W. W. Bowser, 314 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Nebr. BOWLES Commission Ce. SHIPMENTS SECURED BT $100,000.00 CAP,pTAA,lD Slocl BEST PRICES AND FILLS. South Omaha Chicago Kas. City BILLY SUNDAY Arsen of A#*7Jrtxw * 0r//A teat MXtftesXCms x>*to jr? tetters-<#/br Z-Zt* L /®w musvm a?, m I X/T BA B/t/f Chute, AM Hotel Castle 632 So. 16 St., Omaha, Neb. New, absolutely fireproof. Rooms with private bath * - $1.50 Rooms with private toilet - • 1.00 Fred A, Castle, Proprietor ['"'TAGG BROS. & o MOORHEAD Uve Stock Oommlsslon Agents SOUTH OMAHA, NEB. motto - eooo eemvicm MUTUAL LIVE STOCK COMMISSION GO. Seller* of Line Stock on the South Omaha market. Feeder buying a specialty BOTH CATTLE SALESMEN, BOTH HOG SALES MEN AND OFFICE MANAGER WITH THE ' ‘NAT IONAL' ' UP TO Tint TIME IT SOLD OUT £ g s. o * ' ‘ s . ■’, • . >j/---. *■» v. •. •5-, MEMBERS OF ITALIAN CABINET FIGHT DURING SESSION. PEACE MOVEMENT SUGGESTED High Army Official Says He Would Rather Resign Post Than Allow Troops to Help in Balkans. Rome—Sharp differences of opinion have developed in the cabinet con cerning the war. These differences have not reached the extent of a crisis, but have brought about a con flict in views, leading to an exciting incident. One of the ministers at a recent meeting of the cabinet is said to have expressed the view that Italy’s best interests would be served by assist ing a movement toward the restora tion of peace. This caused an angry protest, and charges were made against the good faith of the minister suggesting peace. Epithets were en gaged in and one of the ministers, ac cording to reports, overcome by in dignation, threw a book at his col league whose suggestion had caused the strife. While a cabinet crisis, such as those wdiich have occurred in France, England and Russia have been avoid ed, opinion here is divided concern ing the conduct of the war, especially as regards a Balkan expedition. Lieutenant General Count Cadorna’s will has triumphed in this respect. He said he would rather resign as chief of the general staff than allow a part of his troops to participate in a Balkan undertaking, and his view was finally adopted by the minister of war and the entire cabinet. Existing relations between Italy and Germany are a subject of inter est among Italian political observers, owing to the lack of declaration of war upon either side, and because both countries seemingly are avoiding anything which might embitter their intercourse. Negotiations are actual ly taking place with a view to an ex change between the two countries of certain product which do not bear di rectly on the war. In some well-informed quarters it is thought when Italy denounced the triple alliance and joined the entente allies, it made a declaration to the entente that its participation in the war was limited to fighting Austria Hungary, with the object of conquer ing the Italian provinces still subject to Austrian rule, at the same time stating that it did not wish to extend hostilities to Germany. This situation, it is pointed out, might enable th° two countries to help each other in given circumstances. First Order by Wireless 'Phone. Washington, D. C.—Secretary Dan iels transmitted the first naval order ^enl by wireless telephone, Novem ber 5, to Rear Admiral Usher at the New York navy yards. From his desk in the navy department, the sec retary talked to the commandent of the New York yards by way of the big government radio towers at Ar lington and ordered a report of re pairs to the dreadnought. Navy offi cials say the achievement brings close a day when the secretary of war may sit at his desk in Washing ton and talk to the fleet commanders all over the world. Secretary Daniels transmitted this verbal order, which was taken down by a stenographer in Admiral Usher’s office and acknowl edged verbally by the admiral him self: “Rear Admiral Usher, command ant, New York navy yard: Report as soon as practicable after the arrival of the New York how soon the re pairs recommended can be complet ed. DANIELS.” Plots Cost Half Million. New York.—At least 1500,000 has been expended in carrying out alleged German plots in this country in an effort to prevent war munitions from reaching the allies, according to a statement made by one of the officials investigating the cases of Robert Fay, who claimed to be a German army lieutenant, and five alleged accom plices. Federal authorities admitted that they considered unreliable the lengthy story which Fay readily told concerning his life history and activ ities in connection with plots against steamships carrying munitions from this country to the allies. Fay, it is said, is now believed to be a Hungar ian, whose real name is Feji. War Planes Crash in Air. Paris.—Two military aeroplanes col lided while making a landing at Le Bourget. They caught fire and the four aviators managing the machines were burned to death. Convict Starves Self to Death. Atlanta, Ga.—Tan Shi Yan. a Ch! nese convicted in New York of opium smuggling, died at the federal prison here of starvation, after refusing foi nearly two months to eat. Tan Shi Yan refused to eat from the day he entered the prison. Death Before Life in Jail. Colusa, Cal.—Death rather than the white man’s jail, was the choice made by Charlie Nelson, an Indian, whc killed his squaw and himself in a cell in the county jail here. Michigan Drys Start Campaign. Escanaba, Mich.—Dry forces in con vention here decided to open a cam paign for statewide prohibition, with particular attention to the upper pen insula. Resolutions were adopted sup porting the Hobson amendment for national prohibition. Wisconsin’s First Citizen. Madison, Wis.—Former Governor W. D. Hoard of Fort Atkinson, has been selected as Wisconsin’s most distinguished citizen. He will be hon ored at the San Francisco exposition. THE EUROPEAN WAR A YEAR AGO THIS WEEK Nov. 8, 1914. Allies gained plateau of Vregny. Germans continued attacks be tween North sea and Lys and made gains In Argonne. Belgians gained at Dixmude and Ypres. Russian cavalry invaded Posen province and destroyed ^ railroad near Pleschen. Russians entered Wirballen. Przemysl again attacked. Russians took Koprikoi in Ar menia. Two Dardanelles forts destroyed by bombardment. Turks sank Greek steamer. Germany mourned loss of Tsing tau but praised bravery of garri son. German cruiser Geier interned at Honolulu. Beyers’ rebels defeated in South Africa. Nov. 9, 1914. Ypres set afire by German bom bardment. Fighting on the Aisne. Russians occupied Goidapp, Ger mans still withdrawing. Germans won victory near Wyschtuniz lake, taking 4,000 pris oners. Serbians drove back Austrians near Shabats. Russians took Turkish fort near Erzerum and won at Koprikoi on River Araxes. ports. Russians bombarded Bosporus Nov. 10, 1914. Allies advanced between Ypres and Armentieres and between Reims and Berry-au-Bac. Russians drove German right wing back toward Mazurian lakes, and occupied Miechow. Austrians defeated Serbians near Losnitza. All allies issued formal declara tion of war on Turkey. German cruiser Emden de stroyed by Australian cruiser Sydney at Cocos island. Russian fleet sank four Turkish transports. Karl H. Lody shot as spy in i Tower of London. Nov. 11, 1914. Germans took Dixmude, crossed Yser canal, captured allies’ first line west of Langemarck and drove them out of St. Eloi. Allies reoccupied Lombaertzyde and repulsed Germans near coast. Russians attacked Cracow de fenses. Austrians pursued Serbians on Shabats-Losnitza line. British torpedo boat Niger sunk by German submarine near Dover. Japanese torpedo boat sunk by mine at Kiaochow. Conspiracy discovered in Con stantinople against Germans and Young Turks; leaders shot. Nov. 12, 1914. Both sides claimed successes In battle along the Yser. Russians captured Johannisburg, East Prussia. Siege of Przemysl resumed. Austrians won a victory at Pruth. Serbians routed Austrians who tried to cross Danube near Seman dria. Turkish cruiser Goeben crip pled. Mass meeting In London to sup port Kitchener’s appeal for tem | perance. Nov. 13, 1914. Germans broke through British lines at Ypres. Allies advanced on coast to Bix schoote. Battle between aviators near Ypres. Austrians evacuated central Ga licia, Russians taking Tarnow, Jas lo and Krosno. Germans faced about and ad vanced on Poland. Bomb in Enver Bey’s palace kills five German officers. Two more Rockefeller founda tion relief ships sailed. His Opinion. "Mamma, did you say the baby came from heaven?” “Yes, why?” “I don’t think he came, I think he was fired. How could the angels sing with him puttin’ up that holler all the time?” An Impossible Experiment. “Why don’t you let the other fellow do the worrying?” “I try to,” replied Mr. Growcher. “But he comes around and worries me.” The Throwback. “What have you to say?” asked the sheriff. Just before the trap was sprung. “Only this,” said the man who was about to be hanged. “My parents are in no way to blame for my present plight 1 was a eugenic baby.” No Doubt “I wonder if. surgeons don’t feel somewhat cheap when they have to be operated on themselves?” “I dare say they do feel rather cut up about it" Good Reason. “Does the autumn make you melan choly?” “Yes, indeed.” “You don’t look like a man of poetic ideas.” “I’m not-^For five years my wife has, been trying to get me to buy her a sealskin coat and the struggle be gins anew every year about Septem ber 1.” CUTICURA COMPLEXIONS Art Usually FYesh and Clear, Soft and Velvety. Try One. The Soap to cleanse and purify, the Ointment to soothe and heal. Thus these supercreamy emollients promote and maintain the natural purity and beauty of the skin, scalp, hair and hands under conditions which if neg lected might disfigure them. Sample each free by mail with Book. Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. XY, Boston. Sold everywhere.—Adv. You should be able to save some thing for a rainy day by investing in a mackintosh, an umbrella and a pair of rubbers. He Got Them Mixed. A Missouri farmer had ordered a fancy pig from a breeder. The pig was a mere mite of a pig. and the farmer sent it back. “Dear Sir.” he wrote. "From the comparative size of the pig and the bill. I am forced to the conclusion that you got them mixed. You should have sent the pig by mail and the bill by express.”— Youth’s Companion. Not Gray Hairs but Tired Eyes make us look older than we are. Keep your Eyes young and you will look young. After the Movies always Murine Your Eyes— Don’t tell your age. If the baby is reared on the bottle half the women sniff in disdain. If it isn’t, the other half sniffs. A man that weighs 150 pounds con tains enough grease to make 75 can dles and a pound of soap. Millions of particular women now use and recommend Red Cross Ball Blue. All grocers. Adv. A prize lighter gets his share, win, lose or draw. But in order to share in the purse you must win. BETTER _ DIGESTION " BETTER " HEALTH THAT’S THE IDEA m You must first, get the stomach work ing proper y, keep UBS the liver active and the bowels open. You can help Nature by taking HOSTETTER’S ■ STOMACH _ BITTERS ■ Net Contents IS FlaM Drachma! h «t§ *»s *oo5 ^-0 g( ALCOHOL- 3 PER CENT. AVegc table Piv parationforAs *tUi, siniilatingtheFoodandRe^ula the Stomachsand Bowels of :io« !ZZZZ^_ _ __ ;0;«R--— JgiJ Promotes Di«estion,Clieerful ice ness qnd Rest.Contains neither ft) Opiiun,Morphine nor .Mineral 1 Not Narcotic. tUdpe 0fQJdDnSA.iI/U PITCHER Pumpkin Seed* . C A Lx Senna * \ llfrr Pochelle Solti) I Vt Anise Seed* I !S<2 tyftZZLsc*-} tO*J khrmSau/ | , > * Clarified Sugar 1 >0J[ J Wutfe/yrinrlaror'* J 'i£f- A perfect Remedy torHonsTIpa-" ;S»iP Itlon. Sour StoinacfiDiarrhocH. 1 Sk Worms. Feve rishness and tf;y Loss of Sleek, (I . - - •VjcO Fac simile Signature ot C&tffd55Z eQ»< --- ■J <0 The Centaur CompanV, NEW YORK; £» - -J Exact Copy of Wrapper Children Cry For What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrnps. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Karcotlo substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhcca. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea.—The Mother’s Friend* GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS , . ' ' In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought THE CENTAUR COM RAN Y. NEW YORK CITV, Vilna's Napoleonic Veteran. In Vilna, which is temporarily in the possession of Germany, lives Pe ter Laptieff, one of Europe’s "old men,” for he was born in the year 1789, saj’s the London Chronicle. When Napoleon Invaded Russia, and got as far as Dvinsk, he was in need of a guide. But the inhabitants had fled Laptieff’s family, hiding in the recesses of a forest. But curiosity drew him, and he hid in a tree to watch the invaders. He was seen, captured and taken before the em peror, who ordered him to act as guide to the vanguard of the army. This he did for 36 hours, and then es caped. He fought against both of his country’s present allies, against the French at Borodino, and against the English in the Crimea. Tired of mak ing history, he took to making bricks, but now lives in retirement with his son and grandson. Can’t Do theWorkl A bad back makes hard work harder. All day the dull throb and the sharp, darting pains make you mis erable, and there's no rest at night. Maybe It's your daily work that hurts the kid jneys, for jar ring, jolting, lifting, reach •us, unmpueoa biiu many omer strains do weaken them. Cure the kidneys. Use Doan’s Kidney Pills. They have helped thousands and should do as well for you. [DQANMfl |j | 50* at all Stores j Foster-Miibum Co. Prop*. Buffalo^N.Y. Hard to Damage. “Alpine scenery is very grand.” “Very durable, too. I imagine it will pull through the war all right.” YES, RESINOL CERTAINLY DOES STOP ECZEMA Are you an eczema sufferer? Do those ugly patches of eruptions start up and itch as though they would drive you frantic? And have you tried treat ment after treatment with, at best, only temporary relief? Then you are only going through the experience of thousands of others who at last found that resinol healed their sick skins for good! With the first use of resinol oint ment and resinol soap the itching and burning usually stop, and soon all trace of eczema or similar torturing skin-trouble disappears, even in se vere and stubborn cases. Doctors have prescribed the resinol treatment for twenty years.—Adv. The Byplay Minstrels. “Mr. Interlocutor, can you tell me what class of people are fondest of bad company?” “No, Mr. Bones, I cannot. Will you tell us what class of people are fond est of bad company?” "Why, doctors, Mr. interlocutor.” “And why doctors, Mr. Bones?” “Because the worse people are the oftener they visit .hem.” “As soon as the police have restored order that the bricks and tomato cans have been removed from the stage, Mr. O. SufTryn Marckrel will render his pathetic ballad, “When I’m Dream ing of Garlic I'm Dreaming of You.’ ” Just the Thing. “I don’t know what I want to eat,” remarked the guest at the beanery after carefully studying the bill of fare. “Why don’t you try some hash,” sug gested the waiter; “then you won’t know what you’re getting.” Lots of men who preach charity wait for other men to practice it ANURIC! The Newest Discovery in Chemistry This is a recent discovery of Doctor Pierce, who is head of the Invalid’s Hotel and Surgical Institute at Buffalo, N. Y. Experiments at Dr. Pierce’s Hospital for several years proved that there is no other eliminator of uric acid that can be compared to it. For those easily recognized symptoms of inflammation—as backache, scalding urine and frequent urination, as well as sediment in the urine, or if uric acid in the blood has caused rheuma tism, it is simply wonderful how sure *y “Anuric” acts. The best of results are always obtained in cases of acute rheumatism in the joints, in gravel and gout, and invariably the pains and stiffness which so frequently and per sistently accompany the disease rap idly disappear. Go to .your nearest drug store and simply ask for a 50-cent package of "Anuric” manufactured by Dr. Pierce, or even write Dr. Pierce for a large trial package (10c). If you suspect kidney or bladder trouble, send him a sample of your water and describe symptoms. Dr. Pierce’s chemist will examine it, then Dr. Pierce will report to you without fee or charge. NOTE. — “Anuric” Is thirty-seven times more active than lithia in elimi nating uric acid, and is a harmless but reliable chemical compound that may be safely given to children, but should be used only by grown-ups who actu ally wish to restore their kidneys to perfect health, by conscientiously using one box—or more in extreme cases—as “Anuric” (thanks to Doctor Pierce’s achievement) is by far the most perfect kidney and bladder cor rector obtainable. Wanted to Spread Joy. "Please, mamma, can 1 go over and play with Jimmie Brown?" "Why, Willie, of course you can't. You’ve got the mumps, and it’s very catching." “I know it. That’s why I want to go over. Jimmie likes to stay home from school just as much as I do."— Philadelphia Evening Ledger. Some Come Back. He—Men have always achieved more than women. She—When they married, yes. A hundred years or so hence no one will know whether your epitaph is a joke or not. It does not take a very large estate to provoke a family quarrel among surviving relatives. LOSSES SURELY PREVENTED by Cutter's Blackleg Pills. Low priced, fresh, reliable; preferred by Western stockmen, bocauee they protect where other vaccines (ail. Write for booklet and testimonial!, in-doe* gkge. Blackleg Pill* SI.M 10-deto gkge. Blackleg Pilli 4 00 Use any injector, but Cutter’s beet The superiority of Cutter products la due to over It year* of specialising In vaccines and eeruma ealy. Inaist or Cutter s. If unobtainable, order direct The Cutter Laboratory. Berkeley, Cal., or Chleage. III. The Wretchedness of Constipation Can quickly be overcome by CARTER’S LITTLE LIVER PILLS. Purely vegetable —act surely and gently on the A liver. Cure 4m Biliousness, 4mt Head ache, Dizzi ness, and Indigestion. They do their duty. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE, Genuine must bear Signature A Soluble Antiseptic Powder to be dissolved in water as needed For Douches In the local treatment of woman'* ill*, such as lencorrhoea and inflammation, ho* douches of Paxtine are very efficacious. No woman who has ever used medicated douches will fail to appreciate the clean andt healthy condition Paxtine produces and th* prompt relief from soreness and discomfort which fellows its use.This is because Pax tin* possesses superior cleansing, disinfect, lng and healing properties. For ten years the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. has rec ommended Paxtine in their private correspondence with wo men, which proves its superi ority. Women who have been relieved say it is “ worth its weight in gold.’* At druggists. 80c. large box or bv mail Sample free. The Paxton Toilet Co., Boston, PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM A toilet preparation of merit Helps to eradicate dandruff. For Restoring Color and Beauty toGray or Faded Hair. 60c. and $1.00 at Druggista W. u, OMAHA, NO. 45-1915.