The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, November 04, 1915, Image 7

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    ! w. F. SEASON, President. L. HANSEN, Cashier. §
| Loup City, Nebraska, Monday, November 15. §
On the above dates Extension Workers from the 5
E i ’ollege of Agriculture at Lincoln will give the follow- -
§ ing program: ' E
•2 For Men—at the Court House. E
2:00 P. M.—“Care, Management and Feeding of Live Stock’’ r:
B K. F. WARNER, University Farm, Lincoln, Neb. Sj
E Separte Ladies’ Session at M. E. Church. =
= 2:00 P. M.—“The Balanced Meal”—Frances Wyman, Lincoln, Neb. E
= Joint Session at the M. E. Church. E
:* 8:00 P. M.—“The Efficient Kitchen.”—Miss Wyman. =
E “From Feed Lot to Frying Pan.”—Mr. Warner. —
E These meetings are planned as a part of the Farmers’ Insti- ;i
S tute and further details can be secured from Hans Johnson, =
E President, and A. H. Johnson, Secretary. s
= The Extension Workers hope to get in touch with people who E
E want to carry on special work during the coming year. =
E Cordially, E
j First National Bank (
We Pay Five Per Cent Interest on Time Deposits |
=! 1111111111■11111n z11111111111111111111111111111111111111 n111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ■ ir
Daily sells for less.
Try Chase's first—it pays.
Frank Grow was a passenger to
Arcadia Saturday evening.
Col. Jack Pageler went to Farwell
last Thursday to cry a sale. ,
I. C. Smith was a business passen
ger to Rockville last Thursday.
Mike Pawlowski of Ashton -was at
tending to business at the county hub
Automobile for sale. Five passen- i
ger automobile for sale cheap. Iuquire i
of T. R. Lay.
W. T. Owens went toGrand Island
Tuesday morning to attend a meeting
of the assessors.
Clayton Conger spent Sunday with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Con
ger. at Arcadia.
Carl de la Motte, of Hazard town
ship. was a business visitor to the
county seat Saturday.
Miss Waunetta Conger of Arcadia
visited with relatives anu friends here
last Saturday and Sunday.
M. Levi came up from Hastings last
Thursday evening to take charge »of
the new Pizer & Co. store.
Earl Mcllravy left last Thursday i
morning for York, where he will at- j
tend the York Business college.
Miss Vesta Mathews went to Au
rora last Thursday morning for a
visit with relatives and friends.
Miss Elizabeth Dinsdale came up
from Palmer Saturday evening for a.
visit at the Robert Dinsdale and Drs. j
Bowman homes.
Mike Nicholas took home a large
bundle of wall paper Monday evening
with which to decorate the interior
of his residence.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ransink, of
Cobb Creek, came to town Saturday
and transacted business with the
the county treasurer. They have the
satisfaction of knowing that their
taxes are paid for another year.
Daily sells for less.
Chase’s for fresh groceries.
Corn Flakes, 6c per package, at
The Loup City Cash Store, Wm. Lew
andowski, proprietor.
Miss Lela Lang returned to St. Paul
Monday morning after visiting here a
few days with her sisters, the Misses
Misses Annie and Madeline Czap
lewski went to Omaha last Friday
where they will visit for a week or so
with relatives and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Galus returned
home from Aleria. Nebr., last Thurs
day. where they had been visiting
with relatives the past two weeks.
Mrs. J. H. Tockey returned to her
home at Arcadia last Thursday even
ing. after visiting here a few days
with her daughter, Mrs. Susan Tockey.
Mrs. T. E. Youngquist returned
home last Thursday evening from Au
rora where she had been the past
week visiting with relatives and
Carl Dieterichs and Clayton Conger
returned home from Lincoln and
Hastings Saturday evening, where
they had been the past week visiting
with friends.
Mrs. M. C. Zeigler of Hoxie, Kan
sas, returned to her home Saturday
after spending two weeks here with
her mother, Mrs. L. D. Gardner, and
other relatives.
Mrs. D. L. Adamson returned home
last Thursday evening from Dwight,
Nebr., where she had been visiting
with her husband and two sons, who
are working there.
Mrs. J. M. Young of Central City,
and Miss Frances Young of Omaha,
arrived here Saturday evening for a
visit with their son and brother, A.
B. Young, and family.
The Woman’s Home Missionary so
ciety of the M. E. church will meet at
the pasonage Friday afternoon. Miss
Wiggins will give a talk on mission
ary work. A good attendance is de
por the Style-Keen
and the Quality-Wise
Ralston Shoes
$4.00 to $6.00
We recommend them to you, knowing they are
your kind of a Shoe
Try Chase’s first—it pays.
Doctor Marcy and family motored
to Grand Island Monday afternoon.
WANTED—-A man to pick corn, or
to work for the winter.
J. B. O’Bryan was a passenger toi
| Ord, St. Paul and Grand Island Wed
| nesday.
Miss Mary Rieman went to Boelus
Wednesday to spend a week visiting
with friends.
J. H. Burweal went to Omaha Wed
nesday to attend the state teachers’
association meeting.
Ed Radeliff, A. N. Cook and W. T.
Draper were passengers to Ashton
Wednesday on business.
Ira Hiddleson returned home from
Hazard and Litchfield, where he had
been on business.
Mrs. Norton Lambert and baby went
to St. Paul Wednesday to visit with
Mrs. A. L. Baliman and family.
Mrs. Frank Dzingle and Mrs. John
Spotanski went to Ashton Wednesday
morning to visit with relatives.
Mrs. C. C. Carlsen returned home
last Saturday from Omaha, where she
had been visiting the past week.
John Cynova and wife went to Com
stock Tuesday evening, where Mr.
Cynova will work for a couple of
I-Ians Hansen came up from Hast
ings Tuesday evening to visit with
his son and daughter, Pearl and Mable
John Turrentine came up from Pool.
Nebr., last Sunday and visited at the
home of S. E. Gallaway, returning
Miss Fay Bond, of Gresham, Nebr.,
came last Friday evening for a visit
with her sister, Mrs. Clarence, Ryan,
and family.
Del Draper of Lewiston, Mont., is
here, visiting writh his brother, W. T.
Draper, and family and other relatives
and friends.
The Misses Grace and Ruth Adams
were eastbound passengers to Omaha
Wednesday morning to spend a few
days visiting. *
Miss Roda Bouma returned to her
home at Arcadia last Friday evening,
after visiting here with her sister. Mrs.
Tenis Biemond.
Albert W. Fiebig went to St. Paul
Tuesday noon to visit a week or so
with his brother-in-law, George Dein
inger, and family.
Mrs. Minnie Hansel and daughter,
Frances, returned home from Omaha .
Tuesday evenfhg, where they have
been the past week on business.
Mrs. Merritt Warren of Omaha, and J
Mrs. Hormel and son, Dean, of Ulysses,
Nebr., visited at the Lamont Stephens
home last Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. Henry Dolling and daughter,
Rose, and Miss Amelia Hansen were ,
passengers to Grand Island Saturday j
returning home the same evening.
Mrs. Charles Roberts, who has been
here visiting with her sister, Mrs. E.
E. McFadden, returned to her home ^
at Waco, Nebr., last Thursday morn- .
** J. W. Arnett hnd family returned
to their home at McCool Junction, j
Nebr.. after visiting here with his par- (
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Arnett, and ,
Mrs. Pearl Hale, of Wood River,
Nebr.. came up last Thursday for a
visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. ,
Wm. Rutherfor,', and family, and |
friends. \
Marshal Jim held the lucky number
that drew the dishes at the Daddow
theater Monday evening. It certainly
is a nice addition to his already fine
A marriage license was granted by ;
County Judge Smith on Wednesday,
November 3, to Alexandra L. Kalkow
ski and Miss Frozella Kaminski, both <
of Ashton.
Miss Harriet Gallaway entertained
her Sunday school class, The King's
Daughters, at her home last Saturday
evening. Refreshments were served
and all those present report a good
Loup City flour is certainly in de
mand. Last week we mentioned that
E. G. Taylor shipped out twTo car loads
and this week again he has shipped
three car loads, one to Alliance, one
to Oconto, and one to Elba.
Get rid of that cough immediately—
Nyal’s Cherry Cough Syrup rids the
throat of all mucous deposits and pre
vents further accumulation—soothes
the irritated and inflamed mem
branes. The Nyal store sells it.
Howard Starr went to Grand Island
Saturday morning to meet his mother,
Mrs. R. P. Starr, who returned home
from Los Angeles, Calif., where she
had been as a state delegate to the
Grand Chapter of the P. E. O. con
About a dozen young ladies enjoyed
a costume party at the home of Mrs.
W. P. Taylor, Hallowe’en night. After
the party the remainder of the even
ing was pleasantly spent in dancing.
Refreshments were served and every
one present reported a very enjoyable
The program for the farmers’ insti
tute will be held at Wiggle Creek
church on Saturday, November 13, and
in Loup City, Monday, November 15,
will be found in the First National
bank’s ad space, this bank kindly giv
ing their space this week to advertise
the program.
A delightful Hallowe’en party was
given by Miss Florence Leininger at
her home Saturday night. The guests
were greeted by a couple of ghosts
and had their fortunes told by an un
cannay old witch. Many Hallowe’en
games were played and a dainty lunch
eon was served.
Signify Your
by giving good jewelry if you give
any. Have the ring, the bracelet,
the locket you give today of such a
quality that its beauty will never
vanish, its attractiveness never be
Engagement, Anniversary
and Birthday Gifts
should be selected here on account
of the beauty and permanent value
of our offerings.
Daily sells for less.
Try Chase’s first—it pays.
An ad in The Northwestern is read '
by 7,000 people every week.
When a man’s head begins to swell
what few brains he has just slide down
into his heels.
The county commissioners met Tues
iay, road business being the principal
business transacted.
The Ladies’ Industrial society held |
i kensington yesterday afternoon at
Lhe home of Mrs. E. G. Taylor.
Willard and Henry Warren, of
Clysses, Nebr., spent Sunday here,
risking with their sister, Mrs. La
mont L. Stephens.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Tucker re
urned to their home at Aurora Mon
lay morning, after visiting here with
■elatives and friends.
We have a small ring, with a blue
stone, that was found and given to us
jy Charles Bass, with instructions to
idvertise for the owner.
Miss Lula Lofhoim went to Omaha
yesterday morning to attend the state
eachers' association meeting, which is
n session there this week.
Miss Dolly Hilsabeck entertained
he Eighth grade to a party at her
lome last Saturday afternoon, a large
-rowd was present and all report a
ine time.
Mrs. M. 0. Zeigler of Hoxie, Kas..
•eturned to her home Saturday after
spending tw-o weeks here with her
nother. Mrs. L. D. Gardner, and j
itlier relatives.
Mrs. J. W. Haskins and daughter
irrived here Thursday from Erie City,
’a., for a visit with her parents, Mr.
md Mrs. Val McDonald, and other
elatives and friends.
W. 0. Brown left Wednesday for
Excelsior Springs. Mo., where he will
ake treatment for his rheumatism. He
vas accompanied by D. C. Grow, who
vill stay with him for several weeks.
Mrs. Detlef Peterson and daughter,
drs. Ernest Johnson, left last Thurs- 1
lay morning for Brooks, Minn., where 1
hey will visit for some time with
heir daughter and sister, Mrs. Wil- 1
iam Peterson.
Mrs. W. L. Marcy and Mrs. E. P.
Jaily entertained the ladies of the
Cntre Nous club at Mrs. Marcy’s
ruesday. A three-course-dinner was
served at 5:30 o’clock and a good
ime was reported by all.
A dance will be given at the Dad
low opera house in Loup City on
rhanksgiving night, Thursday, Nov.
!5th. The management announce that
;ood music and a good time for all
vill be the order of the evening.
Troubled with dandruff? It may be
ight and fluffy and not appear danger
ms at the present time but if neglect
ed it will become matted—that will
nean loss of hair—Nyal’s Hirsutone
will prevent it. Buy it at the Nyal
The dance held Monday night at
;he Daddow opera house was a success
socially and financially. The music
"urnished by the P. & P. orchestra
ivas par excellence and the dancers
mcored several selections five or six
S. M. Chase and family, of Mason
Ifity, visited here last week at the
iiome of his brother, A. E. Chaser and
iamily. Mr. Chase and daughter re
turned home Thursday, accompanied
by the Misses Lucenne and Muriel
?hase, who visited until Sunday.
Mrs. Anna M. Stephens, who has
been in California, visiting the past
two months, returned home last Tues
day. She visited here with her son,
Lamont L. Stephens, and wife until
yesterday, when she returned to her
borne at Rockville.
C. H. French is slowly recovering
from his accident, which occurred a
week ago last Saturday, when he fell
and broke a rib and fractured several
others. The muscle^-of his back were
also hurt. The accident occured at his
home.. Mr. French is getting along
in years and it is fortunate that he is
recovering so quickly.
People Say To Us
“I cannot cat this or that food, it does
not agree with me.” Our advice to
all of them is to take a
before and - r'-~r c.~ -h. meal. 2oc a box.
Wm. Graefe.
a ablet
Daily sells for less.
Try Chase’s first—it pays.
Henry M. Eisner was a business
passenger to Omaha last Friday.
Mrs. Joe O'Bryan was a Grand Is
land passenger last Saturday morn
Lamont L. Stephens was a business
passenger to Rockville Tuesday morn
Frank Janulewicz went to Omaha
Saturday morning where he expects
to work.
A. F. Eisner and wife went to Oma
ha Tuesday morning to spend a few
days visiting.
FOUND—An ear-ring. Owner can
have same by calling for it at The
Northwestern office.
Henry Danker was a passenger to
Rockville and spent the day visiting
with relatives and friends.
Bernice Flanders went to Grand
Island last Friday, where he expect
to work two or three months.
Miss Mea Smith of Arcadia spent
Saturday at the home of J. W. Amick,
returning home the same evening.
R. P. Starr returned home last Fri
day evening from Omaha where he
had been in attendance at a law
-virs. ' mis uujenrums went to Lin
coln Tuesday morning for a visit with
her mother and other relatives for a
week or so.
W. D. Gamer returned home from
St. Paul Saturday evening, where he
had been for several days visiting
with relatives.
Miss Mamie MeGartney returned to
her home at St. Paul Monday after
spending several days here visiting
with friends.
Don Charlton returned home last
Friday from Omaha and Lincoln
where he had been visiting with '
friends the past ten days.
Charles Larson and family arrived
here Monday evening from Moline,
ill., for a visit with his father, Oscar
Larson, and other relatives.
The eighth grade held a party last
rhursday evening at the home of Miss
Emma Bartunek. A large crowd was
present and all report a fine time.
-miss Anna LiescmnsKv leu last Fri
lay morning for Lockport, 111., where
she will visit for some time with her
friend, Mrs. Roy Fisher, and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Collins re
timed to their home at North Loup
ast week after visiting here a few
lays at the E. T. Beushausen home.
LOST—A pocketbook containing
'our silver dollars, a $20.C0 bill and
some change. Finder leave at The
\Torthwestern office and receive re
Mrs. Joe Dembouski returned
lome last Friday evening from Oma
ta and West Point, where she had
ieen on business ajid pleasure corn
Mrs. Henry Schirkofsky and son
•eturned to their home at Grand
sland Monday, after spending three
veeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
amis Bechthold.
Miss Louise Bartunek, who has
ieen here the past few days visiting
vith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
iartunek and family, and friends, re- •
urned to Ord last Friday noon. -
Mrs. George Rightnour returned i
o her home at Burwell Saturday I
ifter visiting here the past week at I
he homes of W. T. Gibson and S. E.
O. A. Ward and Colonel Jack Page
er went over to North Loup Tuesday
vhere the colonel will cry a sale,
-olonel Jack seems to be in demand
'rom far and near.
Miss Wyman, one of our Nebraska
;irls and a graduate of the home ceo
tomics department of the Nebraska
-ollege of Agriculture may be heard
it the Farmers’ Institute here.
Miss Stella and Philip Borowiak,
vho have been here visiting at the
tome of Leo Borowiak the past two
veeks, returned to their home at
Columbus, Nebr., last Saturday morn
Mrs. Viola Kusek and Miss Marie
Madiua, who have been here visiting
it the homes of Frank and Peter Ku
sek the past ten days, returned to
their home at Bunker, Neb., Saturday
Mrs. O. Benschoter returned Friday
from a month’s visit with her father,
Mr. G. H. Knight and other relatives
in Iowa. Her daughter, Mrs. Harvey
O’Bryan, of St. Paul, Neb., returned
with her for a short visit.
Mrs. C. R. Johns and daughter, who
have been here visiting at the home
of Miss Mary Reiman, returned to
their home at Arcadia Saturday even
ing. They were accompanied by
Miss Mary Reiman who visited over
Mrs. Herman Rickert and little
(laughter came up from Grand Island
last Tuesday for a visit here with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis
Bechthold. Latest reports coming :
from Mr. Bechthold’s bedside state
that he is very low.
Dick O'Bryan, who has been here
visiting with relatives, returned to
his home at Kearney last Friday. He
was accompanied by his father and
brother, Joe and John, who visited
there until Saturday, Mr. O’Bryan
going to Grand Island for a few days’
visit while John feturned home Sat
urday evening.
Telephone or write us and we’ll
mail you at once a box of Figsen— I
the reliable Nyal laxative tablets. |
This vegetable cathartic is pleasing i
to the taste, and its results are mild
prompt and certain. In three sizes—
10c 25c and 50c. Keep them on hand.
Swanson & Lofholm.
When you want a rug
that will discount
anything you have
ever had, just come to us and look
over our large assortment of rugs
of the best weaves and latest de
Perhaps your
kitchen floor
needs a new
There's long
piece of Linoleum,
life to every piece we sell, and the
designs are so varied as to suit any
some Furni
niture of some kind or other. You
will find a little of everything to se
lect from at this store, and every
piece warranted to be of the best.
We sell the Em
erson buggies—if
you have never
seen this buggy, call and see it. The
top raises and lowers from the in
side—a feature that is found in no
other buggy on the market.
R The Monarch Malle
ita M3S able Ra»Be has fea
.. ^ tures that are sure
to interest you if you are in the
market for a range that is guaran
teed to give the best of satisfac
tion. All sizes and all prices.
Uaa4av« u is time to begin
HeaierS to f‘Sure on the kind
— i —.. of heating stove
you want for the winter. We sell
the Monitor Radiator and Base
Burner. They have no equal as a
fuel saver and heat generator.
We want you to come in and inspect these goods. They really are
of very high quality—far above the average—and there has been abso
lutely no advance in price. Don’t feel that you must wait until you
are ready to buy. You are more than welcome at all times.
The White Front Store
Any size and capacity you want.
400-Bushel Crib
Cypress Tanks
Square Deal Fence
Barb Wire
Nails and Staples
Steel Gates
“Bull Dog” Anchors
We will furnish
enough Square Deal
Fence to fence 160
acres for $160.00.
Special bargains in
Paints, Varnishes,
Oils, Storm Sash and
Red Cedar
White Cedar
GenuineBlack Locust
See Our
“Big Value”
Locust and Cedar
Corner and Shed
Buy Now—Prices are Low.
“The Yard With the Red Card.”
Our fall line of Blankets
Underwear, Bath Robes,
etc. A fine line of Dress
Goods and Trimmings.
Don’t Forget that We Carry the
Best in Groceries
Ideal Bakery & Restaurant
Meals, Lunches and Short Orders at all
We Also Carry a Full Line of Bakery Goods.
Careful Attention Given all Special Orders.