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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1915)
Why That Lame Back? Morning lameness, sharp twinges when stooping, or a dull, all-day back ache: each is cause enough to suspect kidney trouble. Get after the cause. Help the kidneys. We Americans over do, overeat and neglect our sleep and i exercise, and so we are becoming a na F tion of kidney sufferers. 72% more deaths from kidnev disease than in 1890, is the story told by the 1910 cen sus. If annoyed with a hud hack and irregular kidney action, modify the bad habits and use Doan's Kidney Pills. A Nebraska Cose W. • W. Smoa, 230:i E Locust St.. East Omaha. Neb., says: weak and disor- i dered as was shown by the se- ' vere pains through the small of my • hack. I felt tired and languid and , my kidneys acted Jk too freely. LnngiW nours on my ie<*i i mi 11 made the pains worse. Doan's Kidney Dills prevented a general break-down. They rid me of the pcins and aches, toned up my system and restored me to good health.” Get Doan’* at Any Store, 50c a Box DOAN'S V™ FOSTER-M1LBURN CO.. BUFFALO. N. Y. NOT A MATTER OF PIETY Brother Jones Had His Own Reasons for His Close Perusal of the Scriptures. The parson of a small country church was rambling along the road when it suddenly occurred to him to call on a citizen named Jones, who was known to be rather indifferent about church attendance. The place was soon reached, and entering the ^garden gate the pastor was surprised to see Jones sitting on the veranda with a large Biol ' in his hands. "Ah. Brother Jones," said the par son with a smile of satisfaction. ”1 am glad to see you so attentively perusing your Bible.” "Yes,” responded Jones. "There are times when it comes in mighty handy.” "Perhaps I might be able to help you." generously volunteered the dominie. "\Vere you looking for any particular passage? ’ “No,” was the startling reply of Jones. "Twins have just come to our house, and mother asked me if 1 wouldn't look up a couple o’ names for 'em.” Truth. Mrs. Exe—Here's an invitation from Mrs. Boreleigh to one of her tiresome dinners. 1 hate them. Exe—Why not plead that you have a previous engagement? Mrs. Exe—That would he a lie. Edith, dear, write Mrs. Bareleigh that we accept with pleasure—Boston Transcript. Let Ma Do It. He was angry and he grabbed his hair with both hands. "Stop that!” shouted his wife: "you seem to forget that I'm here!” Verbal Fracture. "How was the silence broken?” "Somebody dropped a remark.*'— Baltimore American. George I was buried privately in Hanover, without any monument or any epitaph. The ex-husband is apt to think that alimony means all the monev. _* ''hen all others fail to please Try Denison’s Coffee. And some jokes are solemn enough to make an undertaker grin. Red Cross Ball Blue, made in America, ! therefore the best, delights the housewife. All good grocers. Adv. ♦ Getting Tiresome. "1 take off ray hat to this war corre spondent.” “Why so?” "He has written a column descrip tive of scenes at the front without once saying the big guns ‘spoke.’ ” Ill-Assorted Pair. “Do you care much for bric-a-brac, Johson?” "Yes, but ! think people should dis criminate." "For instance?’’ "I don't admire the taste of a man who has a best of Shakespeare in one corner of his library and a plaster cast of Charley Chaplin in another." PREMATURE BALDNESS Due to Dandruff and Irritation, Pre vented by Cuticura. The Soap to cleanse and purify, the Ointment to soothe and heal. Daily shampoos with Cuticura Soap and occasional applications of Cuticura Ointment gently rubbed into the scalp skin will do much to promote hair-growing conditions. Sample each free by mail with Book. Address postcard. Cuticura, Dept. XY, Boston. Sold everywhere.—Adv. Very Absent-Minded. In Berlin they tell the story of a very learned and also absent-minded professor who Returned to his room late one night, and as he was light ing the candle fancied he heard a noise. He promptly called out: "Is there anyone here?” A thief lay concealed under the bed Hearing the question, and knowing the professor s failing, he shouted in reply. •No!" Then the professor exclaimed in much surprise: 'That’s exceedingly strange! I was positive someone was under the bed." Then he retired to rest and the thief ransacked the room. Badly Worded. "Oh, Jack, I expect I shall be awful ly stupid now,” said the young wife when she returned from the dentist s. “How's that?” asked her husband, in surprise. “I've just had my wisdom teeth pulled,” she mourned. "Oh. dear one, the idea that wis dom teeth have anything to do with wisdom is quite absurd,” hubby reas sured her. “If you had every tooth in your head pulled it couldn't make you a bit stupider than you are now, you know.” Wrong impression. "Why did jou quit your last place? Wasn’t your work congenial?” "Hady, no work Is congenial.” Queer Talk. "Is Jones’ firm really going up?’ "Yes. I heard yesterday they were going under.” Many Positions Carrying Large Salaries are open today to men in every walk of life. But the men must possess vigorous bodies and keen, active minds. Success-making mental and physical activity relies largely upon right living wherein the right kind of food plays a most vital part In many cases the daily diet lacks certain of Nature’s elements essential to energizing and upbuilding the mental and physical faculties. Most white flour prod" ucts, such as white bread and many other commonly used foods, are in that class. A food especially designed to offset this lack— Grape-Nuts —made of wheat and malted barley, supplies all the nutriment of the grains, including the mineral salts— sturdy builders of brain, nerve and muscle. Grape-Nuts is thoroughly processed, ready to serve from the package, fresh, crisp and delicious. Then, too, there’s a wonderful return of the power to “do” and to “be” fqr the small energy required in its digestion. After repeated set-backs thousands have found a change to right eating means forging ahead. “There’s a Reason” for Grape-Nuts Sold by Grocers everywhere. THREE PRIME ESSENTIALS IN HOG RAISING First Prize Small Yorkshires. (By S. C. MILLER.) There are three essentials for health, thrift, and gain to be con sidered in the management of hogs, in order *o obtain the best results; these are clean food, pure water, and dry, comfortable sleeping places. The food of the pig should be as clean as for any other farm animal— that is, it should not be mixed or contaminated with any substance that contains no food value. Dirt and filth taken into the stomach along with food, impair digestion and reduce the gain; they also affect the appetite and general health of the pig. Then, too, a considerable part of the food con sumed is required to develop energy to separate and expel the indigestible matter. It is a law of nature that the excre ment of all animals is poisonous to themselves, and while pigs may profit ably follow cattle, it is of vital im portance that their food be not con taminated with their own excrement. This means that pigs should never be fed on the ground in a yard or pen where their own excrement abounds. Feeding on the meadows or pastures, moving about from place to place is a good way in summer. In the winter, of course, feeding from the cribs is necessary, and to insure cleanliness at that time, there should be a feeding floor which should be cleaned after every feed. Over 40 per cent of a fat pig is water and a reduction of water supply below the natural requirements, will reduce the gain just as 3urely as a ] reduction of food will. Well or spring water is better than water from ponds or streams. Standing, or stagnant wa ter about the barns or lots should not be tolerated. Pigs should have clean, pure water always at hand, day and night: they drink but little at a time, yet often, and if it is not always accessible, they will not get as much as is required for normal development Anything that can be done to in crease the comfort of the pigs will, as a matter of course, add to the gain ant’ profit in feeding. Good care of pigs means good breed ing, good feeding, constant watchful ness. more labor, closer attention tc little details, and finally, more dollars' in the pocketbook. Feed the old and young sows sep arately, as the old ones may hurt the younger ones, and they will get more than they should. The mature sows are more desirable, but it is always necessary to grow a few gilts to re place some of the older ones. Breeders should prize above all oth ers those big, growthy, long-bodied, rather loosely made young sows, no matter if they have big ears and rath er coarse heads. Avoid being a market-chaser, and sell when the hogs are ready to go; that is. when they have reached a condition when it is no longer profit able to feed them, except for specula live purposes. It does not require great ability in figures to show that there !s a great deal of waste in selling hogs when they are only half fed out. It seldom pays to feed corn to pigs after they are ready to he marketed. Corn is not as perishable as fat hogs. It can be kept until the market ad vances. As a general proposition tie pig of 200 to 250 pounds is what every grow er should aim at. and it is the pig that pays both killer and feeder bet ter than any other. USE OF SPRAY FOR PROTECTING STOCK Flies Are Very Troublesome to Farm Animals, Especially Nervous Dairy Stock. Af. this season flics are very trou blesome and are a source of much bother among stock, especially the •tervous dairy cattle. A preventive in fhe form of a spray should be used, ■"here are a number of methods some Vimes recommended for this purpose, some of which are supposed to keep flies off the animal by virtue of their bad odors or greasy nature, and some which are supposed to be sprayed on to kill the flies. Considerable doubt exists as to the benefits to be obtained from using any of these treatments, or as to the relative value of the different ways of combating flies. For spraying the backs of cattle at milking time, there is possibly noth ing more reliable than kerosene emul sion. The following recipe given by the United S'.ates department of agri culture is on& of the best ways of mak ing this: Disrolve one-half pound hard soap in one gtllon of hot water, and while still a-" near boiling point add two gallons ~.f kerosene, and emulsify by use of a to'ce pump or agitator of some kind, ftilvte with water, one part emulsion to eight parts water, and use is a spray, dip or wash. SOME DAIRY COWS ARE HARD TO MILK One Remedy Recommended Is to Oi* Teat Freely to Soften SKin, Then Use Force* (By R. M. WASHBURN.) Some cows are naturally bard to milk; otters are made hard by weak handed milking. A woman or child with hards not strong enough for milking oiuses a cow to become hard for anyone to milk. To cure such a cow, oil thr teat , freely befce starting to milk, so that the oil will work into and soften the skin. Th?n milk the cow with as much force as possible, squeezing hard. Th‘s treatment will us tally nure an ordinary hard milker. Once in a great while it is neces sary to cut the muscle surrounding the inside of the teat with a 1-mce iike knife. This, however, is very likely to ruin the cow if not done with great care to avoid cutting too thuch and causing permanent leakage. It also makes a sore which is pain ful to the cow at the time of milk ing. and if dene when the cow if not giving milk, the wound grows together and the muscle becomes tighter than before. Don't Lay Many Eggs. Yearling aad two-year-old hens do not lay many eggs in the fall, as they are malting at that time, and the feed they consume goes not only to keep up the energy and life of the birds, but also to put on or grow a new coat af feathers. Costly Shipping Crates. Poor shipping crates are costly things. Too many broken eggs at the other end Better pay five cents more for a good crate than to have half-a dollar’s-worth of eggs smashed. GOOD METHODS OF PRESERVING EGGS Solution Recommended Is One Part Water Glass to Ten Parts of Pure Water. iBy R. G. WEATHERSTONE.) There are several good methods of preserving eggs but the water glass method is best. Water glass can usual ly be purchased at a local drug store for less than $1 a gallon, making the cost about one cent for each doren eggs. The receptacle used should be an earthenware jar of from five to ten gallons. The eggs should be placed in the jar each day, when gathered, as the fresher the egg the better it will keep. Care should be exercised to see that none of thv eggs is cracked, or the whole jar of eggs may be spoiled in a short time The jar should be placed in a coo. cellar, a piece -Jf oiled paper or some other water-proof cover should be placed over to prevent evaporation. If this is not done, any eggs that ap pear above the liquid will spoil rap idly. The eggs should be kept at least two inches below the surface of the liquid. The solution recommended is one part of water glass to ten parts of pure water. ROUGHAGE IS MOT RELISHED BY HOGS Doubtful Whether Animals Wil! Consume Mere Than Grain and the Softer Parts. The digestive apparatus of the hog does not permit it to consume large quantities of roughage, and corn si lage does not as a rule prove s> very satisfactory feed. However, some o! our readers have fed silage to hogs and have reported good success, hut it is doubtful whether the nous will consume more than the grain and the softer parts when being properly fed Silage in some cases proves a de sirable addition the winter raiirn and will give good results when fed with care to brood sows. Legume silage is to be preferred to corn silage for this purpose. Moldy or spoiled silage i3 not good for any animal and hogs are no ex ception to tbla rule. If they are being fed a sufficiency of other feed there would probably be but little danger in allowing them to pick over the spoiled silage. Colts Must Be Kept Fat. Draft colts particularly must have full feeding.' and they must be kept fat from the first. Sounc Stable elcors. To make the stable floors sound and solid costs far less than to let a hprse go through and perhaps break a leg or become lame. Lambs of High Type. The first cross of a good, high-class ram, on a rather inferior lot of ewes, will bring lambs of much higher type. Reliable Cow Test. Signs often fall in the selection of a cow, but the scales and the Babcock test can always be relied upon. NO DOUBT THAT RESINOL DOES HEAL SICK SKIN! When you know physicians have prescribed resinol for 20 years in the treatment of eczema and other itching, burning, unsightly skin eruptions, and have written thousands of reports say ing: ‘*It is my regular prescription for itching,” “Resinol has produced brilliant results,” "The result it gave was marvelous in one of the worst cases of eczema,” etc., etc., doesn't it make you feel that “this is the treat ment I can rely on for MY skin tffcuble?” The moment resinol oint ment touches itching skins, the itch ing stops and healing begins. Sold by all druggists.—Adv. Ten-Dollar Look. Bigson—How well you're looking this morning. Jigson! Jigson—Yes: I never looked better in my life. I'm looking for a man who owes me ten dollars. The Reason. “Scribble writes very lame poetry." "Yes. anbody can see there's some thing the matter with its feet." 4 The bricklayers’ strike In Omaha has been settled. Bricklayers remain ing in the city will start work at once, but there will be a great short age of bricklayers and laborers on account of so much work. Following is list of buildings under construction First Presbyterian Church World Herald. Danforth Apartments Ford Motor Company ^lackstone Hotel Hastings & Heyden St. Cecelia's Cathedral Phelan & Shirley Bldg. First National Bank Dresher Bros. Stores Grain Exchange Swenson Bros. Warehouse Creighton Gymnasium Charles Metz residence Rose Realty Bldg. St. Catherine’s Hospital Good Shepherd Chapel Skinner Macaroni Factory Western Newspaper Union Bldg. National Printing Company Brandeis Power Bldg. And numerous smaller stores and residences. When a saloonkeeper is proud of i his place he '*alls it a buffet. Renew Your Health Back of all good health there must be perfect di gestion, liver and bowel activity and pure blood. You can help Naturebring about this condition with HOSTETTER’S Stomach Bitters et Contents 15 Fluid Drachms ALC0H01.-3 PER CENT. A Vegetable PtvparalionfbrAs similating the Food and Regnla ftngthe Stomachs and Bowels of MAMS CHILDllEV Promotes Digestion,Cliecrfnl hess and Rest.Contains ncitiier Opinm.Morphmc nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. Unpt ofOUDr.SA.1CU PfrCHOt Pumpkin St id • AlxStnna • PocJulU ScUi A Anist Sard, • , Ptpptrminl fit -(ar6cnaUSeda * i Worm Se ed Cigrifimd Sugar niaJerymn Flavor I A perfect Remedy for ConsTipa tion. Soar Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms. Feverishness and Loss of Sleep. Fac-Simile Signature of The Centaur Company; NEW YORK. At (>months old * -j jDosts - ]jCf \ rs 3 Children Cry For What is CASTORIA Castorin is a harmless substitute for Castor OH, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrnps. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narco tie substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it Las been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Dowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought ▼MB CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY, Exact Copy of Wrapper A coward manages to dodge a lot of things that are headed his way. Leap before you look and you will look foolish. Make the Liver Do its Duty Nine times in ten when the liver is right the stomach and bowels are right CARTER’S LITTLE LIVER PILLS gently tuthrmly com; pel a lazy liver to^ do its duty. Cures Con-., •tiparion, In digestion, Sick Headache,4 and Distress After r-ating. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature nr i rv losses surely prevented 111 Al >M Cutter’s Blackleg Pills. Low priced, fresh, reliable; preferred by Western stockmen, because they protect where other vaccines fail. Write for booklet and testimonials. 10-deae pkge. Blackleg Pills $1.00 50-dose pkge. Blackleg Pills 4.00 Use any Injector, but Cutter's be-jt. The superiority of Cutter products Is due to over 15 years of speci&lUlnx in vaeeinrs and serums only. laeiet on Cutter s. If unobtainable, order direct. The Cutter Laboratory. Berkeley, Cal., or Chicago. III. After looking your opponent over you generally can decide whether to be courageous or merely Judicious. A Soluble Antiseptic Powder to be dissolved in water as needed For Douches In the local treatment of women’s ill% j ■ueh as lencorrhoea and inflammation, hot douches of Paxtine are very efficacious. No woman who has ever used medicated douches will fail to appreciate the clean and healthy condition Paitine produces and the prompt relief from soreness and discomfort which follows its use £ his is because Paitine possesses superior Cleansing, disinfect* lug and healing properties. For ten years the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. has rec ommended Paxtine in their private correspondence with wo men, which proves its superi ority. Women who have been relieved say it is “ worth its weight in gold.” At druggists. 60«. large box or by mail. Sample free. The Paxton Toilet Co., Bor.ton, Mass. PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM A toilet preparation of merit. Help? to eradicate dandruff. For Restoring Color and _ Beauty to Gray or Faded Hair. 6*k*. and St.00 at DnunrlRta W. N. U.f OMAHA, NO. 41-1915. 10c Worth of Will Clear $1.00 Worth of Land ^ Get rid of the stumps and grow big crops on cleared land. Now is the time to clean up your farm while products bring high prices. Blasting is quickest, cheapest and easiest with Low Freez ing Du Pont Explosives. They work in cold weather. Write for Free Handbook of Explotioet No. 69F, and name of nearett dealer. s DU PONT POWDER COMPANY WILMINGTON DELAWARE Chicago Nebraska Directory KODAK FINISHING and supples. Largest house in the went. All Eastman goods. We pay re turn postage on finishing. rHE ROBERT DEMPSTER C0.t 13«3 Farnam Strtd Eastman Kodak Co. Omaha* Net. THE PAXTON HOTEL Omaha. Nebraska _EUROPEAN PLAN Scorns from *1.00 up single, 7b cents ap double. CAFE FIUCE9 REASONABLE RHEUMATISM fan tie cured or money refunded. The Serum [Treatment is the only positive cun* known. Only ten days time required for a cure, nr write for testimonial* and full parti, alarm Dr. W. W. Bowser, 314 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Nebr. Good Serum Will Save Your Hogs -From Cholera 0»u.8.Gw Lioenssd 9«ruv Phon. wire writ. Dr call on OMAHA SKIUM COMPANY. Sitltb & O Ms.. 8 Omaha. Neb., Chou. booth 4 868 BOWLES *225* SHIPMENTS SECURED BT $iootooo.oo c*rR&spcB BEST PRICES AND PILLS. South Omaha Chicago Kas. City Jackson-Sipall Co. Write or wire for market quotations on all kinds of Feeders, 8heep and CaUIa 155-157 Evchaag* lidg $. Omaha, Mat Keference.**: J,iY« stock Nutioia al Bank, Security State DOCTORS MACH & MACH DENTISTS 3rt» Floor Patton Block |16th & FarnanSts . Omaha liert oOmw in Om-ka. Hnwiuolt | r»« Mp*<-i»| discount U> all thing OuUfl* of O ■ 4 k A. DEFIANCE STARCH is constantly growing in favor because it Does Not Stick to the Iron and it will not injure the finest fabric For laundry purposesit has no equal. 16 -ss_ package 10c. 1-3 more starch for same money. DEFIANCE STARCH CO., Omaha, Nebraska TASS BROS. MOORHEAD Live Stock Commission Agents SOUTH OMAHA, NEB. <tOU* MOTTO - OOOO BKRVtCM. Hotel Castle 632 So. 16 SI., Omaha, Neb. New, absolutely fireproof. Rooms with private bath * - $ I 50 Rooms with private toilet • - 1.00 Fred A. Castle, Proprietor MUTUAL LIVE STOCK COMMISSION CO. SeUere ot Lit* Stock on thm Sooth Omaha market. Feeder baying a specialty BOTH CATTLE SALESMEN BOTH HOG SAU». MEN AND OFFICE MANAGES WITH TSB 'NAT IONAL' ' UP TO THE TIME IT SOLD OUT.