The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 14, 1915, Image 5
UIIIIIIIIIIHIinillllmllllllllllHIIHlHmummiiimiinuimimmimmiMmimHiiiim il W. F. MASON, President. L. HANSEN, Cashier. Up-to-Date Business Men = DO ALL TIIEIR BUSINESS THROUGH = | THE MEDIUM OF THE BANK. | 1 THEY REALIZE IT IS. THE SAFEST 1 | AND THE SUREST WAY*. | = Their bank book shows = = every cent they deposit. = E Their checks show every = = cent they pay out, and at the = = same time are the safest , = = receipt given. E 1 WHY NOT CONDUCT YOUR BUSI- I E NESS IN THE MANNER THAT ALL 1 1 THAT ALL SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS | 1 MEN CONDUCT THEIRS? | 1 COME IN AND GET A BANK BOOK I | AND GIVE IT A TRIAL. ! I First National Bank I WE PAY FIVE PER CENT INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS. r.iiiiiiiiiiuilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir: Daily sells for less. Try Chase’s first—it pays. Judge Wall was called to Omaha on business matters Monday. Miss Catherine Owens visited with friends at Arcadia over Sunday. The Northwestern is equipped to get out sale bills on short notice. E. A. Minor made a business trip to Sargent Monday, returning the next day. Mr. and Mrs. Elva Smalley visited with friends at Grand Island over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Dietz, of Rock ville visited with relatives here last Thursday. Miss Bessie Conger visited over Sunday at Arcadia, with her aunt, Mrs. S. Conger. Mrs. C. W. Fletcher and daugter, Miss Blanche, were Grand Island visit ors Tuesday. Automobile for sale. Five passen ger automobile for sale cheap. Iuquire of T. R. Lay. Miss Vida Cowling went to Arcadia Friday, to visit with her friend. Miss Ruth Butterfield. Miss Emma Fowler has returned from Omaha, where she had a very enjoyable visit with relatives. County Superintendent Currier went to Ashton Tuesday, to inspect the schools there. He visited the schools at Litchfield last week. Mrs. Sam Daddow and daughter, Evelyn, returned Monday from Mid way, Nebr., where they visited with friends for a few days. Dr. Ca^-ie Bowman, who entered a hospital at Lincoln several w’eeks ago, was so improved in health that she was able to return home Tuesday. Daily sells for less. Try Chase’s first—it pays. John Oltman made a business trip to Ashton Friday. F. Janulewicz made a business trip to Farwell Wednesday. Mrs. R. H. Mathew was a Grand Island visitor Wednesday. Mrs. J. D. O’Bryan is visiting with friends at Ord this week. Miss Bessie Owens is visiting with friends at Rockville this week. Tom Galus is visiting with rela tives at Elyria. Nebr., this week. R. P. Starr made a business trip to Kearney and Elm Creek this week. Roy McDonald returned from York Monday, where he visited with rela tives. Wm. Draper went to Ashton last Thursday to complete some work there. Rev. and Mrs. J. L. Dunn re turned from their Omaha trip Wed nesday. Miss Mabel Hansen went to Hast ings, Thursday to visit with her parents. Representative Trumbull, of Haz ard was a Loup City visitor last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Bowen visited at Rockville with his brother and family Sunday. A. C. Ogle received another ship ment of Ford cars this week, which are selling fast. Corn Flakes, 6c per package, at The Loup City Cash Stork, Wm. Lew andowski, proprietor. Mrs. James Johansen went to Gales burg. Illinois from Lincoln Friday. She will visit with relatives there. | CLOAKS I 1 at 1 extremely I low | prices 1 Loup City Cash Store j WMrLEWANDOWSKl, Proprietor. j nimiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimn uauy sens lor jess. Try Chase's first—it pays. E. G. Taylor made a business trip to Sargent Monday. Mrs. Milburn of Arcadia visitefl with friends in Loup City Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. L. Hansen autoed to Arcadia Sunday and visited with rela tives. Mrs. William Graeffe and daughter visited with friends at Grand Island this week. Agnes Dombowski returned from David City Tuesday, where she had been visiting. Barbara and Lucy Ignowski attended church and visited with friends at Rockville Wednesday. Mrs. Romeo Conger and daughters, Hazel and Dores went to Arcadia Tues day for a visit with relatives. Miss Anna Maholick returned from David City Tuesday, where she visited with relatives for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Foster visited with friends at Comstock Sunday. They made the trip in t£eir car. Art Rowe got back from Omaha Monday, safe and sound, after a few days pleasantly spent at the Ak-Sar Ben festivities. Rev. and Mrs. Sloeumb started for Iowa in their Ford car, Monday, to visit with Mrs. Slocumb’s mother and other relatives. Mrs. Rawson left for Kentucky to day to make make her son. Vance Rawson. an extended visit. She was accompanied by John Long.. Mrs. Mary Rhenland and two chil dren, and George and Mildred Boeck ing, all of Litchfield, visited here at the Albert Boecking home Sunday. Lee Bly lost $25.00, two tens and a five dollar bill Sunday afternoon. We publish this item in the hopes that the money will be found and return ed to Mr. Bly. The Ladies’ club entertained the school board and teachers at the M. E. church Monday evening. A pro gram was given, which was followed by refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. W. Steen returned from Grand Island Saturday, where they went to meet Mrs. Steen's mother, Mrs. Clemmia Conger, who was re turning from Chicago. Jack Amick returned from Omaha. Monday, where he spent a few days with his father, who was operated on at St. Joseph’s hospital. Mr. Amick will be able to return home in a couple of weeks. You will never find a better denti frice than Nyal’s Nydenta Tooth Paste. It's a cleanser, a preserva tive, an antiseptic, prevents fermen tation and yet is delightful to use. Let us show you.—Swanson & Lof holm. Two boys, aged about eleven years, had some trouble at the school house at Schaupps last Thursday evening during the progress of an entertain ment. which ended by one of the boys stabbing the other with a small pen knife, inflicting a slight wound. Father Jarka went to Ashton Tues day to perform a marriage ceremony. Owing to the illness of the local priest he was called upon. From there he went to Rockville, where on Wednes day he met the Bishop of Kearney, and assisted in confirming a new class at that place. The Loup City Commercial club held a meeting which was followed by a banquet one evening last week. The Northwestern would like to give a complete report of this meeting, but cannot do so as we have none of the facts at hand. A dance will be given at the Daddow opera house on Wednesday evening, October 20th. A good time is assured all who attend. Music will be fur nished by the P. & P. five piece orchestra. Dance tickets $1.00, ladies free, spectators 50c. Claude Burt was up from Lincoln last week visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Burt. He is em ployed by a brick making firm at Lincoln, and had a number of samples of their product with him which he ‘was showing to prospective pur | chasers. Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Peterson went to Rochester, Minn., last week, where they will consult with the famous Mayo Bros, specialists in regard to Mrs. Peterson’s health. Mrs. Peterson has been in poor health for some time, going to Excelsior Springs last spring but obtaining very little relief there. The contract was let for the new Catholic parsonage here last week to John Ohlsen and son. Their bid was $3,486.00. Work has already been com menced, the basement being com pleted and the workmen are now waiting for the brick to arrive. This building will be a splendid addition to the church property here. The majority of Ashtonites were, to to put it mild, surprised to see in The Northwestern of Loup, an article tell ing of some twenty fights being staged here Saturday oftemoon. This is in deed newTs, but then there is a very true saying that says, “one has always to look away from home to find the news concerning home.—Ashton Her ald. Was there something about your self or your family that should have been mentioned in this paper last week? The fault of the oversight was more yours than ours. Editorial eyes are popularly supposed to see everything—but they don’t—simply be cause we are human, after all. Next time anything of the kind occurs just tell us about it at once and you will find us thankful to get it. Our busi ness is to tell other people what takes place in this community and we want you to help us every time you have an opportunity. Tell us about it the next I time. WHEN THE WHEELS WON’T WORK bring the watch or clock here and we’ll make them get busy again. We are familiar with all kinds of movements, and \you can safely trust the finest timepiece to our skill. WE REPAIR JEWELRY TOO just as skilfully as we do watches. If you have one or more pieces laid away as useless, bring them here and see what we can do for them. H. M.ELSNER Jeweler Daily sells for less. Chase’s for fresh groceries. William Graeffe atended the conven tion of Rexall druggists held at Hast ings this week. An extraordinary bargain in sta tionery is offered by Swanson & Lofholm this week. Mrs. R. L. Arthur went to St. Joseph, Missouri Tuesday, to purchase new goods for the store. S. N. Sweetland left for Ogdens burg. N. Y„ Tuesday to attend the funeral of his brother. Boston won the pennant in the world’s series event, winning the last four games of the series. Mrs. Victor Viener and little daugh ter returned from Fremont Tuesday after visiting there with relatives. _ # Mrs. Frank Daddow returned from Kearney Tuesday, where she was called by the death of a brother. H. J. Schwaner returned to his home at Ord Tuesday, after a visit here with his son. Lou Schwaner, and family. A dance was held at Mrs. Koch's farm last Saturday evening, to cele brate the completion of a new barn. A number of Loup City people at tended services in the Catholic church at Rockville last Thursday. Hans Truelson started for Hemet, California this morning where he will make an extended visit with his brother. Vincent John made a trip to Rock ville. Wednesday, to advertise a sale of horses he will hold there on Fri day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Criss of Greeley. Nebr., passed through here one day last week on their way to Kansas to visit a daughter. Hiram Cramer and family returned home last week, after an absence of several months. They, .visited with relatives in New York and Vermont and report a very enjoyable time, but are glad to be back in Nebras ka. Your medicine chest should of course contain a good laxative, ready for use at any time. A delightful candied lozenge, that is best for old and young, is—Nyal’s Figsen. Mild and gentle—and effective. Buy a box today and keep it handy. At the Nyal Quality Store. 10c, 25c and 50c. “The Perils of Pauline,” thirteenth and fourteenth episodes will be given at the opera house on Tuesday eve ning, October 19th. “The Perils of Pauline” will keep your interest at fever heat through the whole episode. Some spectacular accident occurs in every episode, something which will startle you and something which you would imagine would be almost im possible for human beings to enact and survive. The management would be very much pleased indeed to have you attend the showing of “The Perils of Pauline.” We like to see our dignified “city fathers” work. We like to see them hustle around town looking for an opportunity to improve something, to make this a cleaner and more live able town. It’s what we elected them for. There are plenty of opportuni ties for improvement which have es caped their eagle eyes, which are sad ly in need of attention. Of course we can not expect our municipal dads to do everything at once, hut we hope they will keep right on scouting around this city until there is not a thing left undone, nothing of which anyone can complain. The first number of the lecture course was given at the opera house last evening to a large and apprecia tive audience. The Maupin Musical Quintete. the first number is all thal it is claimed to be and starts out the course very auspiciously. The next number will be given on Thursdaj evening, October 21st, and is a lecture to be given by Henry Clark. His subject will be “Play Ball,” an in spirational lecture. A dramatic de scription of a big league ball game and its unfolding as a parable of the greater game of life. This lecture is entertaining, humorous and in spiring. "I i *" fcCl VjrikKi" That is what a let of people tell us. Usually their bowelsonly heed cleaissing. wfll do the trick and make you feel fine. We know this positively. Take one tonight. Sold only by us, 10 cents. Wm. Graefe. Daily sells for less. Try Chase’s first—it pays. Theo. Aye and family have left Loup City, moving to Crawford, Nebraska. Their many friends here wish them success in their new location. Miss Helen Buck of Steamboat Springs, Wyoming, arrived here last Friday for a visit with her uncle, C. F. Beushausen and family. Mrs. C. F. Beushausen held a ken sington at her home last Friday after noon. A large number attended and something over $28.00 was realized. H. E. Willis made a trip to Omaha today to have his eyes examined by a specialist. His eves have been giv ing him trouble for some time and is beginning to be serious. Willard Thompson and O. L. Toc key captured fifth and sixth places in the shoot at Bradshaw last Thurs day. Forty shooters were in the event, so their scores are considered very good. A very enjoyable farewell party was given at the home of the Misses Steen last Thursday evening in honor of Miss Lillian Johnson, who left the next day for Chicago, to attend col lege the coming term. --- Sheriff Williams went to Rock ville Tuesday to try to find a clue as to who robbed a store and the saloon there Sunday night. The thieves are still at large and have made good their escape. Mr. Steen, Standard Oil company manager here, was quite severely burned Saturday. A lighted match too close to an empty gasoline barrel set the barrel afire. In atempting to extinguish the blaze he was burned on the face and hands. Hal Jenner, who joined the navy several months ago and is stationed at the Naval training station near Chicago is here for a visit with his father and other relatives. Hal says he is well pleased with the navy and does not regret the step that he has made. The art exhibit at the M. E. Church has been very favorably commented upon and the expression is often heard that it is the be?t exhibit ever shown in Loup City. A splendid pro grain was given Tuesday evening. The exhibit has been well attended. The proceeds go to purchase pictures for the school. John Foy met with an accident on Monday evening that some what dis figured him as well as causing him considerable pain. He was going home about eleven o’clock and when at Daily’s corner the street lights went out. Temporary blinded by the sud den darkness, he walked right into the iron beam at the corner of the store building, badly cutting his nose and forehead. The doctor patched him up all right and in a week or so he will be as good as new, though the acci dent probably will leave scars that will stay with him for a long time. Quincy, (111.) Daily Herald. - -A large audience gathered last evening at the V. M. C. A. hall to hear Henry Clark, a successful Chautauqua and platform orator, deliver his excellent lecture “Play Ball.” Mr. Clark is a speaker of exceptional ability. His audience was captivated and he held the closest attention of all from the moment h^ stepped on the stage un til he made his final bow, and as a result all who were present went home well pleased with the profit able evening they had spent listen ing to him.—At the Daddow opera house, Loup City, Thursday evening, October 21st. You are reading this paragraph now because you have learned to look for something of value in these columns. Here’s something that is worth much to you. What stores have the best goods and at the most reas onable prices in this town? How can you know what stores they are? Watch the ads in this paper, for they tell the story. The merchant who spends money in advertising his goods in variably has goods that are worth advertising, and his prices must of necessity be right or he could not afford to call special attention to them through the public print. Just glue your eye to the ads and you will save time, trouble and money—especially money. Mell Gordon, editor of the Arcadia champion, was seriously injured in a motorcycle accident about two weeks ago. The following is what he has to say in regard to it: “If you have never had the pleas ure of getting mixed up with a buck ing motorcycle of the two-cylinder type, you have missed one of the most exciting and thrilling experiences that can fall to the lot of a human in a lifetime. We have had the ex perience and we know. We thought that our machine could run right over a measly little single-cylinder affair, but when we struck it our machine began to buck and we were thrown about ten feet in the air and the blamed thing proceeded to kick us all iover—on the shins, on the back of the head, and then, not being satis fied with this rough treatment, finally got us underneath and rode us around the race track for a spell. It was ex citing, all right, but we were glad to get out of the mixup and still be on earth, though somewhat disfigured and badly bruised up. The bucking motorcycle has the bucking broncho backed clear off the track for genuine action and excitement, believe me.” A Story of the Mountains. The Northwestern has another real , treat in store for its readers. It has been our endeavor in the past to run only first-class, clean-cut serial stor ies, and we believe the next story to be printed in this paper. “The Battle Cry,” by that well known author, Charles Neville Buck, is a little bet ter, more beautiful, and more inter esting than any we have published heretofore. It is a tale of the Ken tucky mountains, and we feel sure you will enjoy it, every line. The first in stallment will appear in the issue oi October 21. ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiui him 111 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii mi iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiL | 49c and 10c | | Sale this Week | ] Tinware and I | Graniteware | | Have all kinds of stove supplies. § 1 Order now before cold weather I JAMES BARTUNEK \ 111111111111111111111111111i111111111111111111!1!111■1i11111111111!11111111111111111111111111111111111 Who is The Strongest Man in This Town The chances are ten to one he feeds on our meats, for they sure are strength producers Fresh Meats, Salt Meats, Smoked Meats, Pickled Meats PIONEER MEAT MARKET O. L. TOCKEY, Proprietor COAL. Coke Hard Coal Egg Coal Semi Anthracite LUMP 3 Ideal Furnace if Coal Any kind- you want All real fuel Hand Screened Lowest Prices In Years STORM SASH Genuine Niggerhead Canon city Rock Springs Maitland Pea Yampa Valley The “sootless” coal Quality Service Price YOU WILL LIKE IT WHEN FROM Hansen Lumber Co. LET US FIGURE YOUR BILLS Phone 67 Order That Fall Suit Now We take orders for the cele brated line manufactured by M. Born & Co., of Chicago Large book °f samples to se lect from and workmanship and fit guaranteed perfect R. L. ARTHUR LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA FOR SALE. Nice home grown potatoes. Will dig around October 10 to 15. Phone orders to 9403, or see me. D. L. JACOBY. CORN BINDER FOR SALE. A Johnston com binder, only used a short time, good as new, for sale or trade. Inquire of J. W. Johnson. FOR QUICK SALE A few mule footed boars. Prices very reasonable. Phone 8311. > *42-2 H. N. FISHER. FOR SALE. Improved stock farm consisting of 160 acres. Good bearing orchard, two bouses, barn 40x60, and plenty of good water. Only one-half mile to school. Located on sections 1 and 12, 14-16, six miles northeast of Litchfield. This place is a bargain and must be sold at once. Inquire of C. H. Wall, Hen derson, Neb. *41-2 FOR SALE. Five or six acres of land, in alfalfa fenced chicken tight. For terms and particulars see Alfred Anderson.