The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 14, 1915, Image 1
r rr Loup City Northwestern A LIVE NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN A LIVE TOWN VOLUME XXXIV. LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1915. NUMBER 43 A RURAL SCORE CARD DEFINING THE REQUIREMENTS FOR' STANDARD RURAL SCHOOLS. When Schools Reach a Certain Standard They Will Be So Reported to the State Superintendent and Then Be Listed As Standard Schools. At the request of a large number of people from all parts of the county we have decided to publish state ments from time to time relative to the requirements for a standard rural school. For the purpose of establish ing definite standards which will be conducive to greater care in providing \ educational facilities for rural children and also for the purpose of sotting forth practical ideas, the state super intendent has prepared a bulletin in which he gives the twelve minimum requirements that a rural school must meet before they may be placed on the standard schools. When a school leaches the minimum requirements it will be reported to the state department of public instruc tion by the county superintendent. All schools receiving a favorable re port will be published in the list of standard schools. A standard school must score one-hundred points, in eluding the minimum requirments, out of one hundred and twenty-five. A school reaching one hundred fifteen points will be placed among the schools of merit. The following are the twelve mini mum requirements: 1. —Term must be nine months. 2. —Teachers must hold a second grade certificate or bettter, with at least twenty-four weeks of normal training or at least t two years’ suc cessful experience. 3. Salary of teacher must be at least fifty-five dollars per month. 4. —School grounds, buildings and outbuildings must be adequate, clean and sanitary. 5. Schoole rom must be lighted from the left or the left and rear of the pupils, with window area at least 20 per cent of the floor area. 6. —School room must have a heat ing and ventilation system of some approved type—at least 200 cubic feet \ of air for each pupil. 7. —Seats must be individual, adap ted to the size of the child and proper ly adjusted. 8. —Outbuildings must be separate, at least fifty feet apart, clean and sani tary. 9. —School must have plenty of text books, supplementary readers and desk dictionaries. 10. —Reference library including dictionary. 11. —School must be well organized and teaching efficient. 12. —School must have globe, maps and plenty of blackboard. Nebraska Score Card For Standard Rural Schools. Ground and Buildings—10 Points. Possible Score. Ground—Good sizez, with fence, sod and trees. 5 Outbuildings—Clean and sanitary and at least fifty feet apart, or inside toilet . 5 Teacher—25 Points. Certificate—Second grade or bet ter and 24 weeks’ normal train ing or an equivalent in experi ence . 2 Salary—J55.00 per month or bet ter . 2 Professional Spirit—Attendance at- associations and institutes, community interest, etc. 5 Daily Preparation—The lesson should be so thoroughly pre pared that the teacher is inde pendent of text book while con ducting recitations . 4 Instruction — Methods, material and results . 5 Discipline—School must be well ordered and free from confusion 5 Organization of School—15 Points. Program — Well arranged and posted . 2 Following state course of study,. 2 Number of Recitations. Not to ex ceed twenty-eight . 2 Thoroughness of Recitations _ 3 Quarterly Reviews and Reports to Parents . 2 School Spirit — Spirit of confi dence. helpfulness and co-opera tion must prevail ..,. 1 Teacher’s Records — Neat, well classified and complete . 1 Domestic Science—Home kitchen may be used; hot luncheons, .-r. 1 Agriculture, school gardens (home project), properly directed.... 1 Building—15 Points. Outside—Clean and painted __ 2 Inside—Good walls, tinted or pa pered, and clean ...'. 2 Light — Windows properly ar ranged and shades . 3 Ventilation—Ventilating system, j windows . 3 Floor—Smooth, clean and dust less . 2 Heating—Furnace, room heater or jacketed stove . 3 Equipment—20 Points. Blackboard—At least 20 lineal feet per room, slate or compo sition, a part of which must be within reach of primary pupils 3 Desks — Single, properly placed and suited to the size of pupils 3 Teachers’ desk and chair. 1 Book case, organ or piano . 1 Pictures—Well selected and prop erly arranged . 1 Maps — County, state, United States and contingents in case 1 Globe . 1 Library—Well chosen, reference, dictionary . 3 Bulletins—Domestic Science and agriculture . 1 Sanitary water supply . “1 Text books and supplementary CLOAKS Most complete line ever shown in Loup City. Prices from $8 to $15 The Ladies of Loup City and vicinity are tnvited to call and see these Cloaks. All the new colors and styles. Hub Clothing Store VICTOR VIENER, Proprietor. WAR SIDELIGHTS DEirtfCKATELy UNFRIENPLV" readers . 3 Wash basin, mirror and towels.. 1 Results—20 Points. Per cent of enrollment on enumeration . 3 Per cent of attendance on enroll ment . 5 Number in eighth grade . 2 Per cent of eighth grade comple tions . 5 Per cent of eighth grade gradu ates in high schools. 5 Country Life Agencies—20 Points. Corn club, pig club, garden cltlb. cooking club, sewing club .._ 2 Vjictrola or other similar instru ment . l Promotion exercises—Local. 3 Field Meet . 2 Debating Society . 1 Rural Community Club or School Improvement club . 5 Hot Lunches . 1 Supervised Play . 2 Playground Equipment. 1 Suggestions on the Score Card. The Building. 1.—Painting. The preservative pow er of paint makes it a real economy, to say nothing of the added attract iveness. Since the cost is no greater, the same taste should be used in painting a school house that we should use in painting a home. Interior walls should be papered or tinted. If the plaster is in bad con dition, paper is the only remedy. New walls should be left rough and tinted. Where there is an abundance of light, olive side walls with cream ceilings make a pleasing combination. Con sidering the effect of color on lighting, light green or light gray for walls and white or cream for ceiling will give the best results. i 2.—Lighting. The light should come from the left or left and rear of pupils. The entire window area should equal one-fifth of the floor area. The win dows should be half windows in the back of the room and the sills should be about seven feet from the floor. They should be easily opened for ventilation, and provided with shades. The school room should never be lighted by windows on opposite sides of the room, nor should pupils or teacher sit facing a window. The sills of the side windows should be three feet or more from the floor. 3. Heating and Ventilating. Build ing should provide fifteen square feet of floor space and 200 cubic feet of air space for each pupil. Heating should be by jacketed stove, room heater or furnace. The bare stove takes up too much space, roasts those near it and permits those to freeze who are farther away. The floors are always cold, and ventilation is impossible. The basement furnace is ideal if properly installed, but very danger ous if it returns the foul air to the furnace to be reheated and returned to the room. Such a system should take fresh air from outside and must have a foul air shaft. Probably the most satisfactory sys tem for a single room school is one of the many patent room heaters with ventilating attachments. These are very satisfactory, but they must be properly installed and have a chimney at least 12x12 inches in the clear on the inside. Full information regard ing the operation of these plants may be had from the companies which manufacture them. 4. Floors. All floors should be of hard wood, well matched and smoothed. Floors should have an oc casional coat of oil, and should be swept with a sweeping compound. Dust is a great germ carrier and a menace to the health of pupils and teacher. Equipment. 1. Seating. Fully fifty per cent of our school children are being injured by sitting six hours each day in posi tive discomfort due to improper ad justment of desks. A schoolroom j should be seated with single, adjust able desks. If the old desks are too good to discard, they should be rear ranged with desks of the same size in a row, never permitting the “step ladder” arrangement whereby a pupil sits on a high seat aiyl bends over a low desk. Most desks are too far apart, requiring a pupil to sit on the front of the seat and reach for the desk. The back of the desk should extend about two inches over the front of the seat... Under no condition should a pupil sit where his feet do not reach the floor. Nearly every school house needs more desks for the smmall pupils. If indoubt regard ing the size of desks needed, consult the county superintendent. 2. Water. Growing children need a great deal of water. If the water supply Is not properly safeguarded, children risk their health every day. The ideal system would include a good well with pressure tank and a drinking fountain. With such a water supply, the school could also have in door closets. When the school does not have a well, the board should arrange to have water carried or hauled from a neigh boring farm house. The water should be stored in a large stone jar with faucet or in a sanitary drinking foun tain. If the jar is used, pupils should have individual drinking cups. No surer method for the spread of dis ease can be conceived than the open water pail, and common cup. 3. Library. The library should be a district library available for any resident of the district. If but few books may be had, they should be selected for -a working reference li brary for the school. This should in clude a large dictionary and a five or six-volume encyclopedia. Such an en cyclopedia may be purchased direct for about half the price asked by agents. When ordering new books, do not forget primary pupils and be ware of worthless fiction. A simple system of recording and charging these library books, when taken from the schoolhouse, should be kept in every district. New books should be added each year or pupils and patrons will lose interest in the library. If you are in doubt about the selection of books consult the county superin tendent. 4. Miscellaneous Equipment. It is almost impossible to get too much blackboard, and at least a part of it should be within reach of the primary pupils. Slate makes the best black board, but where the cost is prohibi tive, a composition board will give good service for a number of years. Book cases should be built in, if pos sible. Otherwise sectional cases are most convenient. Better one good picture well framed and properly placed than a multitude of cheap prints. Wash basin, mirror and towels should be provided by the district and used by pupils. Grounds and Outbuildings. 1. Grounds. Every school ground should be fenced in order that grass and trees may be protected. The most satisfactory fence is made of gaspipe running through heavy posts. This thus provides a fence that is prac tically indestructible and may be used as a hitching rack. If possible, the front of the school ground should be given over to lawn. The side and rear of the grounds should be planted with trees, leaving plenty of room for play. 2. ' Outbuildings. Where a district can meet the expense inside. closets should be provided. Where this is not possible, they should be provided at least fifty feet apart. They should be sand-painted to discourage whit tling and marking and should be kept clean at all times. The teacher should lock them when school closes and un lock them in the morning, thus provid ing for inspection twice a day. These buildings should be absolutely fret from marks of any kind. The Teacher. If good teachers are essential in town schools, even more so are they in the rural schools, for they must solve most of their problems without assistance from supervisors and are always crowded for time. The*-' rural teacher must understand country conditions and be able to live in the country. If your teacher is properly inter ested in her work, she will take teachers’ magazines and attend teachers’ meetings and institutes. In addition she must make some prepara tion for each day’s work. Organization. No school can be efficient that is hot thoroughly organizezd. The rural teacher has so many classes that a well arranged program is an absolute necessity. School boards and parents must give their approval to a reason able combination of classes or hire more teachers. The teacher should follow the course of study as nearly as the text books in use will permit. Quarterly examinations should be given and reports sent to parents. The register should be kept as farefully as a merchant keeps his books. Results. Though the school plant be perfect and the teacher efficient, the school is a failure unless the attendance is regular and the pupils complete the course. School authorities should see that all pupils are regular in their at tendance at school. Country Life Agencies. If we are to hold the boys and girls in the country, we must make the country school and country life more attractive. Every one of the agencies listed in the score card has been tried in schools, and have proved a success. Practically any meeting that gets the people of the district together in the name of the school, is worth while. To better school conditions, we mpst bring parent to see conditions as they actually exist and compare them with the ideal. BICHEL FAMILY HAVE AUTO ACCIDENT. While returning home from a party last Saturday night in their big Franklin car Fritz Bichel and family met with an accident which might have terminated more seriously. They were all more or less bruised and shaken up but no bones were broken. While climbing a long hill and about half wav the steering rod broke and all conn o! of the car was lost. The machine backed down the hill and fell over the side of a culvert into a draw about ten fet below. Mrs. Bichel jumped, but was pinned under the car, as was one of the daughters. The accident occured near the old Stark place, and is a bad piece of road. It was indeed fortunate that Mr. Bichel and family escaped with their lives. All the injured members of the family are recovering nicely. German Evangelical. Choir practice Friday evening at 8 p. m. The Ladies’ Aid society will meet Thursday, October 21st at 2 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Henry Ohlsen. The harvest festival of the German Evangelical St. Pauls church will be celebrated Sunday, October 24th. You are invited to atend. F. W. GUTH. TEACHERS’ EXAMINATIONS. The first teachers’ examination for the school year 1915-16 will be held November 18th and 19th, 1915. L. H. CURRIER, County Superintendent. ESTRAYED. Three head of yearling steers and one yearling Hereford bull. H. A. JUNG. FARM FOR QUICK SALE. South one-half of Sec. 13, township 16, North Range 14. Inquire of J. J. Slominski, Loup City, Nebr. 4-4 HIGH COST OF THE WAR BRITISH GOVERNMENT IS PREPARING TO RAISE AN ENORMOUS SUM FOR WAR EXPENSES. Sum of $11,000,000,000 to Be Raised by Increasing the Income Tax Forty Per Cent—Cost to Other Nations Will Be As Great If Not Greater Than England. The British government is prepar I mg during the next year to raise $11, I 000,000,000 in order to meet the esti mated expenditure that the war is causing and to cover the existing de ficit at the present time. It is difficult for any one to compre hend this vast amount of money and only as some comprehension is gained of it, can there come a realization of the enormous expense that the war is entailing on European countries. How is Great Britain going to raise this eleven billion dollars of money? Here are a few of the provisions of the bill prepared by the chancellor of the exchequer: There will he an in crease made of 40 per cent on the in come tax in that country and that na tion now pays a very high tax in this way. In making this increase, the ex emption limit that is now $800 in that country will be reduced to $650 so that every person having an income in Britain of $650 will pay an income tax in addition to all other taxes. The effect of the increase of 40 per cent on the income tax there will bring $187,000,000 in additional revenue. The man in Great Britain with an income of $100,000 will pay under the new provision, an income tax of $30,145; almost one-third of his income will go to the government through the income tax. Another tax that will be added prac tically to the income tax, is a tax on war profits. This is a tax that will he levied on all profits which have in creased during the war and this tax is extended to all trades and agencies. This wTar profit tax will be 50 per cent above the income tax; under the pro increase of taxes, the duty on sugar in Great Britain will be fixed at $2.24 per hundred. Every consumer of sugar will pay this tax. The duty on tea and tobacco will be increased 50 per cent above the present duty on those arti cles. The tax on patent medicines of every kind will be increased a hun dred per cent. The man who now buys a bottle of medicine in that country will pay' double for it under the new provisions. .Other taxes are the im posing of a duty of 33 1-3 per cent ad valorem on automobiles, moving picture films, watches, musical instru ments, plate glass and hats. This will make those articels cost direct, 33 1-3 per cent more to the consumer than heretofore. The automobile that has cost a thousand dollars, will cost $1, 333; the watch that has cost $30 will cost the buyer $40 and every man that wears a hat will pay one-third more for his headgear than heretofore. Another change is that in the postal charges and telephone and telegraph charges. The English government will do away entirely with its penny postage. Every article going for that price will pay double in the future, and the parcels post rates will he greatly increased. Telegraph rates are increased one-third under the pro posed bill and there will a proportion ate increase in telephone rates. One of the remarkable things in connec tion with this tremendous increase in taxes on the British people, is that spirits and beer will remain untouched in their revenues under the new schedules. This is the burden that Great Brit ain is taking on because cf the war. Undoubtedly the other nations in volved are being obliged to adopt similar measures for raising revenue. The fact is that Great Britain thus far has not had so heavy a burden in maintaining the war put upon it as Frrnce, Germany and Russia. We hear little concerning these countries and the measures adopted by them to raise the enormous amount of money that the war is calling for, but what is happening to Great Britain is a fair insight of what is coming to every other country and is a most pointed illustration of the high cost of war to the European nations. BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS. A few young cockerels for sale at a reasonable price if taken at once. R. L. ARTHUR. WANTED-—A man to pick corn, or to work for the winter. V. F. WESCOTT. CAST IRON. For the next thirty days I will pay $4.00 a ton for your old cast iron. Keep your rods, straps and shafts to use yourself. O. S. MASON. Insist on This Label when you buy roofing hoofing quality cannot be determined in advance by _nyhir.d of test*, no matter how scientific, and in order to protect you from taking such risks we attach this label cf quality to every roll of our highest quality Roofing, giving the purchaser a definite guaranteed sendee, backed by the largest Roofing ard Building Paper Mills in the World. You get this label only when you buy Many cheap roofings hear labels that were formerly put on better goods—some manufact urers and some jobbers cannot meet keen com petition, so cut the qual ity, but use the same label. Such labels often mean little or are misleading. Roofing 1- ply guaranteed 5 years 2- ply guaranteed 10 years 3- ply guaranteed 15 years Certain-teed Roofing has made good on the roof for many years. Every fifth roll of Roofing made in the United States and Canada bears the Ccrtain-teedlabel. By reason of our large vol ume we can make the best Roofing and sell it at prices that were for merly charged for roofings of lower quality. Certain-teed products are sold by your local dealer. Be sure you get the label. General Roofing Manufacturing Company World's largest manufacturers of Roofing and Building Papers New York City Chicsfo Philadelphia St.Loois Boston Cleveland Pittsburgh Detroit San Francisco Cincinnati Minneapolis Kansas City Seattle Atlanta Houston London Hamburg Sydney Certain-teed products are sold by Hansen Lumber Company.' IlllllllllII11 Depositors in this bank have the additional security of the De positors Guarantee Fund of the State of Nebraska. I Either Way or Both ! _ Just as you are reading this advertisement, i so have many others read similar advertise Er ments of this Bank and opened accounts at our i invitation. | How will you deposit? = To have your money subject to check? = To have it earn 5 per cent interest from date S of deposit? v | You have your choice—you'can do both—when = you bank here. ( Loup City State LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. nlllllllllllllllllllllillllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiii