The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 07, 1915, Image 1

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    Loup City Northwestern
W. R. Stickney, grade draft, 1st
prize, $5.00.
Herman Johansen, Belgian stallion,
2nd prize, $4.00.
J. W. Johnson, sweepstakes, Belgian
Stallion, 1st, $8.00.
J. W. Johnson, Belgian mare, 1st,
J. W. Johnson, Belgian mare, 2nd,
J. W. Johnson, Belgian colt, 1st,
Will Hawk, Percheron stallion 1st,
Wm. Critel, Jack, 2nd, $2.00.
John Critel, Shetland pony, 1st, $2.
F. G. Casteel, Jack, 1st, $3.00.
E. Majeski, grade draft colt, 1st,
Wm. Hancock, grade draft colt, 2nd
• $2.00.
Wm. Critel, Callaway, bull, 1st, $6.
Wm. Critel, Gallaway cow, 1st, $5.
Wm. Critel, Gallaway caif, 1st, $2.
C. Oltjenbruns. sweepstakes, Short
horn cow, 1st, §5.00.
Albert Johnson, sweepstakes, Short
horn bull, 1st, $6.00.
Mazurha Douglas, Shorthorn cow,
2nd, $3.00.
J. McBeth and C. W. Burt, grade
Shorthorn bull, 1st, $3.00.
C. Oltjenbruns. Shorthorn bull calf,
1st, $2.00.
C. Oltjenbruns. Shorthorn bull calf,
2nd, $1.00.
C. Oltjenbruns, Shorthorn heifer
calf, 1st, $2.00.
Livingston Sharp, grade bull calf,
2nd, $1.00.
Morris Fowler of Arcadia won the
following: Nos. 5 and 6, Poland
China Sow, 1st, $5.00, 1st, $4.00. Po
land China Sow, Nos. 5 and 6, 2nd,
$2.50, 2nd, $2.00. No. 4, Poland
China boar, 1st, $3.00.
Ben Klimper won the following:
No. 10, Duroc Jersey boar, 1st, $4.00.
No. 13, Duroc Jersey Sow, 1st, $5.00.
No. 14, Duroc Jersey sow, 1st, $4.00.
No. 12. Durocf Jersey boar, 1st, $3.00.
No. 12, Duroc Jersey boar, 2nd, $2.00.
No. 16, Duroc Jersey sow, 1st, $3.00.
No. 16, Duroc Jersey sow, 2nd, $2.00.
Victor Grudzinski, No. 3, Poland
China sow, 1st, $3.00.
Albert Johnson, No. 1, Poland China
sow, 2nd, $2.50.
Morris Fowler the following: No.
1, Poland China boar, 1st, $5.00. No.
4, Poland China boar, 2nd, $2.00. No.
8, Poland China sow, 1st, $3.00. No.
8, Poland China sow, 2nd, $2.00.
Jess Richmond, No. 9, Duroc Jersey
boar, 1st, $5.00. No. 11, Duroc Jer
sey boar, 1st, 2.00.
H. N. Fisher, No. 42, Mule Foot
sow, 1st, $3.00. No. 43, Mule Foot
boar, 1st, $3.00.
Morris Fowler, No. 39, best herd
boar and four sows, 1st, $6.00.
N. S. Fisher, 243, Buff Orpington
cockeral. 1st, 50c. 241, Buff Orp.
cockeral, 2nd, 25c. 242, B. O. hen,
1st, 50c. 244, B. O. pullett, 2nd, 25c.
245, B. O. pen of fowels, 1st, 75c. 253
Orphington white cockeral, 1st, 50c.
2nd, 25c. 254, Orp. white hen, 1st,
! 50c; 2nd, 25c. 257, Orp. white pen of
towels, 1st, 75c.
R. L. Arthur, 7, Plymouth Rock
cockeral, 1st, 50c; 2nd, 25c. 8, P. R.
hen, 1st, 50c; 2nd, 25c. 9, P. R. cock
eral, 1st, 50c; 2nd, 25c. 10, P. R. pul
let, 1st, 50c; 2nd, 25c. 12, P. R. pen
of fowels, 1st, 75c.
Win. Critel, 91, Rhode Island Red
cockeral, 1st. 50c.
Charles Morey, 91, Rhode Island
Red cockeral, 2nd, 25c.
Mrs. Wm. Critel, 101, Buckeye Pea
comb pen of fowels, 1st, 75c.
Morris Fowler, 87, Rhode Island Red
cockeral, 1st, 50c; 88, Rhode Island
Red pullet, 1st, 50c; 90, R. I. Red pen
of chicks, 1st, 75c.
Mrs. Ira Timson, 90, Rhode Island
Red pen of chicks, 2nd, 50c.
Ed Anderson, 400, Buff Cochin ban
tam, 1st, 50c.
Irwin Conger, 234, Ancons Mottle
pen of chicks, 1st, 75c; 230, Ancons
Mottle hen, 1st, 50c; 2nd, 25c.
J. C. Shirley, 232, Ancons Mottle
pullet, 1st, 50c; 2nd, 25c.
Mrs. Wm. Critel, 413, African geese,
1st, 50c; 404, White Holland turkeys,
1st, 50c; 415 White Chinese geese, 1st,
H. B. Hamer, 163, White Leghorn
cockeral, 1st, 50c.
Mrs. R. Breodock, 168, pen of white
Leghorns, 1st, 75c.
H. B. Hamer, 168, pen of white Leg
horns, 2nd, 50c.
S. V. iiansen, 1C4, white Leghorn
hen, 1st, 50c; 2nd, 25c.
H. B. Hamer, 165, white Leghorn
cockeral, 1st, 50c; 2nd, 25c. 163, whit
Leghorn cockeral, 1st, 50c; 2nd, 25c.
J. C. Shirley. 176, Buff Leghorn hen,
1st, 50c; 2nd, 25c.
Tom McFadden, 1, winter wheat,
1st, 50c.
J. W. Johnson, 1,-winter wheat, 2nd
Clifford Bone, 3, Rye, 1st, 50c.
C. J. Peterson, 7, late oats, 1st, 50c.
C. W. Burt, 10, sheaf winter wheat,
11st, 50c.
Ely Fisher, 15, sheaf timothy, 1st,
[ C. W. Burt, 17, sheaf alfalfa, 1st,
Clifford Bone, sheaf rye, 1st, 50c.
C. W. Burt,, 23, blue grass sheaf,
1st, 50c.
L. A. Bangs, 4, field beans, 1st, 50c.
Nick Daddow, 34, ten stalks white
corn, 1st, 50c.
C. W. Burt, ten stalks white corn,
34, 2nd, 25c.
Johnson Bros., 35, ten stalks yel
low corn, 1st, 50c.
Wm. Hancock, 40, ten ears white
corn, 1st, 1.00.
Clifford Bone, 40, ten ears white
corn, 2nd, 50c; 45, king early corn,
1st, $1.00.
C. W. Burt, 46, Minnesota King Yel
low dent corn, 1st, $1.00.
(has. Conhiser, 40, Minnesota King
yellow dent corn, 2nd, 50c.
Johnson Bros., 47, yellow corn, 1st,
E. J. Dolling, 47, yellow corn, 2nd,
Nick Sobieszyk, 50, Longfellow yel
low flint, 1st, 50c.
Mark Johansen, 55, squaw corn, 1st,
L. A. Bangs, 56, Stowell’s evergreen
Most complete line
ever shown in Loup
City. Prices from
$8 to $15
The Ladies of Loup City
and vicinity are tnvited to
call and see these Cloaks.
All the new colors and styles.
Hub Clothing Store
VICTOR VIENER, Proprietor.
sweet corn, 1st, 50c.
Nick Daddow, 59, white rice pop
corn, 1st, 50c; C. W. Burt, 2nd, 25c.
Clifford Bone, 60, Queen golden pop
corn, 1st, 50c; Alvin Jack, 2nd, 25c.
Mark Johansen, 78, early potatoes,
1st, 50c; Chas. Conhiser, 2nd, 25c.
L. A. Bangs, 79, late potatoes, 1st,
50c. Chas. Conhiser 2nd, 25c.
Win. Hancock, 80, yellow sweet po
tatoes, 1st 50c;
L. A. Bangs, 81, red sweet potatoes,
1st, 50c.
Wm. Hancock, 82, yams, 1st, 50c.
Nick Daddow, 83, Mangle Wurzel,
1st, 50c.
C. W. Conhiser, 84, sugar beet, 1st.
50c. L. A. Bangs, 2nd.
L. A. Bangs, 85, table beets, 1st 50c,
2nd, 25c.
Mrs. Annie Liebhart, 86, rutabegas,
1st, 50c.
W. T. Owens, 87, carrots, 1st, 50c;
Nick Daddow, 2nd, 25c.
Nick Daddow, 88, parsnips, 1st, 50c.
Mrs. R. Jack, 2nd, 25c.
Mrs. A Liebhart, 91, white onions,
1st, 50c; L. A. Bangs, 2nd, 25c.
Wm. Pritchau, jr., 92, red onions,
1st 50c; Mrs. Alfred Cook, 2nd, 25c.
Mrs. M. H. Conton, 93, yellow onion
1st, 50c.
Mrs. Geo. Brill, 96, tomatoes, 1st,
50c; Clifford Bone, 2nd, 25c.
W. R. Stickney, 98, turnips, 1st, 50c
Nick Sobieszyk, 2nd, 25c.
John Fisher, 99, winter cabbage,
1st, 50c; Nick Sobieszyk, 2nd, 25c.
Warren Pritchau, 103,/watermellon,
1st, 50c.
Warren Pritchau, 104, nutmeg mel
lon, 1st, 50c; Mrs O. Howard 2nd, 25c.
Warren Pritchau, 105, common
muskmellon, 1st, 50c; Mark Johansen,
2nd, 25c.
O. Howard, 107, egg plant, 1st, 50c;
Mr. Fisher, 2nd, 25c.
Mrs. W. H. Conton, 108, winter
squash, 1st, 50c; Jay Cole 2nd, 25c.
Walt Stumm, 109, Hubbard squash,
1st, 50c; Mark Johansen 2nd, 25c.
Walter Stumm, 111, sweet pumpkin
1st, 50c; Mrs. Bone 2nd, 25c.
L. A. Bangs, 114, kale, 1st, 50c.
Mrs. Thornton, 115, red peppers,
1st, 50c; 2nd, Mrs. Cecil Hiddleson, 25c
Mrs. Geo. Brill, 115 1-2, peppers,
1st, 50c.
Chas. Conhiser, 116, lima beans, 1st,
Mrs. Geo. Hosier, 117, string beans,
1st, 35c.
Mrs. Thornton, 118, wax beans. 1st,
35c. W. T. Owens 2nd, 20c.
W. T. Owens, 119, beans, 1st, 35c.
C. W. Conhiser, 120, tobacco, 1st, 35
Mrs. lone Sharp, 123, celery 1st,
35c. Cliff Bone 2nd, 20c.
Mrs. Slip Thrasher, 124, cucumber,
1st, 35c.
Bernice Casteel, 125, radishes, 1st,
35c; Nelson Fisher 2nd, 20c.
W. T. Owens, 126, rhubarb, 1st 35c.
Mrs. A. N. Cook, 128, ground
cherries, 1st, 35c.
James McBeth, 129, pt^uts, 1st,
L A. Bangs, 132, best display, 1st,
$5.00; Warren Pritchau. 2nd, $3.00.
C. W. Burt, 133, for Clay township,
1st. SI5.00.
1. A. W. Hahn, best collection of
apples, 1st, $1.00.
4—Adolph Rettenmayer, Maiden’s
Blush apples, 1st, 50c; Chas. French,
2nd, 25c.
8^—Allie Bailie, Famous apple, 1st
50c; J. J. Leininger 2nd, 25c.
II— Mrs. A. B. Outhouse, yellow
Bellflower apple, 1st 50c.
15— Adolph Rettenmayer, Ben Dav
is apple, 1st, 50c; 2nd, Mrs. Conton,
16— Chas. French, Winesap apple,
1st, 50c; Wm. Hawk 2nd, 25c.
17— Tom McFadden, Jonothan ap
ple, 1st, 50c.
18— J. P. Leininer, Waldbridge ap
ple, 1st, 50c.
24— Will Hawk, Wolf River apple,
1st, 50c; Wm. Owens 2nd, 25c.
25— J. \P. Leininger, Geniten apple,
1st, 50c; Mrs. Conton 2nd, 25c.
27— Mrs. Conton, Missouri Pippin,
1st, 50c; Chas. French 2nd, 25c.
28— Wm. Hawk, Roman Stem apple,
1st 50c.
29— Chas French, Iowa Blush apple,
1st, 50c; Will Hawk 2nd, 25c.
32—Allie Bailley, Grimes Golden
apple, 1st, 50c; Will Hawk 2nd, 25c.
34—Allie Bailey, Willow Twig ap
ple, 1st, 50c.
36—Adolph Rettenmayer, Wealthy
apple, 1st, 50c; J. P. Leininger 2nd,
38—Mrs. G. W. Holmes, Seeding ap
ple, 1st, 50c; 2nd, 25c.
47—J. P. Leininger, Roman Beauty
apple, 1st, 50c.
57—Will Hawk, Romsdell’s Sweet
apple, 1st, 50c.
60—W. S. Waite, Fall Pippin apple,
1st, 50c.
63—J. P. Leininger, Baldwin apple,
1st, 50c.
67—Adolph Rettenmayer, Rhode Is
land Greening apple, 1st, 50c; 2nd, J.
Ohlsen 25c.
72— Adolph Rettenmayer, North
western Greening apple, 1st, 50c; Wm.
Pritchau, 2nd, 25c.
73— Wm. Pritchau, North Imperial
apple, 1st, 50c.
74— Wilbur Waite, Spitzenburg ap
ple, 1st, 50c.
76—Wm. Pritchau, Utters Red ap
ple, 1st, 50c; James McBeth 2nd 25c.
81—Mrs. Conton, Hyslop crab. 1st,
50c; Will Hawk 2nd, 25c.
83—Morris Fowler, Siberian crab,
1st, 50c; Lee Arthur 2nd, 26c.
86—Morris Fowler, Whitney crab,
1st, 50c; Wm. Hawk 2nd, 25c.
89—Wm. Owens, Bismark crab, 1st,
94—Wm. Pritchau, pears, 1st, 50c.
96—James McBeth, pears, 1st, 50c.
101—James McBeth, Crawford late
peaches, 1st, 50c.
105—Wm. Prithcau, plums, 1st, 25c;
Wm. Owens 2nd, 25c.
III— Jerry Shetle, grapes, 1st, 50c;
Wm. Hancock 2nd, 25c.
115—Walter Stamm, Garden huc
cleberries, 1st, 50c.
. 118—Mrs. C. C. Cooper, strawber
ries, 1st, 50c; J. H. Bentner, 2nd, 25c.
119—Wm. Pritchau, red raspberries,
1st, 50c.
121— James McBeth, Stark Delicious
apples, 1st. 50c.
122— Wm. Pritchau, Bismark apples
1st, 50c.
123— Wm. Pritchau, Snow apples,
1st, 50c.
4—Mrs. W. L. Marcy, best collec
tion of Begonias, $1.00.
7—Mrs. W. L. Marcy, best plant,
15—Chas. Conhiser, best bouquet
cultivated sunflowers, 50c.
17— Mrs. Laura Fullerton, best bou
puet roses, 1st, 50c; Mrs. C. C. Cooper
2nd, 25c.
18— Mrs. Oscar Swanson, best bou
quet astors, 1st, 50c; Mrs. C. C. Cooper
2nd, 25c.
20—Delphine, pansy design, 2nd,
KITCHEN and dairy products
I— Mrs. Brodock, home made soap,
1st, 50c.
5—Mrs. Brodock, 1 lb. butter in
print, 1st, 50c.
7—Pearl Keeler, white bread, 1st,
50c; Mrs. Brodock 2nd, 25c.
9— Mrs. J. Lofholm, graham bread,
1st, 50c.
10— Mrs. J. Ohlson, rye bread, 1st.
II— Mrs. R. Hiddleson, brown 1 read,
1st, 50c.
12—Mrs. L. Bangs, biscuits, 1 st, 50c
17— Mrs. Jim Johansen, doughnuts,
1st, 50c; Mrs. R. Hiddleson 2nd, 25c.
18— Mrs. Brodock, baking powder
biscuits, 2nd, 25c.
19— Mrs. Thornton, cup cake, 2nd,
20— Mrs. Bangs, cornstarch layer
cake, 1st, 50c; Ella Lee 2nd, 25c.
21— Margaret Kingery, chocolate
cake, 1st, 50c.
23—Mrs. Bangs, gold cake, loaf, 1st,
28—Mrs. Owens, white sponge cake,
1st, 50c.
30—Mrs. Bangs, spice cake, 1st, 50c;
Mrs. Hiddleson 2nd, 25c.
31, Miss M. Kingery, cocoanut cake,
1st, 50c.
36—Clea Lee, snow cake, 1st 50c.
41—Mrs. Brodock, a}>ple pie. 1st,
47—Mrs. Brodock, lemon pie, 1st,
50—Mrs. J. Johansen, pumpkin pie,
1st, 50c; Mrs. D. McDonald 2nd, 25c.
56—Mrs. R. Hiddleson, cocoanut
pie, 1st, 50c.
58— Mrs. Bangs, comb honey, 1st,
59— Mrs. Bangs, extracted honey,
1st, $1.00.
60— Mrs. Bangs, beeswax, 1st, 50c.
61— Mrs. Bangs, strawberry Jelly,
1st, 35c.
62— Lucienne Chase, grape jelly,
1st, 35c; Mrs. Bangs 2nd, 20c.
63— Mrs. Bangs, raspberry jjelly,
1st, 35c.
64— Mrs. E. T. Beushausen, currant
jelly, 1st, 35c; Mrs. Bangs 2nd, 20c.
65— Mrs. Goodell, gooseberry jelly,
1st. 35c; Mrs. Bangs 2nd, 20c.
66— Mrs. Bangs, plum jelly, 1st, 35;
Lucienne Chase 2nd, 20c.
67— Mrs. J. Lofholm, crabapple jel
ly, 1st, 35c; Mrs. Bangs 2nd, 20c.
68— Mrs. Bangs, apple jelly, 1st,
35c; Evangeline Waite 2nd, 20c.
69— Mrs. Bangs, rhubarb jelly, 1st,
70— Mrs. Bangs, chokecherry jjelly,
1st, 35c.
71— Mrs. Bangs, quince jelly, 1st,
72— Mrs. Bangs, wild grape jelly,
1st, 35c.
73— E. Waite, blackberry jelly, 1st
35c; Mrs. Bangs 2nd, 20c.
74— Mrs. Bangs, peach preserves,
1st, 35c; Mrs. Brodock 2nd, 20c.
75— Mrs. Bangs, quince preserves, ,
1st, 35c.
76— Evangeline waite, strawberry
preserves, 1st, 35c; Mrs. Bangs 2nd, 1
77— Mrs. Bangs, raspberry preser
ves, 2nd, 20c.
78— Mrs. Bangs, pear preserves,
2nd, 20c.
79— Mrs. J. Lofholm, cherry pre
serves, 1st, 35c; Mrs. Bangs, 2nd, 20c. ,
80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 87, 88, 89. 90, 1
J1—Mrs. Bangs, plum, grape, crab- ,
apple, blackberry, apple, and goose
berry preserves, and tomato, grape, (
peach, plum and cherry butter, all
lsts for preserves, 35c firsts for all ,
butter, 50c.
92—Mrs. D. McDonald, apple but- ,
ter, 1st, 50c; Mrs. Bangs 2nd, 25c.
93, 94, 95, 96—Mrs. Bangs, musk- j
mellon, blackberries, pears and pea
ches, all firsts, 50c.
96, Lucienne Chase, 2nd, 25c.
97— Mrs. Bangs, pitted cherries, 1st
50c; Mrs. Thomson 2nd, 25c.
98— Mrs. Bangs, grapes, 1st, 50c.
99— Mrs. E. T. Beushausen, plums,
1st, 50c; Mrs. Bangs 2nd, 25c. 1
100— Mrs. Bangs, strawberries, 1st,
50c. i
101— Mrs. J. Johansen, apricots, 1st
50c; Mrs. Bangs 2nd, 25c.
102, 103, 105—Gooseberries, pine
apple, corn, 1st, 50c.
105— Mrs. O. Goodell, corn, 2nd,25c
106— Mrs. Bangs, tomatoes, 1st,
50c; Mrs. A. Cook 2nd, 25c.
107, 109, 110—Mrs. Bangs, crab
apple, black and red raspberries, 1st,
111— Mrs. A. Cook, ground cherries
1st, 50c; Mrs. Bangs, 2nd, 25c.
112— Mrs. O. Goodell, carrots, 1st,
50c; Mrs. Bangs 2nd, 25c.
113— Mrs. Bangs, beets, 1st,-50c.
114— Mrs Bangs, pickled peaches,
1st, 50c; Mrs. Brodock 2nd, 25c.
115— Mrs. Bangs, crab apple pick
les, 1st, 50c; Mrs. Thomsen 2nd, 25c.
116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122,
123, 124, 125—Mrs. Bangs, apple,
grape, plum, cherry, beet, mangoe, to
mato, watermellon and onion pickles
firsts, 50c.
126— —Mrs. Wm. Doner, bean pickles
1st, 50c; Mrs. Bangs, 2nd, 25c.
127— Mrs. Bangs, mixed pickles,
1st, 50c.
128— Mrs. Bangs, tomato catsup,
1st, 50c; 2nd, 25c.
129— Mrs. A. Thomsen, chilisauce,
1st, 50c; Mrs. Bangs 2nd, 25c.
130— Mrs. Bangs, sauerkraut, 1st.
131— Mrs. Thomsen, cucumber pick
les, 1st, 50c; Mrs. Bangs, 2nd, 25c.
132— Mrs. Bangs, best collection of
fruit preserves, 1st, $1.00.
1—Mrs. Marcy, landscape painting
Many People In Hus Town
never really enjoyed ,a meal until
we advised them to take a
before and after each meal. Sold only
by us—25c a box. •
Wm. Graefe.
in oil, 1st, 50c; Mr. Dunn 2nd, 25c.
'—Mrs. Marcy, marine painting in
oil, 1st, 50c.
11—Mrs. .Chandler, .hand-painted
nut bowl, 1st, 50c.
13—Mrs. Chandler, bread and cake
plate, 1st, 50c; 2nd 25c.
15, 17—Mrs. Chandler, water pit
cher and best collection of china 1st
18—Mrs. M. E. Thornton, best rag
carpet, 1st, 50c.
20—Mrs. Thornton, cotton woven
rug, 1st and 2nd, 50 and 25c.
26— Dr. Aye, knitted cotton lace,
2nd, 25c.
36—Mrs. John Ohlson, crocheted
cotton lace, 1st, 50c; Mrs. Coltraine
2nd, 25c.
38—Mrs. J. S. Duncan, woolen slip
pers, first prize, 50e.
40— Mrs. Tom McFadden, infants’
hood (cotton), first prize, 50c.
41— Mrs. Jake Zwink, infants hood
(coton),second prize 25 c.
42— Mrs. Jas. Lee, crocheted doily,
first prize 50c.
42— Mrs. John Lofholm, crocheted
doily, 2d prize 25c.
43— Mrs. O. M. Woods, lace edged
doily, 2nd prize 25c.
44— Mrs. James Lee, lace edged
centerpiece, first prize 50c.
44— Mrs. Abe Hagie, lace edged
centerpiece, 2nd prize 25c.
45— Mrs. J. S. Duncan, pincushen,
second prize 25c.
46— Mrs. J. S. Duncan, lace trimmed
corset cover, first prize 50c.
46—Mrs. John Lofholm, lace trimm
ed corset cover, second prize 25c.
49—Mrs. John Ohlsen, lace trimmed
night gown yoke, first prize 50c.
49— Miss Grierson, lace trimmed
night gown yoke, second prize 25c.
50— Mrs. Depew,lace trimmed lunch
cloth, second prize 25c.
52—Mrs. Jas. Lee, lace trimmed
pillow cases, first prize 50c.
52— Miss Ida Steen, lace trimmed
pillow cases, second prize 25c.
53— Mrs. Owens, lpce trimmed bed
set, second prize 25c.
54— Mrs. John Ohlsen, lace trimmed
piano scarf,first prize 50c.
54— Miss Ida Steen, lace trimmed
piano scarf, second prize 25c.
55— Mrs. Beach, (Ravenna), lace
trimmed dresser scarf, first prize 50c.
dresser scarf, second prize 25c.
60—Mrs. Woods, hand made apron,
nrsi prize ouc.
62—Mrs. Depew, French hemmed
napkins,first prize 50c.
70—Mrs. McFadden, machine-made
child’s dress, first prize 50c.
72— Katie Fagan, silk patch work
qailt, second prize 25c.
73— Mrs. Owens, woolen and silk
crazy quilt, second prize 25c.
76— Mrs. Owens, woolen comfort
(knotted), second prize 25c.
77— Mrs. R. M. Hults, quilt pieced
by lady over 60 years first prize 50c.
77—Mrs. Fagan, quilt pieced by lady
over 60 ' ears, secon-1 nrize ?5c.
81—Alta Johnson, silk embroidery
pillow, first prize 50c.
81—Mrs. Abe Hagie, silk embroid
ery pillow, second prize 25c.
83—Mrs. E. Dolling, gingham
worked with cotton, first prize 50c.
83— Mrs. Owens, gingham worked
with cotton, second prize 25c.
84— -Mrs. Doner, drawn work sofa
pillow, second prize 25c.
86—Mrs. Rawson, colored embroid
ery, first prizze 50c.
86—Mrs. Beill, colored embroidery,
second prize 25c.
94—Katie Fagan, lunch cloth, first
prize 50c.
99— Mrs. Art Conger, hemstitched
sheet, first prize 50c.
100— Mrs. Art Conger, pillow cases,
first prize 50c.
100—Katie Fagan, pillow cases,
second prize 25c.
106—Mrs. Depew, lunch cloth, first
prize, 50c.
106—Mrs. Doner, lunch cloth,
second prize 25c.
109—Mrs. Charles Darrow, lace
edged centerpiece, first prize 50c.
109—Mrs. Hahn, lace edged center
piece, second prize 25c.
112—Mrs. Jas. Lee, pillow case, first
prize 50c.
114—Mrs. G. D. Bower, novelty and
braid yoke, first prize 50c.
114— Mrs. Brill, novelty and braid
yoke, second prize 25c.
115— Miss Grierson, corset cover
yoke, first prize 50c.
115Mrs. G. D. Bowen, corset cover
yoke, second prize 25c.
116— Mrs.Bangs, centerpiece batten
burg lace, first prize 50c.
116—Mrs. Duncan, centerpiece bat
tenburg lace,'second prize 25c.
129—Clea Lee, tatted handkerchief,
first prize 50c.
129— Clea Lee, same, second prize
130— Clea Lee, yoke, first prize 50c.
131— Katie Fagan, collar, first prize
131— Clea Lee, collar, second prize
132— Katie Fagan, lace edge doily,
second prize 25c.
133— Clea Lee, doily, first prize 50c.
134— Clea Lee, lace-edged center
piece, first prize 50c.
134—Ester Hunt, lace-edged center
piece, second prize 25c.
138—Clea Lee, towel, first prize 50c.
138—Clea Lee, towel, second prize
141—Mrs. Sharp, lace trimmed cor
set cover, second prize 25c.
143— Mrs. Duncan, lace trimmed
baby dress, first prize 50c.
144— Mrs. Duncan, lace trimmed
dresser scarf, first prize 50c.
147—Mrs. Brill, centerpiece, first
prize 50c.
150— Mrs. Coltrane, centerpiece,
(embroidery), first prize 50c.
160— Mrs. Darrow, centerpiece, (em
broidery), sepond prize 25c.
151— Mrs. Duncan, doily, first prize
151—Mrs. Duncan, doily, secortd
prize, 25c.
153—Mrs. Darrow, pillowcases, first
prize 50c.
153— Katis Fagan, pillowcase, sec
ond prize 25c. .
154— Maggie Kisling, bed set, first
prize 50c.
155— Clea Lee, towel, first prize 50c.
156— Mrs. Duncan, dresser scarf,
first prize 50c.
156— Ida Steen, dresser scarf, sec
ond prize 25c.
157— Mrs. Darrow, sideboard scarf,
first -prizze 50c.
161— Mrs. Coltrane, night gown,
first prize 50c.
(Continued on eighth page)
The city council met Tuesday eve
ning and spent considerable time
over the plans and specifications of
the proposed trunk sewer, that were
placed on file by City Engineer T. W.
O. Wolfe. A special election was
set for Tuesday, November ninth, i
and the notice of such election was |
ordered published.
The proposed trunk sewer will com
mence at the corner two blocks
south of the First National bank, and
extend to the river. All other sew
ers will empty into this one.
A sewer system is a growing need
in Loup City, and the installation of
the proposed trunk line will be the
first step to a complete system in the
town. The plan adopted by the coun
cil is like one in use at St. Paul,
which is giving complete satisfaction.
Plans are on file at the city clerk’s
office, and also at both drug stores, I
so everyone interested can examine,
the plans most any time.
There has been talk in town, by
property owners, of asking permis
sion of the city council to install sep
tic tanks in the streets for reason
that cess pools do not accomodate j
the requirements of sanitation the I
tenants demand. This is certainly
argument in favor of sewerage, as
such provisions would necessitate
tearing up the streets, discommod
ing traflc and afterwards bringing on
repairs to maintain a temporary
proposition, when tne time must
come for the installation of modern
service. Another strong argument in
favor of a sewer system is our new
school house, which could be connec
ted to the sewer at once, and not have i
to go to the expense and work of |
putting in cess pools, which should
never be allowed on the grounds.
At the council meeting Tuesday j
evening the fire department equip-!
ment and organization was discuss-1
ed. While Loup City has enjoyed a I
long season without fires, when fire |
equipment is needed it is a serious
matter. The fire equipment here is
old, and it would be a good idea to
test it out and provide new equip
ment and repairs that are needed
so as to make it possible to fight a
serious fire if wTe ever have one.
At the same meeting the marshal
was instructed to find and read all
water meters and request the water
patrons to see that he has easy ac
cess to same.
The speeding of autos and riding
of bicycles on the sidewalks was or
dered to be treated according to the
A number of claims against the
city were allowed and the council,
upon motioned adjourned.
Oscar R. Kirschke, architect of
Grand Island was here Wednesday
and submitted the plans and speci
flcations of our new school house to
the school board which were ac
cepted and this week's papers have
the notice to contractors for bids on
the building, plumbing, heating and
electric wiring.
The building will be three stories,
and will face the south. The south
elevation will be 79.6 feet, east aud
west elevations 76.9 feet.
The building will be modern in
every respect and will be a credit to
Loup City for many years to come.
We examined the plans this week
and were greatly surprised at the
completeness of every detail. The
building will be a model of con
venience, neatness and sanitation.
We cannot describe it fully at this
time, but in the near future we will
give a complete description of our
new school house that probably will
have no equal in this section of the
A few mule footed boars. Prices
very reasonable. Phone 8311.
*42-2 H. N. FIStfER.
Nice home grown potatoes. Will
dig around October ID to 15. Phone
orders to 9403, or see me.
A Johnston corn binder, only used
a short time, good as new, for sale or
trade. Inquire of J. W. Johnson.
Between the creamery and the Cath
olic church, on Saturday, September
11, an imitation fur robe, brown mi
me side aud black on the other. Finder
please return to The Northwestern of
fice. 41-tf.
October 12 to 16
Deposits in this bank have the additional security of the De
positors Guarantee Fund of the State of Nebraska.
If You Want Information
as to the working of our plan fcr accumulating
money; if you want specific facts as to just how its
systematic use will benefit YOU, come right in—we
shall appreciate the opportunity of explaining to
you the full details. No need of waiting until you
are ready to open an account; come in today. When
you know the many ways in which this plan will
help you accumulate faster, you will be more anx
ious to get started.
Loup City State Bank
Loup City, Nebraska.
We pay 5 percept interest on time deposits