UVE STOCK PRICES AT SOUTH OMAHA Beef Supply Short and Mostly 10 to 15c Higher. HOG VALUES FULLY STEADY. Fat Lambs 155@25c Higher—Fat Sheep Also Score a 15@25c Advance. Sharp Gain In Feeders—LiDeral Runs Opens Week1. Union Stock Yards, South Omaha, Sept. 28.—Cattle receipts yesterday to taled 8,700 head. There was scarcely a load of corn-fed cattle to be fount in the yards and the market was nom jnallv unchanged. Conditions sur rounding the western range market were good, and for the most part prices were right around 10# 15c high er than the close of last week. Good beef found a ready sale at $7.60@ 8.00. Cows and heifers showed near ly as much advance as the beeves and Stockers and feeders showed more im provement than either beef steers or butchers' stock. It was a good, strong, active trade from start to fin ish. Cattle quotations: Good to choice beeves, $9.00@9.85; fair to good beeves, $8.30@8.85; common to fair beeves, $6.75@8.25; good to choice yearlings, $9.00@9.85; fair to good yearlings, $8.50@9.00; common to fair yearlings, $6.50@8.00; prime feeder steers, $7.80 @8.40; good to choice feeders, $7.25@7.65; fair to good feed ers, $6.50@7.00; common to fair feed ers, $5.50@6.50; gdod to choice Stock ers. $7.75® 8.25; fair to good stockers. $6.75@7.75; common to fair stockers. $5.50@6.50; stock heifers, $5.75@7.00; stock cows, $5.50@6.25; stock calves, $6.00@8.25; good to choice grass heif ers, $6.00@6.50; good to choice grass cows, $5.75@6.10;v fair to good cows, $5.25#5.85: canners and cutters. $3.50 @5.00; veal calves, $8.00@10.00; bulls, stags, etc., $4.50@6.00; prime grass beeves, $8.00@8.40; good to choice grass steers, $7.40@7.90; fair to good grass steers, $6.75@7.25; common to fair steers, $5.85@6.60. Some 2,700 hogs showed up yester lay. Shippers bought their supply at prices fully steady to as much as 5@ 10c higher, while packers paid fully steady figures. Tops reached $7.95 and the bulk of the packing hogs sold at $7.00@7.20. Sheep and lamb receipts amounted to 86,000 head. Fat lambs were fully 15(®25c higher than the close of last week. Most of the real good lambs brought $8.60@8.65, while others not quite so desirable went around $8.50. Feeders looked to be fully 15c higher quite a number of the more desirable kinds having been cashed at $8.25@ 8.35. Breeding ewes sold at $5.50@ 6.00, and ewes for strictly feeding put poses reached $5.50. Killing ewes shared the fat lamb advance and were cleaned up in good season on a 15@ 25c higher basis, and $5.60@3.65 bought decent grades, with a good class reaching $5.75, a quarter above the top at last week’s close. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs, good to choice. $8.60@8.65; lambs, fair-to good, $8.40@'8.50; lambs feeders, $7.75@8.50; yearlings, fair to choice, $5.75@6.75; yearlings, feeders $8.00@7.00.; wethers, fair to choice $5.O0@6.00: ewes, good to choice, $5.5C