Your Appetite Needs No Whetting When you eat our meats. For freshness and genuine all around deliciousness they have no equal. You buy the real artice when you come to us, and your money goes a long way. PIONEER MEAT MARKET O. L. TOCLEY, Proprietor Big Land Opening IN WYOMING 149,838 acres in the Goshen Hole Country, eastern Wyoming, open for settlement under Homestead Laws, in tracts of 160 acres SUBJECT TO INSPECTION (>N AND AFTER SEPTEMBER 25, 1915—SUBJECT TO ENTRY, FILING OR SELECTION OCTOBER 25, 1915. This is non-irrigation farming land and the last large tract to be disposed of in Wyoming under the Homestead act. To reach Torrington, the nearest railroad point to these lands, travel via UNION PACIFIC to Gering, Nebraska, auto stage to Scottsblutf, (about two miles) train leaving that point at 3:55 p. m., arriving at Torrington 5:05 p.m. same day. Entry tiling or selection. Oet. 25, 1915, at Cheyenne, Wyoming, United States Government Land Office, beginning 9:00 o'clock a. m. The eastern edge of these lands may also be reached by an 18 mile automobile drive from Haig. Nebraska, the terminus of the North Platte Valley branch of Union Pacific Railroad, 7 miles west of Gering. For plat, description of lands, etc., write R. A. SMITH Colonization and Industrial Agent. Union Pacific System, Omaha. Nebr. WHEN LOOKING FOR A SQUARE NEAL DROP IN AT THE Ideal Bakery & Restaurant SOUTH SIDE OF PUBLIC SQUARE Meals, Lunches and Short Orders at all Hours We Also Carry a Full Line of Bakery Goods. Careful Attention Given all Special Orders. THOMPSON’S BILLIARD PARLORS Fair Visitors are Invited to Make My Place their Headquarters. A Fine Line of Soft Drinks on hand. J. W. THOMPSON, Proprietor GREAT VALUES IN ' BED ROOM FURNISHINGS Bedstead: Very attractive in design, unexcelled in workmanship, real bargains at much higher prices. Selling now at exceptionally low nn said day of hearing. Witness my hand, and seal of said court, this h day of September A. D. 1915. hJ E. A. S41XTU, Ceunty Judge. *1200 S-pui. Twriac Cir «r RaaJat,, 1-m.TwiiCv. $1225 W. R. HENKENS ROCKVILLE