Banking Facilities ^ It k our constant study to give the people of this com muiuty the best banking fa cilities obtainable. Our ex perience and equipment makes tins possible. We are here to serve you. First National Bank Loip City, Nebraska. We Pay 5 per cent on Time Deposits. I f«aii> «rtt» f r imw. Try ( i<*«r • amt' it pay*. Saturday 9Sc mIi at tha Loup City Marc Ca kiu 'f)fl»r J't.illtp* «ati lluk i « *iiSnf Wrdtieadmy. H i i i*<*er aut butltKu patorrt , * to ISwitlia M Mil). i‘,«f a with »i«i Uaiiljr >pent '•da* aitii reUlite* at M l*aul. K« 1WM l**i»rraa for at.ral .%!• . a...»e l>a* land V T. Wanocitt tf '*% I* >*iibr( rma tiuatr fr «i . !• k>i.» Mluiday aljrfr laia*lirm atariktac. Tta Ua*»Ofc'. >uadat «ftuui la*Id a *• aa at A«sar * (lata »*»t ut win at I'rMi) t* I. tiisna and wa. Oyde, I' ln»n> M atoi trust l«attdtHy f .*# * tea day* 'ujr«'st*» a*4. M« vr W« laitn • fcci t* «*• iss >asiatat r.fcVH at a ... "mat rudurthai. I rally sells fur less. C'h ise's for fresh groceries. II. I’ Starr made a business trip to <*u»aha Monday. II K Hale made u business trip to Lincoln last Friday. I •r Lent i»ton several days U-ifc week. tio to the L 'upOt v Fash Store and -re tleir new prices. Wm. Lew an dowsLL l*n»p |s*n t'luriton went to Fraud Island Thursday for sever* days visit, re 1 turning Isiar Monday evening COMPARE PRICES With First and Second Grade Goods Is It a Fair Comparison? C We have always handled first grade goods, but as trade demand second grade goods, we have such m stock to show people that there is a difference, t But second grade goods must be sold as such. C Below we give prices on first and second grade goods. I AP r:t r Z9C ft w otO'wlfN Aft lit •it n nr* r r .r Z3C | Aft Lit r • a il phUjt-!* f<*. (taking Soda - First (trade :: »r iwtifii for. ZvC Baking Soda Second Grade (I 3 packages for. | 4C idcr Vinegar— ap First (trade . VWW 1 r Vinegar— Second Oual- ar. **> ZDC White W ine Wist. Vinegar— l|r_ First (trade. «96 Whit* Wine Vinegar—See d aa. (•rade. ZwC i r-: ae (trade IV or 2 for.Z9C Peas per can Second Grade A A 7c or 3 for.ZUC Corn Syrup—1 Gallon ar_ can .43C Bacon per pound First Grade •ante as we aa at»at> had. ZZC Bacon per pound— (1 L Sectjod (trade. I I 2C spices per box—3 or. boxes arA any kind 10c or 3 for.a3G Spices per box -2 or. tioxes 4 A _ any kind 7c or 2 for. 10v ^ Loup City Merc. Co. k I«i>> Mt-iw for leak. Try Oa» t «m it park. %i pvlK A C Otfa Mr* Sherman of liacfttillt, visited •Uli friend* here Saturday. Vyml* NuMyutte LaUia keeps 'em •••? Get it at tie Xyi store. Edward Syuak went to Elyria. Ne braska. Thursday where he vail work uo the section Mrs. <'. F. beushausen andciuidiwn went to Kearney Wednesday to visit | a week or so. O. P. White, of North Loup, came Monday evening for a short visit at the Otis White home. Miss Barbara Sabieaczyzk came up from Schaupps Monday and visited till Tuesday with friends. Mr. and Mrs. August Jung and children visited with relatives at Rockville last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hughes went to Kimball county Saturday to yisit a few days with relatives.* Miss Grace Conger went to Aurora and Hampton last Thursday to visit a week or two with friends. Miss Annie Kwiatkowski came up from Ashton Saturday for a few days visit at the John Stanczyk home. Clayton Conger went to Arcadia Saturday evening to visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Conger. George Cole returned home Tuesday morning after spending a week or ten days with his sister, Miss Carrie Cole. Mrs. J. F. Foy and children went to Comstock last Friday evening to spend a few days visiting 'with rela tives. Miss Birdie Sleuraan, who has been visiting at the 1’. F. Hansen home, returned to her home at Hastings Thursday. Miss Verla Fowler went to Arcadia Thursday evening to spend a few days visiting with Miss Wauneta Conger. The Misses lla/.el and Bessie Brandt went to Arcadia Saturday evening to spend Sunday visiting with relatives and friends. Mrs. Art Gilbert returned toiler home at Arcadia Saturday evening after several days visit at the L. G. Lofholm home. Mrs. W. S. Taylor, of Council Bluffs, Iowa, arrived Saturday for a short visit with iier parents, Mr. and Mrs. I>. L. Adamson. Miss Emma Howe came home from Shelton Monday noon where she had been the past ten days visiting with relatives and friends. Miss Eunice Chase returned home from Chapman, Nebraska, last Thurs day where she had been forsome time visiting with relatives. Miss Louise Hartunek returned to Ord Saturday alter sending several day> here with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, James Hartunek. Mrs Cargill, who has heen visiting at the James Johansen home the past three weeks, returned to her home at Palmer Saturday morning. Mrs. J. X. Ling and children re turned home from Aurora Saturday where they have been visiting with relatives the past three weeks. Mrs. O. S. Mason. Mrs. VV. DJ French and Mrs. Mike Kgjninski I >pent the day visiting with Mrs. Kd ! Oltmann atSehaupps last Friday. Public dance at the Daddow opera house on Thursday evening, Septem ber 2nd. Everybody invited. Dance tickets $1: spectators 25c ladies free. Kenneth Cozier returned to his home at University Place Tuesday morning after spending a week or ten days iiere at the .1. P. Leininger home. Wanted—For the Eastern war zone, the best and most marketable horses, sufficient in size and quality for any of the duties required there. See Myrl Warrick. Mrs. William Strankman returned to her home at Grand Junction,| Colorado, Saturday morning after visiting here a couple of weeks at the J. N. Fisher home. Miss Leona May. returned from Friend. Xebraskd Friday evening, where she had spent the past month visiting with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Brown. Mrs. Mathew returned Monday from her buying trip, and will soon be ready to show the goods. She purchased a complete line of fall and winter millinery and ladies' coats. Better buy a few sacks of White Satin flour while you can get flour that is made from old wheat. All merchants handle our flour. Every sack guaranteed.—Loup City Mill A Light Company. M r. and Mrs. F. E. Hays of Ravenna, who spent several days here last week visiting at the C. C. Cooper home, left for Stanton. Nebraska Friday, where Mr. Hays is superintendent of schools. Miss Clara Polski and brother, Ignac. and cousin, Frank Margowski, of Denver, came up from Ashton i Thursday and visited till Friday with i their brother and cousin, L. B.Polski i and wife. * I Daily sells for less. Chase's for fresh groceries. Jfyals Tooth Paste prevents decay. Sold only at the Nyal store. YV. D. Zimmerman returned from GoodlanS, Kansas, Thursday where he had been on business. L. V. Slocumb returned from Has tings Thursday where he had been on a business and pleasure trip. Mrs. J. W. Amich went to Omaha Saturday morning to visit with her daughter, Mrs. J. H. Martin. Miss Mary Lowery, of Grand Island, came up Saturday evening fcr a short visit at the VV. S. Waite lrpme. TheEastSide division of the Metho dist Ladiers Aid society, will hold a sale at Ilig Slocumb’s Saturday. Mrs Nelson Fisher and children went to St. Paul Saturday to visit a few days with her parents. E. A. Miner and family went to Wolbaclr last Thursday to visit a week or ten days witli relatives. Mrs. Edgar Foster spent frotr Fri day till Tuesday with her sister. Mrs. R. W. Curry at Linscott, Nebraska. Mrs. II. M. Mathew returned from St. Joe and Karrsas City, where she purchased her fall and winter hats. 1 have secured a first class plow man and guarantee all plow work. Bring in your plow lays now—A. C. Ogle. Miss Bertha Christensen returned home from Palmer Saturday where she visited with relatives the past week. Miss Edith Johnson of Grand Island, came up last Thursday to visit with her cousins, the Misses Clara and Emma Anderson, Miss PetreniUa Theis. who has been employ ed at tire law ©Woe of R, P, Starr, returned to her home in Grand Island Monday noon, We w ill have something of special Interest Saturday on our bargain counter, Loup City Cash Store, Wm. Lewandowski. Prep. Mrs. C. W, Ogle and daughter, went to Lincoln Sat urday morning after a short visit here with her mother, Mrs. Robert Grutter. Miss Hallene Mellor returned home from Polk and Aurora where she visited with Miss Blanche Draper and attended institute. Rev. C. G. F. Johnson returned home Tuesday evening from Hot Springs, South Dakota, where he has been for medical treatment. The Misses Gladys and Esther Hosier went to Dannebrog last Thurs day and spent several days visiting with relatives returning Monday. .T. W. Burleigh and family left last Friday for their new home at Craw ford. Nebraska. Mr. Burleigh pur chased a newspaper there recently. The Northwestern wishes him success. Miss Sadie Nelson, of Hay Springs, Nebraska, who has been attending school at Fremont, came up Friday evening for a visit with Miss Alice Bensclioter. She returned to her home Tuesday morning. Donald Dovan, who has been here visiting with his uncle, Burr Robbins and family, returned to his home in Grand Island Monday. He was ac companied by his aunt, Mrs. Burr Robbins and baby who will spend a week visiting. Bargain Week at Vic Swanson’s Just arrived from Chicago where I bought one of the finest lines of dry goods ever brought to-Loup City. Don’t fail to call at our store this week. A special lot of remnants of Muslins, Cretones, Ginghams, Per cales, Calicos and a lot of other mer chandise at a big saving. Special for Saturday—Pillow Slips 25 cents per pair—fine quality. At VIC SWANSON’S j The House of Quality and Low Prices Ifeily bells for less. County fair. September 22-23-24. Sal tone for livestock, is sold by Swanson & Lofhuim. Look over th« 94c solo at th« Loup City More. Co. noxt Saturday J- k. Ward ot Arcadia stopped off here between trains- Monday. Mbs Xeilie SSxwesyk with Jaiut iiett ami wife at EuckvLLi* yes tnkll. Mbs. E-ixL.y Steen, visited wnta ■>jf«ws at Sribaipps Srwtat** ii£_l T wwtiay.. Maas Gw** Count. »&*>- Has- Seen, vasiiasc ai Y-asi w«4i 3n«ncu. «w Utnwi asa TtouTsksy cveaunc. I*. C. Grow kc\ yesterday mnnunt for BuOttr. Otetehudna. in visit will Ids son. Charles Grow , and family . Mr. and Mrs. E. Bass and baiy came up from Rockviiie Saturday to visit at the W. C. Dieterichs home. Edward Andersou came home from St. Edwards andColumbusiast Thurs day wbere he had been some time working. For Sale—Five or six acres of land, iu alfalfa, fenced chicken tight. For terms and particulars see Alfred Anderson. Mr.^and Mrs. John Johnson and children came up from Dannebrog Saturday to visit with the George Hosier family. Miss Amelia Hansen returned home Saturday noon from Teefis Grove, Iowa, where she had been for some time visiting. Mrs. Emma Collette and baby re turned home to Hampton Tuesday after several days visit here at the A. L. Enderle home. J. Q. Fletcher and wife came up from Boelus Monday and visited till Tuesday with their son. C. W. Fletcher and family. Miss Katherine Owens went to Rockville Tuesday noon to spend a few days visiting with Mrs. Fred Anderson and family. Mrs. Lowery and daughter Margaret, returned to their home at Aurora Tuesday after visiting here at the Cox and Warrick homes. Mr. and Mrs. G. Orman, who have been here visiting at the Henry George home, returned to their home at McCook Tueskay morning. Farmers you will soon want threshihg coal. We have a full line of threshing coal. Our pinnacle coal cannot be beat. We guarantee our prices as low as the lowest_ Taylor's Elevator. Tiie Misses Elizabeth and Lucile Krazim returned to their home at Ravenna Tuesday morning after several days visit here with their sister, Mrs. Gus Lorentz. 140 acres of good prairie hay, be tween three aud four miles of Loup City, for rent or to be put up on shares. Must be put up soon. In quire at First National Rank of Loup City, _ The ladies' aid will |»ave an ice cream aoeial at decora church Saturn day evening, August 2*bh Please don't come unless you bring y our money as Urn ladies are in need of cash, cash. Miss Fay Frond^visited with l*,r aimtw Mis, K.<1w ar*i Oilman at Sdwmpps Monday, returning Iwme Tuesday evening accompanies by bet aunt, Mrs. Harry Ballinger. who has been there visiting. Mrs. B. H. Mathew akd son went to Grand Island Saturday where she met her sister, Mrs. W. B. Owen, and chiWrett who were returning from Chicago, where they had spent the summer with relatives. George Kettle and family left Tues day morning for their future home at Santa Anna, California. They will spend a week at Grand .function, Colorado, to visit with his brother, John Kettleand family. Mrs. P. A. Danielson, who has been here visiting at the J. A. Danielson home, left Tuesday morning for Clear Lake. Iowa, where she will join her mother aud go from there1 to her home in Dallas, Texas. Mrs. R. N. Prichard and sister, Miss Regina Beschler, and Miss Con stance Jenner, returned home from Omaha Saturday where yMrs. Prichard purchased her fall and winter stock of millinery. Mrs. E. W. Thompson entertained Her Sunday school class to a party at her home Monday evening in honor of Miss Esther Kettle who left Tuesday morning for her new home in Santa Anna, California. All enjoyed a very pleasant evening. The congregation of St. Paul’s Ger man Evangelical church will hold a picnic at Jenner’s park on Sunday afternoon, August 29th. All kinds of amusements will be provided. Ice cream and soft drinks. A good time assured. All friends of the congre gation are invited. a “Les Miserables” in niqe reels will be shown at lhe opera liouse on Wednesday evening, September, 1st, The greatest motion picture ever made. A magnificent production_of the literary masterpiece of Victor Hugo, acted by a splendid cast of Fjencli stars. Admission 10 and 20 cents. LOUP CITY WM. LEWANDOWSK1. Prop. -rr: ...=.. ' ■ Lack owr tne loBowing T?pk casr. prices, com pare them \cath otoess aod vou wil scalar that das stale is the pdaoe to trade. AD departments o§er like leduetk®? m prices: Specials in Out Grocery Department: Tomatoes, No. 3 cans 4 A _ each.I If C Sauer Kraut, 4 per can..| |fv Pork and Beans, No. 3 4 A^ cans, each .IlfC Syrup, JC* per gallon."Vvv White Wine Vinegar, OAa per gallon...AUv Cider Vinegar, OCa per gallon.Avv Soda Crackers, by 7^ a the box.f 2v Rub No More Powder, J _ per package.^fC All 10-cent Tins Tobacco AE[a 3 for.43C Cooking Chocolate, 4 A _ i pound, at._ .. | QQ Sweet Chocolate, "fl _ i lb. for.|2C Matches, 4 A _ 3 boxes for.. | |f C Corn Flakes. A4 _ 3 packages for.A I C Toothpicks, 4 A _ 3 boxes for.| Av Baking Soda, F* 1 lb. can.QQ Spices of all description, 1 Cjk 2 for.|3C Sticky Fly Paper, ' 4 double sheets for.VV Mop Sticks, 10c Jar Rubbers T1 per dozen.f Q i gallon Mason Fruit Jars ACj* perdreen.Vvv 1'Quart Mason Fruit Jars AAa per dozen. vvv Everyone Appreciates the Merits of Ralstons I Delighted! Of course, for he has found in a ready to-wear Ralston, the equal of a custom made shoe at a saving of several dollars. One can always depend upon the comfort and wearing qualities of Ralston Shoes Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices M OO to $6.00. GUS LORENTZ Clothier and Furnisher