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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1915)
? Loup City Northwestern A LIVE NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN A LIVE TOWN VOLUME XXXIV LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, AUGUST*26. 191A ' NUMBER 36 INSTITUTE WEEK 1 NEARAT HAND Annual Session of County School Ma'ams Opens next Mon day- Large Attendance Expected—Want Town People To Help Entertain Teachers. I pi.- S' : li -- -li Ilf | •;«» >her k, < I ,1-1 - lllstll lte pi oVene 111 tin- high '( IkmiI lii g :ii I,<iupi*itv «*ii Monday, ■gust ;v*t*( pepi m. sharp id contusm* in s«-—.in for five >>*■• All t>- r - VV 'i.i will teach Mieriuan count v the coming Venn . . • pn - at im- instj JjJUit- is-siics a tmmU'r from BCighIm*oiig count u**.. Hert*»fore. deni hie difficul ty has urn • vj^rieneed in secur ing private i ardltig places for -aHe-ls .ling the institute, in every a*e wiiei ■ it n, |M»sihle t»- do s*• tin* je-opie of Hie town pliou<d help out in tins matter by piLing tw>> «.r more teachers to hoard. Kv en tn such matters as ll.ts Ute town's reputation for ac toutuesialion is involved and we kouid not tali oehmd other county Meal town- in providing for such pUoiigs. I'lease r.pori to the feoutuv >u|jerinl*-i«Jent the nuuiircr I tmiucis you may tie able to [ A* OlUliiH-uU*. Teachers of the County. Following i» the list A the tea;li fe ers !or Mirinuii county tor lUla-lb: hutrirl X„. |.—J. H. Burwell. sup : ended. Loup City; Roy V. Kelly. prtBripal. Pel u. Grace Fawthrop. as i ■ - tings; Ne.iie ^ ■ c iia • a City; J. t. Nicoson, 11- • il iraes, Ravenna; Ma-.c- J; in -. Ravenna; Ler.aSmith. Loup cc.y; j. u; gie McFadden. Aus tin; Ai;!. < aj ;»er. Liberty; Maliel Laig. Lu.colfi; Grace Lang. Lincoln; Bertrude l ruitt; lirs. Bessie Owens, Loup « Ity. T Ihsmrt Xu. 2- Mrs. Lulu Bu.s. Bustin. I District Xo. 3—G. G. Emry. Boelus. hoi .. . a—George Lesch.r. ky. 1 ildrirt Xo. b—Agnes Mogensen. Ir l'i tnci Xo. 7—Emma Husch. I Distrir* Xo. b — W. E. Price, prin cipal. Ruck’ tile; EL-a- Barton. Univei bty Place: f. i-i- Lund. Rockville; 1 Tar .- . .a. i. .ville. [ Ih tnrt Xo. ;*—Blan-he Fi-her. ^T»i'tr»«t No. lu—Mrs. Ed. Foster. llhc at No. 11- Florence Stewart. fl'i-' i-1 Xo. I_‘ Lizzie Weis-. Boe rhl'tnrl V. 13—Vida Cowling. ^ I'l-trirt Xo. 1—Emma Rowe. Loup District No. 15—Mrs. Will Heapy. principal. Litchfield: Rhene E. Red bud. Litchfield: Lois M. Ambrose. Litcmield; Minnie Croston, Litchfield. District No. 16—A. L. McDaniel, principal: Frances Corning. Loup City; Alta Blumer, Ashton; Sylvia Blumer. Ashton. District No. 17—Margie McKenzie. Litchfield. District No. 18—Myrtle Phillips. Loup City. District No. 11*—Katherine Hervert. Ravenna. District No. 20—Edward Kostal. Distru t No. 21—Lila McNulty. District No. 22—Maggie Christen sen. Loup City. District Xu. 26—Bessie Fisher, Loup City. Distri • No. 27—Lola J. OeWitt. District No. 28—Mrs. Ella Talbot. Austin. District No. 21*—Rhea Rentfrow. Austin. D.strict No. 30—Eunice Chase. Loua City. Dist ict No. 31 — Eleanor J. Coch ! rane. Ravenna. Di-t t No. 32—Klea McNulty. Li cup City. District No. 32—Alta Shottenkirk. Ha card: Remine Reinertson, Hazard; Anna D : man. Hazard. District No. 33—Bessie White. District No. 34—Fay E. Ambrose. District No. 35—Mata Johnson. Loup City. Distric* No. 36—Grace Dadow. Loup City. District No. 37—Adelle Mickow. Loup City. District No. 38—Irma V. Lowry, Huxley. District No. 39—Alice McBeth. Loup City. District No. 40—Anna Nystrom. Dist ict No. 41—Ruth Miner. Loup City. District No . 12—Jessie Ilumpal. Ravenna. District No. 4:1—Lizzie Leather j man, Loup City. District No. 44—Eva Watts. Loup 1 City. District No. 45—Albert Magnuson. Lvup City. District No. 46—Eleanor Remy. Loup City. District No. 47—Adeline Mickow. Lamp City. District No. 48—Mildred Myer. Ra venna. District No. 41*—Cora Burns. Di 'rict No. 50—Blanche Lovitt. Di trict No. 51—Lulu Lofholm. Di-'rict No. 52—Fay French. District No. 53—Laura Bramer. Rockville. District No. 54—Bertha Christen sen. Loup City. District No. 55—Beth Sharp. Loup 1 City. _TWO WEEKS OF REST Mas T®A06(I \s& mmaosa, X &dgtf 1*5—m—■— (jOirSta r £/ RETORTING (Copyright.) District No. 56—Rose Dolling, Loup City. District No. 57—Emilv Steen, Loup City. District No. 58—Domi Sumoviek, Elba. District No. 59—Lizzie Leatherman. Arcadia. I District No. 60—Mona Nygren. District No. 61—Blanche Nicko laus, Loup City. District No. 62—Leona Heine. District No. 65—Esther Farns worth. District No. 66—Hannah M. Ander son, Loup City. District No. 71—Tenie Renken, Ge neva. District No. 72—Grace Adams. Litchfield. District No. 73—Ida Steen, Loup City. District No. 74—J. C. Wall, Litch field. District No. 75—Fern Rowe. Loup City. District 'No. 77—Verla F. Fowler, Loup City. District No. 78—Amelia Hansen. THE CHURCHES. Methodist. M. E. church August 29, 1915, 10:30 a. m. Subject,“The will of God concerning us.’" Epworth League hour begins at 7 p. m. Instead of the regular league services. Miss Meroe ajid Winnie Outhouse and Miss Hattie Hay hurst will give an account of the west and the Panama Exposi tions as they saw it on their recent trip. If you want to hear some thing of interest, and something worth while come out. Admission free. 8 p. m. subject:“How to Make the World Happy. After “September Morn'1, that is after the first morn of Septem ber the hour of evening services will be changed to 7:30. Only four more Sundays before con' ference. What can you do to make each Sunday count? Swedish The regular services will be held in the Swedish mission church on Sunday, August 29. Sermon 11:15 a. m. Good song will be given. Come and hear. In the evening the sermon will commence at 8 p. m. Everybody welcome. German. Sunday August 29. Morning services at 10 a. m. Choir meets ! Friday evening at 8p. m. Sun day immediately after the services the congregation will have its picnic at .Tenners park. All are invited. Baptist. Regular services at the Baptist church next Sunday. A. L. Zim merman will preach both morning and evening. I have secured a first class plow man and guarantee all plow work. Bring in your plow lays now_A. C. Ogle. Rains have been so numerons this summer that they have hardly been mentioned in this paper. Another rain yesterday of nearly two inches has put the ground in ttneconditions for plowing. What we need now is some hot weather Ito help the corn along. Born, on Wednesday, August 18th to Mr. and Mrs. .Toe Gallus, a girl. Born, on Thursday, August 19th to Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Kuhl, a girl. ■” . " I ^ Leading Millinery Store Mrs. R. N. Prichard, of the leading millinery store, in company cnith her sis ter, Miss Regina Besha ler, have just returned from market after pur chasing a complete line of millinery goods and will soon have on exhibi tion, the latest creations in fall and winter styles to meet the requirements of good taste in dress at the most reasonable prices. WEEKLY WEATHER FORECAST. Issued by the U. S. Weather Bureau, Washington, D. C., for the week beginning Wednesday, August 25, 1915. For Plains States and Upper Mississippi Valley: Cool and fair weather for two or three days will be followed by rising tem peratures that will not be un usually high, and probably by showers by the end of the week. Card of Thanks. We wish to thank our friends for tiie beautiful flowers and kindly as sistance during our recent bereave rnent. J. W. Zimmerman A. L. Zimmerman and family. \ -- FOR SALE. 80 acres of improved land. Inquire of Peter Thode. 34-3 FOR RENT. 80 acres of hay land for rent. W. SiEl 24-15-16. Phone or write C. A •lohnson. R. F. D. No. 1 for terms. FARM FOR QUICK SALE. South one-half of Sec. 13, township 16, North Range 14. Inquire of ,1. J. Slominski, Loup City. 36-4 - w , WED WEDNESDAY MORNING. Miss Mayme Adamson and Mr. Nick Ladegard were married Wed nesday morning at the home of the bride's parents in Loup City, Rev- J. I,. Dunn performing the ceremony in the presence of a small company of relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ladegard departed on the noon motor for Colorado Springs, Colorado, where they will spend a couple of weeks before returning to Loup City. Mr. and Mrs. Ladegard are well known in this county and have hosts of friends whose best wishes will follow them throughout their married life, which the North western trusts will contain many prosperous and happy years. GET YOUR TICKETS NOW. Secretary C. J. Tracy announces; that the membership tickets for; the Sherman County Agricultural j society are now on sale and that! anyone can now become a member by paying the sum of S‘2.50. This membership entitles the holder to ten tickets, making the entrance fee twenty-five instead of thirty five cents, thereby saving the j member ten cents on each ticket, j NEBRASKA UP NEAR THE TOP The value of farui property in Nebraska per capita of farm pop ulation is 56} per cent greater than the average i>er capita farm value of the ten suites of the corn belt. This is shown by a chart! complied by \Y. D. Fisher ofj Allaince, secretary of the Xebras-1 ka Associations of commercial, clubs. The chart shows there j are thirteen states in the union j which have farm property in ex-' cess of $1,000 per capita for their people who live on farms. Nebraska is the second state in the union in per capita value of farm lands. The value of the farm lands in Nebraska runs 56 tier cent higher per person on the farm than the average of the following states: Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, i Missouri and Kansas. Nebraska stands second in the j tier capita value of the corn crop, j according to this bulletin. The! state brings an annual per capiUi value to its farmers of 45} per cent more than the average ofj the ten states named. Nebraska stands second in the per capita value of its wheat crop and brings an annual per capita value of wheat to its farmers of 94.7 per cent more than the aver age of the corn belt states. This state ranks fifth in value of the oat crops annually and leads five of the corn lielt states 58} per cent in the per capita value of this crop. Nebraska ranks fourth in the value of .rye. fourth in potatoes in the corn belt, second in per capita value of horses, fourth in tier capita value of dairy cattle, first in per capita value of beef cattle for the corn belt states, second in the per capita value of swine ior the corn belt states. Nebraska has the smallest farm population of any of these ten states, its farm population being only 57 percent of the average population of the ten states of the. <jprn belt.—Omaha Bee. FREAK LAWS IN OTHER STATES Despite Publicity And Ridicule Of Press Lawmakers Con tinue To Pass Many Freak Laws—Dry State En acts Law Licensing Soft Drinks. Despite the publicity given to freak laws and the satirical com ment passed upon them by thought ful newspapers, legislators con tinue to make laws which ire so absurd that their enforcement is impossible, and politicians bend the statutes to suit their own ends and personal advancement regard less of the good of the state. Wis consin, which has been more or less in the limelight for freak laws, has passed a law making it com pulsory for a person to pay s.~> for a license to give away cigarettes. Cigarette smokers who have been in the habit of “bumming the makings'" or asking a friend for a cigarette cannot do so without subjecting the frieud to a sixty day jail sentence. The legislature of Georgia has passed a law to prevent legislators from entering the legislative halls in an intoxicated condition. Al though Georgia is a dry state, she is the only state in the union which has deemed it necessary to pass such a law. The “soft drink” men of Georgia are also up in the air over a new “soft drink” bill which has just been introduced, i By this bill, every soft drink stand in the state will have to pay I a license of from $2 5 to $o<) a year; every bottling plant shall pay a license of $100 a year; all manufacturers of soft drinks shall pay a tax of ten cents per gallon on all syrups, twenty-five cents on all tinctures and fifty cents per gallon on all extracts used in soft drinks. Texas, also, steps into the light with a curious perversion of law I for the purpose of reprisal. The wet and dry forces of Wichita Falls have been about equally di vided. Recently the bartenders refused to vote for the candidates o£ the labor unions, and now all labor unions are going to get even by voting out the saloons and de priving the recalcitrant bartenders of theii jobs. Landlords in the business section of the town are going to he made to suffer also. They turned down recently a peti tion to reduce rents. Now these renters are going to vote out the saloon in order to throw 27 vacant store rooms on the real estate market and thus force down rents. In Chicago a woman is urging the passage of an ordinance to force milkmen to wear rubber heels on their shoes. LOUP CITY GUN CLUB. At the practice shoot held last Sunday Thompson won the spoon trophey, by breaking twenty-five targets straight. Leslie lliddleson shot well in the last event' breaking twenty-five straight. Some poor shooting was done, however, on account of the hot sun. Folic w ing are the scores: Shot Broke Thompson.75 70 Tockey.75 6s Eisner.75 60 Schutnau.,75 60 Eisner.75 39 Johansen.50 46 Hiddleson.50 40 Graffe.50 25 NOTICE • _ On the 18th day of September. 1915, at 2 o’clock p. m., we will sell to the highest bidder for cash, the old school house, size 18x28; also some seats and other articles. Sale will take place on school house grounds, section 12-13-14, Bristol township. By order of Sclu»ol Dist. No. 19. Anton Bugno, moderator. Anton llajek, treasurer. 57-4 Frank Novy, director. CORN BINDER FOR SALE. A Johnston corn hinder, only used a short time, good as new. for sale or trade. Inquire of J. W. Johnson. -- T ~ COALBUNKERS that’s what our yard is now. Hard Coal, Yampa Valley Routt County, Niggerhead. Canon City, Paragon Egg Rock Springs. Coke THE IDEAL FUEL Coke No Soot No Ashes Clean Hot Fire Store your winters coal this month. Special storage pnces on all kinds. HansenLumber Co. Deposits in this bank have the additional security of the De positors Guarantee Fund of the State of Nebraska. The Young Man . —- --- - r Who Wants to Get Ahead Will find the study of plans and methods used by successful men to his advantage. One of their methods which he can adapt to his own use; no matter how small his income, is their rule of handling all financial affairs through their bank. We extend to young men a cordial invitation to open an account with us, and assure them of our co-operation in the upbuilding of the account. Loop City State Bank Loup City, Nebraska. We pay 5 percent interest on time deposits