The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, August 19, 1915, Image 7

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' r,- th- Island navy yard. Philadelphia, as 500 bluejackets were being hurried aboard the
; i r.r.* cttrut to be taken to Haiti to re-enforce the command of Kear Admiral Caperton and help in
restoring order on the island.
- *r- r. the .enter of Warsaw the capital of Russian Poland, which has been the object of the great Teuton
Cr . • In the eastern theater of the war a&3 is now in the hands of the Germans.
Abraham 1 nrneltjs. Jr. cashier of the Citizens National hank of Engle
wood. N J and Mias Loretta Adelgais, formerly the bank's stenographer,
bach of whom are missing The bradMi of the bank have reported a
shortage of S11.000 fn the cashier s accounts
A s< *-ne in the lsonzo district when the long-prayed-for invasion took
place The Italian soldiers were hailed as the “redeemers” of the section
whi' h for as far ba> k as the inhahitiints could remember was under Austrian
rule. K very where the inhabitants turned out to give them fitting greeting.
The photograph shows women giving flowers to the Italian troops.
-Most Rev Ed.vard .). Hanna was
confirmed as archbishop of San Fran
cisco recently, succeeding the late
Archbishop Riordan. The photograph
shows him in his robes in St. Mary's
Here’s a Sentence.
There was the savor, the desidera
tum. the force and quantity that we
have been talking of—a savor im
mense and extraordinary, in relation
to which the muddlement that I have
called subjective came directly from
the fact that it is not. like the savors
to which I just paid tribute, "dished.”
served, administered after the fashion
of precious things in general, isn’t per
haps in any degree the result of what
passes in other societies for prepara
tion. it grows wild, and I had doubt
less partaken of it crude—with the
marvelous effect of its not disagree
ing with me.—The Sun.
Had Improved a Little. I
He was a renter, and at least every
other season be was occupying a dif
ferent farm. By a friend's advice he
had moved the year before into an en
tirely new field, a dozen miles from hts
usual haunts, and had not been seen
for several months. When the friend
did see him. at last. It was quite by
accident, business taking him into the
old man’s neighborhood. The farmer,
'^bailed him from the cornfield and
rime out to the fence. “Hello," said
the friend, “is this your farm?” “Yes,
and I jlst come over to tell you, sir.
that I’ll be ready to pay part of that
claim of your'n before long.” "You
must be doing well." “I think I'm doin'
fust-rate, and I'm powerful obliged to
you. sir. for headin' me this way.” "I
am always glad to help if I can.” "I
knowed that, sir, and that's why I
come away over here so far from
home It’s kinder strange to me, but
as long as I am doin' as well as I am I
am goin’ to stand It.” “Are you mak
ing any money?" The old man's face
brightened perceptibly. “No. I ain't,
sir.” he replied, hopefully, “but I'm
Iosin' it slower'n I ever done in my life
Woe of the Motorist.
The motorcar shot down the hill at
the speed of an express train, and then
overturned, pinning the driver beneath
it. The village policeman approached
pompously. “It's no use you hiding
under there, he said sternly to the
half-smothered driver. “You were ex
ceeding the speed limit, and 1 must
have your name and address."
Canada to Build Route Similar to
Lincoln Highway—To Extend
From Winnipeg to Calgary.
Central-western Canada will have a
federal highway much after the plan
of the Lincoln highway proposed
across the United States if the proj
ect being urged by the board of con
trol of Winnipeg is carried out This
project contemplates the construction
of a concrete highway from Winnipeg
to Calgary, to go through the more
thickly settled territory tapped«by the
Canadian Pacific railway.
The thousand miles of highway
through the provinces of Manitoba,
Saskatchewan and halfway into Al
berta will be financed by the munici
palities by which the roadway would
be traversed. Special appropriations
also will be sought from the provincial
governments. The project has been
received w ith enthusiasm in a number
of the larger cities along the proposed
It has been pointed out by the pro
moters of the highway through the
prairie provinces that its construction
would enhance the value of the farm
lands for several miles on both sides
of the concrete roadway.
{ Splitlog Drag Can Be Employed U
Good Advantage—Prompt. Intelli
gent Action Needed.
Every farmer should spend some
time looking after the roads. The
splitlog drag can be used to good ad
vantage. Road dragging at the propel
time w ill insure good dirt roads the
greater part of the year. All it needs
is prompt, intelligent action. It must,
however, be done at the right time
to get the best results.
Yes! It is true in many places that
the road dragging should be done by
the county, but every farmer should
take enough interest in the community
welfare to see that the road in front
of his farm is gone over with a split
log drag.
There is no other one thing that
would add to our advancement, both
commercial and social as much as
would good roads. Spend a few hours
at this season of the year, when the
frost is coming out of the ground and
the wet from rain and snow is drying
up, with a splitlog drag and it will
result in better roads, a good adver
tisement for your farm and its owner.
State Spending One Hundred Million
Dollars on High-Class Thorough
fares—Money Well Spent.
The state of New York is spending
one hundred millions of dollars in
building good roads. That seems like
an enormous sum of money, but there
was a demand for good roads, and the
results 6o far secured are worth all
the effort.
Over fifty million dollars have al
ready been spent and about as much
more is now available, and in a few
years almost every portion of the state
will be reached by high-class finished
roads They are like boulevards, well
constructed. well cared for and ought
to be very permanent.
Device Is Controlled by Levers and
Can Be Made to Dig Into Ground
or to Deposit Earth.
A roller scraper recently brough
out in California has a wooden scrape
board mounted on rollers in such f
New Type cf Roller Scraper.
way that it can be raised cr lowered
by controlling levers, placed in con
venient reach of the operator's seat.
This scraper is drawn by horses, and
as the operator rides he can dig into
tne ground, or deposit earth as re
quired, simply by manipulating the
levers. The trailing rollers not only
smooth down the earth, but make the
pulling easier for the horses.—Popu
lar Mechanics.
Waste Product for Roads.
It is reported that an experiment is
being made with a material that here
tofore has been a waste product of
glass factories fcr roadmaking. This
is a thick, sirupy liquid that hardens
when exposed to the atmosphere, form
ing a substance that somewhat resem
bles glass.
Patience Required.
It takes a real Christian to drive
two miles through the mud doles and
arrive at the church in an malted
frame of mind.
Pruning Bush Fruits.
In pruning the raspberry and the
I blackberry, cut oft the long slender
laterals, forming an even, well
rounded bush. Remove all small weak
canes from the hill. Severe pruning
ot laterals will not only improve size
and quality ct fruit, but greatly in
crease the yield.
Soil for Asparagus.
There is no danger ot an overrich
soil for asparagus, in tact, tUis crop
can only be grown profitably on very
rich land.
_____ !
Danger in Delay
Tha great danger of kidney troubles is
that they so often get a firm hold before
the sufferer recognizes them. Health
will be gradually undermined. Back
ache. headache, nervousness, lameness,
soreness, lumbago, nricary troubles,
dropsy, gravel and Bright's disease may
follow as the kidneys get worse. Don’t
neglect your kidneys. Help the kidneys
with Doan s Kidney Pills. It is the best
recommended special kidney remedy.
A Nebraska Case
Mrs. H. W. Michael. _ ...
Aiuioii, 9 a > s
"My kidneys were dis
ordered for four years
and my back pained <
me so badly I couldn’t
stoop or stand up
straight. My feet and
ankles swelled and the
kidney secretions
passed Irregularly.
Doan's Kidney Pills
helped me as soon as
I used them and con
tinued use drove away
the pains and regu
lated the action of my
uoo’i at Any Stort. 50c • Bos
The Wretchedness
of Constipation
Can quickly be overcome by
Purely vegetable
—act surely and
gently on the
liver. Cure
ness, and Indigestion. They do their duty.
Genuine must bear Signature
[ B by Cutter’s Black I •« Pills. L«w
VII priced, freeh. rrtUbls; preferred by
Western stoefauen. bo'ius* they
pretest where ether veeeiees fail.
Write for booklet and testlMeniala.
lt-aesa pk«s. Blacklef Pills $1 H
M-dese pk|e. ■ **»•* Pills 4 H
Vse any injector, but Cutter's beet.
The superiority of <'utter products Is due to e*er 15
fears of Ullnr* in voeeinte snS serens eely.
Insist en Cutter s. If unoDteinslle. order direct.
The Cutter Laberatery. Berkeley. CaJ., er Chitaie, I1L
Stuffy Atmosphere Was Bearable, but
“Hot Air” Caused Her to
Suffer Much.
The waitress was pretty and con
scious of the fact.
The diner was frivolous and for
"Pretty tough to be penned up here
pn a nice day like this,- the diner
"Yes, sir,” the girl returned.
“You are too good-looking to be
doing this work."
The girl raised her brows.
"Have you never thought of better
I ing your condition?”
\ “Oh, yes.”
"It’s awfully warm in here.”
“Uta huh.”
"Don’t you suffer from the stufTy
Half closing her bright eyes, and !
l assuming a pensive air the girl tartly 1
"No; only from the hot air."
Refutes Osier’s Theory.
A blind woman, eighty-one years j
I old and partially deaf, refuted Doctor !
: Osier’s theory by recently completing a
: life of Nathan Hale which is declared
to be of unusual interest and author
j ity. The woman, Mrs. Jean Christie
Root of Glen Ridge, N. J.. has learned
to use a typewriter with great facility
and makes light of her infirmities.
Why, Certainly.
Patience—So she’s learning to
dance, is she?
“Why, on her feet, of course.”
The worst thing about friends is
the ease with which they are convert
ed into enemies.
Being happy is often a matter of
not having anything to make you oth
erwise. ,
Regular Meals Were Necessary After
the Slight Repasts Incident to
Business Hours.
A tall, gaunt young man entered the
office of the Globe Museum and Family
theater and asked for the manager.
“What can 1 do for you?" inquired
a podgy man in a check suit.
"I want an engagement as a freak.”
“Who are you?”
“I am Enoch, the Egg King.”
“What is your specialty?”
“I eat three dozen hen eggs, two doz
en duck eggs, and one dozen goose ;
eggs at a single sitting.”
“I suppose you know our policy?"
“What’s that?"
“We give four shows a day.”
“I understand that."
“And do you think you can do it?"
“I know I can."
"On Saturdays we often give as
many as six shows."
“All right.”
“And on some holidays we give a
performance every hour.”
The young man hesitated.
“In that case." he finally said. “I
must have one thing understood before
1 sign a contract”
“What's that?” asked the manager, j
“No matter how rushing business is
at the museum," the egg king replied,
"you must give me time enough to
eat my regular meals at the hotel.”—
Pearson's Weekly.
Ostriches Cheaper These Days.
It helps one to realize the South Af
rican slump in ostriches, as shown
by the sale of a full-grown bird for
three pence at Grahamstown, when
one recalls former prices. In the
early days of ostrich farming, a chick
newly out of the egg would sometimes
fetch £10, and £500 has been
paid for a good pair of grown birds.
But those were the days when one
plucking of a single bird would bring
in £25, and of late years prices
have not ruled so high—you could get
quite a good pair of ostriches for £ 12.
Ostrich farming dates from about
1&67, and brought many a pioneer a
fortune when it first began.—London
Too Sour.
Professor Copeland of Harvard, as
the story goes, reproved his students
for coming late to class.
"This is a class in English compo- J
sition." he remarked with sarcasm,
"not an afternoon tea.”
At the next meeting one girl was
20 minutes late. Professor Copeland
waited until she had taken her seat.
Then he remarked bitingly:
"How will you have your tea. Miss
"Without the lemon, please,” Miss
Brown answered quite gently.—Chris
tian Register.
Served Him Right.
If there was one thing more than
another that he prided himself on, it j
was the fit of his clothes.
“I can never get a dress coat really
to fit," he said to his partner, as he
glanced down at a perfectly made
garment, with a hope, of course, that
she would at once disclaim the in
sinuation. "Look at this thing."
“Well, it is atrocious." she said cool
ly. "But why not save your money
and buy one? It is so much cheaper
in the long run than hiring.”—Phila
delphia Public Ledger.
Just So.
''Dad, what is meant by carrying
coals to Newcastle?"
"It's a figure of speech, my boy.
Like trying to tell something to a
graduating class that they don't
The Suburban Immunes.
Knicker—Any mosquitoes?
Subbubs—They stay out of houses
that cost less than the architect's es
Just So.
"What do you think of these here
‘summer furs’?”
"It's carrying things pretty fur.”
The Limit of Conceit.
"Vain, isn’t he?”
“Very. He even thinks he looks
well in his bathing suit”
Enhanced By Perfect Phy*i
cal Health.
The experience of Motherhood is a try
ing one to most women and marks dis
tinctly an epoch in their lives. Not on*
woman in a hundred is prepared or un
derstands how to properly care for her
self. Of course nearly every woman
nowadays has medical treatment at su*h
times, but many approach the experi
ence with an organism unfitted for the
trial of strength, and when it is over
her system has received a shock from
which it is hard to recover. Following
right upon this comes the nervous strain
of caring for the child, and a distinct
change in the mother results.
There is nothing more charming than
a happy and healthy mother of children,
and indeed child-birth under the right
conditions need be no hazard to health or
beauty. The unexplainable thing is
that, with all the evidence of shattered
nerves and broken health resulting from
an unprepared condition, and with am
ple time in which to prepare, women
will persist in going blindly to the trial.
Every woman at this time should rely
upon Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetabl*
Compound, a most valuable tonic and
invigorator of the female organism.
In many homes |
once childless there
are now children be- j
cause of the fact
that Lydia E. Pink
ham’s Vegetable.
Compound makes'
women normal,
healthy and strong. ’
If yon want special adrice write to
Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confi
dential) Lynn, Mass. Tour letter will
be opened, read and answered by a
woman and held in strict confidence.
bidvcd'C ■
A toilet preparation of merit.
Helps to eradicate dandruff.
For Restoring Color and
Beauty te Gray or Faded Hair.
60c. and $1 QQat PrugrtsU.
What the Man Is, Not What He Has,
Makes Him Wealthy
or Poor.
In my own life, as 1 wander farther
and farther along the vagabond trail
in search of truth and beauty. I find it
easier and easier to find contentment
without the riches of the world. Leave
me imagination, and 1 shall still be
rich; but give me all the wealth of
the world and take from me imagina
tion and you will plunge me deep into
a bottomless hell of indescribable mis
We cannot own things without be
ing owned by them. Thoreau under
stood this. His life was so successful
that Emerson wrote of him, "Wher
ever there is knowledge, wherever
there is beauty, he will find a home.’*
1 cannot live Thoreau's life. But I
can live my own.
"In the transmission of heavenly
waters,” says Emerson, “every hose
fits its hydrant.”—Thomas Dreier, in
the Nautilus.
“What kind of a dance was it the
bellboys gave at the hotel?”
“Of course, it was a bell hop.”
To die for a woman may be an act
of bravery, but the man who leads her
to the marriage altar and agrees to
earn a living for her is a real hero.
Some people make a bluff at hiding
their light under a bushel who never
had a light
A man seldom saves any money
after marriage unless he has a wife
who will save it for him.
Do the best you can. You will prob
ably not break any valuable records
And a considerable percentage of
our so-called friends will not stand the
acid test.
A determination to “get (
ahead** is found in every
action of the successful man
or woman.
Vigor of body and brain comes principally from
the food one eats.
and cream
Is the regular morning ration for thousands who are “making good,”
and who know that a dear brain and steady nerves are necessary
to success.
Made of Wheat and Barley, Grape-Nuts contains all of the
vital tissue-building dements of the grains thoroughly Kalr^ concen
trated, and easily digested.
“There’s a Reason” for Grape-Nuts
Sold by Grocers.