The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, August 19, 1915, Image 6
EPITOME OF EVENTS; — PARAGRAPH* that pertain to MANY BUBJECT*. IRE SHORT BUT INTERESTING T ~ - •rio# Marti op of What la Transpiring In Various Sections of Our Own And Foreign Countries. war new s. Holland, aa a result of the cuttJig sf of shipments from Great Brita-n •nil German;, is suffering from a coal BMn • • • Berlin report* that the British • •on Mai j cruiser India, of ~.90» tons, ha- been torpedoed off the Nor- ■ wegian coast * * * Arrang- meat* have been completed lor the Hi Lange of incapacitated Rus sia:. and German prison* rs of war, a diapauh from Copenhag* i* says. * * * 1 -The ob!t • FraiM f1 cm accept is one which will guarantee the secu rity of Europe." read a message from President Poincare to the French Chamber of Deputies • • • “A lasting Russian offensi'e is no longer to ho expected in the near fu ture ' says Major Morxht. unitary critic of the Berlin Tagebiatt. in a review of the situation in Poland. • • • Pope Benedict ha* addressed a let ter to the Catholic* of east Prussia, according to the Overseas News agency, “expressing his fatherly svm- j potty for the terrible war horrors Brought upon them by the Russian invasions " • • • The British torpedo boat destroyer Lynx was sunk as the result of strik ing a mine, according to an official nanotiTieo-ment made by the British pres,, bureau Out of a crew of over U*i obi* four officers and twenty-two ! ■ten were saved. • • • Tbe French Chamber of Deputies pa*f»-: a Ml? carrying an appropria On at 15» mflliou francs j MX .. to be used in the purchase of j wfceat and four for teedine the civil population of France. The limit c.f ■ncfc purchases Is fixed at I'Xv■'*•',•00 francs * * * The German airships, which raided tbe east e-os** of England recently, bombarded, with good results, war shir*# ob tbe Thames, the London docks, -orpedo boats near Harwich wnd buildings on the Humber, accord ing to report* from Berlin • • • Enver Pasha. Turkish miniver of war. admit* tbe allies have landed be.OW. fresh men on tbe Gallipo'i pe ninsula Two regiments of the new ly landed forces, according to EnTer Pasha, were virtually annihilated. OBiy sixty men escaping death or wounds • • • Petrormd Is full erf wounded, the Loudou Ilully Mail asserts, and the j Russian casualties are unoffdallv e*- j ttmated at J.yoobil up to the middle of July in killed, wounded and pris oners Tbe paper says, that this esti mate seemed guess work, as the mill- | tai-r authorities do not know the real totals — GENERAL. Kansas City. Mo . was selected as tbe next meeting place of th- Amer ican Osteopathic association at the dosing session of its nineteenth an nual convention at Portland. Ore. • • • After a careful examination of the new motor speedway at He# Moines, where two fatal accident# occurred recently. Coroner Claude Koons de clared that be believed the accidents were not due to any fault in tbe track • • • Tbe Eaton Stock yards at Chicago, ha* been quarantined against a re stricted area of six Illinois counties which were placed in close quaran tine by federal and state authorities, following new outbreak* of tbe foot usd mouth disease • • • Five American ranchmen were wounded, two of them seriously, and several Mexican outlaws killed in a figh- between Texas rangers and American ranchers and a band of Mexican bandits at Nonas ranch, ten miles north of I.yford. Tex. • • • One man was instantly killed, another so badiy injured that he died, and two more hurt, one perhaps fa tally. In the 3<*0-mlle automobile Der by on the new mile speedway at Des j Des Moines . . . The Federal Commission on Indus- j trial Relations, which Is in session at j Chicago to review the evidence ob ' ta:t*-d during two years of invesfiga- ' Don agreed on a report on vocation-! al training and on certain phases of , the causes of industrial unrest, it was Bounced by Chairman Walsh. • • • Dario Resta. driving a French car at the rate of 163.85 miles an hour, won the Chicago speedway 106-mile race In so doing he established a tew world's competitive record for the distance. • • • Warden Edmund M. Allen of the Illinois penitentiary, resigned, and his resignation was accept d by Governor Dunne, following the iatter’s refusal : to grant Allen permission to reside : oatsi 1 the walls of the prison, where , bis wife was murdered several weeks •go. • • • Five members of the city council j r' vere. Mass, were indicted by the gra^d jury on a charge of receiv ing gratuities, totalling *200. for granting licenses to junk dealers. All pleaded not guilty t SL Louis was chosen as the place for the 1916 convention of the Na tional Association of Life Underwrit ers after a spirited contest at San Francisco. • • • Two men were killed and six in jured. one probably fatally, by an ex plosion at the plant of the Westing house Electric and Manufacturing company, near Turtle Creek, Pa. • • • Water was let over the spillway of the gigantic dam at the big falls of the Missouri river, fourteen miles from Crest Falls, Mont. The dam cost la.OOP.OOO to construct and has been building nearly three years. It will furnish power for the electrifica tion of the Chicago, Milwaukee & SL Paul railway. • • • Indictments charging manslaughter and criminal carelessness were re turned before Judge Kersten in the Illinois criminal court at Chicago in connection with the Eastland dis aster. The captain and engineer and four officers of the St. Joseph-Chica go Steamship company, owners of the boat, were named. • • • Enl stment of the unemployed for brief p< rods In the army and navy was suggested by Ethelbert Stewart, chief statistician of the Department ' Labor at the employment confer ence In San Francisco, as a plan which would relieve distress among workers and create a reserve of train ed men for national defense. 8PORTIMO Mutx Ens. first bast man with the Hridgeport club of the Eastern league ;st year, has signed to play with the I St Joseph Western league club. • • • What was said to be a new world’s baseball throwing record for a girl was made by Miss Ituth McCabe when be threw a ball 209 fee: 5 inches at Tacoma. Wash. • • • Decatur. Ill . has dropped out of the i Th-ee-I league, and seven clubs will finish the season. Decatur was a ' charter member of the Three-I league and has had professional base ball ' for fifteen year* • • • Oeorce Outsbaw. -eoond baseman for Brook I vn. • ied 'be world’s record held bv Clarence Beaumont of Pitts burgh. by making six consecutive hits m as many times at bat in a game a gainst Chicago • • • Pse of the "mud ball." successor tc ,l"e emery ball, was prohibited in the Federal league on orders issued from President Gilmore's office in Chicago. V penalty of t'.o i- provided for viola Mon of the order • • • Alma Richards of the Blinois Ath letic club distinguished himself as the beer all-around athlete in the country by winning the decathlon in the Panama-Pacific exposition ath letic contests in San Francisco. • • • Venn Henderson of Altoona. Pa., was no match for Joe Stecher. the Nebraska champion, in their match at Premont. Neb Stecher won in st-aieM falls of five minutes and ten seconds, and three minutes and eight seconds. W ABMINOTON. Sweeping freight rate increases sought by carriers of western terri tory on the ground of generally poor financial condition of the lines and decreased earnings were refused by ’he interstate commerce commission. • • • Secretary Garrison declined to ac cept before November 1 the resigna tion of Major Wilford J Hawkins, an ordnance officer stationed at the Sandy Hook proving grounds, who de.-ired to ie*\e the army immediate ly to enter private employment. • • • Nearly half of the land in the Ohn garh Natmnal forest. Alaska, through which tire government railroad is to run. is r<--tored to the public domain by proclamation of President Wilson. The boundaries of tt\.e forest, as re drawn by the porclamation. contain, approvimatelv f.Rlk.OOO acres. 5.S02, uoo acres lie mg withdrawn. • • • President Wilson has signed an ex ceptive order, deriding the Big Lake reserve in northeastern Arkansas, for the protection of native birds. The new reserve, about nine miles long and carrying from too yards to a mile and a quarter in width, forms prob ably the most important bird reser vation in the country. The Enited S’ales treasury depart ment announced that on December 1 Secretary McAdoo would make public the names to take steps to sue all persons who are able to pay and who then have failed to pay advances of money made to them by the govern ment to assist them in returning home from Europe at the outbreak of the war. • • * In the so-called Ogden gateway case, the interstate eommerce com mission held the proposed cancella tion by the Enion Pacific of through routes and joint fares in connection with the Denver & Rio Grande through the Ogden gateway, was ful ly justified. • • • American farmers, millers and grain exporters made $400,000,000 profit during the first year of war, hut cotton growers and shippers lost $225,000 .ono. commerce department announces. • • • American farmers are harvesting the greatest wheat crop ever grown in any one country. It may reach a billion bushels. Department of agri cultural experts estimated the crop at 966.000,000 bushels, basing their I calculation on the condition of the crop August 1. • • • State department officials have de cided they arc powerless to secure -e'.lef fro’ the riding censorship to which American mail and cable mes sages passing through the belligerent countries of Europe are subjected. UGHTNINGJILLS 2 ELECTRIC BOLT FATAL TO FARM ERS NEAR HERMAN. NEB. FATALITIES IN AUTO CONTEST R. C. Donaldson and Mechanician Lose Lives in Race at Spirit Lake. Iowa. Herman, Neb.—While working on j the farm of Ray Tripiett, one mile west of town, stacking wheat, Her man Thompson and Nels Matsen were struck by lightning and instant 1> killed. The team attached to the wagon used in hauling the grain ran away and Anna Triplett, 9 years of age, who was on the vehicle, was thrown off and her left arm dis located. The weather had been clear all afternoon and just before 5 o'clock a small cloud came up from the west, scatteringa few drop of rain. Thomp son and Matsen, the young men working for Triplett, had driven from the wheat field with a load of bundles and were half through unloading onto the stack when the shower came. Tho rain was so light that they did not stop vork. There was one flash of and from what can be learned, the bolt struck and instant ly killed Matsen, who was on the slack, and instantly seemed to spread in a sheet of flame to the wagon load of bundles, killing Thompson. The flash and the thunder that followed frightened the horses and they dashed off through the field, overturning the wagon. On the wagon, besides Thompson, were three* children of Mr. Triplett. None of them except Anna were injured, though all were thrown to the ground and buried beneath the load of grain. Two Auto Rsncers Meet Death. Spirit take. Ia.—E. Donaldson of Milford, la., owner of the racing car Etnden. which won a place at Indian apolis and at Omaha, was instantly killed while driving that car in the automobile race here and his Mecharv ician Wilcox died of injuries. It was a free-for-all race. A Ford machine crowded on Ernden until the latter tamed turtle. Donaldson, spectators say, sought to avoid an accident, and in doing so turned his car into the fenc«. There It rose on the front wheels and buried its occupants under it. The dead pilot’s two sons. Orville and Slade, were also in the race. They continued to the finish, and won first and second places, respectively, without knowing their father had met death When they were told each im mediately declared he was through with competitive motorcar speed contests. The Ernden was pretty well known in the racing rings throughout the country. Donaldson was known to the profession as a motor experimental ist: his reputation as a winning driv er was not jar machine. At Omaha he won $1,000 by placing fourth. Want Air Crafts and Submarine*. Washington, D. C.—Secretary Dan- ' ie’s declared there was an over whelming sentiment in the country generally for large increases in sub marines and air craft. ’’The people in.! inland states, particularly, s 'em to | have come to the conclusion that i there should be large increases in submarines and ayoplanes for our naval defenses.” said Secretary Dan iels. "Many of our citizens who do ! not mean to attach that importance i to dreadnaugbts which naval experts . do, or who doubt the navy judgment of the dreadnaugbts are satisfied that the next naval program should pro vide for liberal expenditures for un- j dersea ships and air craft.’’ Asks Price on Million Catt'e. Helena. Mont.—C. O. Robinson, representative of a large packing j company of Chicago, made public here a copy of a cablegram from Liverpool sent to the Chicago office asking that an estimate be furnished of the cost of one million head of American beef cattle, delivered at Liverpool. The order, if filled, said Robinson, would require a payment of about $100,000,000 and would make vast inroads on the available cattle in the United States. Zeppelins Raid England. London.'—Six persons were killed, twenty-three were injured and four teen buildings were seriously dam aged by bombs dropped in an air ship raid over the east coast, accord ing to an official announcement. One of tlte airships seemed to be dam aged by defensive tire, but escaped. To Fight Prohibition. Great Falls, Mont.—All members of the unemployed in breweries, sa loons, hotels and restaurants in Mon tana. it was announced, have assess pil themselves 23 cents each monthly to raise a fund to fight prohibition in Montana. Gunboat and Transport Sunk. London. — The Turkish gunboat Berk-j-Satvet and an empty transport have been torpedoed in the Darda nelles by a British submarine, it was officially announced. Mysterious Disease Killr C. 'tie. Lansing, Mich.—The state live stock sanitary board is puzzled by a mysterious disease, which is killing cattle In Saginaw county. A report received from Arenac county says cattle are being stricken blind. In spectors are investigating. Cotton Not Needed. London—Announcement that Ger many s now I :e to dispense with cotton in th. r.. nufacture of military supplies is made by the Frankfurter Zeitunr Springview is to have a water works system. Work has started on Bridgeport's sewer system. The paving question is again being agitated in Loup City. Two blocks of water mains are being put in at Oakdale. The Burlington will soon build a new depot at Clay Center. Weeping Water is calling for men to work in stone quarries. The Exchange bank of Steele City has opened for business. Six thousand people attended a bar becue at Seward last week. Plans are being prepared for a $23,000 school building at Dunbar. Presbyterians at Fairbury recenti. dedicated their new $15,000 church. Thirty acres of wheat near Moore field yieled 43 bushels per acre. City schools of West Point will open for the fall term September 6. Government reports show Nebraska had 1,080.000 horses on January 1. Beatrice has had 29.01 inches of precipitation during the past year. The Cellar county fair will be held in Hartington September 8. 9 and 10. Clay Center is to have a Carnegie library. The building will cost $12,000. A. J. Frances of Falls City had his right hip crushed in an auto accident near that place. Burlington men say there is no sign of resumption of work on the Chalco Yutan cut-off. Joe Steelier easily downed Mort Henderson of Altoona. Pa., in straight falis at Fremont. The little town of Clatonia in Gage county has installed a system of up to-date water works. Loup City and vicinity was visited by a severe hail storm. Much dam age was done to corn. The Burlington has resumed work on its Chalco-Yutan cut-off between Omaha ard Fremont. -V $10*1,000 Ford assembling plan: will be built by the Ford Automob'le company in Omaha Wausa will hold a special election the last of September to vote on $20,000 sewer bonds. Citizens of Lincoln will vote on the ouestion whether Capitol Beach shall be purchased as a pleasure resort Lester Roberts, formerly an under taker of Sterling, who moved to Lin 1 coin recently, killed himself with a shotgun The Tecumseh National bank has surrendered its federal charter and hereafter will be known as the Te- ; cumseh State bank. A. O. Thomas, state superintend ent of schools, is attending the j meeting of the National Teachers' as sociation In Oakland. Cal. A Labor Pay parade as a protest 1 against the present and all future j wars will be staged by the labor un lors of Lincoln this year. A fine mane belonging to John Jen sen. living south, of Brokrn Bow. was bitten by a rattlesnake with the re sult that she came near dying. Near the home of Charles Pascow. seven miles east of Auburn. Fred Johnson of Nebraska City, was in stantly killed in an outo accident. Mayor Madgett of Hastings has be gun a fight against the proposed gas franchise, which fixes a rate of ; $1.45. He demands a cut to $1.55. While swimming in Mainbow creek, near Wynot, Harold Beste. aged 19. was seized with ora ires ami was drowned before help could reach him. Billy Sunday will be visited in | Omaha by a delegation of Hastings pasters, who want him to make an address there during the fall. The village of Rogers by an al most unanimous majority voted to issue bonds for the construction of a waterworks system at a special elec tion. William H. Munger, judge of the T'nited States district court for Ne braska. and forty-seven years a resi dent of the state, died at his resi dence in Omaha. The big barn on the Jones sec’ion, near Seward, was struck by lightning and comnletely destroyed. The haru j .'ontained forty tons of hay and more I than ISO hushels of grain. The state treasurer has received JiO.'tss from the government as Ne braska’s share of the Smith-Lever fund distributed for 1915. to be used in agricultural education. The young son of Mr. and Mrs. John Davis of Hastings, who allowed his finger to run over a wheel and under a chain of a running binder "just to see if it would hurt." submitted to an amputation of the injured member. Hundreds of Adams county farmers •were mailed letters by the Hastings Commercial club urging them to join in making August 24 good roads day. one for united action. Neighborhood picnic dinners are planned for par ticipants. W. E. Andrews of Hastings, former congressman, has announced his can didacy for republican nomination for congress. Barney Oldfield will race against his record and race with De Lloyd Thompson, the aeroplane wizard, each day September 6 to 10, at tbe state fair. A feature of the farmers’ national congress which meets at Omaha Sep tember 28 will be an adtJress on “The Fanner and a Merchant Marine,” by Congressman Dan V. Stephens of Ne braska. Hildreth citizens will hold a Chau tauqua August 16 to 21, which will be absolutely free to the public. Hans Lorenson of Lyons was seri ously injured by the accidental dis charge of a rifle in the hands of his brother. It is said the Burlington has defi nitely given up line changes In the Republican valley where it was hard est hit by the June floods rnd that the line will be rebuilt and made stronger without change of location. At Franklin and other places on the valley changes had been planned. VICTORY FOB SUITE RECD CHARACTERIZES RECENT RATE DECISION AS SUCH. RESULT JUSTIFIES THE FIGHT Cons.tiers of Increases On Some of Most Important Items Of Much Value to Nebraska. Lincoln — "A three fourths victory fer the sialec," is ihe way Attorney General Ree*l characterizes the order ot the interstate commerce contmis tiett in the application of western railroads for increased freight rates ir. ,.ie middle west* m stales. Nebraska. Iowa. Kansas. Missouri, North and South Dakota and Minne sota railway commissioners fought Uie increase. The order permits increases on some commodi.ies. including coal, fruit and vegetables, bui the attorney gi ueral considers denial of increases on grain, grain products, live stock and packing house products of more value to Nebraska. "The result justifies the expendi ture of money by Nebraska at:;i other western states in resisting advances asked by the railroads." said Reed. No general advance was r.’low; d. ' The principal products cf Nebras ka grain, live stock and meats* - suffer no advance. I do not regard of great importance the increase in min imum carload weights of graiu from 2n.< >'.i to 10.0'K) pounds. “A uniform advance in freight rat* s would have cost the people of Ne braska millions of dollars annually." Data On Water Rights. Data collected by Attorney Gen c-’ri Reed during a roc* nt visit to Ik :ver is believed by that official to be valuable in the litigation between Wyoming and Colorado in th** Cniied Slates supreme court should Nebras ka decide to intervi no to protect wa ter users in western Nebraska The state of Wyoming brought the suit to enjoin Colorado irrigators from diverting water out of the I,ar:*mie river, which flows into the North Platte, into channels which would send it down the other side of the river, emptying into the South Platte, j Colorado claims absolute ownership and control of water resources orig j Inating within its own boundaries. If | this claim is pushed. Nebraska may ! join the Wyoming side of the ca=e. j Desiring to have data on both sides j of the case. Attorney General Reed j has obtained an abstract of the testi mony Ahead of Kansas. latest reports of the comptroller of currency on banking conditions in Kansas and Nebraska give the latter . a big lead. With a population of half a million less, and ?5S banks, as compared w ith | 1.144 in Kansas, the bank resources j of this state are $270,758,801. as com pared w-ith J24S.8S3.934 In Kansas. The per capita resources of Nebraska ! average 5213 a person, while Kansas j has $136. Tvppsi’s give Nebraska J2,''4 <70.433 j r gainst S1S1.3S4.S56 for Kansas, or 552 more per person for Nebraska. To make ihe matter more humiliat ing than ever the federal banking de partment add* this significant ! tile r.o*e at the bottom !*' the pare on which the tables are ci'en: "Twenty tim Nebraska hanks w ith resources j totaling J3.Sf2.i05 not included in to- ; tnls above. Received too late for re port “ Convict ens Untitr Toed Law. Food Commissioner Harman re- j port* five convictions in Omaha re ported by his inspectors recently for the nse of sod:um sulphate hy users of hamburger to ke*-p the meat front ( spoiling and for the sale of same to the public. When used the meat shows a rich red color when the meat Is exposed to the air and readily misleads the buyer. Horses Are Shy. While government reports credit e 1 , Nebraska with 1,080,006 horses on January 1, assessors were only able to find 910.000 head. There were 166,- ; t'bO mules, or 9.000 more than a year ago. Custer leads with "4,654 horses ! «■’.! Cherry county is second with ; sa.;so. Hole1 Commissioner Working. Colonel Phil Ackerman, hotel com- ! missioner. has ordered two hotels to I clean up according to law. Clue of these is the Park hotel at Stroms- j hurg and the other the Merna hotel at Merna. Should they not get busy. ■ Convicts Start First Road Work. Convicts at the penitentiary will j ihortly get their first tryout at perma nent road making when a gang is put to work on the state’s share of the new state farm paving, near Lincoln. Allowed to Sell Fish. The attorney general's department has given State Game Warden Ruten beck an opinion holding that catfish, j sturgeon, gar, buffalo, catp and suck- i ers. when legally caught in Nebraska j may be sold in this state. Aviator Thompson Coming to Fair. De Lloyd Thompson, the aviator, who is scheduled to give exhibitions at the Nebraska stale fair, has writ ten Secretary Mellor that he will keep his contract. He will race with Barney Oldfield. Find* Old Spanish Medal. A relic of great historic value was found by Ramey Allen of McCook, while plowing on his father’s farm It is an old Spanish medal, solid sil ver. bearing a relief portrait of Car los HI. ruler of Spain, who was bem In 1716 and died in 1788. The word ing on the medal names Carlos as "King of Spain and Emptier of the Irdies.” The reverse side shows a laurel wreath bearing the words, “al merito.’’ which indicates ** • -a l stowed “for merit.” It it be given to the Historical society. 1 r>tefe 2lbtcilung tft fitr bte I ^amilienalteber, trvld?e am I liebftcn Dcutfd? lefen. i'out Sdioitiilofec be* eurouiiifttien Golfer. flritgc? iRtga in ($e?at)r. On eirtem Suf feben erregenben Sr* tifel iifcer bie brenjlidje L'age bcr Stufien ini Citen unb bie moglicfceii ifclgen, bie ibre tRteberlage out beiij ganjcn ftrteg ausiiben icirb, fagt bie .XimeS” u. a. folgcnbeS: „9iodi nie in ber ©cfdndjte bcr SDfenidibeit bat erne Untgee.ungc-be*; tceguug Don bem Umfange itattgc* funben, trie bie Xeutfdicn fie; in Polcn gcgen btc Stuff en in* Serf gefept baben. Xie au* gcnbliJltdi bort con ben Xcutfcben cuSgefubrten nulitdrifdjen Creratio* ] nen finb eine toirfltdbe Qfefabr nicbt nur fiir Sarfdjau, fonbern fiir baS. ganje militdrtfdjc If tfenbabniqfteirt i ber Stuffen. bejtcn Centrum Sarfdjau ift. Xer fxaH con Saritfiau ntirb grofte Oolgen utr bie 2age auf bem tceitlicben JfricgSfdjaupIap baben. ba er nicbt* anber* ai* btc enbgiiltige Suffdjiebung ber rufiifdtcn Cffcnfice bebeutct, ireil bic ^auptangriiisli* nicn ftdi in ben §dnbcn ber Xeui* fdicn befiitbcti irerbcn. Xac- 3icl bcr Xeutfdten ift beute nicbt nur Bar* fdtau, fonbern bie Pernidjtung ber ganjcn rumfdjbn Srmee. Xie riefi* gen UmgebungSberoegungen 3eigen dies nur ju beutlid)." Cbgleidi e-;- den Xeutfdjen nod; ridjt gelungen ijt, den Siderftanb bcr SRuffen fubbftlidt con Saridjau. jici* feben Pug unb Scicbfel, ju jcr'cbniet tent, fo ift e-:- ibnen nad) au* petro* grab fommenben Pcridbten bodi ge* lungen, nbrblicb con Saridtau be beutenbe O^rttdjritte 311 inacben, fo* baft bie $auplbabn, bie con Sariiau in norbcfrlidter Sticbrung liber P;e loitof nad) petrograb fiitjrt. in un* niittelbarer @efabr itebt. con ben Xcutidtcn unterbroeben 311 trerben. On petrograb ntirb bie am Pug let*. tige beuticbe Jitaraflerie auf 30,000! fTiann geiebdpt, unb felbft ben fenft; orttmifnfdtcn petrogrober fterreipon* benten fommt e* nicbt in ben Sinn, biefen SSoruofj auf bie Sarfdjau-Pje loftof - Pafcn auf bie leicbtcn Scbiii* tcni ju nebmen. 0« bem mffifdten Pericfct mirb audj of^en jugegeben. ban bie Xeut feben Scblocf. ba* auf ber Ptittr be* SegeS jtrifeben Siga unb Xufrum liegt. erreiebt baben. Xicfe 2?iel bung rief bier aUgemeine* Oriau nen bercor. ba Scblocf nur nod) 18 Jhlometcr norblicb con iRiga liegt. unb man batte geglaubt. baft e* ben Stuncn in ben lepten Xageu gelungen tear, bie Xeutfdben nacb bent Siiben abjubrdngen. Pci Sdtlccf braebten bie Shifien ben beutfeben PoritoB jum Vnlten. inbem fte bie Ocinbc gleicb jeitig com £ unb con ber See tPudu con Siigaf angriffen. Jjonalbrtrirb*fcucn bnr.ii ©innate bsch gcbrtft. 5>afhington. Ter i'anama fanal bejahlt it* :r$t foocit man btc Sctrieb*- unb bie tttbminifrration? (often. niAt bie tperiteflurtg?f often, in '3etraAt jielit. £urA bie nabmen im i*iat ift niAt nur ba? Ccfijit non $39,480. trcIAe? feii '-ik ginn be? ^rtriebe* be? $4 anal* cut ftanben mar. gebecft. ionbcrit attdi rine ifilans non $177.75*9 erjieit irorbcn. roa? einen profit Don 4.79 |>ro$cnt lifer ben i*etricb?au*gaben baritcUt. 9ttAt nutbereAr.ot finb ba bet bie 3*nfcn non ben gcroaltigcn ©elbfununen, bic fun ben 51'an be? Raixtl? ausgegcbcn toorbcn finb. SJcdjnct man biefe cin, fo babctt bie 3oUeinnahmcn bi* jcfct niAt bte per* bdltniviuaftigc ybbe ber ©cfamtfo ften crreidjt 3i:craui'd) iuualibrr ©efcngcnrr. br Dorftrbenb. Tanf ber T'emiibungcn be§ ame- J riFaiufdjen ^otjdjafters $erarb ba ben bie Hnterbanblnngcn brtreffs j RuStaufdjes innaliber Rriegsgefan-; gcner enbiidi einen Ifrfolg gejcitigt, Bic balboffijicll bcfannt gegeben Birb. Tic yefangenen Teutfdjen Ber ben aur ber gifenbabnitation ftarungi unb bic ruffifdjcit in $aparanba iibergeben trerben. ?Ind) ift man iibcrcingefemmen, ban bie 5nu>eftton bcutfdjer unb ruf- j fifdjcr ©efangcnenlogcr burd) cirt Treicrfomitee bes bdnifdjcit „9?ot«t | Krayes” ftattfinben barf. Srbrutrn (frfolgc in iPoIrn rnffi* fdjcr ScDnratfrirbrn? Berlin, ^sn fuefigen nolitifdjen Rreifcn bridit fid) bic Jlnfidit ®af)n, bafj bie (rrfolgc ber Teutfcben im Cften nidjt nur ju einem Separat frieben mil Shifjlanb fiibren, fonbern cuii febe ffiefabr eine3 gingreifeirS ber S3aIFanftaaten auSfdialren mogen. Kadjridjten auS alien Tetlen be§ Sarenreid)c3 sufolge, bie tro# ftreng fter Ceniur burdjinferten, geBinnt bort ba3 Serlangen nad) ^neben bt" Cbcrbanb, unb and) granfreid) joH fount im Stanbe fein einen jBei ten SSinterfcIbjug burd)3umad)cn. 2ft *£" • Jyafl tittl i’eperti. 2? a f b i n g t o n. S3 us barchan# juDcrtaffiger CueQe foment bie SJi ad}-: ridjt Doit unmiberleglidjen ©crocifen, bag ber ©crtdjt be# Uapitdn# iarjlor dou ber „Crbuna" nur eme idiige roar, um bie 2atfaebe ju uerbeefen, bas er ben Jhricgsgefepen auroiber banbelte, inbem er ber Slufforbcrung be# giibrers be? bcutichen U-©ootcs, gum 3®^ '©efudjes unb emer Untcrfucbung femes Seiji if cs bcijule gen, niebt tfolge leifiete. 2er roabre Satbuerbalt ronrbe bem Staat#fefrctdr Don ©aron flofen* Frau# entliuQt, einem banifeben Crbel ; maim, ber ein ©affagter be# 2am | pfers „Crbuna" unb auf 2ecf roar, als ba# Unterfceboot in Sidjt fain. ©aron Siofenfraufc ift beionbers ju bem 3®ccfe nacb Sl£afbington gefom I men. um ber SRegierung ber ©creinig ten Staaten eine genauc ©efdjrei ! bung ber ©orfemmniffe auf ber „£r . buna" 511 geben. ©aron SRofcnfranj} perfiebrrte, bay ftapitiin 2nnlor bas Unterfceboot Pom ?ldjterbecf aus fiebtete unb ihnt pon bem U-©oot iigualificrt rctirbe, beijulegeii unb mit bon Schiffspapie ren an ©orb bes UutcrfecbooieS 3U Fommcn ? Mapitan iatjlor ignorierte bie5e Signale unb jog niebt in ©etraebt, bafe cr fur ba# SJcben Don bimbcrten ! non 9'iehtFombattanteu, ron piele ameriFanifcbe ©iirger roaren. ©eranttrortung trug. fonbern gab ©efcbl, mit ©ctlbantpf oorroart# 311 geben. lir begami fein Sdrif fo 3u manoPricren. bap, er bem U*©ootc entrimien foiuitc. ©on biefem S3u* genblief an niaebte bie ..Orbuna aQe ifnftrenginigcti. um 311 entflieben, roas ibr aueb geiang, obglridj ba# Unterfceboot 3euer erdfinete unb ben £antrier rodbrenb ciner hnlbciiStun* be befehofe. ©aron SRofcnfraufc roar nidit geroife. ob gegen bie ..Crbnna" ein 2orpebo Ia»3icrt ronrbe ober niebt. Jltnrrifanrr afO Sdiinn fiir RrtrgO munition** • Sabung. ?I e ro Surf. SKit einrm amcri fanifdifn Baffagicr alo „3cbut;engcl* iubr ber Xampicr „6tunric" poit ber ©bite 3tar • iiinic tiadi Ciocrpool ab. TaO Srfjiff roar bio jiir ©renjp ber iragrabigfeit mit Jsradit Peiaben unb lag 31 Jvufe her im ©offer, G* tnufe fids alfo roobl um ..fdjrocre SRu nition" ge&anbelt baben. Xie Jlb fabrt erfolgte cme 3htnbc fpater clO uripriinglidj angefe^t unb $roar ro> gen ber perfpateten Slnfunft Pen Slu to • Uaitroagen unb Jflugjeugcn hir b:e Jtfliiertrn. Xc? 3djiff battc 52 ftajiiten- unb 120 ^nrijdienbrcfopaffn giere. baruntcr etroa 25 ^raucn unb fitnier. Xer Sfmerifaner an Borb ift Jsranf Sion ©ibfon auO Buffalo, rodefcer ben Jlfliierten Jluto-vfaitroa gen pcrfaufen roifl. llnter ben ubri gen Baffagieren befanben fid) jabl rerdre dltere Jperren, roeldie ihrc tn ber brihfdjen Jinnee ftebenben 3bb ne befutben roeflen, tenor bercnXrup pcnteile nadi ben Xarbanellcn gc f&iJt roerben. XrutfdjlnnbO Ifrnte. Berlin, iiber Jiottcrbam. 3'n Xeutfdilanb bat idion bie Grate begonnen. 3oroert cin llrtetl moglid) ift, ift b;e Cuali tat be§ ©eijenO unb bee- fRoggen* auOgejeidmct, ein Umftanb. ber auf bie auBerorbentlidje 3enuucrlu®e Surudgefiibrt roirb. ©ao bie 2'ienge ber Brobfriidite angebt, jo bat iie nidit gain bcO J*cr mal tnaf) erreidit. roofiir tnbefjen b;e Cualitdt roflauf entfdjabigt. Jludi bie Grate Pont 'sabre 1014 roar ber Blcnge nad) jurudgeblicbeit, unb war an iRoggcn allein etroa 2 , 000.000 Xonnen. Xrotjbcm reidicn bie Berrdtc nidit allein fiir bie Grn tejeit. fonberti nod) auf einige Biona te bariiber binaue. 3nt»frtrcib brutfdicr Trupprn ;n iBrlgien. ^Berlin, iiber Slotterbam. Tic in iBelgien ftebenben iionbfturm-'-Ba taiHone erbalren in ihren iWufcfniit bcn ©elegenheit, llntcrricbt in Spra* then, 5Bud)fnhning, Stenographic, SNathematif, ©efdiidite unbt’iational dfoncniie 311 nehmen. Ter I’l'ilitar ©ourerneur Pent iBelgien hat fiir btc ©elegenheit Serge getragen. ©ine Jlommiffion in Sufcmhurg, bie fid) an? einent Onriftm 1111b brri Qebrern aufammenfetjt, tourbe m:i her JIu?fiitiritng be? 'Blancc- betraiit. Tie con ber fiommtffion fdjon ini Kara eingefiihrten epejiatfurfe ha ien bci ben Truppen groBcn Slnflaitg jrfunben. Cnfel eim’i „Korner" anf Trutf farhrn. SJafhington. Tireftor JRalph ’om iPnnbec-burcait fiir Triicffadien mb ©raPientng hot famtlidie Txar sen bie jur $erftellung non :en unb ^oftmarfen Benotigt merben" lum ilreife Pon $180,000 auffa,!f™ nffen. Tiefe ftarben tnerben nul rcutfchlanb angefertiqt unh r vr-m