The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, August 19, 1915, Image 5

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    *• F. MUOI. President L MUSED, Cashier
There is Everything in
Making a Start
If You Want to Save
VV hat Others have done, you can do
Many of our millionaires
started their bank accounts
with only a dollar. They
did not have an unheard-of
streak of luck, either. All
they did was save.
Try their remedy for an empty pocket book.
Start an account with us and save.
First National Bank
Loup City, Nebraska.
We Pay 5 per cent on Time Deposits.
I "V. i sr - 1 •r ,rs*
* ia» - for i resit p merries.
M. *. Muliok »»- a f>4>«*eer to ;
4 hum -&st hici.v.
kewe> W -mar. was a passer.per
Kura v die Tuesday.
• - ....•.-a: a as a K<«kv the pus
per M <m business.
-tty S u; <er: nter. lent C u rner at -
u«- :n*trt ' - at .-. Pa-! this week.
Ify ae _ -i Ua. paxes attend
■ - « tit "a t at L .up City nett
■ ttijMi.
^K Mias Bertha Christensen went to
Ki’a.&er Saturday to visit with re.a
WKj e
j A pertain* iarpain in a 17-jewel.
crown case watch. Waltham
| M vement.—H. M. Eisner.
BB Mr- V.hiam < kaencah! returned to :
l he- i ret at Ashton Saturday after
fl-' .era cay-' visit with relatives here.
Mr? Be!) left last Saturday
■r rt-.t p f ■' « -rirp. 1 wa. for a visit
Bk th her ca-pnter. Mrs. E. C. Sickles.
: »ai;> for less.
Try Close s Srst—it pays.
I will buy a few tons of old iron if
hauled in at once A. C. Of *.
>• .ddo Flycijsser means 23 to flies.
>. d tiy>wanson & Lofholm. drug
Sheriff L. A. Williams went to Hast
ings last Friday where he placed Mrs.
Sh-rman Wilson in the asylum.
Miss Eva Gibbons of Comstock vis
ited at the John Ohlson home Satur
day. returning home the same even
Miss Florence Depew left Tuesday
n. -ring for Goodland. Kan., where
?nt will visit with Dr. and Mrs.
Frank Fross and family expect to
leave this morning for Garden City.
Kan., where they will make their fu
ture home.
Miss Mayme Adamson has resigned
her position with the telephone com
pany. Miss Mable Depew has been
promoted to the position.
that's what our yard is now.
I laid Coal, ^ ampa \ alley Routt County,
Ni^gerhead. Canon City, Paragon Egg
Rock Springs.
No Soot No Ashes
Clean Hot Fire
Store your winters coal this month.
Special storage prices on all kinds.
HansenLumber Co.
1 have just received the latest fall and win
ter fashions and woolens.
The popular full skirts, three-fourths length
coat suits, and all other styles from plain to
very fancy pleated suits, coats, and jackets.
1000 samples of woolens.
Corne in before you buy so you will not re
gret it later. We guarantee two-season lin
ings and perfect fit. We also insure you
the exact length you wish of coat, skirt, and
Loup City Tailor Shop
r* South Side of Square.
l>ally sells for less.
Try Cliase s first—it pays.
W. T. Gibson was a Rockville visit
or Friday.
E. H. Corning was a Rockville vis
itor Monday.
Miss Marie Scott visited at Rock
ville Monday.
D. C. Grow was a Grand Island
visitor last Friday.
A. B. Outhouse transacted business
at Rockville Friday.
Deering and McGormick sections
*1 per box.—A. C. Ogle.
James Gilbert visited with friends
at Arcadia last Thursday.
Otis White went to Fremont last
Thursday on a little pleasure trip.
Orange Julep quenches that thirst.
Dispensed only at the Xyal Fountain.
For Rent—100 acree for wheat. Al
so some hay land_V. T. Weseott. tf j
Miss Maggie McFadden of Austin
was in our city shopping last Thurs
Henry Dunker visited at the Fred
Dunker home at Rockville last Fri- 1
A. N. Cook was a business passen
ger to Grand Island and Aurora last
Friday. *!
\ istor Yiener wen; to Ashton last
Thursday where he is holding a large
clothing sale.
Loup City Cash Store. Wm.Lewan
dowski is selling summer goods at a
great reduction.
William Ohlsen came home from
Ansley last Friday for a short visit
with home folks.
You can buy Nyals face cream and
Mayflower talcum, best for sunburn
only at the Xyal store.
iHin't be afraid to shout for good
roads. The louder the noise Use
sooner it will be heard.
.__ |
Miss Emma Rowe went to Shelton.
Xeb.. Friday morning to spend several
days visiting with friends.
Mrs. John Cynova came home from
Schaupps Saturday, after a short visit i
with relatives and friends.
Miss Yernie Stanszyk came home
from Ashton Saturday where she had
been visiting for several days.
I. L. Conger returned from Danne
brog Monday, where he had been vis
iting with Cash Conger and family.
I have secured a first class plow
man and guarantuc all plow work.
Bring in your plow/ lays now—A. C.
For Sale—Fire or six acres of land,
iu alfalfa, fenced chicken tight. For
terms and particulars see Alfred
We will have someUiing of special
interest Saturday on our bargain
counter. Loup City Cash Store. Wm.
Lewandowski. Prop.
Mrs. S. E. Thrasher and Miss Laura
Daddow were passengers to Arcadia
Thursday evening to visit with the
C. R. Johns family.
Miss Louise Bartunek came home
from Ord Monday noon to spend sev
eral days with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. James Bartunek.
John Dietz and wife came up from
Rockville Saturday and spent Sunday
at the John Stanczyk home, return
ing to their home Monday.
Mrs. H. M. Mathew left last Friday
morning for St. Joseph and Kansas
City. Mo., to purchase her fall and
winter stock of millinery.
Mrs. W. J. Root and baby went to
Sargent Thursday evening and visit
ed with friends before going to Al
liance. where they will make their fu
ture home.
Mrs. I. N. Thomas, who lias been
visiting here with her sister. Mrs R.
P. Hatch and at the Newcomer home,
returned to her home in Coachella.
California, Tuesday morning.
Miss Caroline Amick returned home
from Omaha Saturday evening where
she had been the past two or three
weeks visiting with her sister. Mrs.
J. H. Martin.
Mrs. J. A. Thompson, accompanied
j her small son, Dickie, to Grand Island
• last Thursday where he had his ton
sils removed by the Drs. Higgins &
; Carson.
James Burnett left Monday morn
ing for Lafayette and Peru, Indiana,
to visit his old home, where he has
not been in forty-seven years. Prom
there he goes to Galesburg. HL, to
Walter Moon and daughter, Mrs. G.
P. Callahan, left Monday morning for
1 Waterloo, Iowa, where they will spend
a day or so and from there they go
to Greene. Iowa, where Mr. Moon
' will attend the reanion of his old
regiment the Twenty-first Iowa.
Mrs. Anna M. Stephens was up from
Rockville last Thursday visiting with
her son, Lamont L. Stephens, and
wife. She left Friday for an extend
ed visit to Salt Lake City, Utah, Long
Beach Cal., and to take in the expo
sition at San Diego and San Fran
..1 11 '<
Jnst The Kind for School
They Won’t
Wear Out
15c and 25c
Per Pair
Daily sells for less.
Chase's for fresh groceries
Dr. J. E. Bowman returned from
Omaha Monday noon.
For Rent—00 acres of hay land at
*1 per acre —N. P. Nielson. tf j
I will buy a few tons of old iron if
hauled in at once.—A. C. Ogle.
Bom. to Mr. and Mis Harry Wag
ner. Thursday. August 12tli. a girl.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Tony Gze-;
hoviak. Friday. August 13th. a girl. J
Go to the Loup City Cash Store ana
see their new prices. Wm. Lewan-.
dowski. Prop.
Victor Viener is conducting a cloth-,
ing sale at the Booster store at Ash
ton this week.
The Polish White Eagles society
held a very enjoyable picnic at the
old fair groundsSunday afternoon.
Miss Rebecca Camp and Mr.George
• »lsen.both of Arcadia were married
by County J udge Smith on Wednes
day, August 11th.
J. W. Burley has purchased one of
the newspapers at Crawford. Nebras
ka. He expects to move his famiiy
there about the first of September.
Billy Sunday w ill soon be in Omaha.
A large tabernacle is being erected
for his use. It is expected that the
devil will soon find slim picking in
Wanted—For the Eastern warxone.
the best and most marketable horses,
sufficient in size and quality for any
of the duties required There. See
Myrl Warrick.
A state pure food inspector is mak
ing the rounds in this part of the
state. Several soft drink dispensers
have been caught selling adulterated
goods and were arrested and lined.
A. W. Boecking. deputy county |
clerk, has accepted the position of;
assistant cashier in the Loup City j
State bank. A Mr. Richmond of!
Litchfield is the new- deputy county
The dinner given Sunday by the
Altar society of the Catholic church
was well patronized. Something over
*100 was realized, enough to pay for
the needed improvements at the
B«tt«r buy a few sacks of White
Satin flour while you can get flour
that is made from old wheat All
merchants handle our flour. Every
sack guaranteed. Loup City Mill A
Light Company
The ladies of the Catholic Altar
society wish to thank their guests at
the dinner and supper served Sunday.
The dinner wa> a success from a fi
nancial and social standpoint in every
way and SUO was netted for the elec
tric lights for the church.
An Irishman was walking through
a pasture when a bull rushed up and
tossed him over the fence. Picking
himself up quickly he faced the anim
al and said with surpressed wratii:
“If it wasn't for yer bowin' and yer
scrapin' and yer apologizin' I'd o'
tliought you did that on purpose.”
A writer in a recent issue of “Life”
sums up the battle situation in west
ern Europe very aptly when he says:
"Five hundred miles of Germans.
Five huudred miles of French.
English. Scotch and Irishmen.
All fighting for a trench.
And when the trench is taken.
And thousands have been slain.
The losers kill as many more.
And take the trench again.
A jolly crowd of girls gave a party
Monday at the home of Miss Fem
Rowe in honor of Miss Hazel Kelso,
of Wisner. who is visiting at the
home of Rev. and Mrs. L. V. Slo
curab. The party consisted of the
1 following young ladies: Verla Fowler.
Fay French. Fem Rowe. RuthMiner.
Grace Paddow. Myrtle Phillips. Ah
, berta Outhouse. Frances Hansel.
Edythe Olson. Dora Otdson. Bessie
Fisher and Hazel Kelso. A tine auto
ride in Clarence Arnett’s big car was
greatly enjoyed by the girls after the
• P*rty
Daily sells for less.
County fair, September 22-23-24.
Rev. F. W. Guth preached at Far
well last Sunday.
Alva 0. Lewis was a business vis
itor to Marquette Wednesday.
Judge Wall was a business passen
ger to Palmer yesterday morning.
James Johansen went to Ord Wed
nesday morning on a business trip.
Hugh VerValin and Otto Pete-'scn
weie passengers to Au-tin Satu'day.
Mrs. Ed. Raocliffe and daughter.
Vera, spent Sunday at Rockville, vis
Miss-Helen Pr'tchard went to Grand
Island Saturday for a short visit with .
Dr. Theodore Aye returned froir. !
Grand Island last Thursday, where he :
had been on business.
Charles Irwin returned from Hub
ble. Neb., Tuesday evening where he
has been the past ten days.
Joe O'Bryan and son John returned
from Grand Island Tuesday. wher»
they had spent several days.
Miss Maggie McNiel went to Haz
ard Saturday to spend a week or ten
days with friends and relatives.
Miss Barbara Ignowski returned
from Ashton Friday evening, where
she had been visiting with friends.
Mrs. O. Benschoter went to Arcadia
Saturday evening for an over-Sunday
visit with her sister. Mrs. Jennie
Mrs. Anton Sobiesczyk and Mrs.
Swintowski went to Farwell Satur
day to visit with relatives a few
Miss Muriel Chase returned home
from Ashton Monday, where she had
been visiting at the R. D. Sutton home
the past two weeks.
Miss Yelva Fross went to Aurora j
yesterday to spend a few days, and
from there she goes on to her home
in Garden City. Kan.
Mrs. M. C. Mulick returned home
from Grand Island Friday, accom- j
panied by her daughter. Mrs. Lau
rence Costello, and son
A S*c sale for aSutrday only, such j
as dishes, and many other things will
go in this sale. Watch for it at Loup
City Mercantile Co.
Mrs. W. L. Marcy and two children
returned from Lincoln last Friday
where they had been in attendance at
the Epworth assembly.
Mrs. Lewis and daughter. Miss
Nancy Lewis, returned from Scotia
Friday, where they had been visiting
with relatives and friends.
Miss Florence Reed returned Tues
day from Greeley Tuesday evening,
where she has been the past week,
visiting with her cousin. Miss Led:.
Mrs. J. H. Burwell and two daugh- j
ters returned home last Saturday
evening from Lincoln, where they had
been the past week visiting with
M iss Hazel Kelso, who has been j
here visiting at the L. Y. Slocumb
home the past two we%ks. returned
to her home at Wisner. yesterday
Miss Carrie Cole went to Grand Is- j
land Saturday and spent several day
visiting with some of her school
chums. She returned home Monday
Mrs. H. A. Hinman returned home
from Rising City. Neb„ Tuesday eve
ning where she had been called on
account of the sickness of her mother.
Mrs. C. E. Lundy.
Farmers you will soon want
threshihg coal. We have a full lina
of threshing coal. Our pinnacle
coal cannot be beat We guarantee
our prices as low as the lowest. -
1 Taylor's Elevator
Rev. J. A. Jones, of Pt^der, Neb.,
arrived Tuesday evening to be in at
tendance at the Swedish mission
meetings to be held here this week
at the Swedish church.
Mrs. S. F. Reynolds left Tuesday
morning for Hinkley. 111., where she
will visit with relatives, and from
there she goes to Chicago where she
will spend some time visiting.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stall and
daughter. May. who have been here
visiting at the A. B. Outhouse home,
left last Saturday noon for the coast,
where they will take in the exposi
Mrs. Harry Ballmger and daugh
ter. Evelyn, arrived here Saturday
noon for a visit at the homes of her
brothers. James. Herman and Criss
Johansen, and sister. Mrs. W. D.
French, and family.
Miss Katie Janulewicz went to Ash
ton last Thursday to visit a few day
with her brother. Ed Janulewicz. and
family. She was accompanied as far
as Schaupps by her cousin. Miss An
gela Warminski. who will visit there
■with friends.
The Misses Lila McNulty and Alma
and Erma Hapka went to Rockville
Satm-day and spent Sunday visiting.
Misses Lila and Alma returned home
Sunday, while Miss Erma remained
until Tuesday when she was accom
panied home by Miss Atline thinker,
who will spend a few days here visit
in*. \ __ ■
Look over the following regular cash prices, com
pare them with others and you will realize that this
store is the place to trade. All departments offer
like reductions in prices:
Specials in Our Grocery
Tomatoes. No. 3 cans *i A
Sauer Kraut, *? A _
per can..| UC
Pork and Beans, No. 3 ■# A
cans, each .IUC
Syrup. * 4EA
per gallon.4wC
White Wine Vinegar, AA_
per gallon.aUC
Cider Vinegar. OCa
per gallon. 4vU
Soda Crackers, by *71 _
the box.I 2C
Rub No More Powder. 4*
per package.^G
All 10-cent Tins Tobacco A|T _
3 for.4UC
Cooking Chocolate. 1 Qa
i pound, at..IOC
Sweet Chocolate. 7^ a
I lb. for.|2C
Matches. 4 A~
3 boxes for.IUC
Corn Flakes. A4 A
3 packages for.AIG
Toothpicks. 1 ■‘a a
3 boxes for.| £G
Baking Soda,
1 lb. can.vG
Spices of all desciiption.
2 for.I3C
Stickv Flv Paper,
4 for.3C
Everyone Appreciates
the Merits of Ralstons
I Delighted!
Of course, for he has found in a ready
to-wear Ralston, the equal of a custom
made shoe at a saving of several dollars.
One can always depend upon the comfort
and wearing qualities of Ralston Shoes
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Prices H 00 to $6.00.
Clothier and Furnisher
m j
BarnevOldficld ^