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Loup Qty Northwestern
.Arrangement* Are About Completed For The Loup City
Chautauqua Program.—Some Fine Talent Provided.
August Seventh to Twelfth Are The Dates.
T ie I>*up l ily ritaJtauqua I***-1
gins sgurUy and the local com- ''
cltce lio|t**s for one of tin* most
irnrmfiil meetings ever held in
i in* city.
The talent selected is from I lie
very liest tiiat money can secure.
«nd no efforts will lie spared to
; lah* tie* rlta itauqun a pleasant
tid pnrfitable diversion to all who
attend. The management of the
•cal chautauqua has signed a
. naraiitee of s,uo and that will
i ol clear espense. It is not a
graft m any sense of the word.and
cleans a large amount of hard i
cork to successfully carry out
t lie program and also to get into I
r«w>tineas for tlie beginning day.!
Tic - sale of tickets has
*en very literal, tliougii ii is not
• Hough to —s in* 11h* financial eml
of the enterprise. Huy a t icket at
• •nee. 1 lo it f
will lx* formed several articles in
regard to the chuutauqua and also
a complete program.
The local committee has worked
hard to present an up-to-dateeliau
tauqua such as are had in all live
communities. It is up to the citi
zens of the town and country to
attend every session, as such tal
ent right at our doors should not
la* neglected.
Through out the season the
comment on the program has heen
better than ever before. You
can’t afford to miss a single num
ber. Iiegining Saturday after
noon at 2:4o and lasting until
Wednesday night, is a program
that we seldom have the oppor
tunity of listening to. There is
plenty of excellent music, good
lectures and pleasant entertain
1 have just received 100 Fall and Winter Suits
of the latest styles and weaves. As a special offering
for chautauqua week the following inducements will
be offered.
$10.00 Suits—
Every purchaser of a $10.00 Suit will be en
titled to a 15 per cent dividend, consisting of
$1.50 in Merchandise Free
$12.50 Suits—
Every purchaser of a $12.50 Suit will be en
titled to a 15 per cent dividend, consisting of
$1.75 in Merchandise Free
$13.50 Suits—
Every purchaser of a $13.50 Suit will be en
titled to a 15 per cent dividend, consisting of
$2.00 in Merchandise Free
$15.00 Suits—
Every purchaser of a $15.00 Suit will be en
titled to a 15 per cent dividend, consisting of
$2.25 in Merchandise Free
$16.50 Suits—
Every purchaser of a $10.50 Suit will be en
titled to a 15 per cent dividend, consisting of
$2.50 in Merchandise Free
$17.50 Suits—
Every purchaser of a $17.50 Suit will be en
titled to a 15 per cent dividend, consisting of
$2.75 in Merchandise Free
$20.00 Suits—
Every purchaser of a 820.00 Suit will be en
titled to a 15 per cent dividend, consisting of
$3.00 in Merchandise Free
$22.50 Suits—
Every purchaser of a $22.50 Suit will be en
titled to a 15 per cent dividend, consisting of
$3.25 in Merchandise Free
$25.00 Suits—
Every purchaser of a $25.00 Suit will be en
titled t« a 15 per cent dividend, consisting of
$3.50 in Merchandise Free
VICTOR VIENER, Proprietor.
-mi.i i -,./ ri irr—t ■ —
ffiKHWANP5 PIE /N 0ATftf]j
l ei&nreefl inch gun causes
4Copy riEiit i
meat and every afternoon or
evening you miss, you miss some
thing worth while. An hour
with Kemp is an hour of enter
tainment as well as an hour of
instruction Mrs. Sperry will
help every home as she relates
her experience with girls and
children, while acting as assist
ant State Labor commissioner of
Missouri ahd as factory inspector
of Kansas City. Ralph Parlett’s
reputation as a lecturer speai s
for its self. His lecture so fills
every man's experience that they
go away feeling,that after all, my
exjierience and troubles are not
so different from other men after
all. Julius Ceasar Xayphe has a
program new and instructive.
We learn by this Grecian artist
new things of America.! He also
pictures Grecian life in costumes
as it was thousands of years ago. j
The Hirsehhorn company. Merr.v j
musicians and Estella Gray com
pany furnish the varied and j
beautiful music that has to com- j
plete the joy of a chautauqua en
tertainment. If any person has!
visited the New York landing of
emigrants into Americia he will i
doubly appreciate the song story!
and music of the Ada Roach com- j
pany. On Wednesday the last;
day the great Xeopolian Orchestra
and grand opera singers which
always wins a place in the heart of
the music lover.
The agitation for a new loca
tion for the new $30,000 school j
house has resulted in the school
board calling a spec*] election on
August 16th to settle the question.
Two sites will be up foreonsidera
tion. One is the old site, wher
by the building would have to be
stuck in a corner and the other is
a full block, numbered block one,
in the original town ofLoupCity,
located three blocks east of the
court house. The board has an
option on this lot for $‘J,7o<>.
which is considered a reasonable
price, and is an ideal location for
the new school building.
Remember, the election is to be
held on Monday, August 16th, at
the primary room east of the
court house. Everybody should
vote, and if either proposition
does not carry necessary majority,
another election will have to be
called. It is believed that the
sentiment is almost unanimous in
favor of the new location. Much
time and expense will be saved by
deciding the location question at
this election, so all. interested
should vote. An early date was i
decided upon, so that work on
the building could be commenced
as soon as possible.
Coming, to the opera house!
Friday and Saturday nights,”The
M usical Milos." All the jatpular
rags and songs. Good, clean
comedy. Five acts—special scene
ry. Don't miss this treat. Come
outout and hear the young musi
cians, Cavallo, fourteen years old
j and little Gypsie Milo, nine years
^ old. Admission 10 and 15 cents.
Swedish Church
The pastor will preach Sunday
morning at 11:15 and Sunday
(4-ening at 8. The Sunday
school will meet at 10:30. Good
song service at all these meetings.
Come and bring your friends with
I you,—Rev. Teodore Young.
There is some agitation along the
Sargent branch of the Burlington
to change the time of the passen
ger so that it will go east in the
evening and connect with number
•44 at Aurora rnd then return in
the morning connecting with 43.
This move it is argued would give
them much better mail service, al
lowing the daily papers to get out
on the rural routes while the news
was still fresh. In case a man had
business in Omaha or Lincoln such
a time schedule would save him at
least a day. In case me schedule
is changed they would probably
lose their present day train but it
is thought that the freight could
handle the local work.
Today at .Tenner's park the an
nual "Harvest Festival'’ is in full
swing. Probably the most inter
esting event will be the ball game
between the Arcadia and Rockville
teams. Both of these teams play
good, clean ball and have made ex
cellent records this season.
A tug of war between horses
and men will also lie an interesting
feature—as also will lie the tug of
war between the "wets” and
"drys.’" Some good vaudeville
stunts are promised. Races for
boys and girls and many other
amusements. The day will close
with a big display of fireworks
and a dance in the pavilion.
The park is in excellent shape
again, several weeks of iiaid work
being necessary to put it back into
shajie after the flood damaged it
so much about a month ugo. The
park is illuminated at night by
hundreds of colored electric lights,
and is a beautiful sight. ,
The Loup City band received a
substantial boost at the meeting of
the city council last week. The
council made a one mill levy for
that purpose, which will bring in
about S237. The band was just
recently re-organized and with
this financial aid it will continue to
improve and flourish. Several
years ago this town had one of the
best bands in the state and it will
not be long until the present band
will be up to the old standard.
The city council is to be com
mended for the action they have
taken in this matter. It is thought
that concerts can soon be arranged
to be held in the park, as the band
boys appreciate the consideration
that haa been shown them.
Barnum & Bailey’s hig circus
delighted thousands at Grind Is
land Monday. It was a good cir
cus day, cloudy and cool. Among
the Loup City people attending
the show were the following: Cliff
Rowe, Clayton Conger, Byard
Mills, France^ Spencer, Edward
Sharp. Karl and Theodore Gas
teyer, W. O. Brown and son Cor
nell, William Mcllravy, T. H.
Daddow.wife and daugnter,Grace,
Peter Thode and family, Mrs.
M innie Jung and daughter Helma,
Miss Lizzie Miller, and R. P.Starr
and son Howard.
Loup City Flour Is
The Union Pacific motor re
turned to St. Paul Monday even
ing where it met a special from
Grand Island, which had brought
up a number of Loup City people
who had attended the circus at
Grand Island that day. If the
Union Pacific would have adver
tised a special returning from
Grand Island after the circus, a
large number of people would
have attended the show. As it
was everyone thought that they
would have to remain in Grand Is
land until the nevt day. so not
many went down. The motor was I
sent down to St. Paid to meet the i
special upon the request of Loup j
City people who wanted to get !
home that night, and demonstrates
that the road is willing to please j
its patrons, though they would
have taken in a great many more |
dollars if the special had been j
properly advertised.
The latest attraction being ar
ranged for by the county fair
management is a flying machine,
to be here two days of the fair.
The machine is the property of
the government and is <>i>erated
by the aviation department or the
state militia stationed at Lincoln.
Flights will be made in the ma
chine both days. While the ar
rangements for this attraction
have not been completed as yet,
we believe that the contract will
be made to have the flying mac
hine here- the two days. The
county fair promises to be a hum
mer this year and should be at
tended by everybody in the eoun-!
ty. The Ijoup City band has boon :
engaged to furnish music. The j
fair books have been printed and
will be ready for distribution with
in a few days.
Mrs. F.B. Martin and daughter,
Pessie, left yesterday morning j
for Bradshaw and Wymore, for a \
visit with her sister and other
Miss Mamie McCartney re-|
turned to her home at St. Paulj
\\ ednesday noon after visiting j
several days at the J. X. Fisher
Clarence D. Stevenson and Miss
Rebecca A. Tockey, both of Ar
cadia, were married by County
Judge E. A. Smith, on Monday,
.August 2nd.
W. J. Root has resigned nis po
sition as assistant cashier of the j
Loup City State bank and will;
move soon to Alliance,,where he!
has accepted a similar position.
Mr. Root has been here for sever
al years and the best wishes of a
large number of friends will go
with Mr. and Mrs. Root to their
new home.
Mrs. Sarah (Walworth) Har-!
rington and son, of Chicago, Illi
nois, are here visiting with friends
this week. Mrs. Harrington grew
to womanhood here and her father
was Loup City’s postmaster years
The Misses Esther Coltrane and
Ruth Cropper.visited at the homes
|of E. A.' Smith and Clarence Cole
trane several days last week, re
i turning to their homes at Sargent
Saturday evening.
Rains and Hail Storms Have Caused Heavy Damage to the
Wheat Fields—Second Cutting of Alfalfa Now
Under Way—Big Crop of Hay.
Tiie state board of agriculture
lias issued the following statement
of crop conditions in Nebraska:
“W heat—Continuous rains
through the month of July have)
caused no end oftronble ingather
ing the wheat throughout the
state. In many places the funn
els are just finishing cutting
their fields. In a few instances
threshing lias occured in the
■southern part of the state, and the
vield so far reported runs about
26 to 40 bushels per acre. Near
ly all of tin* wheat is still in shock
and a great deal of it will begin
to sprout unless a few days of fine
weather intervenes so the farmers
can stack.
Oats—The oats in the southern
part of the state are all harvested,
with very few exceptions, while
the harvesting is being actively
pushed in the northern part.
Rust attacked the fields in the
southeastern part of the state and
has materially lessened the cron in
that vicinity. The reports from
the north and west parts of the
state, outside the hail damage, are
for an excellent yield. Harvest
ing is fully two weeks later than
“Corn—Continuous rains have
prevented many farmers from
properly cultivating their fields
uf corn, hence the height of the
corn is materially decreased from
chat of former years, but the warm
weather is causing very rapid
growth where the fields have been
properly cultivated. The tassel
i»n the corn is just beginning to I
show in many of the better fields.
From present indications, with a
normal condition of weather pre
vailing from now until corn ripen
ing time, Nebraska should have
over 150,000,000 bushels.
“Alfalfa—The second cutting of
alfalfa has been done with many
attending difficulties on account of
the continuous rain, and very little,
if any, bright alfalfa will result
from tliis cutting. However it is
now largely in stack with a tine
third crop coming.
“Hay—Nebraska will provide
the most bountiful crop of hay
ever had in the state, and the pas
tures are the best ever seen at
this date.
“Potatoes—Potatoes and other
vegetables are having a tre
mendous growth and are uncom
monly large for this time of year."
July broke all records for rainy
days this year. On nineteen days
of the thirty-one rain tell and the
total precipitation for the month,
as recorded by the First National
bank rain gauge, was 6.22 inches.
July, 1915, was also the coolest
July for many years, with one ex
ception. The month of August
also started in well as regarding
rain, nearly an inch of water fall
ing on the first two days of the
L. W. Schlote was a very angry
man Sunday morning. Some time
during the night somebody took a
horse from his barn and drove it
all night, returning it in the early
hours in the morning. The horse
had been driven hard and was in
an exhausted condition. Mr.
Schlote believes he knows who the
guilty party is, and promises him
a warm reception if ever caught
taking horses out of the bam
A Home industry using home grown wheat
We Manufacture
White Satin
.— AND -
Pansy Flour
We will give special prizes on bread made from
our brands of flour, on exhibit at the County Fair.
See County Fair premium list for special prizes.
Loup City Mill & Light Co.
Deposits in this bank have the additional security of the De
positors Guarantee Fund of the State of Nebraska.
Successful Cultivation
A Kansas farmer averaged nine bushels of
wheat to the acre. His neighbor just across
the road, using the same kind and grade of
seed, averaged forty-four bushels. The increas
ed yield was due to difference in methods of
Methods have much to do with success along any
lihe. Can you hope to get ahead faster as long as you
handle your financial affairs as you have in the past?
Why not try our check account plan—others have
found it the better method for cultivating success.
Loup City State Bank
Loop City, Nebraska.
We pay 5 percent interest on time deposits