The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 29, 1915, Image 5

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> W. f MASON. President L. HANSEN, Cashier
> =——= _
| Dedicated to Whom it May
[ Concern
"We haven't much use for the quitter,
I fie most of us hate him like sin;
f^ut anothn chap makes us more bitter—
The chap who's afraid to begin.”
1 -
> Does this apply to you?
Start a bank account with us today.
Don't be "afraid to begin.”
First National Bank j
Loup City, Nebraska. <
■_ 4
We Pay 5 per cent on Time Deposits. i
} IMjr-rib fur to*.
Try Cbawr** tir*! it pay*.
Ker. F. W. < • utb i* '[•etuimg
trie Week at I.metiin.
Best trtrastvng coal 56 50 per
ten Hansen Lumper Ce
W I • • r w.-r ! t, "argent
" it riay i* *|»ndafew day *.
I»r. t'arr* L. Bowman went to
^"••rk M ondat f<>r a few day s vi*:t.
Mr*. <*. Holme* and daughter
' i* t»-d mt "argent la*t
T iurwdst and Friday.
Mr*. Holme* ati*i daughter
? tadge. v:*,te>i with friends at
"'argent last Thursday.
it ". 11 i»- a:> i -ofi Martin, went
tl: * te*t» rlay f-»r a few day*
-it with relative* an.) friends.
Mi** Mal4e 1 lsui*»!i returned
ft. an le-r trip to tie el|Ht*ll !otl
*t *el. " »e wa* accompanied
•• <er brother 1 * .ff Hansen, w ho
j 10 visit lie re for some time.
Try Loup City Flour
I Hilly sells foi less.
Try Chase'- first—it pays.
Floyd Janulewicz autoed to
Ashton last Friday.
August Jaeschke was a Roek
x le visitor Thursday.
J. W. I» ugal was a business
■ i'senger to St Paul yesterday.
William Ikxnereame home from
"•t. Thursday for a few days.
W. 1> Zimmerman xvas a busi
jias^nger to Omaha last
Mr. and Mr-. Charles Sickles
left last Friday for an extended
visit to Iowa.
Mr. I. S. Keith and two chil
x.- i at ICkville Saturday
with friends.
L tile Mamie and Harry Smalley
<re vis ting with Miss Clara Ful
lerton at Austin this week.
Theo Currier returned home
fr*>m Ashton Thursday, where he
nad been visiting with friends.
A Dry Goods Carnival
At Loup City For Ten Days
The Loup City Mercantile Company
$25,000 Stock ot Goods to Select From
....■■■ — ■ — ■ -
< r instances have combined to make this sale
i' able at this season of the year.
'W .Jit very heavily this spring anticipating a
- tr.i’ie t* it <i - isierous weather conditions has left
- • • • refM n tod aad wr ire impelled to sacri
' >t - k in order to sell w hile merchandise is
io demand
v de i> now it i uni- when ouf friends and patrons
to tt> fullest by this great bargain sale.
:t* we q . :e a few of the items which will go
in this sale:
it*i« e>er mm. at gC
LACE . t at ■»
Sc f C
< i - >a «■ *i 3C
I oc
!'• * f.itif re* f A
■ jrt « ■ "a tiri ■* 2«fC
.in*h*iu> t in '■ait at jC
GINGHAMS, /a-ptiyr. re* «a
_•> an ; <■ >* no* I C
II par cast Itrawl aa ail Shoes
lariat this Sale
BOYS SUITS, to close out at a
Ihfnlir m aa
and if'i.oo values, at vw«90
BOYS SUITS. Regular *1 AO
- m to "‘.jo, this Sale #*V>vO
TABLE LINEN. jOe value A£_
' *n sale at. 4vC
ISr Table Linen A A
Now on sale at. Q«fC
•I.**' Table Linen aa.
Now. 0?C
Special Price cn all Ladies'
Muslin Underwear
A arge Turkish Vowel ap
-’for. Z)C
Men's Odd Pants a« aa
25c and up to. wlaUII
Men's Straw Hats at Big Cut Price
11 lbs for. vl ■VV
We always pay the highest market price
hr prodace. Call and see vs.
Loup City Mercantile Co.
Watch Your Children
Often children do not let parents know
thev are constipated. They fear some
thin; distastef ul i he}' wifi like Ifexall
Orderlies—a mild laxative that taste3
like sugar. Sold only by us, 10 cents.
Wm. Graefe.
Daily sells for less.
Chase's for fresh groceries.
E. T. Thrasher, Painter and
Paper Hanger. 15tf
Fruit Jars at the Rexall store.
$1.20 a dozen.
When you feel like thirty cents,
take Nyal’s Tonic. Sold only at
the Nyal store.
A new shipment of imported
china now on display, at Eisner's
Jewelry store.
Mrs. T. D. Wilson visited with
friends at Ashton last Friday re
turning Saturday.
Loup City Cash Store. Wm.
Lewandowski is selling summer
goods at a great reduction.
M rs. Milt Rentfrow and daugh
ter Rhea, came up from Austin
last Friday and spent a few hours
in our city.
Mrs. Albert Anderstrom and
sister. Miss Frances Corning,
visited at Austin last Thursday
with friends.
Mrs. Theo Aye went to Grand
Island last Friday and visited over
Sunday with relatives, returning
Monday evening. -j
50 jnmnd can of home rendered
lard for sale at 10c a pound. I
pay the highest market prices for
hides.—John Fggers.
For Sale—Five or six acres of
land, in alfalfa, fenced chicken
tight. For terms and particulars
see Alfred Anderson.
Mrs. L. M. Williams and chil
dren went to Rockville last Thurs
day for a few days visit with the
Fred Minsbull family.
Forest Larson came up from
Hampton last Thursday and spent
a few days with his parents. Mr.
and Mrs. William Larson.
M rs. W. D. Garner and children
went to Rockville last Thursday
and visited till Saturday with her
husband, who is working there.
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Taylor re
turned home Thursday from
Dannebrog, where they had s|»ent
several da vs visiting with relatives.
W. F. Mason returned from his
trip to Missouri, Kentucky and;
Illinois, Monday. He rejKirts a
splendid time and a very enjoy
able trip.
Mrs. Fred Dunker and children
returned totheir home at Rockville
Thursday, after sending a few
days here visiting at the Henry
Dunker home.
Lou Schwaner, L. B. Polski j
and Robert Mathew are attending |
the state tennis tournament at Lin
coln this week. They played in
Tuesday’s events.
Mrs. Albert Anderstrom re
turned to her home at Ashton
Monday after spending a few days
here with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. E. B. Corning.
If you want a dray, phone A.L.
Enderlee. black 63, or leave your
order with either lumber yard or
E. G. Taylor. Best of service
The ladies of the M. E. Aid
society will hold an exchange or
food sale at The Rigdon Slocumb
place, on Saturday July 31. Sale
to begin before noon.
Miss Mamie Adamson returned
from Council Bluffs, Iowa, last
Thursday, where she had been the
past ten days visiting with her
sister. Mrs. W. S. Taylor.
Wanted—For the Eastern war
zone, the best and most market
able horses, sufficient in size and
quality for any of the duties re
quired there. See Myrl Warrick.
You can secure almost immediate
relief from the constant itching of
Eczema—use A val's Eczema Lo
tion—prompt in its action and
effective—we recommend its use.
Buy it at the Xyal store.
Mrs. Adolph Rischer and Miss
Atline Dunker returned to their
home at Rockville Friday after
spending a few days here visiting
at the Fritz Hapka and Henry
Dunker homes.
Mrs. Ed Janulewicz and little
daughter Ernestine, came up from
Ashton last Friday and visited till
Saturday. She left Saturday
noon for Rockville and St. Paul
where she will visit for several
days before returning to her
home at Ashton.
J. P. Leininger and fourteen
boys of his Sunday school class. !
camped on the river from Wednes-;
day until Saturday. Although
j the storm Friday night caused
i considerable excitement for a few
minutes, they came through it in
j fine shape and report as having
I had the best time ever.
Jnst The Kind for School
They Won't
Wear Out
15c and 25c
Per Pair
Daily sells for less.
Chase’s for fresh groceries.
Baled hay for sale.—R. L.
E. T. Thrasher, l’ainter and
Paper Hanger. 15tt
AA'illiam Lewandowski and
John Stanczyk were Ashton visi
tors Monday.
Get-a-Link, for friendship's
sake. At Eisner's Jewelry store.
Gold filled and Sterling silver.
C. Oltjenbrun^ returned home
from Trenton. Nebraska. Tuesday
where he has been the past week
The Misses Lila and Eva Good
win went to Erickson, Nebraska.
Monday morning for a visit with
M iss Pearl Hiddleson came up
from Grand Island last Friday
for a visit with the T. M. Hiddle
son family.
Mrs. Victor Johnson came up
from Harvard, Nebraska. Mon
day for a visit with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McLaughlin.
AVe will have something of
special interest Saturday on our
bargain counter. Loup City Cash
Store. AA'm. Lewandowski, Prop.
M iss Gertrude Herrod returned
to her home in Columbus last
Saturday after spending a few
days visiting at the J. A. Thomp
son home.
Tired, aching and sweaty feet
are made comfortable by sprink
ling Xyal’s Eas'Em into the shoes.
Do this for a few mornings and
you will be agreeably surprised at
the result.—Swanson & Lofholm.
The Hustlers Sunday school
class of the Presbyterian church
will have charge of the picture
show at the opera house Saturday
evening. A special program will
be given.
Mrs. Maude Burkey and three
children of Alma. Nebraska, who
are visiting her parents at Ar
cadia. accompanied by Mr. and
M rs. AA\ R. Stephenson, came
down Sunday and visited Mr. and
Mrs. O. D. Henyan.
Eli Cole and Theodore Ander
son of Mason City drove over
Sunday and visited the former’s
brother and brother-in-law, Jay
Cole and C. H. French. They re
turned home Monday accompanied
by Miss Callie Cole, who will
spend some time visiting her aunt
and uncle.
Naco Corsets
The Season’s Favorites
Wooten who enjoy beauty and quality ahoole
S Si " “J” N aco Corsets
Every atyle is, fitted over living model* and
expertly designed to improve and hmntif|
the form.
Naco Corsets
Beat Shapes Richest Trimming!
Greatest Values Finest Materials
Strong and Durable
Will Not Rust. Tear or Split
Kalamaroo, Mich.
-Sold By
Wa. Lewaadowski
Daily sells for less.
Chautauqua starts August 7th.
Sidney Thrasher was a passen
ger to Sargent Monday evening.
Did you get your fruit jars at
the Rexall store, for £1.20 a
dozen ?
Links—Links—We have them
in gold filled and Sterling silver,at
! H. M. Eisner's.
Go to the Loup City Cash Store
and see their new prices. Wm.
I Lewandowski. Prop.
A little touch of sunlight makes
the wholeworld kin. Use Sunlight
paint. Hansen Lumber Co.
Mrs. W. S. Waite and two
children went to Ashton last
Saturday for a short visit with
the Rowen Sutton family.
Mrs. Cash Conger and children i
came up from Dannebrog last
Saturday fora visit with the A.
T. and I. L. Conger families.
Miss Anna Erickson returned
to her home at Grand Island Mon
day after visiting here a few days j
with the E. A. Miner family.
Victor Swanson and family and
Rev. E. M. Steen and family, in
tended starting for Chicago in
their autos Tuesday, but the rains
have caused them to postpone the
The Misses Techia Polski and
Rose Tapolski returned to their
homes at Ashton Friday after;
visiting here a few days with,
relatives and friends.
There will be a lawn social at
the home of A. L. Zimmerman.
Wednesday evening, August 4th;
the proceeds to go to the fund for
improvements on the Presbyterian
church. All are invited to attend.
Albert Roecking returned home!
last Saturday from Kearney and
Litchfield where he had been the
past two weeks visiting with
relatives and friends. Mrs.Boeck
ing and baby remained for a
longer visit.
Governor Morehead has pro-1
claimed July 29th and 3uth as
good roads days, and asks every
one to get but and help work the
roads these two days. The good
roads proclamation is a good one.
but we believe the governor has
named two days in a very busy
season, that will keep many from
taking part in the movement, es
, (>ecially in this part of the state.
M rs. G. W. Collipriest and
i three younger children left last
Saturday for Ord where they will
spend a couple of days with the
W. L. Dietz family. From there
they will go to North Lamp and
Kearney for short visits and then
go on to Ames, Iowa, where she
will join her two older children
and go from there to Prior.
[Oklahoma for an extended visit
with her folks.
It has mined almost every day I
since last Saturday and over two'
inches of water has fallen. Hail:
storms have been very numerous!
all over the state, but this vicinity
has been fortunate in that regard,
a small territory west of town be
ing the only place touched by j
hail. There is some small grain
yet to cut and if this cloudy wet
weather continues there is danger
of wheat sprouting in the shock.
Corn has not made much progress
the last few days, but warm j
weather following the rains will j
bring it along nicely. The eorn I
crop is about made now.
is the time to BUILD.
market conditions were never more favor
able to the consumer.
Make Money Now
by building ahead. We have a big stock
„ and can name you prices that will interest you.
Call and see us.
Everything in building material.
Hansen Lumber Co.
That gives twice the heat and does not
use a wick. Gives a perfect blue flame.
— TO —
Attend The Sherman County Fair
September 22-23-24
At The Hub Clothing Store
$10.00 and $12.00 Suits
Clearme (DO A A
Price... $OaUU
$13.50 and $15.00 Suits
Sr. $11.00
331-3 Discount on
any Straw hat or Felt
hat in the house
Mens Union Suite
Puritan Mesh ICA
or Fine Ribbed WC
Men’s Dress Shirts
One Lot Men’s Dress Shirts,
the SOc kind #1 AA
$20.00 Saits $20.00
SET $14.50
Big Clearance on Shirts
$1.00 and $1.25 Shirts for 85c.
$1.50 Shirts for $1.15 $2.00 Shirts for $1.35
$2.50 Shirts for $1.75
The Hub Clothing Store
Victor Viener, Proprietor