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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1915)
LOUP CITY NORTHWESTERN CHIPMAN 4 HARTMAN PaiUm. Cai,f<4 at tw I—up City Hunt office fur lutaouMMi tbruuch the mull* ns arnnl iiu* matter. B*wy n4*t't:i<u<« 1* re*-»rdej as an apett i .aal TW name* luhecrtbers a a: la ina'aally i en. «e.1 from our mail !«S u*t at tw e*pir*ttoa <rf time pud for. It |uli>:.Men *.ltl le learned. ulttcTWle toe >u*ee-rtp«e,i> a ill remain m force at tw 4. • natel - .hecrtj.tiOfi inor Kvcry eirbecr.le r aa’ understand Hut these •Mlt ats are made a part of the con tract le-taeea pubhaher and eubscrlber. INCOMPETENT That the democratic party is in competent i> tin* statement made by senator John Shari* Williams *«f \!t«st*-ippt in an address to the United "late* 'senate. "Tlie poor. dear, okl foolish I temorratic party is going through tlie same game that she ean lie gefjerally trusted to go through," said >eoalor Williams to his demorratir colleagues. “You can fed govern the country. You are ll»c«illl|ieletit.“ ■s..tile measure* of that uwotn j«etency has lieeu referred to hititerto in stones |Miinting errors tn the tariff bill due to inexcusable blundering. Mistakes in other law* have ta-en discussed in more receut article*. A brief resume of these mistakes is given here arith. to lie followed later by in stata-e* of other faculty demo crat i«- legislation. No. s. Tlie provision enacted by tie* democratic congress to In.ild up tlie American merchant mania* utterly failed to achieve it* purjsise. and conferred the pro|s**ed Ilenefii instead u|<oneom l«et»tig vessels of oilier countries, giving to foreigners tip* profits from high freight rates, according to tie* decision of the court of «-iist*<ttts Appeals in tlie five per cent rvdiate case. No. J. The democratic con gress bJuniered in enacting the law to provide greater safety and c.mfort at sea for imssengers and seaman by naming two conflicting dates f.«r tlie lime it should take rnrt l No. Jo. Tlie “war tax*' law was inaccurately drawn; was not based upon correct estimates and fa. if I to pmv ide tie* money needed: and a* ie< pi ale juvjia ration for its enf«*reemetit was not made, caus ing great delay, annoyance and coftfutott. No 11. The executive branch of tbr democratic administration *% at war with the legislative braie n. ar»d ha-asked tlie supreme court to declare inoperative the law allowing a five jier cent re duction in Il«e tariff on goods im* j«»rted m A me nan bottoms. No. I*. Tlie ni*ft vital error a legislative body can make was ii.< ip. rated in tla* “war tax'* law. congress having given two conflicting dates as to the time **■ tied*ile K should begin to operate. N*i. 13. Congress invited liti gation over Schedule Id of the “war ux“ law by failing to clear ly ex|«res- the m**aning of the n* tax "cosmetics.” and t!ie matter is now in tlie courts. No. 14. thousands of dollars collected from trust companies under tlie “war tax’* law may Ua*e to i*e refunded liecause con gress failed to make clear wliether or re4 they an* subject to the tax. a *juj stjon tiiat has lieen taken to tbe courts for determination. W hile Secretary Redfiekl and the otiieis an- exulting over the h .oi, 11a*le growing out of the “war order- ' Imm.ui. it may br unkind to remind tiieni tiiat lie- imurer of business failures re ported m tins country during the past six months was the largest oil record for a similar period and tbe total liabilities wen* dose to a record figure also. Tlie n*cord of faiiun-s for June was tin* worst erer made in a single month. There I- great prosperity at Beth lehem. Pennsylvania, and at other points wiierc “war orders” are coin eutraled; and it is a great pu.i that nr do not all o-vn large blocks of Bethlele-Ui stock. But, while war factories prua|ier lie cause of Kurotieaii oomiitions with winch we have nothing to do. other enterprises have slackened or -offered disaster liecause of tildes put into operation by a democratic congress urged on by • democratic presiilent. Why does not nil this prosperi ty which tlie democrat* »alk aUrnt. slmw reflection in ibe transactions of the federal treasury f The government is now running behind in it* ex|ienses pearly a uiiilK>n dollars a day. Surely, if the country is so “pros perous*’ because of the mushroom development of “war orders,” that I prosperity ought to show itself | for the benefit of others than the I owners of or speculators in “war stocks. The federal treasury statement ior Saturday, July 17, showed a balance of $71,051,288.96 in the general fund compared with $120, 133,585.69 on the same date two years previous, under republican laws. The deficit for the first 15 working days of the new fiscal year was $13,142,587.94, showing that the administration is running l«ehind at the rate of $876,000 per day. The amount of building in Chicago the first half of 1915, as indicated by permits issued, was *37.000,060, against $44,0<M>,000 for the corresponding j»eriod of 1914. This is a pretty i>oorshow ing for a city which in 1911 ran above $100,000,000 in its building exjienditures and in other years has been more than $90,000,000. Heal estate transfers for the first half of this year foot up $56,000, 1 *00, against $66.O<tO,000 the first half of 1914. The local merchant pays his taxes in this town and assists in defraying the community ex l»enses. He is doing his part to ward building up your home. The .nail order man pays no taxes uere and is doing more than his share toward destroying the com munity. Who are you supporting' Scientists having proven that Nebraska once lay at the bottom of the sea. the Boston Transcript finds confirmation of the diagnosis iliat the I’latte was the original Salt Creek. A machine has been devised which will turn out 1,800 pies an hour. This beats Mr. Bryan at liis liest when the “deserving leinocrats*’ were thronging about the pie counter. THE CHURCHES. _ Swedish Kegular services at the church Sunday, Aug. 1. Preaching both morning and evening by the pas tor. Come arid hear. German. Services will lie held at Ashton on Sunday, August 1st. German >ervices at 10 a. m.: English at lo;45 a. m. You are invited.—F. \V. Guth. — Baptist. Kegular services Sunday morn ing and evening. A cordial in ivitation extended to everybody. .1. L. Dunn Pastor. — LET S EVERYBODY RESOLVE. __ W e cannot make this town what it ought to lie unless we all work in harmony to the some end. Pulling and pickering and knock ing will only drag our house down over our heads, and it is about time we looked the fact in the face and turned over a new leaf .for the (letter. W e can do much to improve our 'ocial.iuid commerical conditions, if we want to. Let's unanimousley resolve that we want to. j . . — AND THE YOUNG MAN SAID: • What Must I Do to Be a Booster? What Can I Do to Help Loup City? One man voted not to have street lights because, “1 never go out at night anyway.” One man argued not to remodel the school house because, “My children are all grown up now.” Another man discouraged the proposed City Library be cause, “1 have a good one in my own house.” And still another man voted to give no money for fire pro tection because, “My property can’t bum; it’s vacant lots.” But some men said: The streets are dark, let’s put up lights! The school house is crowded, let’s remodel it! Folks ought to read, let’s have a library! There’s danger of fire, let’ s organize to fight it! These same men said: Our children are delighted with the Chautauqua entertainment. Our young people enjoy the music. We are all inspired by the lectures. It’s good for us all. It’s within our reach. Lets have it! ANSWER Who Are The Boosters! Thera Is No Question I 'it that indigestion and the distressed feeling which always goes with it can he promptly relieved by taking a before and after each meal. 25c a box. Wm. Graefe. Circus at Grand Island. The Barnum and Bailey Great | est Show on earth, which comes I to Grand Island on Monday i August 2nd claim to present this year “A Circus of all Nations," meaning one that is filled with all j new features shown now for the I first time and presented by 480 j world-famed artists who represent ; every nation in the world. The entire world has been scoured by sjiecial Barnum and Bailey agents so that practically all the arenic stars that are really worth seeing take part. The time-honored custom has always been to refer to each suc cessive year's circus as “bigger and better than ever,’’ but the phrase has become so hackneyed that,this year, Barnum and Bailey hesitate to use it, despite the fact that it adequately descripes the entertainment. More railroad cars are required to transport the show, bigger tents are raised, more area is needed to accomodate the show than ever before. In fact, the circus has reached a point where it is the despair of many of the smaller railroads and taxes their facilities to the limit, for eighty-five cars are needed to con vey the gigantic canvas city from town to town. There’s material enough in this year's circus to make a dozen cir cuses of the old days. A “big top” 680 feet long, nearly 1,500 employees, three rings, four ele vated platforms, acres of aerial apparatus, the biggest stage ever erected for ad ramatic presentation, a 110-cage menagerie, 750 horses, forty elephants, a street parade three miles long. Among the novelties offered \ this season are the “Six Riding | 1 lannafords, ' “The Paldrens.” ! balancing, pyramiding and head jumping on the tops of burning, lamps.- “Pallenberg's Wonder : Bears,” “Adgie” and her den of I nine performing African lions, j Barnum and Bailey statue horses, I Madam Bradna’s Angel Horses. | Three great herds of war elephants, | trained and shown by the first and only lady elephant trainers. Be^ sides these, are 60 aerialists, 60 acrobats and 60 clowns. A wonderful prelude to this great circus is the presentation of the new, magnificent spectacular pageant, “Lalla Rookh’’ in which more than 1,000 characters take i part. Everyone should get an j early start on circus day in order to be there in time for the parade which starts at 10 a. m., and which I is said to be three miles long. One of the largest threshing machine manufacturing concerns in the entire country has made ar rangements for a superb exhibit at the next 'State fair. It is be lieved that other large companies wi[l follow the example and secure space. One of the officials of this threshing machine concern declared that the implement men had lost money by failing to exhibit in Ne braska last fall, and his company had decided to make an up-to-date 7miQ114 I ktfkakM SPEED. DTOT AUTOHOBILE RACES HORSE DACES FRIDAY AND ; SATURDAY^ SEPT. ( '# I ■ *5 fen* IN HUMAN ANIMAL ^VEGETABLE LlFE.^l >■ -i WHEN LOOKING FOR A SQUARE NEAL DROP IN AT THE Ideal Bakery & Restaurant SOUTH SIDE OF PUBLIC SQUARE Meals, Lunches and Short Orders at all Hours We Also Carry a Full Line of Bakery Goods. Careful Attention Given all Special Orders. "■TllarUn Repeating Stifle «vug-uiic Lauuu^cs; ex cellent for rabbits, squir rels* hawks, crows, foxes and all small game and target work up to 200 yards. Here’s die best*made •22 riflo in Ike world! It’s a take-down, convenient to carry and clean. The tool steel working parts cannot wear out. Its Ivory Bead and Rocky Mountain sights are the best set ever furnished on any .22. Has lever action—like a big game rifle; has solid top and side ejection for safety and rapid accurate firing. Beautiful case-hardened finish and superb build and balance. Price, round barrel, $14.50; octagon, $16.00. If Model 1S02, similar, but not take-down, prices. $12.15 up. Learn more about all Marlin repeaters. Send 3 THar/iliflT&ar/nS Gk% atampa postage for Ike 128-page Marlin catalog. 42 Wallow St, Now Haven, i THOMPSON’S BILLIARD PARLORS 1 have the best equipped Billard Hall in town. New and up-to date tables. Plenty of easy chairs. A tine line of cigars, tobacco, pipes, soft drinks and candies. You are invited to this place if you enjoy billards and good tables to play on. No house players -only mvself—so vou do not half to play the house, but will get treated one and all the same. J. W. THOMPSON, Proprietor exhibit and bid for the trade of Nebraska farmers. Two days of automobile rac ing will be offered by the Nebras ka state fair management Septem ber 10-11. Such well-known racers as Disbrow, Kaimey and others are entered and there will be a large number of contestants. Subscribe for the Northwestern. Business and professional Guide ROBT. P. STARR Attorney at Law LOUP CITY .... NEBRASKA R. H. MATHEW Attorney at Law And Bonded Abstractor LOUP CITY - - - - NEBRASKA AARON WALL Lawyer Practices in All Courts LOUP CITY .... NEBRASKA LAMONT L. STEPHENS Lawyer First National Bank Building LOUP CITY .... NEBRASKA ROBERT H. MATHEW Bonded Abstracter Only Set of Abstract Books In County LOUP CITY .... NEBRASKA 0. E. LONGACRE Physician and Surgeon OFFICE. OVER NEW BANK Telephone Call No. 39 A. J. KEARNS Physician and Surgeon Phone 30—Office at Residence Two Doors East of Telepone Central LOUP CITY .... NEBRASKA A. S. MAIN Physician and Surgeon LOUP CITY .... NEBRASKA Office at Residence Telepone Connection ,J. E. SCOTT LICENSED EMBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR With Daily Furniture Co. Phone Red 65 LOUP CITY C. R. SWEETLAND Plumber & Electrician For good, clean and neat work Satisfaction Guaranteed Come and Get My Prices WALTER THORNTON Dray and Transfer Call Lumber Yards or Taylor’s Elevator Phone Brown 43 J. E. Bowman, M. D. Carrie L. Bowman, M. D. BOWMAN & BOWMAN Physicians and Surgeons Phone 114 LOUP CITY - - - • NEBRASKA S. A. ALLEN Dentist Office Upstairs in the New State Bank Building LOUP CITY .... NEBRASKA W. L. MARCY Dentist Office: East Side Public Square Phone Brown 116 LOUP CITY .... NEBRASKA E. T. BEUSHAUSEN Licensed Embalmer Funeral Director Graduate in Anatomy, Sanitary Science and Embalming of Barnes Embalming School New Elliptic Springs and Rubber Tired Funeral Car. Calls Answered Day or Night. Phone No. 104 Lady Assistant In Connection >*" "-—I If you want to sell your farm, or other property, list it with us at once. We can find you a buyer. If you have a farm or city property to rent, give us a full description of it and your terms of lease. We can get you a de sirable tenant. If you want a farm loan, we can secure it for you at lowest interest rates and give you quickest and most satisfactory service. If you have idle money, we can furnish you well secured, tax free mortgages draw ing reasonable rates of interest, payable twice a year. ' We write hail, tornado, fire, life and auto mobile insurance. Why not consult us when in need of any thing in our line? FIRST TRUST COMPANY Loup City, Nebraska LOUP CITY FLOUR Wh v buy Flour shipped here by outside mills when you can get Loup City White Satin Flour for less money, and every sack guaranteed. All dealers, handle our flour. LOIP CITY MILL &LIGHT CO. THRESHING COAL It is impossible to get a coal with more steam makiny properties than these we handle. The price is right, too. Here is what we have; Rock Springs, Canon City and Juniper Nut, Old Ben Egg, Niggarhead and Canon City Lump. KEYSTONE LUMBER CO. Yards at Loup City, Ashton, Rockville, Schaupps and Arcadia Patronize Northwestern Advertisers—They’re Safe