The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 29, 1915, Image 2
NEWS OF THE WEEN CONDENSATIONS OF GREATER OR LESSER IMPORTANCE. A BAILING DOWN OF EVENTS Nile—t. Political Personal and Other Matters la Brief Form for All Classes of Reader* WAN NEU N. Germany contemplates a near war loan a September, aays an Amster dam da patch. e a s The new Russian ministry of tuu art Maas, with poser to mobilize ail n dm tries, a to be create*! • • • U is reported that an *-«*>: mous mass at war miraitioas is tearing in to Viadivustok port for the Russian ni aii i as# The Russians are said to lr -utter Inc tram lack of artillery and awuiu a lien and a shortage of officers to anmwmid thofr forres. • • • A second cruiser Juts fallen Tfrtua to an Austrian submarine. The Gaeseppr Garibaldi, one of a squad rut at four ahich bombarded t'at*aro. was torpedoed and smi to the hot Ion*. a a a The allies total casualties of the liardanelhrs * xp*diuonar> forces to date .n killed, wounded and missing have been i:.i:i officer* and men. Eremier Asquith told the House ot • • • The Swedish bark f'apella and the Norwegian bark Xordlyset. b> ’a tim ber laden and bound (or Kngi-nd wwre set oa fire in the North «*c by German submarine* • • • Tbe Amen* an note to G-rwatiy. urbkb is declared to be the final word at tbe lulled States gov* rn meat with reference to further trans gressions of its ngLt* has been dis patched to Berlin • • • If is reported in Berne. Switzer land, that the German government Las issued an order probib t:ng the export at all German beer Th*- wo Use suggested is that produ* tic a at ready has been reduced by the war to ’ff per reat • • • A p« vote at credit of ilie. | tuw.ouo I fT jS.<OS.*h*Oi. was lntrodu* e*i 1 In tbe British house of commons This second supplementary vote will bring eh*- sum actually appropriated by par Bameut far war expenditures to the total at hCo.ow.oov ifJ^id.oou.tPwn * * • A Bulgarian ministerial order was , Issued, says tbe Tunes' Sofia. Bui garta. correspondent. definitely sus pending railroad communication with Turkey Tbe step appear* to have been taken in consequence of * out in •ed Turkish Interference with traffic • • • Labor troubles are affecting the na tions at war Tbe storks of war munitions of Great Britain and Trance are likely to be considerably rcurtailed through u strike of the Remington Arms and Ammunition company at Bridgeport. Conn . where large contracts are outstanding • f-i^r r> ^ Alberta. Can. voted dry. in a re cant election, taro to one • • • Theodore Koofev« it told a crowd at Portland Ore. be will apeak on sub >-eta of national interest, but not for cnpbeodr and mollycoddles. • • • live deaths resulted from the heat Ui Philadelphia and a sixth man rum m.tted suicide while temporarily in sane from oppressive weather • • • Ten dsrtographs have been install «d m the lUtaois penitentiary in an effort to detect the murderer of Mrs. Odette M Allen, wife at Warden Ed mute M Allen • • • Nebraska has suffered at least $1, SM.MW hall damage to crops this year, la the opinion of C. O. Talmage, manager of the Columbia Fire l'nd* r writers, an Omaha firm • • • Revenge prompted Christian P ISerthsche to turn informant, accord ing to his own story as related in the trial of bribery charged against for mer Detective Sergeants Walter If'Bnea and William Egan at Chicago. • • • Colonel Roosevelt. In discussing V toted States preparedness for war. at San Fraaciaro, said be beli-v-d that this country should have military truiB-nc for young men similar to the Rams method • • • All business houses, railroad freight and d.’-Mou offices and manufactur ing concerns at Ottumwa, la. sus pended work for aa hour during the funeral service of Thomas D Foster, head at the Morrell Pac king < om pnny o< Ottumwa, la. Sioux Falla. R. D. and Liverpool. England • • • An agwement to settle the great coni miners strike In South Wales hns bees reached between n presen tauves of tb* British government and the coni miners and the executive r„nn—■ of the miners' federation • • • Counterfeit money with a face -mine of nearly S?S.<*0. alleged coun terfeit Minnesota state bonds running uf M f2&.uo* and dies, plates, engrav ing tools and chemical.' used by a f„,f ^ counterfeiters, fell into the of the Chicago police. Five men were arrested. • • • Timber valued nt •ever*! hundred —* dollars has been destroyed s_ , <am( fire along Turpin creek In tL Medicine Bow. national forest. Rfty miles northwest of Laramie, wr> Naeo, Mexico, lias been ocupied by ('imi.u troops in violation of agree ment with the United States. • • • The Wabash railroad property was sold at auction to a creditors' com mittee lor $18.000.000, in St. Louis. • • • Chit ago real estate increased in value during the last year $311,708, 124. according (o figures announced by Paul H Wiedel. real estate ex pen of the Hoard of Assessors. • • • Waiter J. Petersen, former chief of polite at Oakland, Cal., offered segregation as a solution of the se rial evil in cities to the delegates of the n ntn international Purity con eresa at San Francisco. • • • !' i'lay Ford, 72. formerly of Ba! ii .or. w Jo was resident manager of i>rd - tijw-ra house at the time pres id* tit Uin oln was shot, died at St. Mary's hospital in Pink, N. J., fot 7>w ng an op ration, recently. • * * On* mail was shot to death, more than twenty others were wounded by bullets and many were seriously hurt by flying cobblestones in a riot be twe* !.'•»! striking employees of the Stanford Oil company and B'O po licemen at Bayonne. N V. » * * L«**> XI Frank, whose death sen fence for tiie murder of Marp Pbagan r 'ently. was romuiuted to life im prisonment. was attacked by anoth er prisoner at the state prison farm at Mi! edgeville. La., and seriously injure, by being < tit in the throat. SI*ORTINO Jim Flynn, the Pueblo fireman, 1 ,,i ■ • J out Andy .Nlaloy ol Sail latke t tty in ’he second round of a sched uled wenty-round bout in Pueblo, Colo. • • • S;.:ti latngford, Boston r.epio heavy weiaijt, Kno< ki-d out Jack Thompson Colorado negro boxer in the first tint s’. • onds of their scheduled fif teen-round boat in Denver. • • • Ai Wolgast will meet Joe Welling, the Chicago lightweight, in Duluth. Minn . August *> in the opening bout under the new Minnesota boxing, law. The bout will be ten rounds. • * • Mauri* r E. M< Loughlin. w orld's ■ ...mptun of singles, won tiie Pacific Panama cxp< sit ion tennis champion -hip. n San Francisco, in men's sin gle*. • • • !!.• W* stern league by President (I'Ncili. *,n August *1. when games will be played at Omaha. Sioux City St. Jnxcp;. and Des Moines. • • • Joe Steelier, Nebraska wrestling phen >m. .* booked to meet Baba an agaff. one of the flock of terrible Turks who are in this country, at lies oines on the night of July 31. • • • "Deac" Myers, the Germantown Neb. pitcher, lias joined the Lincoln club cf tiie Western league Myers has been striking out fifteen to twen ty hatters in almost every game he has pitched this summer. • * • With tiie disposal of Eddie Murphy to the Chicago White Sox only eight of the members of the Philadelphia Athletics who participated in the world’** -erics games with the Boston Nationals last year remain with the club. • • • Ja< k Ness of the Oakland team, in the Pacific Coast league, hit in his forty ninth consecutive game. At Los Angeie- Ness established a new world's record for hitting in consecu | five gam* s on July 13 when he pass tiie previous record of hits in forty < nse< utive games, made by Ty Cobb. WAbhlMJ l ON. Satisfactory progress with the new -< nool for the training of submarine < b«ers was reported to Secretary Daniels b> Captain Albert \V. Grant, recently designated as chief of the submarine service afloat and ashore. • • • Suits are about to be brought by tin government against American cit izen* who. though apparently able to do -o. rt fuse to repay money expend ed for their relief when they were tranded in Europe at the outbreak of the war. • • • Shipping interests' agitation for an extra session of congress to repeal the '>• amen's labor law” is useless, it is stated at Uie White house. The preridt nt will convene congress for no i aus- except an acute diplomatic i crisis. • • • l-arge increases in exports of ex i piosivi . iron and steel manufacturers. ante mobiles, leather. cotton and | Ao.'len goods, chemicals, all classes of meta goods and foodstuffs are shown by detailed department of • lumen >■ s tatistics for May. • • + Increases of 10 per cent in the joint ; rate of the Southern railway and the Wabash railroad on bituminous coal from the Belleville district in Illinois to umaha and points in tbe same group, were allowed by tbe interstate Commerce commission. • • • American naval officers have taken charge of tbe powerful wireless plant of tbe Ailantic Communication com pany at Sayvilie, E. I., which will be operated by the government until the i b><e of the European war to insure against violations of neutrality. • • • I’re dent Wilson has commuted to expire at once the jail term of Uobert F. Hicks, the New York man, who. after twelve years’ successful elusion of imprisonment for a viola tion of the postal code, gave up a prosperous business and surrendered i himself. • • • Despite protests from Omaha grain interests, the interstate commerce commission has decided railroads may discontinue payment of the al lowance of 1-4 cents a bushel for ele vation of grain. ' - DEADLOCK IS ENDED PRESIDENT ANNOUNCES RECESS APPOINTMENTS. # MEN WILL SOON BEGIN DUTIES Loomis and Alien Both Well Known Bryan Men Selected—Flynn and McCene Chosen. Washington.—President Wilson has nroke the deadlock over Nebraska federal patronage which has con tinued between Senator Hitchcock and former Secretary of State Wil liam J Bryan for the past two years by announcing the following appoint ments: Ueorge L. Loomis, Fremont, col lector of internal revenue. T. S. Allen, Lincoln, United States district attorney. T. J. Flynn, Omaha, United States marshal. Charles McCune, Omaha, collector of customs. The four men. whose recess ap pointments to the four big federal positions in Nebraska, will receive their commissions in a short time and they will enter upon their duties as soon as official bonds arc arranged. Although the matter of turning over the affairs of offices of such im portance is not a small one. there need be little delay after the receipt of the commissions, as there are ex experienced deputies and assistants in all of the offices, who are familiar with the daily routine, and these of fice forces will undoubtedly be re tained for a reasonable length of time. The position of collector of internal revenue, which has fallen to Mr. C. W. M'CUNE, Collector of Customs. Loomis, carries the highest salary, $4,300, while Mr. McCune as collector of customs and custodian of the fed eral building will receive $3,300. The salaries of marshal and district at torney are $4,000 each George T. Loomis, of Fremont, is a lawyer and was at one time district judge in Dodge county. T. S. Allen is a lawyer and has been very active in politics for twen ty years In Nebraska. He resides at Lincoln, and is a brother-in-law of \V. J. Bryan. Thomas J. Flynn of Omaha is a very popular leader and a veteran city and county campaign manager. Mr. Flynn has served several times as chairman of the Douglas county democratic committee, was manager of Mayor Dahlman’s campaigns and was the head of the organization which conducted the campaign for the "ins” in the last city election. Charles VY. McCune has for nearly forty years been engaged in the news paper business and for several years has occupied the position of night editor of the World-Herald. His posi tion on that paper will be filled by E. F. Fodge, formerly of St. Louis. The republicans whose places will be filled by the new appointees are William F. Warner, United States marshal; Frank S. Howell. United States attorney; and Cadet Taylor, collector of customs. Ross Ham mond. formerly internal revenue col lector. resigned during the winter, and the duties of his office have since bpcn done by E. W. North, his as sistant. Attack Upon Liner Confirmed. Washington, I). C.—A submarine, presumably German, attacked the Cunarder Orduna on its way from Liverpool to New York without warn ing, it is conclusively shown by New York Collector of the Port Malone’s report, according to high authority. Longshoremen Strike. New York.—Nine hundred long shoremen < mploved by the Clyde l Steamship Co. and the Mallory Steamship Co. have gone on strike for more wages. A leader declared longshoremen employed by most large companies would soon strike. Not Planning Volunteer Army. Washington, D. C.—Secretary Gar rison has denied a published report that the war department is working on a plan for a volunteer force of 800,000 men. Hands Frozen Off. Nome. Alaska.—News has been re ceived that Johann Koren, a Norwe gian naturalist, in the Arctic for the Smithsonian institution, suffered the loss of both hands by freezing last winter while his expedition was in the ice in Kolyma river, Siberia. Consul Leaves Warsaw. Washington—The American con sul at Warsaw cabled the State do partment that the Belgian consul had left and that the American consulate had taken charge of Belgian affairs A new broom factory will be built at Peru soon. A German picnic is to be given at Syracuse August 20. Arlington Chautauqua will be held August 23 to 27. Odd Fellows of Avoca will hold their annual picnic July 29. A Community Interest club has been organized at Lyons. A new municipal concert band has been assured for Hastings. Tlie New Era is the name of a new paper being published at Hebron. The Adams county fair will be held September 27 to October 2. Petitions are l>eing circulated in Adams for a water works system Several hundred dollars damage was done in the town of Winslow by Fire caused by lightning destroyed the electric light plant in Seward. Colfax county lias 671 autos this year, according to reports of asses sors. August 31 to September -1 are the dates of Omaha's Merchants' Market Week. Lincoln county farmers say they are harvesting the finest crop ever known. The $2,000 barn of Ed Westphal, south of Eikhorn. was destroyed by lightning. The cornerstone of tile Masonic home for orphans at Fremont, will be laid August 1. Fremont's watermelon and musk melon crop suffered heavily as a re sult of hail. Two large bridges were washed out by high water in drainage district No. 1, near Humboldt. Thousands of dollars of loss re sulted in the vicinity of Omaha from i severe hail storm. Frank Lehmkuhl’s $1,500 barn at Wahoo was struck by lightning and burned to the ground. Hebron citizens are agitating the question of curbing and guttering the business section of the city. The first annual picnic of the Ne braska Knights of Pythias will be held in Ashland August 12. Fire destroyed the Sclnvenk im plement store at Beemer, the loss ! being estimated at $10,000. ’be overflowing of the Eikhorn river. Fairbury is to have a ladies’ baud with twenty-four members. J. Herbert Riggs is succeeding his father, who died recently, as editor ■>f the Waterloo Gazette. H. E. Willis, formerly of Omaha, is now editor and manager of the I^oup City Times-lndependent. Alfred Swanson, a farmer living near Craig, was struck and instantly killed by a bolt of lightning. Harvey Ward, son of J. M. Ward of Tecumseh. was run over by an auto mobile in Falls City and killed. Twenty-three bushels to the acre of 60 W test wheat were threshed from B. B. Mills’ field west of Hastings. A picnic will be held at Crab Orch ard August 19. under the direction of the Commercial club of that town. C. H. .Musselmar. s shoe store at Alma was badly damaged by fire. The less on stock and building is $2,500. N. P. Updike of Omaha has pur chased ,T. S. Hamilton's one-third in terest in the Hastings Milling com pany Seventeen head of cattle, valued at $800, were killed in a storm on the A. B. Cornelius farm, near Hum boldt. Work has begun on the construction of a new St. John’s Evangelical Luth eran church at Davkin. The church will cost $8,000. John McGuire received twenty bushels to the actv from wheat near Inland thought to have been dam aged one-third by hail. Samuel Dickey, a wealthy farmer living near Ponca, was killed when his automobile crashed through a bridge railing and fell into a small stream. Hans Anderson, a farmer residing north of Malrno, sustained injuries that may prove fatal, when an au tomobile in which he was riding ran off a bridge. William Ferguson, who resides near Fremont, lost five valuable hogs when a herd of forty was swept down stream several rods during high water. A display of Lincoln county prod ucts for the state fair and for the Lincoln county fall festival is to be arranged by John Gilman. Leaven worth, Kas., an expert. The total assessed valuation of Gage county according to the returns made to the county assessor, is $11, 727.687, a gain of a little over a hun dred thousand dollars over that of ’ast year. A coroner's jury found that the death of Francis B. Robbins. 9-year old boy, who drowned in a pool at Elmwood park, in Omaha, was due to negligence of the park commis sioner. Humidity in the atmosphere, with the thermometer 9S in the shade, re sulted in death to three horses near Hastings. Boy scouts are to camp on the Hastings Chautauqua ground this year They will keep the ground in good condition. The Ord Chautauqua will open Au gust 3. William J. Bryan. Senator Gore and Opie Reed are among the headliners on the program. The county fair will be held the last day of August and the first two days of September. Warden Fenton of the state peni tentiary. Lincoln, has been suggest ed for the position of United States marshal, it is said. The Northwestern Nebraska Med ical society and the Elkhorn Valley Editorial association will build a new building at Long Pine to be used as headquarters for both associations. State Food Commissioner Harman received $10,309.52 in fees in June, the fees for oil inspection being $9. 508.76. The inspectors in all depart ments, food, oil, drug and dairy, made 3,215 inspections. \ Don’t Persecute Your Bowels • Cut out cathartics and purgatives They are brutal, harsh, unnecessary. Try^^ CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS A Purely vegetable. Act gently on the liver. . eliminate bile, and A soothe the delicate^) membrane otthe^Bg bowel. Cure Canatipation, Itliouaneas, Ciel. ^ ■cb« h4 laJifttlioa. ai milUoaa know. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature DAISY FLY KILLER namental. convenient cheap. Lasts Sll ssason. Made of metal, oantsplllor tip over; will not soil or Inj uro anythin* Guaranteed effective. All dealers ©risen! express paid for II ■AEOLD lOM'lRB, 150 D« Ea1» Are., Srookly*, H. T. W. N. OMAHA, NO. 30-1915. IDEAL WOMEN OF THE PAST Live in History as the Inspiration of Men Who Led the World in Art and Learning. “All inspiration comes from woman.” In these words Castiglione sums up medieval ideas and theories on the subject. Hers it is to inspire man with hope and courage on the battlefield and in the council chamber, in the pur suit of art and learning, in the higher paths of virtue and religion, to point the way upward and lift hearts from ?arth to heaven. So it was that the boy Raphael grew up in the enchanted air of Urbino un der the fostering care of the good duchess; so Isabella d'Este heard young Ariosto recite the first cantos of his great poem, or gave Mantegna snd Costa themes for their pictures in the studio of the grim old castello that looks down on the Mantuan lakes and the windings of "smooth-sliding Mincius.” So Veronica Gambara smiled on the jarly efforts of the painter Correg gio, and Vittoria Colonna soothed the loneliness of Michelangelo’s weary old age. By their delicate culture and refined iaste these noble women brought art Into close touch with life. By their gracious and kindly sym pathv they cheered the artist souls that were struggling toward the light, and helped to produce immortal works. Will posterity say as much for the women of cur own age?—Exchange. Mollified. This really happened In New York the other day: Displeased Parent—Molly, 1 find you have been buying three pairs of gloves without my permission. Why did you do it? Miss Molly (aged twelve)—Why, daddy, I was obliged to have some gloves; I hadn't a pair to wear! Displeased Parent—It was very wrong of you to buy the gloves with out asking either your mother or me about it Miss Molly—Well, never mind, dad dy dear; they won’t cost anything. I had them charged!—New YTork Eve ning Post. Moral Discipline. "Why do you Insist on going away every summer?” asked one woman "For the sake of moral discipline," replied the other. “I like to get my husband where he has to eat what is set before him, without uttering a word of complaint.” When a man becomes thoroughly contented he has outlivec his useful ness. Insurance against unemployment is being introduced in Ravaria. *"" ***1J Coal Oil and Hot Pie Proved a Bad Mixture. — Captain Bulling of the Bark Moonshine Spins a Yarn Having to Do With the Misadventure of Ship wrecked Yankee Seaman. Squinting thoughtfully through sun reddened eyes, Captain Bulling of the three-masted bark Moonshine, at an chor off Staten Island after a voyage of three months around the Horn from Valparaiso, watched the tug carrying i his crew dwindle in the shadows to ward the Battery. , "We rescued a whale-eatin' Maine sailor who was cast ashore on an is land off Tierra del Fuego," the captain remarked thoughtfully. "But we lost him again, ’cause he couldn't get used to our food. Whale oil is worse'n liquor on a Yankee." And then, be tween savage attacks on a terrible cigar, he spun this harrowing yarn: "We were heatin' it in a fair wind off the Horn late one night when the lookout sights a fire on an island to our win'ard and sings out. I clapped the glasses to my eye and saw a lot of niggers wavin' and In front of 'em is a big fellow who looks like a bear “After a while a boat come back with this sailor, Joshton, who is sit ting in the stern, with his mouth open in' and shuttin' like he is a clam. “It seemed he was aboard the Mary Banter, with a load of lumber from 'Frisco to Norfolk, 14 years ago. Corn in' around the Horn they met up with a blow and when Joshton woke up next he found himself on this coral island we took him off of. “He must have fainted from hunger, when he was woke up by niggers pokin’ him, and when he yelled they yelled, too, and fell down on their faces and kicked iheir toes up. "He signed he wanted food and the niggers brought him whale blubber, which he hit one over the head with, signin’ for water They brought him a bowl of whale oil and he nearly went crazy. But that was all he could get, so he chewed the whale blubber and ■ drank the oil slow and it put life into him. "When I heard that yarn 1 yelled for the cook to fix him a meal that would make him forget his whale diet. He looked at it with glistenin’ eyes when it come, and filled his mouth, but he can't eat it—and he can't drink any water. ; Twa'nt any use. He drank some water one night and went staving wild, pulling the lamp from the brack et and drinking a quart of coal oil. 1 watched him. expectin' any minute ! to see him die. but it done him good | Yessir, he smiled and said: 'That’s fine 1 believe, captain, 1 could stand | another ' So 1 had em broach a keg 1 o' oil we had on deck, and gave him I a schooner of it. "That oil agreed with him. But two weeks ago—I'm off Hatteras—I heard j a terrible roar from the galley and hurried out. 1 saw Joshton lit up in side so I couid see his 'innards, like his outside with a lamp chimney. | Flames was issuing from his mouth, I and he leaped into the sea, right over j the rail. As he hit the water there ; was an explosion, and he was gone. “Joshton was just drinkin' his hour ly scooper o’ coal oil, and he wan ! dered into the galley, just as the cook was pulling a hot pie out of the oven. Poor Joshton smelt that pie and it brought back memories so strong he couldn't resist. He reached over and ; picked that pie up and took a big bite, j washing it down with a swaller of coal | oil. The heat was too much, there , was combustion or something, and he lit up all over, being filled up for years with whale oil, you know, and in agony he jumped overboard." Captain Bulling sighed morosely. "I lost the address of his folks, too," THOUGHT SHE COULD NOT LIVE Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. Unionville, Mo.—“I suffered from a ferule trouble and I got so weak that 1 couiu naiuij » » “ across the floor with out holding on to something. I had nervous spells and my fingers would cramp and my face would draw, and I could not speak, nor sleep to do any good, had no appetite.and everyone thought I would not live. Some one advised me to take Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. I had taken so much medicine and my doctor said he could do me no good so I told my husband he might get me a bottle and I would try it By the time I had taken it I felt better. I continued its use,and now I am well and strong. “I have always recommended youi medicine ever since I was so wonder fully benefitted by it and I ho()e this letter will be the means of saving some other poor woman from suffering.”— Mrs. Martha Seavey, Box 1144, Unionville, Missouri. The makers of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound have thousands of such letters as that above — they tell the truth, else they could not have been obtained for love or money. This med icine is no stranger — it has stood the test for years. If there are any complications you do not understand write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confidential) Lynn.Mass. Your letter w ill he opened, read and answered by a woman and held iu strict confidence. be said. "1 can never tell 'em bow be wanted to be remembered to 'em," And he threw away his cigar, and ; cocked a sage eye toward the Statee ; of Liberty—she seemed to be smiling | a bit in the sunset It's useless to be good unless you're good for something. Home Secrets. Visitor (hungry)—And at what time j do you have dinner, my little friend? Terrible Boy—Soon as you've gone. Counter Irritation. "Does that man wake you up at s x o'clock in the morning, running the lawn mower?" “Xot any more. I get up at five and j ask him to lend it to me for aii hour. ’ Going Dp. “It takes a good man to bring heme the bacon.” "And it takes a better man than it did a few years back. Meat products are on the rise.” So It Is. "The creeping vine you see on yon der roadside reminds me of a rural panic.” “In what way?" "Don’t you notice its run on the j bank?" How She Looked: "I lost a dollar at the matinee this afternoon," remarked the fleshy worn an to her husband, “and 1 never was so angry in my life." "How'd it happen?” asked the raan "1 dropped it in the aisle," she an swered shortly, "and 1 looked for it— that's all I could do.” "Did you look good?" persisted the head of the house "Did I look good!" shrilled the v;om an, really angry now. "I looked as good as a fat woman crawling around on all fours ever does."—Collier’s ! Weekly. There’s Energy and Summer Comfort in this simple breakfast: It satisfies the appetite and is easily digested. A little fresh Fruit; Grape=Nuts and cxeam; One or two soft-boiled Eggs; Some crisp, buttered Toast; And a cup of Instant Postum. If digestion rebels at the customary meal, try the “Grape-Nuts Breakfast” The result can be observed, and shows plainly “There’s a Reason” FOR IV ~ \ Grape-Nuts