The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 22, 1915, Image 3

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V. F. MASON President L. HANSEN. Cashier
Rome Was Not Built
1 ■ ’ • 1 -_.real wealth accumulated in the
! * ‘i‘ ‘ ■«- • »•>>' It is only i»\ patient savings
that Morgans are made.
i he easiest wav to acquire
the savings liahii t> to stuit a
(•auk account.
• Mir hank wishes to help you
acquire this habit.
fall and see us.
First National Bank
Loup City, Nebraska.
We Pay 5 per cent on Time Deposits.
!».. - I- ft*-.
* 11 -i *um- \ l i*l 7th.
1. « j v - : at" :.a <]>{t*
I I I ra>inr. 1‘amlt-i and
J' - llauarr. 5Mf
S-.r ,:e Paints most economical
spec ■ prices Hansen Lumber Co
■1 " M :». ■;i , ; - • ■*!•;. —.
> f i# "t. !’ Mm."lav,
lillh-k %*»' hi* u »•*—
n.-r I- U«. U lie M
rritu !.<■■*.‘liii**i> «a* a i«s*sen
V" -»it, \|ii'na> aim mm*.
; K *t- : (.Vi’ira!
'I . n -ii'irin* j fur -i -imrl
- \ .1- a i - i i n-*
I*.t t>* * -'(raft "*■ i-i Kri
" a. .!> a!i*I
Ml'' If "•■illl
*•* ■■ •- F :■ ■ ■ • :! L-* Friday
1* i '• tit nrlaiart.
Try Loup City Flour
1 >aily sells for less.
t '.ia- ' for fresh groceries.
I : " Mason visited al Austin
!a*! " t ini'day.
Fall:- r C’lidziii'ki \va< a passen
g< r to Paplin last Friday.
Ed. Thrasher went to St. Paul
M " i.\ where ia-is working.
V i t ; . t\t- III ' i s|\ pigs
: e. Impure of A If ted A tide r
s< l|l.
Vli'. M. ! .esohinshv visited at
ist Fi ia\ and Satur
•it ,•! t ,e I Amp City (. :i'li ''tore
-■ tiieir new prices. Win.
!.• ■ owski. Pr »p.
!e- ■ an Mf'. .f. 1,. i )unn
v -it it Koekville i ist Tlmrsdr.v,
lid T 11,(. s.|,;1('. e\ ening.
Herman t Milsen returned to
I i It tv Mon a\ nioining after "uii iay with Immc folks.
Mi"'\oria 1-ov iei wa»apassen
' ' Aieadia last Th irsday to
> - a it!i Mi" Waunetta t Unger.
$ Dry Goods Carnival
At Loup City For Ten Days
> — ■—
The Loup City Mercantile Company
$25,000 Stock of Goods to Select From
iu»>iaiMvs have combined to make this saie
adttsaide it this season of the year.
" • lit very hcavil;. ’his spring anticipating a
■ i>.i>teroii> weather conditions has left
it rsit in I uid we ar< ompeiied to saeri
*■< i' ’ in order t > sell while merchandise is
hi demand
x • - ' ; tint when our friends and patrons
b t<. t:i. fullest by this great bargain sale.
Be .w w.- . ; -te a few of the items w hich will go
I in this Mile:
t *. r• r*i j' DC
LACE »t • ' : 7
Sc \ • t ; . r .1: IC
-i at DC
» >• .r;: aq
'a 4DC
'>* !»' 00#*
Sa'- DC
a I DC
II per cent o.scoani on all Shoes
lariRt this Sale
■ ■ ...
BOYS' SUITS. *o ilce "(it ;it u
• and £».(*• i] ues. at «v*wO
BOYS SUITS - ilar (1 AA
■ -- this Sale #t>90
TABLE LINEN value ir.
l a i • ■ Linen CQn
S lie at 09C
* j® Ta i *• Linen 80C
Special Price on all Ladies
Muslin Underwear
A arjrt i rkish Towel At
Mt-n » ( Kid i'.,nb AA
_V .md up to. g I .UU
Men s Straw Hats at Big Cut Price
1'* ill. far idf.UU
— - < . ■ ■ ■ —.. . . — ■
We always pay the highest market price
for produce. Call and see us.
* Loup City Mercantile Co.
Daily sells for less.
fry Chase's first—it pays.
Step ladders $|. Stack ladders
SI 25 up Hansen Lumber Co.
K. C. Taylor was a business
passenger to Palmer Tuesday
W hen you feel like thirty cents,
sake Aval's Touic. Sold only at
the A val store.
We will pay 10c for hens and 17c
for springs this week Ravenna
Creamery Company.
Second cutting alfalfa for 'ale.
Leave order to A. A. Steen, U. P.
Foreman. Loup City.
Mrs. R. M. Hiddleson and
daughter Ada. visited with friends
at Rockville Saturday.
Mrs Sam Daddowauddaughter, went to St. Paul Tuesday
to visit with the A. L. Batman
Mi ss Delephine Daddow went to
Austin Saturday for a few days
visit with Alonzo Daddow and
Miss Mary Reitnan accompanied
her little niece. .Miss Myrtle Johns,
to her home al Arcadia Saturday
Mi'. J. 11. Martin of Omaha
arrived here Saturday for a visit
with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J.
W. Ainick.
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Sorensen!
returned home from their honey
moon trip to Denver, last Thurs
day evening.
I*r. .1. L. Bowman will soon |
commence the erection of ;t mod
ern residence on his lots in the
north part of town.
Mrs. William lJowe and daugh
ter. Mrs. Seliw ietzer and children
went to Blaine county for a short
visit with relatives.
>1*" Victoria Tapolski came up
from Sehaupps Monday for a few
days" visit with her brother.Frank
Tapolski and wife.
For Sale—Five or six acres of I
land, in alfalfa, fenced chicken
tight. For terms and particulars
-ee Alfred Anderson.
Mrs. 11. S. Conger returned to'
her home at Arcadia Saturday
evening after visiting here with
relatives and friends.
•V pound can of home rendered
lard for sale at lot* a pound. I
pay the highest market prices for!
hides. .lohn Kggers.
Mrs. K. F. Bell went to Sp
Ki wards. Nebraska, Tuesday
morning where she will visit with:
relatives for a few days.
George Mustek and family re
turned home from Junior. Nebras
ka. where they have been visiting
t . relatives and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Mell Gordon and
two children and Mrs. d. K. Ward
were down from Arcadia Monday
enjoydug the day at the park.
We will have something of
sj>ecial interest Saturday on our
bargain counter. Coup City Cash
More. Win. Lcwandowski. Prop.
Mi>s Mar •loluisoi). who lias:
visiting here with her friend. ;
.Miss ivlna links, returned to herj
home at Boeliis Monday morning.
The Arcadia telephone system
was sold last Saturday t<> a gentle-1
man named Waite. The new *
owner takes possession on August
Mis- Alma Hapka and -i-ti r
Erma, returned home from Ash-]
tun Thursday where they had;
keen visiting for t he past ten j
Mrs. A. A. Gray and children
returned to their home at Rock
ville Saturday after vi-iting here]
at the home of her si-tcr, Mr-. II.
W. W. Rein, who ha- keen
vi-iting here witn hi- sister. Mrs.
W. (J. Dicterichs. returned to his
home in Coldwater. Kansas, last
Friday morning.
Wanted—For the Eastern war
zone, the best and most market
, able horses, sufficient in size and
* quality for any of the duties re
quired there. See Myrl Warrick.
1 on can seen re almost immediate
relief from the constant itching of
Eczema—use Xyal s Eczema Ie>
j lion prompt in its action and
!effective—we recommend its use.
Buy it at the Xyal store.
Little Frank Kyon investigated
the workings of a lawn mower
Saturday, with the result of a bad
ly lacerated hand. The doctor
fixed him up all right and the
little fellow will soon Ik* as good
as new.
“I Don't Feel Good”
That is what a lot of jieople tell us.
t sually their bowelsonly need cleansing.
will do the trick and make 3*011 feel fine.
\\e know this 1 positively. Take one
tonight. Sold only by us, 10 cents.
Wm. Graefe.
I- .
For Cash
Canned Peas. ©A
per doz.IfUG
Canned Beans, ©A#*
per doz.VUG
Pork and Beans. gA.
per doz.OUG
Wax Beans.
per doz.©UG
Canned Calif. ACa
Peaches, 2 for .
Canned Black
berries, 2 for.. .£^vw
Try us and you'll
conic back
Daily sells for loss.
Cha*e's for fresh groceries.
I talcs] hay for 'ale. R. L.
K. T. Thrasher. Painter ami
Paper Hanger. 1 Att
Best threshing coal 36.50 per
ton Hansen Lumber Co.
Mr. and Mis. W d! a in Doner re"
turned home from St. Paul Satur
day evening.
•lolm Diet/, returned home from i
Rockville Monday where he had 1
heen on business.
Mrs. d. ,1. Slominski and chil
dren went to Sehaupp* Monday i
for a short visit.
A. ('. < )gle returned home from
Omaha Saturday where he had
been on business.
Mis* Teckla Polski came upj
from A*liton Monday evening and ;
visited a few days.
Wc will pay !0c fer hens and 17c
for springs this week. Ravenna
Creamery Company.
Mr*. Clara Cox went to Aurora
last Friday where 'he will vi-it
with relative* for some week'.
Mi'* JLucieuo Chase, who .'
liceti visiting in Ma*on City f •
pa't month with relative*.returne 1
home last Thursday evening.
K. A. Miner ha* gone into the!
bee business, receiving his first
'warm of bees Ia*t week. About
the first thing Kd did wa* t<> get
The Misses Marie and Orena
(Hilsen were passenger* t" Com-1
stock Saturday evening to visit
with their sister and co: 'in. Mrs.
dess Marvel.
If.von waul a dniy. phone ,\.L. !
Enderlee. I thick <'•">. or leave your
order with i*ither lumber yard in
i'... (i. lay lor. P si ot service
gua raiiteed.
Mr. and Mi>. John Dietz of
Meadow (trove, Nebraska, came
last Friday evening for a visit
w itli NIrs. Dietz's parents. Mr.and .
Mrs. John Stanezyk.
Piano tuning. Karl ('. Prink!
the reliable piano tuner will be in
Itoup City this month, over thirty
live years experience. Iz'ave
orders at Selnvaners Jewelry store.
Mrs. t'. It. Johns and daughter
Clara returned to their home in
Arcadia last Thursday after visit
ing here a few days with Mrs.
Johns sisters.Mrs. S. E. Thrasher
and Miss Mary Peiman.
" ---:—
Naco Corsets
The Season’s Favorite
Popula: |
Mode! j
Women who enioy beauty and quality eboule
i'SJESr Naco Corsets
Every style is. fitted over living models and
expertly designed to improve and beantif)
the form.
Naco Corsets
Best Shapes Richest Trimmings
Greatest Values Finest Materials
Strong and Durable
Will Not Rust, Tear or Split
Kalamazoo. Mich.
—Sold By—
Wm. Lewandowski
Daily sell' foi les'.
Try Chase’s first—it pays.
Mis> Petroniila Theis visited
with friends in f irand Island Thurs
Ice cream jars, pint ami quart
size, double glass lined, llenrv
,M. Eisner.
We will pay 10c for hens anc 17c
for springs this weak. Ravenna
Creamery Company.
Eoup City Cash Store. Wm.
I^cwamfowski i' selling summer
goods at a great reduction.
Emma and Jimmie Iiarluuek
went to Farwell last Saturday to
visit with relatives and friends.
W. C. Mackey came over from
Kearney last Wednesday and
spent a few days here visiting.
Mrs. liufus Iliddleson went to
(irand Island Saturday fora few
days visit with the John Needham
Miss Clara Jankowski returned
to her home at Ashton last Friday
after visiting here a short time
with relatives.
Mis- M.imio Adamson went to
Council Bluffs. Iowa last Saturday
morning to visit with her sister.
Mr-. W. S. Taylor.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Boev king
and daughter went Jo Kearney last:
Friday for a few day- visit with
relatives and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. W. ,1. Hoot and;
baby returned liotne last Friday
evening front their trip to Ohio
and other eastern points.
Oscar Bechthold came up from;
(fraud Island Friday evening for
a few days' visit with his par- <
cut'. Mr. and Mrs. L. Bechthold.
Mr. and Airs, dens Carlsen i
came up front Dannebrog Monday
noon and visited with their s0n.
C. C. Carlsen and family, return
ing home Tuesday.
Mr-, .lane Lander- and two
little grandsons, Ralph am! Stanton
Sorensen, of Arcadia visited in our
city la-t Thursday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. L. Hansen.
Tired, aching and sweaty feet
are made comfortable by -prink-!
ling Neal's Eas'Em into the shoes.:
Do this for a few mornings and
you will he agreeably - reprised at
the result. Swanson & Lofhoim.
Mr. A. L. Balman antoe i up
St. Paul S i t \ .
at the Sam Daddow and Norton
Lam • Ml lioutcs. They were so
companieo home by the Mis-c.-.
M i '!>• Dad low and Flora Brown.
Mi— Ida Cowling returned home
last Wednesday from Aurora and
Central City where she ha- been
the past month visiting with re
lative-. She was accomiBUiied
home by her niece. Mi— Ada
Sandinc who will visit here for a
Mis- Frieda Dieteri* h returned
Lome from A'hton Saturda y even
ing where-lie had been v i-iting
for some time with her uncle.!
Fieri Hein and family. <!ie was!
accompanied home by her eonsin. ‘
Mi's Edna Hein who will visit
here for a few days.
M r.and Mrs. Albert An deist rom j
and baby came up from' Ashton j
Saturday evening for a vis! with
Mrs. Anderstrom’s parents. Mr.
and Mrs. E. B. Corning. Mr.
Anderstrom returned Monday
morning while Mrs. Anderstrom
remained for a longer visit.
HAN V Farmers' Friend
He knows the farmers and understands their
difficulties. Be sure to see HANSEN when you
want Lumber, Coal. Paints. Posts and Fence.
Everything to complete the building.
Let Hansen Figure
your lumber bills and help you plan your require
ments. He can save you money and make you
not only satisfied but well pleased.
The best threshing coal in
Loup City. $6.50 per ton
Hansen Lumber Go.
Detroit Oil
Tnal gives twice
the heat and does
not use a wick.
Gives a perfect blue
I Use a Binder Engine |
F armers, if you want to cut your gram while
the ground is muddy get a Cushman binder
engine. They mount right onto any make of
binder. Call and see sample.
Attend The Sherman Countv Fair
September 22-23-24
At The Hub Clothing Store
J 1 — I ■■MM I I
$10.06 and $12.00 Suits
Clearance d* © A A
Price... $ © ■ IMF
$13.50 and $15.90 Suits
SIT" $11.00
33 1-3 Discount on
any Straw hat or Felt
hat in the house
Mens Union Suits
Puritan Mesh 1C.
or Fine Ribbed
! Men's Dress Shirts
One Lot Men’s Dress Shirts,
the 50c kind 01 AA
Three for...
$20.00 Suits $20.00
Clearance (T f £ E?
Price... ^HnjU
Clearance on Shirts
SI .00 and S1.25 Shirts for 85c.
SI .50 Shirts for SI.15 S2.00 Shirts for SI.35
$2.50 Shirts for $1.75
The Hub Clothing Store
Victor Viener, Proprietor