The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 22, 1915, Image 12

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    >CUTT PRECINCT—(Continued from page 11.)
F. G. Els*.Hazard. Neb. 530.00
J J E ...Hazard. Neb. 2,365.00
.Litchfield. Neb. 2,500.00
Her.rjr Feldman .Litchfield. Neb. 1,119.00
Reubetj la*'; »x.rth .l.itchfieldd,d Ndedbd. 2.550.00
y L r«mU .Hazard. Neb. 915.00
I « I .Litchfield, Neb. 2,290.00
Rri . j if rth. Guardian .Litchfield, Neb. 1.200.00
J V. Gudovrti .Litchfield. Neb. 510.00
Byrun («slu«a .Litihfield. Neb. 1,040.00
J m Crt-rniiawirh .Litchfield, Neb. 130.00
Ha>>> Gtvrtihaugh . Litchfield, Neb. 30.00
< O Glas .Litchfield. Neb.2,175.00
auk liat.u .Hazard. Neb.1,100.00
< .Hazard, Neb. 880.00
Juhn A. Hand . .Hazard, Neb. 745.00
.Litchfield. Neb. 1,495.00
i G. Jchtifeun ... .Litchfield. Neb. 1,438.00
V. R- Juhaaua .. .Litchfield. Net. 1,160.00
WRRam W. June* .Litchfield, Neb. 850.00
Adam Kieborz . .Litchfield. Neb.2,361.00
-tarher.Litchfield. Neb. 1,825.00
.l.itchfield. Neb. 4.850.00
William Kabiser .Litchfield, Neb. 175.00
1 red Katuser .Litchfield. Neb. 175.00
1 ■ 1-air .Litchfield. Neb. 2,265.00
1 H Latere.Litchfield. Neb. 1.255.00
lVU-r Larxm . Hazard. Neb. 1.265.00
..Hazard. Neb. 1,245.00
CaHin Lewis ..Litchfield. Neb. 875.00
1 n> Ilct Untuck .l.itchfield, Xeb. 940.00
J J Met une .Litchfield, Neb. 1,270.00
Wia. II. McCune ..Litchfield. Neb. None
M-U-r .Litchfield. Net. 990.00
. Greff .l.itchfield. Neb. 790.00
.-lee Mameagrr .Hazard. Neb. 220.00
W. A. Mu. sey.Litchfield. Neb. 685.00
A. G. Miilatfc . .Litchfield. Neb. 2,885.00
taw. Mushack .Litchfield, Neb. 1,000.00
W. H Must .Litchfield, Neb. 1075.00
t . .IS McCormick .Litchfield, Neb. 1,090.00
Arthur Mifishull .Litchfield. Neb. 3,260.00
Arthur Mmshull, Guardian .Litchfield. Neb. 600.00
U M Neuuu .Hazard. Neb. 1,430.00
t'.r U! on ..Litchfield, Neb. 1,045.00
tail Olsen .....Litchfield. Neb. 550.00
John Olson .l.itchfield. Neb. 525.00
.Litchfield, Neb. 1,835.00
H. Perkir- .l.itchfield, Neb. 1.405.00
■ I Pt..; p .i ifchfi'-id. Nei>. 735.00
A. Petrel .Hazard. Neb. 230.00
■ 'im Pome! .Hazard. Neb. 955.00
iVarson .Hazard. Neb. 4,080.00
.l.itchfield, .. 245.00
pa.Litchfield, Neb. 830.00
\ C Reyle .Litchfield. Neb. 1,265.00
.Litchfield. Neb. ...(. 330.00
la-e .I itchficld. Neb. 385.00
e Roberts .Hazard, Neb. 600.00
Robert* .Hazard. Neb. 2,055.00
i J Reiter.Hazard. Neb. 690.00
Rasmussen. Guardian.Hazard, Neb. 2,320.00
Peter Rasmussen . Hazard, Neb. 385.00
.Hazard. Neb. 570.00
Ge ige Reed .Hazard. Neb. 1,260.00
li R. Stine .Litchfield. Neb. 910.00
.Litchfield, .. 3,910.00
■...Litchfield, Neb. None
la-nis Sweley .l.itchfield, N’eb. 985.00
.1 ltchfield. Neb.2,190.00
R»y Stephens .Litchfield, Neb. 575.00
Theodor* Ninth .Hazard, Neb. 2,430.00
" Hazard. Neb. 255.00
’ >• ' .Ha aril. Neb. 630.00
' hazard. Neb. 1,385.00
i .l.itchfield. Neb. 1,215.00
Sander* .Litchfield. Neb. 580.00
\ I Sanders .Litchfield. Neb. 960.00
T. P. Thatien .Litchfield. Neb.1,145.00
‘ W ttu...l.itchfield. Neb. 1,156.00
Joseph X W chner .Litchfield, Neb. 1,215.00
Gts.rge K Ward .Litchfield, Neb. 1,085.00
M.J. Wa h .Hazard, Net. 1,050.00
w cie ...Litchfield, Neb. 1,320.00
ijre B. Work .Litchfield. Neb. 1,985.00
Juhn If. Witt.Litchfield. Neb. 1,160.00
Residence. Amount.
•wan .Loup c ity.$ 4GO.00
J All-r .Loup City, Neb. 1,385.00
\. M. \ 1 leinati .Ltiup City, Neb. 1,675.00
1 M ii .Litchfield, Neb. 3,660.00
...I.uup City, Neb. 1,300.00
Li f el .Loup City, Neb. 4,985.00
Martin L .«mcx .Loup City, Neb. 1,210.00
Mikr Bocaei .Loup ( itv. Neb. None
.Loup City, Neb. 1.440.00
« farmer Burt ..Loup City. Neb.2,110.00
o. M. Ho art i .Rockville, Neb. 210.00
• Bruduck .Loup City, Neb. 1,670.00
.Loup City, Neb. 725.00
F. (j. Casteel .Loup City, Neb. 2,295.00
Mr- A. L. < a-h ...Loup City, Neb. 1,720.00
.Litchfield Neb. 1,810.00
■ ** 1 • .Austin. Neb. 915.00
• .Loup City, Neb. 4,695.00
•-» - l'o-tz ......Loup City. Neb. 4,290.00
W t, Ibmmitt .Litchfield. Neb. 765.00
1 liaddow . Loup City, Neb. 2,455.00
I a I'ac fow .Loup City, Neb.2,140.00
i 1 I*rthlrfa..Rockville. Neb. 2,055.00
mick l»addow .Loup City, Neb. 1,485.00
JV Loup City, Neb. 1,805.00
W K. Laatabrook .Litchfield, Neb. 1,075 00
V hastabrook .I.iuhfield, Neb. 495.00
* - P* K**tabrook .Liuhiield. Neb. 2,765.00
11. J rook .Litchfield. Neb. 540.00
J.du. Kllett .Litchfield, Neb. 915 00
.Litchfield, Neb. None
**• L la • .Litchfield, Neb. 665.00
* rnr-rn ..Litchfield, Neb. 1,290 00
irarck 1 . Ir.rsen.O’Neil. Neb. 100.00
! M 1 etcher.Austin. Neb. 475 00
k! < l 1 * 1 _ . * 1 V XT I ___
•v < . t .’ her .Rockville, Neb. 2,850.00
£'*«Jf**r .Loup City, Neb. 385.00
Kenj. B. '■ «rice .Litchfield, Njb. 995.00
1!. irtx.iwm ..Loup City, Neb. 2,670.00
T. lamer.Loup City, Neb. 3,855.00
IN-> (i.irner ..Loup City, Neb. 230.00
Auk- t,..-m-ki .Rockville, Neb. 1,840.00
' • > Codeiifath .Rockville, Neb. 3,205.00
R.. » K. Cray ...Loup City, Neb. 610.00
. ,,‘*ray .Loup City, Neb. 50.00
' Hampton .VS’ood River, Neb. 60.00
Thuauu Haller .Litchfield, Neb.3,185.00
Ve Haller .Litchfield, Neb.2,715^00
Jr V Um,m .I ouP City. . 1,190.00
° { .•.LouP t-'ty. Neb. 50.00
* : *t- {jailer .Litchfield. Neb. 1,200.00
~ ;,,.Vw“rd .Coup City, Neb. 1,200.00
II SS Hume-. .Loup City, Neb.2,135.00
Him! t*«* tiu^ness .Loup City, Neb. 1,150.00
S*"I1 luf-1 .Imp City, Neb. 1,30o!oO
n Jjruia*ic* .Loup City, Neb. 10.00
1 ran*. Jurkiawicz .Loup City, Neb. 1,430.00
1. M John-on ...Rockville. Neb. 1,655.00
' . J',rren*“,n .Loup City, Neb. 1,385.00
M. « Ku-l.-r .Litchfield, Neb. 1,700.00
Aruthur C kin* .Litchfield, Neb. 500.00
I -ank Kowalski .Loup City, Neb. None
hliraU-th Kmif .Litchfield. Neb. 750.00
.Ho«P City, Neb. 340i00
« : ..Lou p City, Neb. 650.00
Heinrich kuhl .Loup City, Neb. 8,940.00
Kr«u- :..Litchfield, Neb. 1,460.00
1 G Ctywr ..Litchfield, Neb.2,110.00
Peter Kaminski .Litchfield, Neb. 1,635.00
Conrad Koch .Rockville. Neb. 1,670.00
M K. Kuch.Rockville, Neb. 305^00
William Knoeptel .Loup City, Neb. 1,880.00
Mike Klemek .. .Imp City, Neb. 1,355.00
K. VS k-h: .Loup City, Neb. 740.00
I L. I iirfathill .Litchfield. Neb. 2,320.00
Her Lyhne .Loup City, Neb. 1,335.00
• .-t > Bros. & Best.I itchtield. Neb.4,110.00
C. L. Met ouauirhey .Litchfield, Neb. 215!oO
William Miller . .Liup City, Neb. 1,340.00
Jame- M< Beth .Loup City, Neb. 2,580.00
T. A. McFadden .Loup City, Neb. 2,040.00
C. A. McDonald .Rockville, Neb. 1,480.00
Nei!- \eil»e* .Litchfield, Neb. 775.00
L. I* Niels#* .Loup City, Neb. 1,535.00
* t M. Neisner .Loup City, Neb. 1,130.00
INidie Ottermillar .Loup City, Neb. 2,410.00
1-n- O!- miller ..Loup City, Neb. 3,465.00
ll»-rry Ol-ertmller .Loup City. Neb. 3,050.00
.'..hit Olx-n Estate .Loup City, Neb. 300.00
F. Reamer .Litchfield, Neb. 1,670.00
1 1 Fenner .l.u.-hton. Neb. 175.00
J. hn F- Peterson .Loup City, Neb. 4,045.00
William F. Peterson .Loup City, Neb. 25.00
B-n Peck .Litchfield, Neb. 1,740.00
Jame*. F-ota .Ravenna, Neb. 980.00
1 C Papiernik .Loup City, Neb. 1,740.00
A P Pa-.sen .Loup Lity, Neb. 4,290.00
J,.ha C. Paulten ..Loup City, Neb. None
F O Price .Litchfield, Neb. 1,940.00
riinii RiailaH .Litchfield, Neb. 425.00
* f Kliliind .Litchfield, Neb. 1,435.00
La-uit .Litchfield, Neb. 325.00
r. A. Reynolds .Litchfield, Neb. 1,270.00
fl. O. Rutherford ... Loup City, Neb. 300.00
ATn. Rutherford .Loup City, Neb. 3,375.00
junn & Roush .Loup City, Neb.6,930.00
I. G. Roush .Loup City, Neb. .. 40.00
Edw. Roszizynialski .Loup City, Neb.1,135.00
J. J. Rebhan .Litchfield, Neb. 1,915.00
I. F. Roy .Loup City, Neb. 1,100.00
W. J. Rowe .Loup City, Neb. 680.00
John Stewart .Litchfield, Neb. 2,680.00
John E. Shehan .Loup City, Neb. 1,450.00
W. Tom Spelts .Litchfield, Neb. 795.00
Tony Spotanski ...Loup City, Neb. 850.00
Emil J. Shoening .Loup City, Neb. 865.00
J. W. Sheehan .Litchfield, Neb. 3,720.00
Frank Spotanski .Loup City, Neb. 840.00
Fred Sheehan .Loup City, Neb. 335.00
Troy Sheehan .Litchfield, Neb. .. 1,225.00
F. Sherman...Rockville, Neb. None
Olive Sherman .Rockville. Neb. 630.00
Hans Smith .Rockville. Neb. 1,095.00
Ed Steele .Austin, Neb. 55.00
C. M. Snyder.Kearney, Neb. 325.00
S. M. Smalley.Loup City, Neb. 1,440.00
Albert Snyder .Loup City, Neb. 1,385.00
Mrs. Lizzie A. Stark .Loup City, Neb. 1.550.00
Richard Scharnow .Loup City, Neb. None
John Sheehan ...Litchfield,' Neb. 135.00
G. M. Tangerman .Rockville, Neb.-. 1,560.00
J. V. Thomas .Loup City, Neb. 630.00
Wm. Thomas.Loup City, Neb. None
J. A. Thrailkill .Litchfield, Neb. . 540.00
L. V, Vandegrift ....Austin, Neb. 1,905.00
I. C. Vandergrift .Austin, Neb. 1,725.00
Van Vance ...Loup City, Neb. 900.00
Louis Wolf .Litchfield, Neb. 2,460.00
August Westphal .Loup City, N^b. 195.00
Henry Wolfe .Litchfield, Neb. 240.00
C. O. Waggoner .Loup City, Neb. 960.00
G. B. Wilkin .Loup City, Neb. 2,340.00
Geo. Wagner .Loup City, Neb. 1,745.00
C. C. Widemer .Loup City, Neb. None
Van T. Wescott . 5,415.00
Bennie Zinlinski .Loup City, . None
Routes One and Two
Raymond Outhouse has been work
ing for Aufrecht.
To my route patronson route two. I
will give the third annual picnic and
parade at Jenner’s Park, Sept. 6th.
Don't put off ordering your decora
tions. do it now.
Rert Snyder was seen on his way
home Saturday night with a big load
of lumber for their new barn.
Lars P. Nielson marketed a load of
wheat at Loup City Saturday.
John Czarnek took home a load of
flour Saturday.
1 am going to have a moving pic
ture man here to take the parade
again. I am going to give $2.00 for
the best float: $1.00 for the second
best. 1 will also give $2.00 for the
funniest float; $1.00 for the next best.
Albert Snyder is building a barn
32x40. Ernest Daddow is doing the
carpenter work.
Frank Franzen helped Johnson
Bros,, with their corn last Friday.
Dr. Longaere was out on Clear
Creek last Wednesday.
Haley Bass visited at L. A. Barters
last weeK.
Tom Mcllravy put up a mail box on
route one.
Mrs. Ed Angier is home again after
a short absence. Mrs. Angier and
sisters brought their father home
with them where it is hoped that he
will soon recover.
R. D. Hendrickson attended en
campment meeting at Loup City last
Tuesday night.
Did you ever notice that the man
who always cuts his corn and puts it
in the silo, also cleans his fields of
weeds, many bundles go into the silo
that are full of all kinds of weed
seed each year. This cleans the
fields for the next year's crop and a
year like this one is a big help to the
R. D. Hendrickson took home a new
mower last week.
AI1C I1C» UUUbtJ Of .11111 LdW b lb ail
inclosed and will soon be ready for
the plasterers. Will Rettenmayer
has charge.
Have you a good second hand incu
bator for sale. If so see the carrier.
Eugene Patton has been helping
Irwin Conger in his barber shop the
past ten days.
The Big Four hauled dirt out on
the west bridge and tilled in the holes
and the approach to the mill race
bridge last Friday.
Pete Ogle was over on Clear Creek
with a new Ford last Thursday.
Carrier took dinner with one of his
old patrons, Geo. Zahn, last Thursday
The Ladies Aid society met at
the home of Mrs. Frank Kuhn last
Harry Conger helped John Heasler
get his alfalfa in the stack last week.
Will Larsen is working for John
Livingston Sharp has been working
for Geo. Douglas.
Earl Shrove is working for Simeon
lossi these days.
F. A. Pinckney and Frank Zwink
ought to have a medal for the
road dragging they have done this
year. Since early in the spring they
have kept the road dragged from
Frank Zwink's to Ed Angier’s place,
a distance of four miles. 1 believe it
is the best kept pieee of road in the
county. They never wait until it
gets bad. But they neglect other
work to drag at the right time. One
tine public spirit about it is that
neither one have charged a cent
for their work all summer. If you
automobilists don’t believe this take
a run out to FranK Zwink’s some
evening and see what the road drag
will do to the hilly road if used at
the right time.
Andrus Thompson has just com
pleted one of the best pieces of road
work to the Brown bridge Aat has
ever been done on the bottom road.
dyspepsia Tablets
Will Relieve Your Indigestion
Wm. Gratf*.
First, he had all the sod and best soil
taken from the sides of the road and
put into the center. This raised the
center quite a little and now he has
just completed putting three loads of
clay in the center, raising the
crown of the road several feet. An
other thing they did was to set
stakes and line the road, so the road
is straight. Now if the road drag is
kept on It until it freezes up it will
be well settled for winter and it w ill
be years before another cent will
have to be spent on this piece of
A heavy birthday shower of post
cards fell on Miss Edna Apple last
weeK. She also received several
other beautiful presents.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Goddard took
dinner at the home of J. F. liinkler
one day last week.
There has baen so many cutting
weeds the past week that it would
be impossible to give mention to all
and it is highly appreciated by the
carrier. It makes your farm look a
hundred per cent better.
There is going to be more prairie
chickens raised in Sherman county
this year than for several previous
years. In oneeovywe counted eigh
teen half-grow n chicks.
Carrier bad an experience that be
never has had l>efore, that is we got
stuck in the mud with a light buggy
in the tirst draw west of Chris Zwink's
last week for over one hour. We got
half way through and stopped the
horses to rest and when we started
to go on the mud had settled in
around the horses legs and the wheels
of the buggy so tight that the horses
could not move. In trying to move,
one of the horses fell in the mud and
it was over a Half hour before she
could be gotten up. Chris Zwink’s
boys came with a team and twenty
live feet of rope and hitched on ahead.
Tlia tirst thing we did was to break
tne tongue, then we hitched to the
axle and got Mr. Zwink's team up on
the side hill where they had better
footing. One of them got down in
the mud when trying to turn around.
George Zwing in trying to pull his
feet out of the mud lost his balance
and fell, his arm going in up to the
elbow. It was with quite a little
effort that he got out at all. Oliver
Johnson happened along after we got
stuck and helped the ZwinK brothers
get us out. That same morning be
fore I got in Mr. ZwinK pulled a man
driving a light buggy who got stucK.
The next morning we went through
a pasture and looKing dow n at the
place we were in the day before, we
saw a farmer stucK in the middle of
it with a lumber wagon with no help.
Since that time several buggies have
been stucK and one automobile.
Some mud story for the middle of
July in this part of NebrasKa. Eh!
Earl Taylor and Bob Pritchard took
a wagon load of telephone poles out
south of Wiggle Creek Monday. They
were seen again Tuesday by the car
rier in a Ford.
Jim Burnett had a force of men
grading the road south of the mill
race bridge Monday and Tuesday, they
are doing a good job of it.
The Big Four hauled bridge piling
and lumber up to the A. B. Outhouse
place last week.
Geo. Hosier, Norton Lambert and
Will Wharton worked on the roads
this week.
John Whuler cut grain for H. F.
Beckman this week.
J. A. Mcllravy autoed out to the
farm and got a load of farm products
Martin and son painted J. A. Mc
Ilravy’s new barn another coat this
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Fielding from
Custer county visited at the Andy
Coppersmith home Sunday.
Will Whuler has had a boiling time
he has had no less than a dozen boils
on his face and neck at one time.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mcllravy, Mrs.
S. S. Reynolds and son Clark autoed
to Litchfield Sunday.
Lost, a package on route 2, finder
please notify box 45 B. route 2 or
leave word with the carrier.
The carrier on route 2 and family
will take a two-weeks camping down
on the river as soon os carrier Foster
gets back from his trip to the east.
Howard Smith was the first one
seen cutting oats „ He commenced
John Kociemba was the first one
seen stacking wheat. He commenced
to stack Monday.
Homer Ogle will commence to
thresh at Geo. McFadden’s this week.
Cap Peterson cut rye for J. E. Mil
ler this week.
John Lewis visited with his friend
Clif Bone Sunday.
Oka Clark came near having a
serious runaway last Saturday while
returning home from town. His
team got frightened near the mill
race bridge and in some way the ton
gue dropped to the ground while the
team was running. The end of the
tongue ran in the ground tipping the
buggy over throwing Oka out. Here
the team freed themselves from the
buggy continuing their mad flight
across the river bridge at Eugene
Miller’s and a short distance farther
on Clif Bone cornered them. Outside
of a badly sprung wheel there was
no damage to speak of.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bone visited at
Ed Kilpatrick’s Sunday, they reported
Mrs. Kilpatrick improving some.
William Aufrecht marketed two
loads of porkers Monday.
Art Hansel was doing business on
route one Monday.
Postmaster C. F. Beushausen
autoed out on route one Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Rogers and
family visited at Cbas. Hatches Sun
How those tall sunflowers cluster
on the roadside and in the distance
the wheat fields are so calm and
Mr. and Mrs. Okra Clark and W. T.
Clark visited at the home of Gust
Youngland Sunday .
Dr. and Mrs. C. S. Watkins from
Minden, Iowa, have been visiting at
the Kowalewski home this week. They
autoed here in their car.
Winter wheat will most all be cut
this week. Some oats ready to cut.
Some wheat in the stack, the crop is
a big one. The largest ever raised in
the county, in all the hills the crop
is great, as good or better than the
valleys. Some field corn will be in
tassel next week. Some corn very
small. About one-third of the second
cutting of alfalfa in stack and the
crop is heavy. Potatoes are the big
gest crop Sherman county has ever
raised. Are as large as your fist now.
The past week has been ideal for all
kinds of farm work and the farmers
have been working day and night to
ratch up. I
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Timson and family
and Mrs. Himson’s mother, Mrs.
Myers spent Sunday with 0. G. Hunt.
Mrs. Myers from Palmer, Neb., has
been visiting her daughter, Mrs.
Timson for some time and will return
to her home this week.
Most of the patrons on route one
have their alfalfa put up for the1
second time.
August Jung Sr. was a county seat
visitor Sunday.
Grandma Bowen came up from
Boelus for a few days visit with rela
Ilarrv llinman was down from Loup
City Tuesday to Look after some line
Ed Gray and family attoed to Loup
City Sunday to spend the day with
Messrs. Olat Nielson and Pete Jen
sen were up looking over their bank
Miss Edith Temple came up from
St. Paul and has accepted a position
at the hotel.
Miss Elida Lund went to Danne
brog Tuesday to have some dental
work done.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Watson, who have
been working at the Hanisch ranch,
left for Omaha Tuesday.
Leave clothes ofr cleaning, press
ing and alterations at Jacobs’ barber
shop.—Loup City Tailor Shop.
Mr. Cole from Palmer was up for a
few days visit with his daughter Mrs.
A. E. McCullough and family.
Bert McCullough sold his repair
shop to John Detts of Meadow Grove.
Mr. Detts will take possession next
Miss Beata Hanisch from Omaha
came up Tuesday and will keep house
for her brother. Gus. for a couple of
Miss Ethel Yanscoy, who has been
working at Hastings, came np for a
month's visit with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Isaah Yanscoy.
W. R. Henkens went, to Omaha
Tuesday and will bring back two 1916
Hups which were purchased by John
Kosch, Sr. and Joe Hajek.
Miss Carrie Smith from Rock
Sbrings, Wyoming, arrived Saturday
evening and will make an extended
visit with friends and relatives.
Mrs. Joe Hajek received word of
the serious illness of her mother who
lives at Dwight, Nebraska. She
hastened at once to her bedside.
For good clothes made to your
measure, workmanship and fit guar
anteed, call and see the fine line of
samples at Ralph Sundstrom’s Cash
Grocery.—Loup City Tailor Shop.
Mrs. John Kosch. Sr. returned from
David City, where she. had been to
visit her daughter,Mrs. Frank Schelby
and family. She reports Mr. Schelby
as much improved and will be able to
leave the sanitarium in a few weeks.
Quite a number of the local ball ,
fans autoed to Boelus Sunday after
noon to see the Boelus-St. Paul game.
The game broke up in the nintli in
ning when Boelus refused to play
after pretty raw decision by umpire
Crouch, of St. Paul. Crouch relieved
Higley in the6th inning. •• Digs’' de
cisions because so unpopular at this
stage of the game as to necessitate his i
removal to the bench.
Tony Kalkowski is helping Masckhas
with harvest work this year.
Miss Minnie Plemback won the
first Booster club prize, a stove.
Thomas Lubash out in anew phone
for L. S. Galczynski last week.
Leon E. Lubash purchased a Chief
bicycle from Henry Peters last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Smedra were t
passengers to St. Paul Monday,where a
If You
are troubled r :‘h heartburn, gases and
a distressed ft : 3 after eating take a
before r, 1 aftt r each meal and'you will
obtain*--; jmpt relief. .Sold only by us, 25o
Wm. Graefe.
they were called by the sickness of
Roman Lukasiewicz.
'J'be Misses Rosie and Stella Bydalek
were passengers to Wesider.Oklahoma.
accompanied by the children of
Stanley Schafer, whoattended the St.
Francis School in Ashton.
Dry weather is here again and
there are great prospects in these parts
for a bumper crop of small grain.
Harvest commenced last week, and
soon all the worry of pending disaster
to the small grain will have passed.
John Peters, of near Roe!us, was
called to the great beyond Saturday
morning at 7. a. m. He w asasutferer
from cancer of the stomach and had
been ill only a few weeks. He leaves
two brothers, a sister, several children
and a host or friends and relatives to
mourn his death. The funeral was
held Monday morning at Posen, Ne
braska. Father Jas/.czvnski being in
charge of the services. The remains
were laid to rest In the Posen ('atholic
cemetery. The hearts of the children
were made sad by the loss of their
good and loving father.
Loup City Flour Is
Charles Ervin was an Omaha
visitor Tuesday.
Guy Martin was a passenger to
York yesterday.
Mrs. Louise Solms was a Grand
Island visitor Tuesday.
George Morris was a passenger
to Grand Island Monday.
Henry Schuman went to Ansley
Tuesday morning to work.
Edward Oltman came up from
Schaupps Monday on business.
W. D. Zimmerman made a
business trip to Kearney Monday.
J. W. Burleigh left for Hot
Springs, South Dakota, yesterday.
J. W. Dougal transacted busi
ness at Grand Island Wednesday.
Jake Synak went to Horace,
Nebraska, on business Wednes
Mr. and Mrs. W. I*. Taylor
went to Dannebrog Tuesday to
The small grain harvest is in
full swing and most of the wheat
will be in the shock before another
Did you get your fruit jars at
the Rexall store, for SI.20 a
dozen ?_
E. G. Taylor and Nelson Smith
were passengers to Nebraska Cit.\
Wednesday. ^
Mrs. J. P. Leininger’s Sunday
school class enioyed a picnic at
the river Tuesday.
Miss Anna Erickson of G rant I
Island is here this week, the guest
of Mrs. E. A. Miner.
Mrs. G. S. Keeler and daugh
ter Pearl went to Lincoln Tuesday
morning for a short visit.
R. B. Crone, president of Has
tings college, was in Loup City
Wednesday, on business.
Loup City Flour is sold
by all our merchants.
Special prices to all on 5
and 10 sack lots. Patro
nize the home mill.
Secretary Frank Ringer of the
Nebraska Manufacturers associa
tion has practically tilled the build
ing assigned him for the display to
be made at the Nebraska state fair
by the manufacturers. He is
planning to use a tent oOx-V» for -
the overflow.The manufacturers of "
the state immediately engaged
space for the exhibit as soon as
the matter was called to their at
tention. Products made by Ne
braska concerns will be manufac
tured at the fair grounds in full
view of the visitors. This mam
moth display, one of the most
unique ever planned will afford op
portunity for a careful study of Ne
braska's industrial resources at the
I state fair September 6-11.
Order of Hearing and Notice on Pe
tition for Settlement of Account.
I In the County Court of Sherman Count.v V
State of Nebraska. > ss
Sherman County. *
To the heirs, legatees, devisees and all per
sons interested in the estate of Herman .lung,
On reading the pet it ion of Wilhelminia .lung
prayings final settlement anti all-.iwanee <*f
her account tiled in this court tin the 9th da\
of July 1915. and for decree of distribut i<-n and
jK»sse»ion of real estate, and final settlement
of said estate.
, It is hereby ordered that you and ill person*
interested in said matter may. and do. api*ar
at the county court to Ik* held in ami for said
county, on the 30th day of July A. I*. IpIt ar
two o’clock p. m.. to show cause, if any then*
lie. why tilt* prayer of the petitioner should
not lie granted, and that notice of the j»enden*\
of said petition and the hearing thereof U*
given to all jiersons interested in said matt* r
by publishing a copy of this order in the Limp
l ily Northwestern a weekly newspnp* i
printed in said county, three successive week
prior to said day of hearing.
Dated this 9th day of July 1915.
(Seal) E. A. Smith. Count5 Judge.
: — 1
Plumbing and Heating
Only a short time left to
take advantage of the big
rebate on the 1915 cars
We have the cars—come
and look them over
Kozel & Sorensen
You can plan a summer outing in Yellowstone, tills region oi beautiful
canyons, forests and mysterious geysers, that will include a magnificent
>our of the whole mountain region,—for instance, go one way via Cody, the
Bast and scenic entrance, or via Gardiner, and the other way go through the
Yellowstone gateway by way of Salt Lake and Scenic Colorado. This is
vliat is called the Rocky Mountain Scenic Tour.
Or, you could go one way via Denver and the Burlington's new line
hrough the Big Horn Basin, tour the Park and travel the oilier way via
lardiner, Billings and the Burlington's main line through Sheridan. While
n Colorado visit Estes Park, Colorado Springs and Manitou. You will be
istonished at ilie very low fare for such a vacation tour.
Write me for literature, descriptive publications, folders: let me help
rou plan a perfect vacation trip.
J. A. DAN1ELSEN, Agent
L. W. WAKE LEY, General Passenger Agent
1004 Famam Street, Omaha. \ ^