■ OBITUARY Mr*. V C. Foy passed away at ke Wine of Irr atughicr. Mr-, ■knit i*am»h. last night after «o iues* of fifteen year*, during tlie •t iwei' imbeen • Wn great suflerer. Mr*. Foy. nee %!■'» F Hardman. wa« bom m tV ncC d iigitua, Giknurt county, SefArn -r .7. 1H-V.. Hie came V> Nebraska in 1 "77 and was mar Byiedto N. 1*. F*>y. at Ov-eola. Feb K\iary I*. I***“'. Mr. Foy home Batea ie i in 1* !k county after the Hair, be having served under an ■ ! •«> enlistment. Three son* and 'JM i< r daughter* blessed the union ■ of them are living and l| »-re at tie* m<•liter's bedside at 4 I the time of her departure. They F ' arc: John W ..of lempCity :t ieorge of t*ralid Island: Boss H. of * »rd: Mr Mary Black.Mrs.Blaneh M. I*arr;sh. ate! Mrs. .lane Gal braith. and Miss '‘tella If. Foy. f all of this city, and five grand children. Tie* funeral will take place t«ao**rrow afternoon rtt f:30 uViurk. fnin tlie First Baptist ckairk, tie* l£**v. \\ . |. F"w|e ■ • tFi r.atitig. Interment will la* made • ’!»e tH.sertiuD of t ie* ( • rand I-and cemetery.- (irand Bland I: .dependent. THE CHURCHES Swedish \\ . rj|. t >ui»day to Ite an im l rtam day f«»r l ie Swedish mis •neknwli of I. j• <'11y. When gatl.-r for a family meeting we • %}•>-> t all tl * icdish families to **- there. ~* liday s.■ li**ar lW*e new singers. It will lie tlie bed \ou lave heard in le* .p City i» to this time. The men** •piartet. together with the choirs will aU.. supply us with g • *i ~a.g. Tins will lie a very .sting program and we b<>|* t it'-n r . >f the > aede church - pr» sent at tins time. Show y.»ur interest in the church and tne lynl's win by Wing |irevnt a:, i taking part in this sjiecial **-rv ms*. fiic . : r meet- for their prac t • \\ . . -day at *. j«. m. Tlie B,' uc class will meet at the church on ■Saturday at •$. p tn. German. ' *. a. ui. Morning de » i: >i. 1 *• :-i** a. in. Choir m*et.s hr it* w. - kly prac tice Friday even mg July gXrd at *. p.m. Presbyterian. IV . of lie* raising of the i.ur. it «*uii hog. services will Ik* < . w\t >a<< .1th morning and ever rig at the ci|M'ta house. All ■ 11 alii invited to the* services. Baptist. Uegular - ra ices morning and eiel. tig > *i lay. Take Cara of the Baby *» inner weather is hard on the l*t"l»-r food will prevent •limy deaths. Mother's milk is r - » |rrfe t food for a Itaby. « frc-'li. c ow’s milk, properly .l.!i d and pasteurized is tie* ..i - institute. To |«asteurize m .. pi:% e til** bottles containing t ,e m :k in a double i toiler, put in i **, ri»' u<-ter and heat until the* iter is I V» degrees. Then push ;• . r•• .ter t*> the hack of the sleeve a : keepth<* temperature between IP' and l.V* degrees for thirty .1.. .(•->. Tii,s kills all tlie germs. Is y, i.ac<■ no thermometer, heat until t'.e w :«t-*r ar<* md tie* I Kittles < ru- s to a tlien h*t stand for liiirtvmm lies. iVittie milk should i.e diluted with I foiled water, and ceded I foiled water given freely • »-t w eeti feeding*, t lothing in s .uiue r sbcfuld Ik* light, and the* •. s•.y kepi out of dcKfrsas much as pr-sihle. except when it is very r.ot. He should Ik* Imtbed morn g o i evening. and on hot days. by. If ; »rri «raappears, tin* baby s food slio'ikl be diluted with ladled w iii-r. and ti»e amount much de er -ased. If there is vomiting and fever, 'top all food, giving only • • 1 witer. and call a physician. NAVPHE Du. summer r e are going to lite pleasure «>f *-.eing our t . «• thro igh the eyes of an (>ri t-**. a t.recian who appears on I(m* chautauqua program. We are to know this man as .1 nil us CVasar Nayphe. lie is a t ireeiau.-bom in Athens and reared in the atmosphere of the far East; of course 1m* sees things differently than we do—he has a different jsiiiit of view. . He is going to tell us atiout this m hi* le ture or entertainment, w hich ever you prefer to call it. for really it is both. He will not onlv tell us how we looked to him but acquaint u> with the manners, customs, religion and life of his native land. In order for us to picture tjrec imn life more vividly. Mr.Nayph* will appear in the costumes of th< (•reeks. _ People Ask Us What u the best laxative? Years of e apcnoiee is sdling ail Inula leada ua to always recommend jtexclt r sa tba safest, aurert and r>< * s .Uafac tury. bold it'y by ua, 10 cents. Wm. Grat-ft. (Continued from page 10.) ROCKVILLE PRECINCT. j Peter No wick i.Rockville, Neb. 865.00 I Helroer Ohlund .Rockville. Neb. 440.00 Mrs. Mary Peters .Ashton, Neb. 860.00 Robert Peters ...Ashton, Neb. 830.00 Merma C. Plambeck .Ashton, Neb. 1,495.00 it lau- Plambeck .Ashton, Neb. None C. J. Peters .Ashton, Neb. 565.00 H. K. Peters .Rockville, Neb. None Marius Pedersen .Rockville, Neb. 800.00 John Paulsen.Rockville, Neb. 955.00 Thus. Polski.Ashton, Neb. 880.00 Peter Polski . Ashton, Neb. 625.00 ij W. Peters.Ashton, Neb. 1,405.00 • has. Pvne . 5.300.00 George Ritz .Ashton, Neb. 1,150.00 John Rapp. Jr.Ashton. Neb. 660.00 J. A. Roschznalski .Ashton. Neb. 730.00 Rasmus Rasmussen .Rockville, Neb. 730.00 W. C. Reimers.. • .Rockville. Neb. 930.00 Jens Rasmussen .Rockville, Neb. 1,390.00 Willie Rasmussen .Rockville, Neb. None I Rasmus Rasmussen .Rockville, Neb. 1,500.00 Martin Rasmussen .Rockville, Neb. 285.00 A. C. St*il>i>e .Ashton, Neb. 650.00 |J«hn Stobbe....Ashton, Neb. 865.00 il>, mime Stobbe.Ashton, Neb. None 15. humel Suchanek .Ashton, Neb. 1,200.00 J».hn Schmidt.Ashton, Neb. 905.00 'Fred Schmidt .Ashton, Neb. None t S. Sieckley. .Ashton. Neb. 740.00 Fred B. Smidra.Ashton, Neb. 505.00 W. A. Siefert .Ashton, Neb. 1,305.00 Andrew Smidra.Ashton. Neb. 1,200.00 Mike Sbd'bzewski .Rockville, Neb. 1,020.00 August Stanka .Rockville, Neb. 440.00 Stephen Slohaszewski .Ashton, Neb. 985.00 Joe Stot.be. Jr.Ashton, Neb. 1,325.00 Frank Slobzewski ....Ashton, Neb. 655.00 John Sedbjik .Rockville, Neb. 675.00 Jens Stephens .Rockville, Neb. 630.00 Egnaz Safrazda .Rockville, Neb. 440.00 Suren Sorensen .Rockville, Neb. 915.00 David Seifert .Boelus, Neb. 3,790.00 I John Seifert ...Boelus, Neb. None John W. Sorensen.Rockville, Neb. 500.00 < hurley Sundstrom .Rockville, Neb. 680.00 Arthur Sundstrom .Rockville, Neb. 950.00 Fred Sunstrom .Rockville, Neb. None l.|„hn Strom ...Rockville, Neb. 1,680.00 Elmer Strom .Rockville, Neb. None Arthur Strom .Rockville, Neb. 480.00 Mary Treffer.Rockville, Neb. 535.00 j,*. Trompke .Rockville, Neb. 135.00 Earl Treffer...Rockville, Neb.4,195.00 Fred Ticchneier . ..’..Boelus, Neb. 1,910.00 Fred C. Teichneier .Boelus, Neb. None Thomas Th. msen .Rockville, Neb. 6,790.00 Kd Thompson .Rockville Neb. 195.00 Mike Wiezorek ..Ashton. Neb.l,19o.00 Ant n Wiezorek .Rockville, Neb. 630.00 Stanley Wroblewski.Ashton Neb. 765.00 Frank J. Wardvn .Ashton, Neb.1,010.00 George W. teii ..... Rockville, Neb. 1069.00 John Weiss.Boelus, Neb. 1,705.00 J,,hn Worla-zewski .Ashton, Neb. 640.00 A E. Lorenz.Ashton, Neb. 1,445.00 Wil iam Young .Boelus, Neb. 80.00 j, Young ..... ................. Boelus, Neb. . 1,390.00 G. G. Young...Boelus, Neb. 2,215.00 Mrs. O’.ga Young.Boelus, Neb. 620.09 Mike Ziola .Ashton. Neb. None BRISTOL PRECINCT. Xame. Residence. Amount. G. W Brammer .Rockville, Neb.$2,130.00 Geo. Bramer .Rockville, Neb. 345.00 Frank Bachkora ..Ravenna, Neb. 305.00 Fred Brammer .Rockville, Neb.1,0(5.00 John Berzina ..Ravenna, Neb. 1,950.00 Anton Bugne .Ravenna. Neb. 760.00 Rutherford Buss .Ravenna, Neb. 1,280.00 John Bohn . Ravenna, Neb.1,146.00 Tom Coverly .Rockville, Neb. None J<><* Celmer'.Rockville, Neb.1,615.00 (has. Cockrane .Ravenna, Neb.2,190.00 A. V. Calloway. Ravenna, Neb.1,195.00 Sam Chilson .Ravennaj Neb. 1,860.00 John Coulter .Ravenna, Neb.1,100.00 Joe Counter.Ravenna, Neb. 1,465.00 James Coulter .Ravenna, Neb. 1,520.00 Clarence Coulter .Ravenna, Neb. None P. A. Christianson.Ravenna, Neb. 285.00 (.has. Coulter . Ravenna, Neb. 1,725.00 George Coulter .Rockville, Neb. 1,640.00 Joseph Dreva .Ravenna, Neb. 1.360.00 Joe beleski .Rockville, Neb. 1,330.00 Jacob Eberle .....Ravenna, Neb. 620.00 M. L. Enevoldsen .Ravenna, Neb. 1,210.00 Joe Eckel .Ravenna, Neb. 255.00 - James Eckel .Ravenna, Neb. 1,020.00 Charlie Eckel .Ravenna, Neb. 965.00 Albert Edwards .Ravenna, Neb. 640.00 Charles F'rala .Rockville, Neb. 830.00 Bernard Finder .Ravenna, Neb. 1,345.00 Paul F'inder . Ravenna, Neb. 4,745.00 C J. Grim .Ravenna, Neb. 455.00 L. G. Gross .Ravenna, Neb.. 1,110.00 Jacob Gehert .Ravenna, Neb. 1,340.00 Ernest Gochring .Ravenna, Neb. 1,100.00 Frank Guzinski .Ravenna, Neb. .. 625.00 George \V. Holmes .Ravenna, Neb. 1,055.00 Henry Herman ..Ravenna, Neb. 2,030.00 E. L. Hand .Ravenna, Neb. 1,285.00 Don Holmes .Ravenna, Neb. 1,660.00 Joe Horak .Ravenna, Neb. 410.00 Willy Horak ..Ravenna, Neb. 1,990.00 Louis Huncker .Ravenna, Neb. 2,500.00 Frank Horak .Ravenna, Neb. 895.00 Frank Helebrant .Ravenna, Neb. .. 1,580.00 Louis Helebrant .Ravenna, Neb.1,015.00 James Hellebrant . Ravenna, Neb.1,180.00 A. Hohiield .Kavenna, i\et>.o^o.uu Erwin Hohlfeld .Ravenna, Neb. 130.00 Ed Hohlfeld .Ravenna, Neb. 340.00 William Hesh .Ravenna, Neb. 150.00 Anton Hellebrant.Ravenna, Neb. 1,275.00 Mrs. Julia Habe .Ravenna, Neb.2,190.00 Albert Holub.Ravenna, Neb. 915.00 Joe Holub ..Ravenna, Neb. 345.00 !">ej>h J. llajek .Ravenna, Neb. 1,240.00 \nton llajek .Ravenna, Neb. 2,365.00 1 James Huryta .Ravenna, Neb. 480.00 Wm. Huryta .Ravenna, Neb. 1,690.00 John Hetzel .Ravenna, Neb. 115.00 Jos. Huryta .Ravenna, Neb.1,510.00 Lee Hankins .Ravenna, Neb. 1,280.00 A. Houser . Ravenna, Neb. 710.00 \V. P. Heisner.Rockville, Neb. None Chas. Heisner .Rockville, Neb. None Paul Heisner .Rockville, Neb. 2,690.00 Presler Heisner.Rockville, Neb. None Anton Jelinek, Jr. Ravenna, Neb. 1,040.00 Anton Jelinek .Ravenna, Neb.5,015.00 Fred Jacob . Ravenna, Neb. 945.00 Wm. Jacob, Jr.Ravenna, Neb. 715.00 Josef Krs .Ravenna, Neb. 520.00 Frank Krs ...Ravenna, Neb... 650.00 Yacla Kuticka.Ravenna, Neb. 1,280.00 Fred Kozel . Ravenna, Neb.1,215.00 Ed Kuticka .Ravenna, Neb. None Frank Kuticka .Ravenna, Neb. None J. F. Kasel . Ravenna, Neb.1,170.00 Vine Kuticka .Ravenna, Neb. 1,240.00 Frank Kasel .Ravenna, Neb. 1,255.00 James Kasel . Ravenna, Neb. 780.00 V. E. Kasel .Ravenna, Neb. 690.00 James Kostal .Ravenna, Neb. 555.00 F. J. Kuticka .Ravenna, Neb. 895.00 Lewis Kuticka .Ravenna, Neb. 755.00 Frank Kozel.Ravenna, Neb. 720.00 Joseph Kolar .Ravenna, Neb. 2,575.00 Ben Von Krosigh .Ravenna, Neb. 915.00 John Kramer .Ravenna, Neb. 1,330.00 A. Kocherscheidt .Ravenna, Neb. 660.00 Fred Kramer .Ravenna, Neb.,. 8,320.00 C. F. Krehmke .Rockville, Neb. 3,745.00 Walter Krehmke .Rockville, Neb. 210.00 John Ling .Ravenna, Neb. 670.00 Lou Louck .Rockville, Neb. None A. S. Lorkowski .Rockville* Neb. 1,005.00 W. T. Mickisk.Ravenna, Neb. 2,120.00 Frank Maichalski .Ravenna, Neb. 660.00 Tom McKeon . Ravenna, Neb. 1,205.00 John McKeon .Ravenna, Neb. 1,665.00 Mike McKeon ...Ravenna, Neb. 1,890.00 Jos. Maxine .Ravenna, Neb. 1,790.00 Peter McKeon .Ravenna, Neb. 1,085.00 ! John Majors .Ravenna, Neb. . 515.00 Amiel Mocek .Ravenna, Neb.1,135.00 James McKeon .Ravenna, Neb. 985.00 Wayne Mawhinney ..Ravenna, Neb. 2,830.00 Clyde Mawhinney .Ravenna, Neb. 1075.00 Philip Moritz .Ravenna, Neb.3,195.00 Herbert Moritz .Ravenna, Neb. 2,245.00 J. A. Mawhinney .Ravenna, Neb. 2,930.00 IChasI Moritz .Rockville, Neb. 940.00 Ed Novy ...Ravenna, Neb. 720.00 Frank Naibeck .Ravenna, Neb. 360.00 John Naibeck .Ravenna* Neb. 1,050.00 Joe Novy .Ravenna, Neb. 1,885.00 Fred Novy .Ravenna, Neb. 1.730.00 Bart Neibeck .....Ravenna, Neb. 2,800.00 Frank Novy .....Ravenna. Neb. 1,215.00 Jerry Ocensek .Ravenna, Neb. 865.00 C. W. Olson ...Ravenna, Neb. 1,965.00 Peter Orosh .Ravenna, Neb. 1,050.00 Martin J. Prochaska .Ravenna, Neb. 715.00 Fred Psotta.Ravenna, Neb. 775.00 Herman Polanz .Ravenna, Neb.2,150.00 Lena Pritschau .Boelus, Neb. 935.00 Otto Pritschau .Boelus, Neb. None Ewald Pritschau.Boelus, Neb. None Wm. Pritschau, Jr.Ravenna, Neb. 1,725.00 F. W. Pritschau ...Ravenna, Neb. 180.uO Sam Reasland .Ravenna, Neb. 1,620.00 Chas. Reasland .Rockville, Neb. 670.00 W. P. Snyder .Ravenna. Neb. 1.475.00 Christ Schaper .Ravenna. Neb. 680.00 Chriss Smith .Ravenna. Neb. 5S0.00 Hugo Schmaljohn ....Ravenna. ..eb. N. 3,230.00 Robert Schamljohn .Rockville. Neb. 1,015.00 Fred Stein .Ravenna, Neb. 1,205.00 Herman Stein .Ravenna. Neb. 1.225.00 Mrs. Therese Seelaff.Ravenna, Neb. 2,920.00 Rudolph Schmaljohn .Rockville. Neb. .. 1.750.00 Deny Sherman ...Rockville, Neb. 1,070.00 William Stein .Ravena, Neb.2,175.00 Eugene Stein .Ravenna. Neb. 815.00 Jake Stein .Ravenna, Neb. 3,285.00 Ed. W. Seeber.Boelus, Neb. 1,935.00 A. F. Sterzbach .Boelus, Neb. 1.060.00 Fred Sielaff .Ravenna. Neb. 1,760.00 Harry Stein.Ravena, Neb. 560.00 Louise Stein .Ravenna. Neb. 15.00 Mrs. Margarette Schmaljohn .Rockville, Neb. 6.000.00 Harry Treon .Ravenna, Neb. 460.00 Albert Treon .Ravenna, Neb. 1,505.00 John Vacha .Ravenna, Neb. None Mike Vacha.•....Ravenna, Neb.. 975.00 John Vandalia.Ravenna, Neb. 5,485.00 Isaak Vanscoy .Rockville, Neb. 1.820.00 Frank Wagner .Hazard, Neb. 1,805.00 J. J. Weltera .Ravenna, Neb. None Joe W’eltara .Ravenna, Neb. 980.00 Geo. Woten .Rockville, Neb. 700.00 Anna Zeller .Ravenna, Neb.1,135.00 Carl Zeller .Boelus, Neb. 575.00 Mathias Zeller .Boelus, Neb. 1,360.00 Gottlib Zellar ..Boelus, Neb. 785.00 HAZARD PRECINCT. Name. Residence Amount. Springfield, Fire and Marine, E. H. Robinson, Agent.Hazard, Neb.$ 142.00 St. Paul Fire and Marine of St. Paul, Minn., E. H. Robinson, Agent. .Hazard, Neb. 445.00 Adams Express Co., Omaha, Neb.Hazard, Nel. 622.00 Hazard Telephone Co...Hazard, Neb. 2,333.00 The Columbia Fire Underwriters of Omaha, Neb., Myers Peterson, Agent .Hazard, Neb. 200.00 The Connecticut Fire Ins. Co. of Hart ford, Conn., Charles Bass, Agent.Hazard, Neb. 86.00 .Mary Anderson .Hazard, Neb.1,130.00 Hans Anderson . Hazard, Neb. 710.00 John Andrew.Hazard, Neb. 30.00 Heyo Aden .Hazard. Neb. 3,925.00 William Albers .Litchfield. Neb. 875.00 J. P. Anderson .Hazard, Neb. None Anderson Bros.Hazard, Neb. 1,450.00 Anton Buddecke .Hazard. Neb. 1,505.00 F. C. Boneke .Hazard, Neb. Su.OO John Boecking .Litchfield. Neb. 2,270.00 L. K. Baillie .Hazard, Neb. 1,265.00 C. E. Byers ..Litchfield, Neb. 1,005.00 J. C. Byers .Litchfield, Neb. 335.00 Hazard State Bank .Hazard, Neb.12,170.00 Richard Bensch .Litchfield, Neb. 3,970.00 Geo. C. Bridges .Hazard, Neb.1,100.00 Bill W. Brock .Ravenna, Neb. 200.00 George H. Brock .Ravenna, Neb. 595.00 Chas. H. A. Boldt .Hazard, Neb. 205 0C Frank Berzina .Sweetwater. Neb. 1,085.00 Mrs. Jacob Benson .Hazard, Neb. 185.00 J. A. Brewer.Hazard, Neb. 50.00 J. F. Brewer .Hazard, Neb. 50.00 A. W. Brewer .Hazard, Neb.1,130.00 John P. Cummings .Hazard, Neb. 755.00 E. V. Croston ..Hazard, Neb. 840.00 F. V. Capellen.Hazard, Neb. 1,355.00 Henry Capellen .Hazard, Neb. 270.00 Charles Croston .Hazard, Neb.4,120.00 Albert Cunningham .Hazard, Neb. C45.00 Frank Creffield .Hazard, Neb. 650.00 J. B. Clausen .Hazard, Neb. 230.09 M. H. Dally.Litchfield, Neb. 1,679.00 Carl Dally ..Litchfield, Neb. Non-j George R. Derby .Sweetwater. Neb.2,630.00 Nancy J. Darman .Hazard, Neb. 115.00 David Donahoe .Hazard, Neb . 125.00 T. A. Donahoe .Hazard, Neb. 1,965.00 Dierks Lumber & Coal Co.Hazard, Neb.2,810.00 John Ernest .Hazard, Neb. 805.09 J. H. Arnst .Hazard, Neb. 105.09 S. C. Edwards ..Hazard, Neb. 20.00 Clark Eaton .Hazard, Neb. 20.00 Mary V. Erazim .Hazard, Neb. £60.00 John Foster .Sweetwater, Neb. None F. H. Fuller .Hazard, Neb.1,735.00 Mamie Farr ...Hazard, Neb. 1,030.00 G. C. Frink .Hazard, Neb. 740 06 F. W. Fuller .Hazard, Neb. 65.00 G. A. Green .Hazard. Neb. 1,695.00 F. N. Graham .Hazard, Neb. 290.00 H. Gudmansen.Hazard. Neb. 125.00 C. S. Graham .Hazard, Neb. 600.00 Central Grainmen Co., per M. P. Roberts .Hazard. Neb. 635.00 Jas. Holdt ..Litchfield, Neb. 1,050.00 W. A. Hamlow .Litchfield, Neb. 3,225.00 Noah Hand .Hazard, Neb.2,310.00 Chas. Hobbs ...Hazard, Neb. 1,720.00 Nebs Hanson .".Sweetwater, Neb. .. 1,450.00 Robert Hetrick .Hazard, Neb. 555.00 Wm. Hohlfeld .Hazard, Neb. 1,080.00 Ed Hohlfeld.Ravenna, Neb. 175.00 Preston Heater ..Hazard, Neb. 180.00 George P. Heapy.Hazard, Neb. 115.00 W. H. Hane .Hazard, Neb. 120.00 U. r. Jacobson .Litchheld. Neb. 420.00 Peter Jacobson .Hazard, Neb. 1,415.00 Allen Johnson .».Sweetwater, Neb. 2,440.00 Adolph Johnson .Sweetwater, Neb. 1,240.00 Louis Johnson.Sweetwater, Neb. 300.00 Wm. H. Johnson .Sweetwater, Neb. 285.00 James Krechan.Litchfield, Neb. 3,750.00 Hans Krechan .Litchfield, Neb. 300.00 Herman Klink.Sweetwater, Neb. 780.00 Carl Krons.Litchfield, Neb. 1,775.00 Amil Krons .Litchfield, Neb. 140.00 Chris Kozel .Ravenna, Neb. 1,250.00 Louis Katzberg .Prossiar, Neb. 1,175.00 Otto Krous .Hazard, Neb. 1,465.00 L. D. Larsen .Hazard, Neb. 630.00 Geo. S. Larsen .Hazard, Neb. None Herman Lighthill.Litchfield, Neb. 695.00 W. R. Lovett.Hazard, Neb. 1,620.00 Martin Lund .Sweetwater, Neb. 1,555.00 Gabriel Larsen .Hazard, Neb. 500.00 Ludwig A. Larsen .Sweetwater, Neb. 4,535.00 Lorens Larson .Sweetwater, Neb. None Henry Larson .Hazard. Neb. 100.00 Gust Lade .Litchfield. Neb. 2,660.00 Herman Lade .Hazard, Neb. 1,555.00 E. Landregan .Ravenna, Neb. 685.00 0. A. Larsen .Hazard. Neb. 8,280.00 Carl de la Motte & Sons.Litchfield, Neb. 3,280.00 Helmar de la Motte .Litchfield, Neb.,. 450.00 Ernest de la Motte.Hazard, Neb. 1,340.00 Waldemar de la Motte .Litchfield, Neb. 395.00 Elsa de la Motte .Litchfield, Neb. 175.00 Ole Molfield.Hazard, Neb. 500.00 Wm. de la Motte .Litchfield, Neb.4,410.00 N. P. Mortens & Son .Sweetwater,Neb. 3,550.00 Hartwig de la Motte .Litchfield, Neb. 855.00 Carl de la Motte.Litchfield, Neb.2,410.00 Herman dela Motte .Hazard, Neb. 1,915.00 Kate Meyers .Litchfield, Neb. 285 00 Kate Meyers & Son .Litchfield, Neb. 1,260.00 Julia Meyers .Litchfield, Neb. 150.00 John de la Motte.Ravenna, Neb. 3,830.00 Will Mackey .Litchfield, Neb. 210.00 Frank Mazner .Hazard, Neb. 165.00 John Meyers .Litchfield, Neb. None Anthony McKeon .. „.Ravenna, Neb. 1,555.00 Frank Majer .Ravenna, Neb. 835.00 Joe Miller .Hazard, Neb. 390.00 L. H. Hennis .Hazard, Neb. 345.00 Toby Nelson .Hazard, Neb. 1,730.00 Nels M. Nelson .Litchfield, Neb. 3,960.00 Edward Newberg .Sweetwater, Neb. None George Newberg .Sweetwater, Neb.2,010.00 W. M. Otte .Litchfield, Neb. 1,540.00 Henry F. Ondrake .Sweetwater, Neb. 180.00 Carl L. Olsen .Stromsburg, Neb. 100.00 Anton Oise .Ravenna, Neb. 250.00 Wm. Olson.Hazard, Neb. 310.00 Erwin Olson .Hazard, Neb. 15.00 Arthur Peterson .Hazard, Neb. 370.00 James Peterson .H..azard, Neb. 930.00 Martin P. Paulsen.Hazard, Neb. 90.00 [Christie Peterson ..Hazard, Neb. .. 2,650.00 Hans Peterson .Hazard, Neb. 1,710.00 'John Peterson .Hazard, Neb. 706.00 ;E. C. Preston . Hazard, Neb.1,120.00 C. A. Patchen.Hazard, Neb. 375.00 ; Hans Peterson .Hazard. Neb. 405.00 iJohn Philpot .Gandy, Logan, County. 150.00 ■ W. Peterson . Hazard, Neb. 305.00 Myers Peterson .Hazard, Neb. 380.00 Frank Psota . Ravenna, Neb. 1,980.00 I Peterson & Son .Hazard, Neb.3,610.00 Wm. Peterson.Hazard, Neb. 1,230.00 Joe W. Psota . Ravenna, Neb. 845.00 Marie Psota .Ravenna, Neb. 4,035.00 R. Reinartson .Hazard, Neb. 5,445! 00 John Rathjen .Non-resident 680.00 Fred Rasmussen .Hazard, Neb.6,10o!oO John Rasmussen . Hazard, Neb. 2,500.00 Gust Reinartson .Sweetwater, Neb. 445.00 Oscar Reinartson .Sweetwater, Neb. 90.00 Richard Reinartson .Sweetwater, Neb. 395.00 Vbraham Reinartson .Sweetwater, Neb. 1,895.00 .hrist Rathjen .Sweetwater, Neb. 1,540.00 John Rathjen.Sweetwater, Neb. 600.00 ••V. L. Roberts .Sweetwater, Neb. 2,675.00 Harry Roberts .Sweetwater, Neb. 30.00 G. A. Roder . Hazard, Neb. 240.00 l’ony Reban .Litchfield, Neb. 935!00 Vincent Rebhon Litchfield, Neb. 1,650.00 ?. A. Russell.Hazard, Neb. None R. A. Reynolds.Hazard, Neb. 385.00 C. H. Roberts .Hazard, Neb. 855!00 Elizabeth Reynolds .Hazard, Neb. 165.00 James Razina .Ravenna, Neb. 890.00 L. H. Robertson .Hazard, Neb. None E. H. Robertson .Hazard, Neb. 435 00 Alfred Reinertson .Hazard, Neb. 285!oO George Russell .Hazard, Neb. None A. Reinartson & Co.Hazard, Neb. 1,775.00 Robertson Bros.Hazard, Neb.3H25.00 W. R. Reggens .Hazard. Neb. 1,940.00 W. R. Robertson ..Hazard, Neb. 80.00 L. Simonson ....Hazard, Neb. 350.00 E. L. Starr .Hazard, Neb. 180.00 Anna Schansogel .Hazard, Neb. 880!00 Fred Schansogel.Hazard, Neb. None Sine Spengsberg .Litchfield, Neb.'. 1,010.00 Emil Swanson.Ravenna, Neb. .. 225!00 Charles Schreen .Ravenna, Neb. . 415.00 John Screen.Ravenna, Neb. 715.00 Anna Schreen .Ravenna, Neb. 1,145!oO A. J. Shipley .Hazard, Neb. 00.00 E. J. Saunders .Hazard, Neb. 540!00 H. G. Taylor.Hazard, Neb. None L. C. Treggs .Hazard, Neb. 105 00 Hiram Thompson.Hazard, Neb. 285.00 C. W. Trumble .Hazard, Neb. 6,050.00 W. J. Theodore .Sweetwater, Neb. 150.00 John Troy .Sweetwater, Neb. 1,200.00 E. H. Vanhoosen ..Litchfield, Neb. 1.455!oO John Weber.Hazard, Neb. 2,535.00 O. J. Walthers .Hazard, Neb. 360.00 H. L. Wiest...Hazard, Neb. 145.00 Will Wagner .Ravenna, Neb. 1,860.00 Paul Walther .Hazard, Neb. 860.00 Katy Wagner .....Ravenna. Neb. 150 00 Frank Wagner .Hazard, Neb. 365.00 J. O. Ward .Hazard, Neb. 15.00 ROCKVILLE VILLAGE. o • "« U ,, „ , _ , Kesidence. Amount. Springfield, Mass., F. A. Dunker, Agent .Rockville, Neb.$ 45.00 German Fire Underwriters of Oma ha, F. A. Dunker, Agent.Rockville, Neb. 101.00 Columbia Fire Underwriters of Oma ha, Jacob Reitz, Agent .Rockville, Neb. 150.00 Fidelity Phenix Ins. Co. of New York City, Jacob Reitz, Agent .Rockville, Neb. 1G0.00 Continental Fire Ins. Co. of Hart ford, Conn., E. Dwehus, Agent. .Rockville, Neb. 961.00 St. Paul Fire and Marine Ins. Co. of St. Paul, Minn. E. Dwehus, Agent . Rockville, Neb. 387.00 Aetna Ins. Co. of Connecticut, E. Dwehus, Agent .Rockville, Neb. 161.00 American ExpressCo., Omaha .Rockville, Neb. 608.00 Peter Andersen .Rockville, Neb. 155.00 Stephen H. Branscomb .Rockville, Neb. 125.00 Jens Bisgard .Rockville, Neb. 245.00 Wm. H. Bowen .Rockville, Neb. 170 00 Blaza Bugno .Rockville, Neb. 90.00 Peter Boll .Rockville, Neb. 360.00 Henry Bushhousen .Rockville, Neb. 710.00 Victor Bartunek .Rockville, Neb. 150.00 Rockville State Bank .Rockville, Neb.12,000.00 Emil Cords .Rockville, Neb. 2,325.00 Wm. Carruth .....Rockville, Neb. 355.00 David Cole Creamery Co., by T. W. Struh, Manager .Omaha, Neb. 25.00 Fairmont Creamery Co.Grand Island, Neb. 15.00 Beatrice Creamery Co.Rockville, Neb. 15.00 E. Dwehus .Rockville, Neb. 340.00 F. A. Dunker .Rockville, Neb. 130.00 Dick Bros. Brewing Co.Grand Island, Neb. 100.00 Frank Dymek .Rockville, Neb. 1,865.00 Edgar Daddow .Rockville, Neb. 45,00 L. E. Dickinson .Rockville, Neb. 795.00 Stanley Eurick .Rockville, Neb. 625.00 Rev. F. G. Mlynarski .Rockville, Neb. None Ed Gray .Rockville, Neb. 935.00 T. B. Hord Grain Co..Rockville, Neb. 3,450.00 Pearl Gray .Rockville, Neb. None Fred L. Huck .Rockville, Neb. None W. R. Henkens.Rockville, Neb. 1,635.00 Louis Hansen .Rockville, Neb. 395.00 John Hehnke.Rockville, Neb. 225.00 G. F. Hanisch .Rockville, Neb. 1,895.00 John O. Isaacson. Rockville, Neb. 1,360.00 Ed Isacson .Rockville, Neb. 810.00 W. A. Jacobs .Rockville, Neb. 330.00 A. G. Jensen .Rockville, Neb. 405.00 August Jung . Rockville, Neb. 70.00 August Jung .Rockville, Neb. 350.00 Wm. Jacobs .Rockville, Neb. 1,440.00 H. A. Jordan.Rockville, Neb. None Karl Jacob.Rockville, Neb. 985.00 Keystone Lumber Co. Rockville, Neb. 6,375.00 E. F. Kozel .Rockville, Neb. 400.00 Peter Lorenz .Rockville, Neb. 100.00 Jens Lange .Rockville, Neb. 50.00 C. E. McCullough.Rockville, Neb. 85.00 Chris Nielson .Rockville, Neb. 4,495.00 Sofus Olsen .Rockville, Neb. 200.00 Peter Roschynialski .Rockville, Neb. 45.00 H. F. Reasland .Rockville, Neb. 130.00 Mary Roschynielski .Rockville, Neb. 40.00 Jacob Ritz ......Rockville, Neb. 845.00 Adolf Ricsher .Rockville, Neb. 250.00 Anna Stephens .Rockville, Neb. 850.00 Ralph Sundstrom .Rockville, Neb. 370.00 Kozel & Sorensen .Rockville, Neb. 3,460.00 John Seabeck .Rockville, Neb. 440.00 Albert Seabeck .Rockville, Neb. 305.00 Mary J. Sunstrom .Rockville, Neb. 70.00 Sam E. Sorensen .Rockville, Neb. 120.00 C. H. Stevens . Rockville, Neb. 95.00 Alice Tangerman .Rockville, Neb. 80.00 George Tockey .Rockville, Neb. 180.00 Hanna Thomas .Rockville, Neb. 35.00 S. C. Wallace .Rockville, Neb. 235.00 Gustav W'erner.Rockville, Neb. 175.00 George Woten . Rockville, Neb. 1,605.00 George Woten .Rockville, Neb. 2,000.00 L. C. Weaver.Rockville, Neb. 135.00 L. C. Weaver.Rockville, Neb. 2,880.00 A. J. Wilson .Rockville, Neb. 76.00 Albert Werner .Rockville, Neb. None SCOTT PRECINCT. Name. Residence. Amount. John Alkins .Litchfield, Neb.$1,660.00 C. L. Arnett.Litchfield, Neb. 2,770.00 Henry Arnett .Litchfield, Neb. 385.00 C. A. Arnett .Litchfield, Neb. 1,170.'30 George Bennett .University Place, Neb. 1,200.00 John W. Battin .Litchfield, Neb. 865.00 John Benson..Hazard, Neb. 1,390.00 Myers Benson .Hazard, Neb. 1,270.00 F. H. Buelow.Hazard, Neb. 785.00 K. W. Bales .Litchfield, Neb. 88500 Mrs. Dorella Bent .Hazard, Neb. 1,500.00 Jacob Conrod . Litchfield, Neb.1,515.00 E. J. Clark .Litchfield, Neb.1,715.00 W. J. Cornford.Litchfield, Neb. 1,920.00 A. P. Cole .Litchfield, Neb. 950.00 John Clancy.Litchfield, Neb. None T. P. Clancy ..Litchfield, Neb.1,195.00 Ernest Clancy .Litchfield, Neb. None Frank Cronin .Hazard, Neb. 1,045.00 Mike Cronin .Hazard, Neb. None A. B. Chapman.Hazard, Neb. 1,720.00 John Croston .Hazard, Neb. 1,380.00 W. H. Chapman.Litchfield, Neb.1,715.00 Ed Clancy . Litchfield, Neb. None W. H. Douglas, Sr.Litchfield, Neb. 1,590.00 Henry Doon .Litchfield, Neb. 2.072.00 Henry Diefenbaugh .Litchfield, Neb. 2,965.00 E. Z. Dudley .Litchfield, Neb. 1,250.00 Walace Dudley, Jr.Litchfield, Neb. 525.00 C. N. Duncan .Litchfield, Neb. 140.00 Lena Eberle . Litchfield, Neb. 5,595.00 Aaron Eberle .Litchfield, Neb. 25.00 Chas. Else .Litchfield, Neb. 1,526.00 _(Continued on page 12.) _.