The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 22, 1915, Image 1

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Loup Qty Northwestern
Government Crop Report Shows Splendid Crop Conditions
All Over the Country. Wheat Crop Will
Be Largest in Years.
1 :,e £ remment r» |«.rt issued
■ tir»: of this month >u the crop'
' : <■ tuiitrv ointit. :•*» to 'how
.it 't f!»tt*r.i £ condi: *!is not only
t;e- country ent rely, but in
£ -
:n*ti. Tie ind ■atc*H' point t<> a
larger production of almt this
> >*»r tbar. i t ir ago. although
»*l year * I- i rec-rd breaking
• e-*r it) that n:ie. Very nearly a
iii *n bu'he!' of wheal will >*e
tie l”i :• : States t -
• ear. 1: ma.t easily pas* that
t «la: if t 'pr.tiif w heal harvest
c "Uipieb-1 w .thout futher dam
age \ reduction is made in the
•-st.mate of w inter wheal in llie
u 1.£ winter wh-al 'late', com
..r - g June 1st. with July 1st.
i t estimate 1 r the productions
f * i n r w heat in Nebraska is
• ■>. • *>. *• -i. I in' i' si .me
tune ui .. • n ’ ■ ' less than tie*
UiaU- - f June 1st. but the July
• st.ojut* I- nearly ten million
*!* U greater than il»* winter
i»-ai proi i -teui in Nebraska in
1*.«. a: i t.'iat ought l«» i<e good
rooLifii for any one. A large
■ .rinkage m the Kan-us winter
• at cr*«p .s rejs.rted. comparing
t 1j4* j*r*« i . li.<n of lul4 with the
• 'lunate ibe first of tni» month.
1'je :• fas*- in winter wheat in
Kansu* is over twenty million
■' • .s. ug . list aii increase of
tri urn .. bushels in Ne
Ibe f. r.s-i'T for the corn crop
- iepre-s— • i s- mew b»t from the
•rv ate sea* n. aJthou|fh growers
generally re ogn./a*. especially in
tti:s territory, tiiat the corn crop
!' male m July and August.
While toe government made the
■ -tamale f--r tlie Nebraska corn
•s.p this year, a little under the
productions of a t ear ago. condi
tion* a* they exist m this stale at
j»resei.‘ l warrant this con-j
• -s- •• We kn ot that July and
A gust, with sufficient moisture,
makes always for a big corn crop.
W corn i' late, we Lave mois
ture --loud < •mpamion with any
former tears, and the right pre
■ • f r tie- corn cron in this
-tat- -atnot lr made for a montli
■ ' X w-eks yet. The oat crop
of Nebraska is estimated by the
g » i in-lit at Tip*»• <.<•>«> bushels.
1 * - ' an ln rcase over the pro
1 . t or of 1H14. The hay crop
is another one that lias a higher
estimate in tonnage this year
than a year ago. When it is real
izes! that the government estimates
are throughly and carefully made,
ind that their tendency is to he
more conservative than conditions
warrant, the present indication
l >ok' tine for Nebraska, us well as
fur the country entirely.
Fruit dais at the Rexali store.
> 1.-_s i a dozen.
Mr. and Mrs. Max Leschinsky
went to Grand Island Wednesday
and from there they will go to
< >maha to attend the saengerfest.
At a special meeting of the
Baptist • 1 rch Sunday evening.
•*aeh dei>artment of the church
work gave a yearly report. Said
report' were very gratifying, es
il!i the treasures rejairf which
' i W' that all debts were provided
f >r. with a 'mall balance on hand
in altogether the church ex
pressed themselves as being well
pleased with the work done and
were much encouraged with the
•utiook for the future.
The Swedish Mission church
•lioir together with the quartets,
neid a s rprise party for their
ie ider. Earl his home
i't Friday evening. Twenty-live
jh* i]i!e attended this party and all
report as having had a splended
time. E. Holmberg made a short
address at the presentation of a
g j ft to the leader, in which the
thanks of those present were ex
pressed for the work he has done
in l>ehalf of the church, and also
wishing him good luck in the fu
The B. V. P. 1’. met in a busi
it " session at the Parsonage Mon
i v evening. After the regular
business was disposed of. it was
decided to have a society picnic
next Friday evening July, 23rd.
It is io|a*d that every memlierwill
p.m to lie present as a good time
- ex|»ec‘ed. Each member has
the privilege of inviting a friend.
Picnickers will meet at the church
at 4 p. m. sharp, as conveyances
will leave for Mr. Brown’s grove
at that time. Bring well tilled
baskets and a smile.
. ■ - . ■ —
July Clearance Sale
of Summer Goods
Startling Price Reductions
in Every Department
Straw Hats I
Full line of straw hats
at half price.
Children’s straw hats
at half price.
■ -.—.
Union Suits, all sizes. I
7 V-and f 100 gA-l
values, for.C I
Shirts and Drawers. 1
55c values.
now. I
Odd lot of $3 60 and
$4 00 Oxfords, your
now ....... 1
“Sport” Shirts
See the new “Sport”
Shirt, $1.00 to $1.50.
New style ties that
match these shirts at
50 cents.
Odd lot summer shirts,
75c and $1.00
values, for.tJl/C
Odd lot of Silk Socks,
50c values, _
per pair.CtOC
Boys' Wash Suits
Values from 25c to
$2,50, at half price.
Su'eeping Reductions on
allS ummer Suits j
Clothier and Furnisher
-_. _ ^
Tfu. P* Tillies cowing
Tut C8»lP&eW,AN THEN
«. pounds of Flour. I
County Superintendent L. H.
Currier went down to Austin
Saturday night and addressed the
patrons of school districts Nos. 2,
19. and 28, on the subject of con
solidation. The meeting was well
attended, there being a good repre
sentation from each district.
The proposition is to consolidate
the above three districts and ex
tend the course of study to include
the 10th grade.
“Three points," said Professor
Currier, "were to be considered.
Transportation, efficiency ami ex
l>ense. The first of these, the
transportation, is practically elimi
nated, as no child in the district
would be over two miles from the
proposed school. Of the second
item, efficiency, there can be no
question but that better and more
uniform results can be accom
plished by the consolidation."
In regard to the exjtense, Pro
fessor Currier asked those in at
tendance to freely express their
sentiments in regard to the ex
pense of the consolidation, and
many responded, the sentiment
being unanimously in favor of the
One speaker said that although
he had no children, he was much
interested in the project and
thought that the exj«ense should
be most cheerfully borne by the
taxpayers of the district as the
question of efficiency should come
before exjiense.
About the only expense in con
nection with the consolidation will
be the purchase of a site and the
erection of a building, after which
the maintenance expense will un
doubtedly be considerably de
; creased.'
I hereby retract th« statement.
I made by me, on the streets oi
Rockville, Nebraska, that during
the night of dune 20th. 1915. Mr.
dohn F. Kosch and Mr. R. E.
Koseh, purloined three sacks of
flour, from the premises of Mr.
dohn Sobejewski.
I know that said statement was
false and unfounded and take this
means of righting the wrong I
have done the above parties.
Peter Moog, Boelus, N’eb.
M rs. E. W. Thompson's Sunday
school class gave Mrs. dulius
' Sorensen a miscellaneous shower
|at her home Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Sorensen received many use
1 ful articles. Refreshments were
served, and an enjoyable time was
j had by all those present.
The first of the week the Loup
City Tennis club sent seven players
to play against Broken Bow, de
feating the latter city by a total
of twenty-four games. Broken
Bow has a club of twenty-one
members and has a good reputa
tion as a tennis, town so the work
done by the players from this
city was very creditable, especial
ly considering the fact that our
players went into the contest on the
enemy’s courts, and after a fifty
mile auto trip.
. Most f th* a ones idoubles,
J at which the Loop City team
j excelled, the “singles'* games be
; ing a tie.
! _
J. W.Thompson's billiard parlor
was broke into some time Tuesday
night. Two strangers were loiter
ing around about closing time and
saw Willard make change for a
bill and the inference is that they
supposed he left the money in the
'cash register over night. Such
was not the case, however, as Mr.
Thompson nightly banks the re
ceipts in his hip pocket and the
would-be thieves found nothing
to repay them for the chances
they took.
Thursday, Aug. 5th
Ball Came Vaudeville
Dancing Contests
And Other Attractions
Grand Display of Fireworks
And Illuminations
See Small Bills For Further Particulars
The Personal Tax List of Sherman County Was Ordered Pub
lished in The County Papers. Bills allowed.
Bridge Matters Adjusted.
July 13th, 1915.
County Board of Supervisors met
in regular session this p m.. at the
Court House with all members
present except E. F. Kozel and F. T.
Richmond also present Lament L.
Stephens. County Attorney and L B.
j Pol ski. County’ Clerk.
Minutes of last meeting read and
on motion approved as read.
Fee books of the County Officers
examined found correct and on mo
tion approved and follow.
County Treasurer, 1st half . .$ 23.00
Clerk District Court, 1st half. .587.00
County Judge. 1st half. 272.08
Sheriff. 1st half . 116.05
County Supt., 1st half. 111.47
County Clerk. 1st half. 999.35
Board on motion adopted resolution
establishing road commencing at a
point on the south line of the north
west quarter of section 9-13-13 where
'aid line intersects road No. 315 run
ning thence northwest along the
northeast side of and parallel and ad
jacent to the right-of-way of the U.
P. .R R. Co., and terminating at the
west line of section 9 aforesaid. Said
road to be fifty feet wide and damages
to be paid Xiels Jensen in the sum of
County Surveyor ordered to sur
vey roads between sw L and se!A 15
13-13 and between seL of ne1/* and
lot 1 section 6 and nwj>* of 5-13-13
and seL 31 and sw!4 of 32-14-13.
Estimate of Standard Bridge Co.,
was on motion duly made, seconded
and carried allowed in the sum of
Personal tax list was on motion or
dered published in the Sherman
County Times and the Loup City |
Northwestern to publish all the town-!
ships except Ashton and Harrison !
which are to be published by the 1
papers published in those townships 1
provided the charge for publishing
same is not more than the now exist-:
ing rate paid for publishing Super
visors proceedings, twenty cents per
Claims committee reported that
they had allowed all claims except de
ductions made for delinquent taxes
which report was on motion accepted 1
and the county clerk instructed to !
d'-aw warrants on the respective ’
: : !
1 Klopp & Bartlett supplies *4.8.1
lohn Wuhler, assessor Elm 3.80
lammond & Stephens supplies 6.92
I. I. Depew Disc Sharpener labor 6.75
A. S. Main coronor 11.80
•John Blaschke, juror Molfield
inquest 1.10
M. C. Wind, juror Molfield
inquest 1.10
0. J. Walthers juror Mohlfield
inquest 1.10
A. W. Brewer juror Mohlfield
inquest - 1.10
C. R. Norris juror Mohlfield
inquest 1.10
Lewis M. Williams juror Mohfield
inquest tax 1.10
Nels M. Nilson witness Mohfield
inquest 1.10
E. H. Robinson witness Mohfield
inquest 1.10
Tobias Nelson witness Mohlfield
inquest 1.10
Ernest de la Motte witness Mohl
field inquest 1.10
Fred Rasmussen witness Mohlfield
inquest 1.10
Wm. Roberts witness Mohlfield
inquest 1.10
A. O. Lewis livery 7.00
State Journal Co., supplies 77.25
W. T. Owens county assessor
salary 462.20
L. A. Williams sheriff 111.19
L. B. Polski county clerk 137.50
L. B. Polski county clerk office
expense 13.00
E. C. Baird livery 5.00
Chas. Bass clerk court 7.25
Dr. A. J. Kearns insanity board 8.00
Aaron Wrall insanity board tax 3.00
James Bartunek interperter 2.00
Dan McDonald supervisor 14.40
Wenzel Rewolinski supervisor 15.00
John Kosch attending supervisor
meeting 17.40
J. H. Welty supervisor 26.00
E. A. Smith county judge 68.70
W. 0. Brown supervisor 12.60
Hiyo Aden supervisor l^O
E. B. Corning assig. ehainman 11.00
E. B. Corning county surveyor 62.55
Grant Rogers ehainman ' 7.00
Clarence Miller ehainman 12.00
A. Johnson ehainman 2.00
Dan McDonald supervisor 5.00
John Kosch road work 2.00
Hiyo Aden supervisor 7.20
Standard Bridge Co. estimate
No. 1 $3000.00
Standard Bridge Co. estimate
„ No. 1 5000.00
Standard Bridge Co. estimate
No. 1 500.00
Standard Bridge Co. estimate
No. 1 500.00
Standard Bridge Co. estimate
_ No. 1 500.00
Standard Bridge Co. estimate
No. 1 500.00
Dan McDonald supervisor 4.80
J. H. Welty supervisor 5.10
W. O. Brown supervisor 4 00
Standard Bridge Co estimate
No. 1 2000.00
Board on motion adjourned till
August 13th 1915.
L. B. Polski, county clerk.
The Loup City band has re-or
ganized. and held a meeting last
night. The new band has sixteen
members and will meet every Mon
da y night. Officers were elected
as follows: L. B. Polski, Director;
Lou Schawner, Sec.-Treas.: F. B.
Hartman. Manager.
Bud O'Bryan came up from
Grand Island last Friday for a
short visit with the J. B. O’Bryan
Mrs. Stanley Dymek.of Ashton,
visited at the home of her daugh
ter. Mrs. Floyd Janulewicz last
Mr. and M rs. W. D. Fonda ana
two children, of St. Edwards,
Nebraska, are guests at the A. E.
Chase home this week.
Miss Grace Conger returned
from Greeley, Wednesday, where
she had been visiting with her
sifter, Mrs. A. E. Reed.
John Peterson arrived here
Saturday fromTeeds Grove,Iowa,
for a short visit with his uncle. O.
F. Peterson and other relatives.
Little Joe Cole, while playing
near the creek one day last week,
had the misfortune to fall and
hurt himself. lie was knocked
unconscious, and it was thought
at first that he was badly hurt,
but such was not the case.
Mrs. R. T. Young went to Ans
ley last Saturday to visit relatives.
She was accompanied as far as
Austin by her little daughter,
Jessie, who will visit there for a
few days. Miss lone Young went
to Omaha, whore she will visit
with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick O’Bryan,
who have been visiting here at
the J. B. O'Bryan home returned
to their home at Kearney, Neb.,
Tuesday. They were ac
companied home by Mrs. J. D.
O'Bryan, who will sj>end several
days there visiting.
Deposits in this bank have the additional securitv of the De- ^
positors Guarantee Fund of the State of Nebraska. ^
Is Your Idea |
A Caricature |
or a portrait? Many people have only a super- f
ficial understanding of the active principles, ^
the real financial upbuilding force, that is be- f
hind the idea of our bank account plan for ^
conserving and protecting one’s income—a f
kind of caricature which is taken for an actual ^
portrait. ^
In reality this plan is just a common sense ^
method developed and worked out in detail to ^
the point of usefulness to every man with an ^
income—no matter how large or how small. +
Loup City State Bank |
Loup City, Nebraska. *
We pay 5 percent interest on time deposits f