The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, June 10, 1915, Image 8

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It will pay you and pay you big
This Sale Will Start May 29
and Continue Four Weeks
Exceptional Bargains in Dry Goods, Hosiery,
Ladies’ and Children’s Shoes, Queensware, Groceries
$2.50 and $3.00 values, |jQ
$1.75 and $2.00 values, $1.25
$1.00 and $1.40 values, TTC
75c and 90c values, AA
Jirshoes 15c 20c 35c
25c values, 4 A.
20c values, 4 C*
for. IOC
15c values, 44 m.
for.| 1C
10c values, A
Men’s Rockford Sox, AA _
4 pairs for.aOC
25c can Apricots, 4 A _
for .I9C
25c can Peaches 4 A
30c can Cherries, AAa
for. .4|)C
25c can Raspberries, 4 A^
for. I9C
25c can String Beans, 4 A _
Good Standard Tomatoes, 2k 4 A*
for.I DC
Good Stand Corn, Af .
3 for.4JC
15c can Veripest Pork and AfA
Beans, 2 for.4vC
.. ■ i .in ... .1 ■ ■ i —— .
Dress Goods and Aprons
Summer Dress Goods, AA_
25c and 35c values, yd.£Vv
Apron Giughams, F _
per yd. QQ
Ladies’ Aprons EA^
Men’s Hats
Men’s Dress Hats,
your choice.
Other values in dry goods and groceries too numerous to mention
These prices are for cash or produce
You cannot afford to miss this
Edward Jararog put up a wind mill
for Frank Goc last week.
Tlie Misses Lizzie Weiss and Emma
Peers attended the Danish celebra
tion at Dannebrog tiie 5th of June.
Henry Peters, who works near
Rockville, spent Sunday at his home
and attended church at Ashton.
The annual school meeting will to
held at the school house on Monday.
June 14th.
Miss Wanda Jamrog, who was visit
ing with tier sister. Mrs. li. H.
Lorentz. lias returned to her home at
Tiie Deer Creek-Poplin hall game
was postponed for a future date on
account of tiie rain.
Dan Stoi. ble spent Saturday even
ing with August Maschka.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Bydalek and
son Cyprus visited with Frank
Bydalek over Sunday.
A barn dance will be given at Jos.
Jasnocki’s Saturday evening. June
12tli. All are invited to attend.
Leon F. Lubasii, tlie amateur
photographer was taking pictures for
C. Kettle at Ashton Sunday.
Miss Agnes Miefski left for Cushing
Nebraska for an extended visit vvitli
friends and relatives.
Miss Theresa Dymaek, of Loup City
was visiting with F. J. Maciejewski
ind family the past week.
Quite a number or the Deer Creek
youngsters attended the picnic at
Paplin last Sunday, and reported a
splendid time.
John Rapp Jr. was a visitor at Loup
City Friday.
Miss Anastasia Zocholl was a pas
senger to St. Paul Monday.
15. Szwanek and Anton Kaminski
were Loup City visitors Friday.
A. ii. Outhouse of Loup City was a
business visitor here Monday.
Ld Oilman and Julius Dilla were
business visitors here Thursday.
The Misses Verna and Evto Kalkow
ski were visitors at Harwell Thursday.
Ernest Mason came up from Mar
quette Saturday to visit over Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. William Odendall
moved into the Mat. Ignoski house
Mrs. Joe Kalkowski visited her
daughters at Harwell between trains
The second clubdance will be given
next Monday June 14, in the Ashton
opera house.
Miss Lillie Smith left Monday morn
ing for St. Paul where she will attend
school this summer.
Miss Eva Kalkowski was a passen
ger to Harwell Monday for a weeks
visit with her sisters.
Miss Thresa Grabowski left Monday
morning fora visit with Mr. and Mrs.
William Knutzen of Bently Iowa.
Ray A ult’s brother and family who
had been visiting here for a few days
returned to their homeat Palmer Wed
S. s Pol ski and Louis Jamrog re
turned from Grand Island Monday
where they attendad a convention and
banquet given by the Knights of Co
Doctor Wanek and Joseph Hruby
were passengers to Hastings Wednes
day after Doctor Wanek's car. On re
turning they were caught in the rain
and left the car at St. Paul.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Anderstroin
were westbound for Loup City Satur
day evening. Albert returned Mon
day morning and his wife remained
for a few days longer visit with her
Dr. Dodd was up between trains
Emil Dwehus was a Loup City pas
senger Thursday.
Harry Gordan went to Loup City
between trains Wednesday.
Mrs. John Hehnke was a Grand Is
land passenger Tuesday morning.
Miss Elinor Delahunty of Lexington
arrived last Thursday for a visit with
the Coulter family.
Miss Evelyn Nielson returned to her
school work Tuesday morning after a
visit with her parents.
Eleda Lund returned from Grand
Island Saturday where she has been
visiting for the past week.
Rockville defeats Grand Island
Wolbachs in a seven inning game.
Final score being 1 to 0.
Mr and Mrs. J. Burman and son
and Wilma Nielson took dinner with
R. H. Buss and family Sunday.
Miss Laura Brammer left last Tues
day morning for Kearney where she
will attend the Kearney Normal.
A bright baby boy arrived at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Vic Bartunek
Tuesday June 1. Congratulations.
Memoral services were held last
| Sunday at the M. W- A. Hall. Quite
a large crowd attended in spite of the
Sundstrom & Co. have dissolved
partnership, the former buying out
the other parly, retaining full owner
ship himself.
Those who went to Ravenna to
hear Debs the great socialist were;
John Isaeson, Chris Nielson, Emil
Dwehus and S. E. Sorensen and wife.
Among those who went to Danne
brog to attend the celebration were:
Mr. and Mrs. Hans Smitli and
daughter Eva and Miss Lena Ander
The South Siders held a big picnic
Wednesday at the river and in spite
of the threatening weather about hk> j
turned out to enjoy the festivities of'
the day.
Raymond, the eleven months old
son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry McDonald j
was operated on Monday. Doctor
Dickinson and Doctor Grothan per
forming the operation.
Preaching services at Rockville
Sunday June 13. German services to
commence promptly at 3 p. m. Even
ing devotion in the English language
at 8 p. m—F. W. Guth.
A group ot supposed-to-be “ball
players” came down last Sunday from
Loup City and tried to play hall withi
the Rockville bunch and were very
much surpri>ed by being defeated 10
to 4.
The Rockville baseball team went
to Dannebrog last Saturday and
showed the Wolbachshcw to play hall
by defeating them to the tune of I to
0. It vvas a good game from start to
finish, the main feature of the game
was the pitching of William Treon
wrho only allowed the Wolbachs one
“nearly” hit and striking out l.i men.
The journey to Dannebrog was a
w earisome one, same being attended
in cars.
Advertising vs. Praying,
The small daughter of a Little
Rock family had been praying
each evening at bed time for a
baby sister.
The other morning her mother,
reading the paper, exclaimed: “I
see Mrs. Smith lias a little daugh
“How do you know that?”
asked the child.
“I read it in the paper,”
answered the mother.
“Read it to me,” said the daugh
The mother read: “Born—on
March—, to Mr. and Mrs.
Smith, a daughter.”
The child thought a moment,
then said: “I know what I am
going to do. I am going to quit
praying and begin advertising.”
—National Monthly.
Singers to Meet in Omaha.
German citizens, delegates from
eleven states, will gather in Omaha
next month for the annual Saenger
r -
James Bartunek’s Harness Shop
and Hardware Store
is headquarters for the best harness on the market. All hand made and of the
best material. I have just added a complete line of
All New Shelf and Heavy Hardware
Harness Repairing
If you want your harness neatl5’ and
promptly repaired it will pay you to come to
Loup City. Our price is reasonable for such
work and we will give you satisfaction.
General Repair Shop
L. H. *Spahr has moved his general repair
shop in m.y store and is ready to do all kinds
of repair work. Will repair tank, and exe
cute orders for tin roofing and spouting.
Call on me for goods and quick service
fast of the Saengarbund of the:
Northwest. This year’s meeting
will, in all probability, be the
largest attended in recent years
because of the intense interest in
international affairs.
From Nebraska, Iowa, North'
and South Dakota, Colorado, In- i
dianu, -Minnesota, Illinois, Kansas
and Wisconsin singers will come.
The great feature of the singing
program will be a children's
chorus of more than one thousand
voices. This supplemented by a
male chorus of two thousand
voices will afford opportunity to
hear music seldom offered for the
entertainment of any people.
The dates for the Saengerfest
are July 21 to 24, and head
quarters, Auditorium.
Issued by the U. S. Weather
Bureau, Washington, D. C., for
(he week beginning Wednesday,
June 9. For lTpi>er Mississippi
Valley and Plains States: Showers
are probable about the 11th, and
againonthe 15th. The cool spell
at the beginning of the period will
quickly give way to warmer
weather, and a short period of
cool night temperatures will set
in about the 11th, alternating with
warmer weather until the end of
the period.
Loup City Markets
The following prices are being paid
in Lou.p City on Thursday of this
Wheat.$1.3o <lt 1.35
<>at>.r» .45
Rye.75 (tij .80
Corn.CO ,u .61
Hutterfat per ib.24
Eggs per do/,. 13
Hens per ib.10
Old roosters per lb.4J
Ducks per lb.08
Geese per lb.05
Hogs. 6.80
Cattle.5.00 & 8.00
Farmers and Mule Breeders
The breeding of mules for farm
use Inis been neglected in this sec
tion for years. As a work animal
it is conceded that the mule has no
equal. Harry Obermiller. who
lives just south of Schaupps, and
who is an old-time and experienced
mule breeder, announces that he
will offer for service this season.
Prince Albert, a magnificent black
Spanish Jack. He is a big fellow;
is lb hands high and weighs 1,050
pounds. He is a jack of fine ac
tion and has a record as a foal
getter. The service fee is $10, and
he will make the season at Mr.
Obermiller's farm, a quarter of a
mile south of Schaupps. M r. Ober
miller announces that he will make
a specialty of breeding so-called
barren mares.
Loup City Flour is sold
by all our merchants.
Special prices to all on 5
and 10 sack lots. Patro
nize the home mill.
Plumbing and Heating
LOUP city - - - m i:
Application for Liquor License
In the matter of the application
Edward Oltman for Liquor Lioer,
Notice is hereby given that
said Edward Oltman did on the -
day of May, 1915, tile his petition ■
the Chairman and Members of
County Board of Supervisors of Si
man County, State of Nebraska,
a license to sell malt, spirituous t-i
vinuous liquors at retail at S
in the southeast quarter of -e.*ti
twelve (12) township fifteen 15, li
range fourteen, (14) West of the
P. M., in the County of Sherman.
State of Nebraska, from the 14th i
of May, A. L>. 1915. to the 14th da\
May, A. D. 1919.
If there be no objection protest
remonstrance filed on or before 11
14th day of June, A. D. 19l5.thens. i
license will be granted without re t r
ence thereto.
Dated this 27th day of May. A D
Attest: Edward Oltman
L. B. Polski, Co. Clerk. App’Oat '
A. W. Boecking, Deputy.
and prospective brides and grooms are beginning to look about to see what they will buy
in the way of furnishings for the new home. We have just received a carload of new
furniture and have everything that may be needed to furnish the home, no matter how
large and imposing, or how humble it may be.
For this remarkable price we furnish completely the parlor, dining room, bedroom and
kitchen. It includes rugs, buffet, kitchen cabinet—21 articles m all good, well-made
house furnishings. Look this snap over and you will see that it is impossible for other
dealers to attempt to duplicate it. It cant be done.