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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1915)
W. F. MASON, President L. HANSEN, Cashier Words from Andrew Carnegie Andrew Carnegie’s words concerning saving should carry weight. He has tried it and he knows. He says: “For every dollar you can pro duce as a result of hard earned sav ings, Midas, in search of a partner, will lend on credit a thousand. It is not capital that men require; it is the man who has proved that he has the business habits that create capital.” Suppose you begin forming business habits by placing your first deposit with us today. First National Bank Loup City, Nebraska. We Pay 5 per cent on Time Deposits. EOEP CUT HAPPENINGS j Daily sells foi less. John Cynova was a passsnger to Ashton Monday. M iss Vida Cowling visited with friends at Arcadia last Thursday. Rov McDonall has discontinued his dray line and went to York, Nebraska, Monday. Mrs. E. S. Hayhurst and daugh ter Harriet, were passengers to Grand Island Tuesday morning. The whooping cough is making the rounds among the kids here, and also making it interesting for a few of the grownups. Sale! The Hale stock of hard ware must be closed out next Saturday afternoon. Everything marked down far below cost.— R. H. Mathew, Trustee. At the regular meeting held on Friday. June 4, Excelsior Lodge No. 1 ♦'•♦*>. I. O. Q. F. elected the following officers for the following term: Noble Grand. W. S. Steen: Vice Grand, Lee Bly. While trimming trees Monday evening Peter Haremza met with an accident. The limb of the tree he was standing on broke and in the fall the saw cut hisarm, sever ing an artery. Medical aid was summoned at once and the arm was dressed, two stitches being necessary to close the wound. Mr. Haremza lost considerable blood, but lias suffered no ill ef fects from the accident. Try Loup City Flour. Daily sells for less. Baled hay for sale.—R. L. Arthur. H. S. Conger of Arcadia was in our city Tuesday. T. D. Wilson was a business passenger to Ashton Monday. Wanted, childrens sewing. Work neatly done.. Prices reasonable. Jennie Cole. “24-3 Annual school election for this district is called for Monday,June 11. The terms of two members of the board expire this year, E. G. Taylor and S. N. Sweetland. Opal and Marcia VerValin re turned home from Hastings Satur day evening. Miss Marcia has completed her first year of study at Hastings college. The stock of hardware in the Gzehoviak building will be closed out at forced sale next Saturday afternoon. The chance of a life time to get bargains.—R. 11. Mathew, Trustee. Mr. LeRoy Smith and Miss Zelpha Reed were married at ! Greeley yesterday. Mrs. Smith | is a former Loup City girl and has many friends here who wish her much happiness. Remembrance of the institution j of the Lord’s Supper was appro priately observed at St. Josephat’s I Catholic church in Loup City last ! Sunday. A pleasing program was ; given by the ladies society and the boys and girls of the church. ! A large number from town and ! country enjoyed the services. Cash Prices Count ■ ■— We are going to offer for cash for a while, prices that are cheaper than long charge prices. We all know that one who buys for cash ought to buy goods for less than one buying for six or nine months time. Below we quote you a few items for cash: 100 lbs, Sugar.$6.80 1 Sack Flour. 1.90 1 lb net Superb package soda 5c 5 1-lb packages Gloss Starch.. 25c 5 1-lb packages Corn Starch.. 25c 2 cans First Prize Hominy for 25c 3 cans good Standard Corn for 25c 1 can small size Tomatoes.... 10c 2 cans first prize sweet pototoes 25c 1 can of King of Hawaii Sliced Pineapple. 22c 3 lbs Santa Clara Prunes for.. 25c 3 lbs California dried Peaches 25c We also pay the highest market price for produce Loup City Merc. Co. Daily sells for less. Big ball game June 10. Everyone for park opening, Thursday, June 10. E. T. Thrasher, Painter and Paper Hanger. 15tf Mark your calender Thursday, June 10, for a holiday. A. B. Outhouse was a business j passenger to Rockville Thursday. Mr. and M rs. \\ m. Oraefe were , Grand Island passengers last Fri day. M rs. W. F. Mason visited with i Mrs. Thomas Dinsdale at Palmer last Thursday. There is no other as good as Nyals Face Cream. Sold only at the Nyal Store. O. T. Miller returned home from York Thursday evening where he had spent a few days visiting, Mrs. Flora DeCamp and daugh ter Lucile, went to St. Paul last Friday, returning the same day. M iss Orpha Outhouse, who is attending University at Lincoln, came home Thursday evening for the summer vacation. Miss Jessie McGavern returned to her home at Comstock Thursday evening after spending a few days here visiting friends. Mrs. Henry Hapka and children returned to their home at Ashton Monday, after spending a few days here with relatives. Miss Blanche Fisher returned home from Ashton Saturday even ing where she had been visiting with relatives and friends. Lost: —White bird dog with brown ears. Has collar on, with name almost worn off. Notify C. J. Larson if dog is located. O. A. Woods returned from Dannebrogand Grand Island Mon day evening where he had been on a business and pleasure trip. Mrs. Norton Lambert. Miss Mable Daddow and Arthur Rowe, went to Dannebrog last Saturday to attend the Danish celebration. Miss Zoe Leeper came up from Lincoln last Friday for a short visit with friends. She leaves to day for her home in western Kan sas. A. B. Young went to Omaha Monday morning to attend the Ma sonic convention. He took his three children to Central City, where they will visit with rela tives. M rs. G. M. Bell, who has been visiting here for several days with her son, E. Bell, returned to her home at St. Edwards, accompanied by her grand-children Maud and Erma Bell. Mr. and Mrs. L. Hansen arrived home Monday noon from their trip to the Pacific coast cities, where they attended the exposi tions and visited with relatives for the past month. Miss Grace Conger went to Greeley Tuesday morning to at tend the wedding of Miss Zelpha Reed which was held yesterday, (Wednesday) at the home of her mother, Mrs. Eli Crocket. Bessie and Ansley Conger left Tuesday morning for Blair, Ne braska, where they will visit for sometime with relatives and friends. M rs. Conger accompaning them as far as Grand Island. The remainder of the hardware stock in the Gzehoviak building will be sold at public auction next Saturday afternoon. All kinds of bargains in hardware, nails, barn door tracks, hinges, etc.—R. H. Mathew, Trustee. M iss Dorothy Hilsabeek, who has been staying with her aunt, Mrs. C. C. Outhouse and attend ing school, left for her home at Lush, Wyoming. Monday morn ing. Mrs. Outhouse'aceompanied her as far as Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ander strom and baby came up from Ashton Saturday evening to visit with the latter?s parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Corning. Mr. Ander strom returning to Ashton Monday morning. Dr. and Mrs. S. A. Allen left Monday for Lincoln, Omaha and Council Bluffs. Iowa. The Ne braska state board of dental ex aminers of which Dr. Allen is a member will hold a four days ex amination at Lincoln when about fifty will try for the right to prac tice dentistry in this state. They expect to be away about a week. The Loup City ball team went to Rockville Sunday afternoon and played the Rockville team in a drizzling rain. Various reports from the scene of the fray seem to denote that an awful exhibition took place. The boys played a very good game, using three pitchers, finishing out the game with Cash Pritchard on the mound. The score was ten to five, Loup City holding the five end. Summer Groceries This is the season when it seems to be difficult to get foods that taste right—that hit the spot. Seems like everything is too warm and most peo ple crave something that is cool and sweet. Our Cooling Equipment Insures you fresh fruit and vegetables, and our prompt delivery gets all these necessities to you before they have any chance to get stale and wilted. Our service is the best and our con stantly increasing num ber of patrons shows our service is popular. Try us and you'll come back R. L. ARTHUR ..j Daily sells for less. It pays to advertise. Opening dav, Thursday, June 10. E. T. Thrasher, Painter and Paper Hanger. 15tt R. P. Pritchard returned from Rockville Saturday evening. T. E. Gilbert was a passenger to Arcadia Monday evening. For sale—Cane seed Si.00 per bushel.—Robert Fuliton, Austin, Xebr. Banker I>. W. Titus of Litch field, was a Loup City visitor Tuesday. Jenner's Park this year far ex ceeds for beauty than any previ ous year. Ed. Anderson went to Arcadia Saturday evening to visit with relatives and friends. Mrs. J. S, Pedler went to Grand Island Monday morning, return ing the same evening. The Misses Eva Jackson and Florence Reed were Grand Island visitors last Thursday. J. A. Chandler spent Saturday at Rockville in the interests of the telephone company. Miss Lucile Bartunek went t<« Ashton Monday morning to visit with relatives and friends. W.D.Zimmerman returned from Aurora Friday where he had been looking after bnsiness affairs. d. B. O’B.vran returned home from Omaha Friday evening where he had beeu on business. Earl Daddow, who has been visiting at St. Paul the past week, returned home Saturday evening. Clarence Sweetland was a pas senger to Ashton Monday morn ing where he is doing some plumb ing work. Mrs. I. S. Kieth and son re turned Saturday evening from Rockville, where she had been visiting with relatives. Mrs. d. W. Dougal and little daughter left last Friday morning for Dunlap. Iowa, where she will visit for a short time with her par ents and other friends. New Perfection Oil Stoves WOMANS time is so taken up with housework, and with herotlier duties the hours, flv so fast—that before she knows it it's meal time again! No. 7, New Perfection Complete $25.00 The New Perfection Oil Co 'k stoves are especially designed for the busy woman with three meals a day to prepare for her family. Call and see The New Perfection at J. A. ARNETT & SON’S Daily sells for less. For Rent—Modern house. Call Blue 74. S Drugs for bugs at the Swanson i & Lofhoim Pharmacy. M. H. Charlton was a business passenger to < )maha last Thursday morning. Mrs. Wm. Schuman and chil dren were Grand Island visitors Saturday. You are sure to get the best Paris green at tin* Swanson «Si Lofhoim Pi.armucy. Milo Dailey left Saturday morn ! ing for Kearney where lie will at ; tend summer school. Miss Orena Ohlson came home from University Thursday t< spend her summer vacation. Used typewriters, all makes, at all prices. O. E. .lames, \. I'd. C. A., Grand Island, Nebr. Horlicks Malted Milk, good for young and old, is served at the Swanson & Lofholm Fountain. Mrs. R. T. Young and children j went to Ansley last Saturday to visit over Sunday with frienns. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. ■ L. G. Lofholm on Friday, dune 4. All concerned are doing nicely. j — Miss Ruth Taylor and sister Grace, visited with relatives and , friends at Dannebrog last Friday. | Miss Vida Cowling left Monday morning for Kearney, where she will attend the Kearney normal summer school. Miss Bessie and Katherine Owens went to Arcadia Saturday evening to visit with friends, returning Monday morning. Miss Nettie Southwell, who has been visiting here with friends the past few days, returned to »)maha Monday morning. Mrs. Della Keeler, of Big Creek, Nebraska, came last Saturday for a visit with her sister, Mrs. Ida Ogle and other relatives. Mrs. Sena Christensen returned from Palmer Monday evening j where she had spent several days i visiting relatives and friends. Miss Flora Ohlson returned ; from David City Saturday even ing where she has been visiting j with her father and brothers. Mrs. Anton Kwiatkowski and S son, of Ashton, were here Satur day visiting at tne home of Floyd Janulewicz, returning Monday | morning. • If you want a dray, phone A.I,. : Enderleu. black 63, or leave your i order with either lumber yard or i E. G. Taylor. Best of service : guaranteed. Miss Mable llansen left Tues : day morning for California to at 1 tend the expositions. .She was joined at Hastings by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Hanseli. Miss Alta Sutton returned to 1 her home at Schanpps, after spend ing several days here with rela tives. She was accompanied by her cousin. Miss Muriel Chase. Wanted—For the Eastern war zone, the best and most market able horses, sufficient in size and | quality for any of the duties re quired there. See Myrl Warrick. Mr. and Mrs. ,T. P. Leininger were passengers to Lincoln Tues day morning where they will at tend the graduation exercises of their daughter, Msss Florence Leininger, who is attending the Wesleyan University. E. G. Taylor returned from Colorado Springs with his brother in-law, A. B. Conklin, Saturday. They made the trip in hopes of , benefiting Mr. Conklin's health and intended remaining for several weeks, but it was so cold aud there is so much snow in the mountain city that they were compelled to return. ^ have a customer for an unim proved quarter or half section with in two miles of Loup City. If you have land of that description you will do well to list it with J. W. Dougal, of Loup City at once. I also have a customer for an im proved quarter. Actquick if you want to be the lucky one.—J. W. Dougal, Heal Estate and Insur ance _ A good sized vote was recorded at the special election Tuesday, which was submitted to the voters by the village trustees to see whether the citizens of Arcadia wished pooliiall licenses issued or not. Eighty-tive votes being registered for halls and sixty-six against, giving a majority of nine teen. Some time ago the trustees refused to renew the licenses but owing to the comment arising from such a move thought it best 1 to give the voters a chance to ex press their views ana if a sufficient majority favored re-issuing the licenses the board would recon sider their action and give the public this popular form of amuse ment.—Arcadia Champion. f- ^ Ten Reasons why you should trade at my store 1— Hats Long ley leads them all 2— Suits Strau.'s Bros. High Art for dress 3— Shoes Ralston for comfort and style 4— Shirts M. K Smith's,guaranteed 5— Collars Arrow Brands are better 6— Neckties Pomeroy Bros styles ev ert thirty days 7— Sox Holenroof. six pair six months or uew ones 8— Underwear Alus and Goodknit. the la uest. < 9—Gloves Ripan 10—Overalls Fink's Detroit Special, nene better made for Men and Boys I GUS LORENTZ The Popular Men's and Boys's Clothier W »-• 1 The Faultless Silo Beats Them All Come in and talk over the Silo question. A few gallons of our weatherproof paints A few rods of our Squard Deal Fence and a Faultless Silo doubles value of farms. The Silo and the cow spell prosperity. Don’t forget to hrve us figure your lumber bills. We carry everything to complete the building. FLIES WILL NENER BOTHER YOU IF YOU USE OUR FLY PROOF SCREENS AND SCREEN DOORS. # Hansen Lumber Co. Our ideal Summer ('oal makes it a real PLEASURE to cook w .. t For Fifteen Days Only Beginning Saturday, June 5th, at The Hub Clothing Store SPECIAL PRICES ON SUITS Men’s Suits $10.00 Suits for $7.95 $12.50 Suits for $9.95 $15.00 Suits for $12.59 $20.00 Suits for $17.50 Boy’s Suits $6.00 and $7.00 Knee Pant Suits for.$4.§5 $5.00 Knee Suits for $3.95 $3.50 and $4.00 Suits, $2.95 $2.50 Suits for.$1.95 Hub Clothing Store Victor Viener, Prop. . _