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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1915)
JENNER^S PARK OPENING DAY, THURSDAY, JUNE ) t v A LIVE NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN A LIVE TOWN VOLUME XXXIV .LOUP CITY. NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JUNE IS. I'M.', NUMBER 24 LONG TIME SUBSCRIBER. Northwestern Claims to Have The Record. The Northwestern force has been busy for the past two weeks cheeking over the subscription books and getting the subscrip tion list rearranged and placed in a card index system. ()ne sub scriber we.found to Ik* credited in advance for the nexr ninety years At first it was thought that this • was a mistake, hut after an ex haustive investigation we found tint tins ere lit is perfectly pro|ter an 1 that the subscriber is entitled t" r * *eive the Lotip JL-ity N’orth " stern for ninety years to come. We wish that many more sub vribers would copy after this long time one, but of coins* we don't expect many to pay up for as long a time as the one. referred to above. It is a good plan, pay up your subscription for ten or fifteen .vears and then you will have it off your mind for some time to c > ne. As a 'peojul inducement t i all ninety year subscribers we will mike this extra offer of a free subscription for life after the ninety years are past. But laying all i ikes aside. The N *rthwestern claims the distinc tion of having the longest paid in advance subscriber of any news paper in the •'tate of Nebraska. The \o>thwestern has a largesub scrip ion list of good paving •• tb s--ib>rs. The subscrip ion list is | growing right along and inereas-j i’ig nicelv. But we will always) h ive this one subscriber anyway. N i manor what we say or what we do. or -a.ether he likes the paper m I its policy or not, we will have liitij with us always, for h has pai i ^iis money and it will be our special aim to please him and till ot lifer subscribers. -1 ] ATTEND THE PARK OPENING Opening day at .Tenner Park on Thursday, dune 10, promises to be a record breaker. The Ar cadia Silver Cornet band has been engaged to furnish music during the day and an interesting ball game will Ik: placed by trie Sar ,gent and Arcadia teams. Vaude ville. high jump, ladder race, tug of war between town and country tea ms. ami o h t sports and contests will be heid during the day. Cash prizes for all. The Loup City Oun club will hold a tournament at tin' park on that day. Several events have been arranged for ama teur shooters, ard several good prizes will lie awarded. Dance in the evening, furnished by the edebrated P. & P's four piece orchestra. Postively no gambling or other objectionable features is allowed in the park. At night the park will be beautifully illumi nated bv hundreds of colored lights. Park opening day is get iug t i be regarded as a holiday here and the management is pre paring to make opening day this year a gala event. A large number from the surrounding towns are expected to attend and all will be well entertained during 111*-* day. GUN CLUB SHOOT Tic Loup City Gun club held a practice shoot on May 30. Follow ing are the scores: Targets Broke 1 W. Thompson.100 07 Win. Sell man.ion ito O. Tocke:.Phi mo •lot Smaller.100 86 Henry Eisner.75 OR Wm Graefe. 75 55 \ ern Part. 50 28 L. Hidelson. 50 27 T. H. Eisner. 50 2.i A Cole. 25 10 C | /Clean Up Paint Up ^ Put a little sunshine ifi your home / and H. &: M. paint on your home | We have both | KEYSTONE LUMBER CO. ), „ r — Don’t Miss This twelve Days / Big Millinery Special | We Must Have an immediate Clearance j This is not an ordinary “weeding out" sale, for the hats are the finest of the season, yet the sale price in most instances is a quarter—a third—a half less than usual. Look where you will, we doubt if you can duplicate the values. V Must sell these hats to make room for the fall models Scores of wonderfully handsome models—some close copies of French models—in the newest colors and combinations -that will go well with fluffy summer gowns. No refunds or exchanges. $3.95 to $10 Flats go at $2.98. The Busy Bee Hat Shop Miss Hattie Froehlich, Prop. , Next west of Ideal Bakery J A LITTLE EXPERT PRUNiMS ^1. nuw—'-T«Kvsx-r*n^«phM goopness ^\Hc£_ sake make 1/uncle E-ill him STOP-OH N PONTCHA THINK. DEAR ftlOsE VOu Vfc OUT EEAV/n f f L TRt£i> £NOU6H? - -- ^rr— -" VOO SEE CHARUt Kiy POV, Tms 3T0FF All HAS To Be cur OUT. \N£ call'm ; 5UL<d£Rt> POW* HOME Swedish Ghurch Re-organized. The Swedish Mission church of Loup City lias now taken up tin* work and we will pray to (iod that He will give use summer with success. The regular services will be held ( I at theSwedish Mission church Sun j day morning, dune <>, Sunday School at 10:30 a. m. Everybody ! is invited to come and bring their friends, i'he sermon will lie given at 11:00 a. m. Teodor Young will speak, hissubjectbeing “The Way j of the Cross.” In the evening the services will | commence at >* p. in . and the sub Lett v,,:i be “Tut* Prayer and it Power. " The men squartette will! furnish us with -'tune g.>oij music. ^ on are invited to this service. The bible class will meet at the church on Saturday, dune b, at 3 p. m. The choir meets for their practice Saturdav. dune b. at s p. in. —Rev. Teodor Young. Sheriff Sutton has two grand daughters at Loup City, who are graduating this year. He took out his cheek book and wrote eaHi of them a liberal check and sent his best wishes in a letter to them and supposed he had done his duty. Not so with the .voungj ladies. They very firmly informed j him they could not graduate with out a grandfather present. Ac cordingly Tuesday morning he j put on his Sunday best and took the train for Loup City, where it is to be hoped his august presence lent a charm to the exercises and that the young ladies did them selves and their grandfather credit. - (>.'d Quiz. das. Bartunek, the harness uan > is milking preparations to pot in a stock nf bar i wa re. making an-1 : ce ments to handle the celebrat'd Wyeth line while at St. J i-a ih. Missouri last week. Mr.Bartunek t- busy putting up shelving and getting iv:-ty to revive the new si >.-k w|iich •>.pe • 1 to arrive wiiiiin a few da.\s. T i,, , . >f liar 1 .v ire I- fuiiy gn-oainterd, is priced rignt a.i J vi!; ' > ■ ad v.i -e i in the Northwestern, so waten iui. paper for his opening announce- ] ment. Three traveling musicians visited Loup City last week, playing" on the street, and also furnishing music at the Frederick hotel dur-j iug meal hours and also playing1 [ for a dance at the ojiera house on ; Friday evening. The dance was well attended arid everyone present ! enjoyed the occasion to the limit. The three gentlemen were Italians and their pleasant manners as well as excellent music made them very popular here. If you have never been an ad mirer of motion pictures the big four-reel feature, “The Firefly” will make you one. This is a magnificent drama, one of the real masterpieces of sensational produc tion of the jvorld. It will be shown at the Daddow theatre, on Thursday, June J. Prices will be 10 and 15c. — - Mrs, Harry Ballinger returned i to her home to Omaha last Satur day morning after spending a few days here visiting relatives. She ; was accompanied by her neice.Miss | Tena French, who will visit for aj (while there. I PRETTY HOME WEDDING. Loup City Couple Away on Their Honeymoon. A pretty wedding was solem nized a! the home of Judge K. A. Smith Wednesday morning at ten o'dock, when his yonnge-t daugh ter Bessie M. was inarrteo to I Clarence M. Co! trade, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Coitrane of Sar gent. Nebraska. Rev. Siepn of the Presbyterian chu’vli otiicated. Promptly at ten o'clock to the strains of the lvohegrin wedding march rendered by Mi - Florence Depew, tiie bi !al party consist ing of the bride and groom and Miss Mabel De|>ewand Mr. F. .1. Leschinsky, as bridesmaid and best man, and Miss Kowena Depew as ring beared, entered the parlor and took their |daces be neath a beautiful :.rch of bridal wreaths and welding bells. 1 he bride wore a beautiful dress of white chiffon voile and shadow la v. She carried a pretty bouquet of orange blossoms. The bride maid s gown was a pink chiffon over a pink channelise. The grooms and best man - suits were of blue serge. After congratulations tiie whole] party were taken in autos to the residence of Mr. J. I. Depew where a splendid three course | luncheon awaited them. After] doing full justice to the elegant! feast, the guests escorted the [ bride and groom to the depot. ' 1 hey left amid showers of rice and congratulations and with their suitcases appropriately decorated for Denver. Colorado, for their honeymoon. Mrs. Coltrune is a Loup City 1 git'i and h:is lived here ail her life, j Sue is much loved by all and is ’rtainly worthy of the good ] wishes given her by her host of I friends. Mr. ( 'Strain- was born and raised near ."vo geui Nebraska Hut for the past year ha- la id ti-e position iii i for L. L. 1 ay bur. He lias won many triends in tin- community b.v his cheery di-posii ion and sterling • ! unlit ie-. The whole community extend to them their heartiest congra.u-, iations and best wishes for a happy and prosperous future. 1 he out of town guests were; Mrs. H. M, Coltrane and son Hugh, mother and brother of the groom, and Mrs. John forte of Sargent,; Nebraska; ylr. and Mrs. Wes. Heapy of Litchtield, Nebraska; Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Ward of Arcadia; Miss Nettie Southwell of McCook and MissAbi Iieynon of , Lincoln. After a honeymoon of three weeks the happy couple will be at home to their friends in Lonp City, Nebraska. Do you know the secret of keep ing cool during hot weather? It’s easy. Keep the bowels free, with Hollister s Rocky Mountain Tea and you will be surprised how sweet and cool you will feel.— Swnuson £ Lofholm. Miss Marie Cooj>er. who is at tending school at Kearney, came home Wednesday evening for iier summer vacation. Mrs. Henry Ohisen entertained the Ladies’ Industrial at her home Wednesday afternoon. A Ford Every IS Seconds In April. I'iie productions of 46,.'j 10 Ford cars in tin* d6 eight-hour working days of April, means a new car! a I tout every 16 seconds. Of course, this is a new record even ! for the Ford Motor Company. Bir the remarkable feature of this splendid msnufacturing achieve ment is the fact that each car that came out of tiie assemply lines of the factory and assembling plants at intervals of 16 seconds and glided away under its own power was made, in tiie minutest detail! with all the infinite care and per fect design and tiie laboriously tested materials which the Ford progressive efficieny alone has made possible. While it requires about two montiis to build a Ford ! car tiie special equipment and ! methods assembled a complete Ford car as above stated, one j every 16 seconds.* The Grand Island company which is developing the lioelus! water power project is buying up all the electric light franchises it can get in the smaller towns and ! cities in this part of the state, or failing in that, contracting to fur nish the ‘‘juice" for a term of years. \\ ood River and Cairo have already signed up with the Grand Island company, and ne-* gotiations are now pending at Shel-' ton, where the electric plant is i municipally owned. Negotiations are also pending for the purchase of the Gibbon plant. It is under stood that the Grand Island com pany has made some investigations looking tn the purchase of the Ra venna plant, or entering into a| contract to furnish current for the system, but without results so far. we believe. Ravenna News. E. G. Taylor went to St. Paul take his brother-in-law, j A. IP Conklin, of that city to1 Colorado Springs for medical treatment. Mr. Conklin recently returned from Excelsior Springs. Mi ssouri, much improved in health and it was thought that his health would continue to improve, but a relapse sit in and his life i> tin;, atened with another attack of ln» ul.l c.;.^i.>iainf. Mr. Taylor: expects to remain at Colorado i Springs with Mr. Conklin for several weeks. Miss Alberta Outhouse left last Friday morning for Ravenna Ne braska. to visit her sister, Miss | \\ innifred Outhouse , who is teach ing school at that place, and from there she will go to Lincoln for a short visit. Tuesday was the fifty-fifth birth day of Rey. C. G. F. Johnson. The event was celebrated by his children goinjr out to his place two miles southwest of town, and sending a very pleasant evening Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Tracey left last Saturday morning for Kear ney, Nebraska, to attend the grad uation exercises of Miss Grace Tracy, who is attending the normal college at that place. John Ohlsen and Chas. Lass went to Ansley Saturday morning w here they are doing some build ing. E. Dwehus of Rockville, trans acted business here Thursday. AGED LADY PASSES AWAY. Mrs. A drew S/.efrajda died at her home m Loup City early Saturday morning, after an illness of several weeksduration, a para lytic stroke being the cause of her (death. Mr.-. Szefrada was the oothor of six children, four of j whom witii bt i- aged husband stir-' live her. Site was 7■» years of j age. i he tenoral was held in the ' ’a! nolle chinvii at i! ckville Mon ; day and intern ent made in the i j cemetery th»re. ARCADIA COUSU MARRIED M iliiatn F. \\ yekotf and MistJ Theresa Lipp, both of Arcadia,! were main .1 by ( ounly Judge E. A. Smith last Satin.lay. Tiie\ ! were accompanied dy Airs.Jes.iiei | Bnrgett and Miss Elizabeth'; M yekotf-. also of Arcadia. A CHURCH WEDDING. Joseph \\ . Psota of Ravenna, and Miss Francis Jurkwicz of Lonp City, were married at the Catholic church by Father Cud zenski luesnay morning. The j young couple will make their home on the groom’s farm near; Ravenna. The city council Diet Tuesday evening. Several important con templated improvement were dis cussed at length, though no defi nite action was decided upon any of the.m. Mrs. A\ . II. Stephens came up from Rockville Thursday for a short visit with her son. Lamont | L. Stephens and wife. 1 here is no other as good as X.vals Face Cream. Sold only at the X.vaJ Stdre. Airs. II. R. H. Williams has| been on the sick list the past week. Born, to Mr. and Airs. Otto Henning. June 2, a tine boy. WRITE UP YOUR IDEAS. Sign Your Name to Letter and Send it to the Northwestern It is tlie policy of the publishers of the Northwestern to print a newspaper for the benefit and profit of the subscriber payingfoi the same. Of course we ait* not in business tor that purpose alone as we have our own interest to look out for and the financial part of this puplication is not a second ary considerat ion. We are like all other people and freely admit that we are not in business for our health as we never felt better in our life. Our ideas and thoughts as expressed from week to week are from sincere motives and it is the aim of the publishers to fur nish a newspaper well worth the pi ice asked and give full value in return for currency received. Our colums are always open to subscribers for the discussion of any topic, it making no difference whether it conflicts with the ideas of the Northwestern or not, All communications received must be signed by the name of the writer, as we must have the signature of the \\ l iter asevidence of good faith. The signature will be held from publication if requested, but it i-. necessary on all communications that are to be published. We hope all will take advantage of our invitation and freely discuss the many perplexing problems of the day, both national and local in the columns of the Northwestern each week. FARMERS PICNIC. TheFarmer's I nionand Granges of Sherman county will hold a big general picinic at .Tenner’s Park on I Tuesday, dune 8. Several good speakers will orate, md a program will be given. All farmers and their families are in vited to attend and bring lunch. A good time is planned, so don't miss it. cash prices Beet Sugar A A AF k per sack.OOaUV H Cane Sugar A"V AA H per sack .MI allU I White Satin Flour 00 AA I per sack.^4aUU I Early June sifted Peas AF . S 3 cans for ..... ■ Sugar Corn OCaa I 3 cans for....4vC I Fancy Peaches OCaa I 2 cans for....£vC I Diamond “C” Soap AP I 7 bars for.AvC I Fancy Evaporated Peaches I per lb..0C ■ Other items at porportionate prices. g® Get my Prices on your Grocery bill. It will pay you. WM. LEWANDOWSKI Deposits in this hank haw the additional security of tlie De positors Guarantee Fund of tiie S ate of Nebraska. Get Rich Quick You hear a lot about it—but do you know many people who have actually accomplished it? Spending all you earn and expecting riches to come to you without any special effort on your part, isn’t a proved success in building up a competence for future use. Un- ^ til you get a start, it may even be necessary to practice economies. However, isn’t financ ial independence worth the effort? Regular use of our bank account plan will make it easier for you. Loup City State Bank Loup City, Nebraska. We pay 5 percent interest on time deposits