The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 27, 1915, Image 5

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£ W. F. MASON, President L HAASEA, Cashier $
t - \
( $ A Bank Account $
| The Best Insurance Policy j
I $
f You don’t have to wait till you die before $
^ you .get the money. £
^ It is waiting for you at any time you need ^
^ it—and sometimes you need it mighty quick. ^
^ Start an account and insure yourself and ^
£ your family against the unexpected. £
4 You will find in our bank that courteous i
? attention is given to the small depositor as to \
f the wealthy one. ^
t t
\ First National Bank \
£ Loup City, Nebraska. £
£ We Pay 5 per cent on Time Deposits. £
—v. _
Daily sells for less.
W. C. Mackey visited at Sar
gent last Friday.
E. T. Thrasher, l’ainter and
Paper Hanger. 15tt
Earl Morrow went to Austin
last Friday to work.
Drugs for bugs at the Swanson
& Lofholm Pharmacy.
Mark your calender Thursday.
June 10, for a holiday.
See ‘‘East Lynne” at the opera
house on Saturday. May 29.
I. C. Smith was a business vis
itor at Rockville last Saturday.
Beehives for sale. Inquire of
\V. H. Hughes. Loup City. 22-2
Fresh vegetables of all kinds
every Saturday at R. L. Arthur's.
M rs. J. W. Amick was a pas
senger to Grand Island last Satur
For sale—Cane seed SI.00 per
bushel.—Robert Fuliton, Austin,
Dr. J. E. Bowman was a busi
ness passenger to Ashton last
Thursday morning.
David Morrow and Earl Mc
Ilravy went to Boelus last Satur
day on a business trip.
Henry Dunkerand Fritz Hapka
were passengers to Rockville Mon
day morning on business.
Try Loup City Flour.
~ ■ " ==...
Daily sells for less.
E. T. Thrasher, Painter and
Paper Hanger. loti
East Lynne at opera house, Sat
urday, May 29.
Wanted -Clean old rags at The
Northwestern office.
J. W. Conger was a passenger
to Arcadia Monday evening.
For sale—Team of ponies, har
ness and buggy, Call Blue 74.
Rev.Guth sold his team of ponies
last Saturday to Oliver Dubry.
Tomato plants now ready for
sale. Inquire of W. T. Gibson.
L. A. Williams was a passen
ger to Hastings last Saturday on
James Bartunek returned Mon
day from a business trip to St.
Joseph, Missouri.
Horlicks Malted Milk, good for
young and old, is served at the
Swanson & Lofholm Fountain.
Miss Alice Tangernran of Rock
ville. attended the eighth grade
graduation exercises here Monday
Miss Frieda Dieterichs visited
with Miss Alice Tangerman at
Rockville last Friday and Satur
C. C. Cooper and wife left this
morning for Fairmont, to attend
the graduation exercises at that
place. A niece of Mr. Cooper
is a member of the class.
—— ' ■ ■■ — - ■■ .1
1 Henderson Corsets
{uni KHiwiij,.ii,. ~rr~.—-1 ,,ii Tillll
Try the Henderson Corset
This is one of the most form fitt
ing corsets on the market today
Price $1.00 to $3.00
I Loup City Merc. Co.
1 ' Daily sells for less.
Everyone for park opening,
Thursday, June 10.
Mrs. O. S. Mason was a passen
ger to Grand Island Monday morn
There is no other as good as
Nyals Face Cream. Sold only at
I the Nyal Store. _
The Misses Adelnie Leininger
and Elenora Holmes visited at Sar
gent Monday evening.
Used typewriters, all makes, at
all prices. O. E. James, Y. M.
C. A., Grand Island, Nebr.
M iss Nellie Starkey went to
St. Paul last Saturday to take
teacher's examinations.
The Misses Tillie Hollingshead
and Wanda Tockey of Arcadia,
visited with friends here last Satur
i Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Pedler, C.
C. Carlsen and Aaron Wall, were
Grand Island visitors Tuesday
i morning.
The Misses Hazel and Alta Sut
! ton of Ashton, came up Monday
evening to attend the graduation
Mrs. L. Rein returned to Aurora
'Tuesday morning after spending
| a few days here visiting relatives
* and friends.
M rs. M. A. Gilbert and daugh- j
ter Marie, left yesterday morning
for Silver Creek, Nebraska, for a
short visit with relatives.
Porcupines, horned toads, arme
; dello, snakes, etc., have been
; added to the already large collec
tion of strange animals in the
The Misses Grace Fawthrop,
Alberta Outhouse and Messrs Carl
Amick and Milo Daily, were pas
: sengers to Arcadia Monday even
I ing.
Dr. S. A. Allen returned from
Omaha last Thursday. He spent
several days at the dentists' con
vention and reports having a fine
| time.
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Pielstick
and children of Glendville,Nebras
ka, are here visiting Mrs. Piel
j stick's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
H. Hughes.
If you want a dray, phone A.L.
Enderlee, black 63, or leave your ,
j order with either lumber yard or
E. G. Taylor. Best of service
i guaranteed.
Mrs. W. H. Stephens returned (
to her home at Rockville yester
day morning after spending a few :
days here with her son, Lamont
L. Stephens. I
Miss Julia Williamson of Dan- j
nebrog, came up Monday evening
for a short visit with her friend.
Miss Bessie Fisher, and to attend
Wanted—For the Eastern war ,
zone, the best and most market
able horses, sufficient in size and ‘
quality for any of the duties re
quired there. See Myrl Warrick, j
Mr. and Mrs. ,Joe Sietman, and '
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ballinger and .
children, arrived here from Omaha '
last Friday for a short visit wtth
their brother, Fritz.Tohanson, and .
other relatives. ’
Mrs. E. G. Taylor and Mrs. M. '
Leschinsky entertained the seniors 1
last Friday night at the home of 1
Mrs. Taylor. A very pleasant
evening was spent in games and
light refreshments were served. *
- 1
Tom Lay, who has been confined 1
to his home with a light attack of <
typhoid fever, is again able to be (
on the street. His son, Willard, .
has a more serious case, but at .
present is getting along very well. |
1 He seventh grade gave a sur
prise party last Friday night at
the home of Miss Halena Janu
lewicz. In spite of the rainy
weather there was a large crowd
and all those present report a fine
Mrs. Sadie Bailey, of Broken
Bow, who has been visiting here
with the George Benschoter family
left yesterday morning for
Pleasanton, and from there she
goes to Michigan to spend the
A handkerchief, necktie and
sock shower was given to Carl
Amick last Saturday evening. A
large crowd was present and all
reported a good time. Carl left
yesterday morning for Lincoln
where he will enter a medical
college. |
For sale—160 acres six miles
from Sargent. About 100 acres
cultivated, rest good hay and pas
ture, small buildings. If sold be
fore July 1st, crop goes with
place. Easy terms.—Mrs. Emma
E. McCray, Comstock, Nebraska.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Brodaus of
Madison. Missouri, have been
visiting here the past few days
with the latters sister, Mrs. J. E.
Scott. They left Tuesday morn
ing, accompanied by Mrs. Scott,
for Cozad, Nebraska, where they
will visit a few days with rela
tives and friends. - '
J'"'" ..■■■■ ■■■■■ ■ ■ Si
Summer Groceries
This is the season when
it seems to be difficult
to get foods that taste
right—that hit the spot.
Seems like everything is
too warm and most peo
ple crave something that
is cool and sweet.
Our Cooling
Insures you fresh fruit
and vegetables, arid our
prompt delivery gets all
these necessities to you
before they have any
chance to get stale and
wilted. Our service is
the best and our con
stantly increasing num
ber of patrons shows
our service is popular.
Try us and you’ll |
come back
Daily sells for less.
For Sale—Rhode Island Red
'ggs. Mr. Chris Christiansen.
Phone 9U12. 23
If you want good, prompt dray
ng call on Roy MeDonall, phone
Brown 57. 13tf
Carl Balliman left Monday
norning for York, Nebraska, to
.isit for several days.
W. R. Mellor came up from
Lincoln Monday evening to attend
he commencement exercises.
Leave orders for Roy MeDonall
Iray at either lumber yard or Ta.v
or's elevator, or phone Brown 57.
For sale—My residence proper
ty, known as the old Judge Hunter
dace. See me for price and terms.
—J. VV. Burleigh.
Mrs. Carl Johnson and two
hildren of Ord, are visiting with
.lie A. E. Chase and W. S. Waite
amilies this week.
Miss Lillian Conhiser returned
o Sargent last Friday evenihg
lfter visiting here a few days with
•elatives and friends,
Mr. and -Mrs. O. F. Peterson
eft Monday morning for Kansas
Jity, Missouri, where Mrs. Peter
ion goes for medical treatment.
J. W. Burleigh and family left
ast Friday morning for Cozad,
Nebraska, to visit a few days with
lis son, Frank Burleigh, and
The Misses Flint. King. Lane,
dusters. Holman. Wilson and De
ft itt, all of Arcaeia, were down
ast Saturday taking teacher's ex
Cheap as rent. For sale, six
ots with five room house, small
>arn and a good deal of fruit.
2asv terms, inquire of Mrs. Emma
dcCray or Loup City State Bank.
O. P. Gilmore, of Austin, was
n Loup City on business Monday,
dr. Gilmore recently bought a
rasoline traction engine and plows
nd has taken several contracts for
(lowing and breaking.
Alfred Smart arrived here from
)maha last Saturday to accept a
(osition with the Ideal Bakery and
iestaurant. Mr. Smart is a baker
'f considerable experience and
omes highly recommended.
—. . 1 -
1 '
New Perfection
Oil Stoves
A WOMAN’S time is so taken
up with housework, and
with her other duties the hours,
fly so fast—that before she
knows it it’s meal time again!
T-.. ..
• 1
No. 7, New Perfection
Complete $25.00
The Jsew Perfection Oil Cook
stoves are especially designed
for the busy woman with three
meals a day to prepare for her
Call and see
The New Perfection
Daily sells foi less.
Big- ball game J une 10.
Opening day, Thursday, June
4°. _
Jer ner’s Park this year far ex
ceeds for beauty than any previ
i ous year.
J. B. O'Bryan was a business
j visitor to Gmnd Island Tuesday
j morning.
You are sure to get the best
j Paris green at the Swanson &
i Lofholm Pharmacy.
M iss Katherine Claussen of Ar
| cadia, is visiting at the home of
j Miss Elizabeth Leininger this
j week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Taylor came
! up from St. Paul Tuesday even
ing for a short visit with their
json, E. G. Taylor and family.
The ninth grade gave a party
at the home of Sadie and Arthur
Hancock last Friday night. All
those present report a tine time.
Mrs. J. F. Zellenger of David
City, is here visiting her sister,
Mrs. E. G. Taylor, and attending
the graduation exercises this week.
The west part of the state was
visited b.v heavy snow storm last
week. Several inches of snow
was reported at Alliance and Sid
The M isses Julia and llal Olson
came home from Omaha Monday
evening for a few days visit with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
The Misses Hilda. Amanda and
Bertia Steen, and two little
brothers, attended a school picnic j
at Ashton last Friday, given bv
M iss Ida Steen.
M rs. C. R. Sweetland and two
children left Tuesday morning for
Strawberry Point, Iowa, where
she will visit for a week or so
with her sister.
Miss Emma Janulewiez returned
home last Saturday evening from
Ashton where she has been visit
ing with her brother. Ed. Janu
lewicz and family the past two
I have between 60 and 80 acres
of ground I want broke between
now and the 15th of June. Any
one wanting this contract apply of
Frank Lorchick, Loup City, Ne
braska. Land is in southwest |
quarter of section twenty-seven I
four miles southwest of town. m22tf
The Arcadia ball team came
down Sunday and won a game
from the Loup City high school
team by a score of 10 to 0. The
local boys were somewhat out of
form and lost the game in the first
three innings. _ The feature of the
game was a home run by Daily.
Tiie cqiening day ot Jenner's
park is announced for Thursday.
June 10. Among the attractions'
for the day is a ball game, vaude
ville, dancing, games, sports and
contests of all kinds. The North
western will give a complete pro
gram of this day in next week's
Mrs. Victor Johnson returned
to her home at Harvard, Nebras
ka. Monday morning after visit
ing here with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. J. McLaughlin, for
the past three weeks. She went
from here to Grand Island and
Hastings where she will visit a
day or so with friends before go
ing on to Harvard.
Besides the circus scenes, which
help to make the big four-reel pro
duction, “The Master of Death,”
attractive, there are a number of
scenes made in the interior of a
big ocean liner in the engine rooms.
Taken all in all, the opera house
theatre has never shown a better
production than "The Master of
Death,’’which will be put upon the
screen on Thursday, May 27.
William Dolling, wife and chil
dren left yesterday for Denver.
Colorado, where they will spend
a few days and then will go to the
western part of the state, expect
ing to be gone about three weeks
on the trip. Both Mr. and Mrs.
Dolling have well earned this va
cation, and it is thought that their
health will be greatly benefited by
the outing.
I have a customer for an unim
proved quarter or half section
within two miles of Loup City. If
you have land of that description
you will do well to list it with ,T.
W. Dougal, ofLioupCity at once.
I also have a customer for an im
proved quarter. Act quick if you
want to be the lucky one.—.1. W.
Dougal, Real Estate and Insur
The home of E. E. McFadden
was the scene of a pleasant party
last Saturday evening, the event
beinga surprise on Mr. McFadden,
his birthday being on that day.
Various card games were played
and a two course luncheon was
served. Ten couples were pres
ent. The event was greatly en
joyed by all, the guests departing
for their homes at a late hour
happy in the thought of a pleasant
evening profitably spent.
t '■ -. .... »
Ten Reasons
- - - ---- - -
why you should trade
at my store
1— Hats
Longley leads them all
2— Suits
Strauss Bros. High Art
for drtss
3— Shoes
Ralston for comfort and
4— Shirts
M. E Smith's,guaranteed
5— Collars
Arrow Brands are better
6— Neckties
I’omerov Bros, styles ev
ery thirty days
7— Sox
Holeproof, six pair six
months or uew ones
8— Underwear
Alus and Goodknit, the
9— Gloves
Fink's Detroit Special,
none better made
for Menand Boys
The Popular Men's and Boys's Clothier
Say! Listen to This:—
Then get, busy with a brush. Sherman-Williams House Paints
cover the most, look the best, wear longest, most economical and
Pioneer Red Barn Paint—
the Real Oxide Paint—85c per gallon
Try our weatherproof paints. Wagon, implement, house and
barn paints. Inside floor paints, varnishes, enamels, stains.
Leakproof, the Ideal Roof paint
The largest paint stock in Loup City. We carry paints from
5o cents per gallon and up. Be sure and see us. We save you
Flyproof Screens and Screen Doors
Let us figure your lumber bills. We carry everything to com
plete the building.
You will Like it When From
Hansen Lumber Co.
^ . " "I)
Clean Up Paint Up
Put a little sunshine in your home
and H. & M. paint on your home
We have both
Yards at Loup City, Ashton, Rockville, Sehaupps and Arcadia
I have a barrel of good
machine oil for sale at
25c per gallon
Sod Breaking
I am also equipped to do breaking i
or stubble plowing with my gang tractor.
Write for particulars and prices.