The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 20, 1915, SUPPLEMENT, Image 9

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Loup City Northwestern
Miss Clara Nowicki is quite sick
with the grip. *
Harry Maciejewski is putting up a
new milk house.
Jos. Lubash sold one of his horses
to a horse buyer last week.
Miss Freda Plemback was a pas
senger to St. Paul last Monday.
Jos. Lubash bought a horse with a
colt from J. W. Peters last week.
John Dominski was insuring life
among these creekers last week.
Ths little daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Tony Stobbe is quite sick with the
Miss Lizzie Weiss taught another
Saturday owing to the loss of a
” - -
fecenic Route to the Expositions
When planning your trip to the Expositions bear m mind that the
Union Pacific affords you a larger variety of routes to select from
than any other line to the Pacific Coast.
Its route lies through the richest sections of the West. You have the
selection of a direct route to San Francisco, or to Eos Angeles thence
to San Francisco, or to Spokane. Portland. Tacoma and Seattle with
choice of rail or steamship of the San Francisco & Portland Steamship
Company between Portland and San Francisco.
A complete circuit tour includes both Expositions and one way via the
North Pacific Coast. This tour costs $17.50 more than the regular reduced
price round trip Exposition fare, but it is well worth the money for it
enables you to sea the best in the West in a single trip.
Union Pacific
The Cool, Comfortable, Northern Route to Both Expositions
Double tracked, automatic electric block safety signals. and a selection of .even
splendidly equipped daily trains to the Pacific Coast — shorter and lasier than any
other line, Omaha to California and Pacific Northwest, allowing more time for
sightseeing on the coast.
Stop over at Denver, Colorado Springs. Salt Lake City without extra exp-nse
For slight additional expense during the season you can visit Rocky Mo;
National Park, Colo., Yellowstone National Park. Lake Tahoe and Y.,st
National Park.
Cut out the coupon and mail today for E.\pi
~W A«|T O 6ition Guide book which you will find help
I Jll wV ful in planning your Western trip.
Trip Fares w^.o*p“«fsipmA'
r Vk7 Omaha, Neb.
TO Visit Old Faithful Inn,
Yellowstone National
Expositions &~&cat
_JL exposition 620o
f Address..... „
Are you taking advantage of your homestead right for yourself or your
son? The last two years have been the heaviest homesteading years in the
history of this country. What does this tell you? At this rate at the end
of ten years there will be only “odds and ends” left. You can vet secure an
excellent Mondell 320 acre tract of even, rolling prairie in Xortheastern
Wyoming—for the dairy business and stock raising.
Or. you can take up in the Government Irrigation Project in the Big
Horn Basin on 80 acre homestead, close to the town of Powell. Wyo . in a
district of schools choice farms and in a highly developed community.
Government permanent water rights 852 per acre. Twenty year payments,
no interest. About 80 of tiie good farms left: if iou mean business this is
the finest gift the government can today make you.
PSend for publications. Write me. I am employed
by the Burlington to serve you.
$. B. HOWARD, Immigration Agent
1004 Farnam Street, Omaha. Nebraska
Peter Haremza, from Loup City, is
visiting with his brother, Ignas Har
B. H. Lorenz bought a Scotch col
lie dog from Dr. A. E. Wanek of
A dance was given at Tony Peters’
last Saturday night and was largely
A picnic will be given at school
district No. 12, Sunday, May 3. Ev
erybody come.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Koch were
visiting with their parents in Rock
ville Sunday.
Henry Peters, who is working for
Pete Jensen, came home Sunday last
to visit with his folks.
Leon F. Lubash purchased a 5x7
camera and outfit from Pete Peterson
the latter part of t?ie last week.
Phitographs Taken—I am prepared
to take pictures and solicit your pat
ronage.—Leon F. Lubash. Ashton,
Misses Laura and Caroline Car.
tens were passengers to Grand Is
land to visit with their sister. Mrs.
Clara Brockman.
Quite a number of Deer C reek
youngseters and married men attend
ed the dance Monday evening given
by the Ashton married men.
School district No. (> had a picnic
last Wednesday, which was the end of
the term, and the teacher went home
to spend the vacation, with her par
Mrs. George Ritz and Mrs. C.
Plemback returned from Loup City
last Monday, where they were called
to the bedside of their uncle, who was
very low.
For Sale—A 4x5 Conley fold-'ng
camera, complete, outfit of plates, pa
per. post cards, chemical . leatherette
case, etc. Write for particulars and
terms to Leon F. Lubash. Sshtcn.
Nebr., R. R. No. 1.
When you want Letter shoes for
less monev. try L. (’. Weaver, a:
Rockville. Our motto. (Quick sales
and small profit.)
Notice ot Annual School Meeting
A change has been made b.v the
recent legislature in the date of
the annual school meeting from j
the last Monday to the second Mon
day in June. (June 14. 1915.)
Owing to the fact that the annu
al meeting comes on the second
Monday in June, it will be neces
sary that the notice of the meeting
be posted on or before May 27,
and that the applications to county
superintendent for free high school
privileges roach this office on or
before June 7.—L.H. Currier,
County Superintendent. 22-4!
Fine Art of Visiting.
An Atchison girl who spends idtkA
of her time visiting has made a study
of the art and is a very successful
guest One of the first things she
does upon arriving is to call her hos
tess and family into her room and
exhibit every rag she owns. She
empties boxes, trays »r;.i trunks to
the bottom layer S.:e . ays it saves
her hoates.- the tit- ' of snooping
among Vr »} legs w .- a si.e is out—
Atchison Globe.
Rockville Blanks St. Paul For Five
Rounds, But Loses Game.
In a wierd exhibition, originally
intended as a ball game, St. Paul
out slugged the home team on the
local grounds Sunday afternoon,
and after the dust had cleared
| away the scoreboard showed St.
: Paul 23, Rockville 14.
A cold northwest wind made
I good playing impossible and as a
I result the support accorded the
| pitchers was rank. Any kind of
la pop-up went for a hit. The
| wind even blew sand in the
umpires" eyes, making it difficult
for these officials to see all the
A detailed report of this game
would require an extra edition, so
we merely offer the box score as
Roclrviile at) h po a e
I Kostal. c. 4 1 lu o o
j Sterzbach, cf. 5 4 1 (i n
Si rout, 2b. 5 :» 2 l o
Price, ss. 5 4 0 ti l
Dw*bus. .'!l>. 4 2 l 4 l
Sundstrom. lb. 5 l ll 0 o
Statt. rt . 2 0 (I (l o
Covetiy, If. 5 0 l 0 o
Tibbetts, p. 5 l l l o
x Jacobs.. I l 0 u u
xx Coulter. I u o u o
xxxHorah. I 0 0 o o
Totals. 4.'5 !7 27 12 2
x batted for Scott in sixth
xx rati for Jacobs
xxx batted for Coulter in ninth
Sunt Paul at) li po a e
be Masters, ss. 7 2 2 2 4
C. Rogers, <•. 5 2 4 2 o
K. Regers. 2b. a 5 2 4 o
l wiumki, 2b. u i i 0
Messback. cf. 2 0 0 o o
Jacobsen. If. ii 4 ii l o
iireuh«*r. lb. 5 2 14 l o
KomsaW, rf... 5 2 l o u
Ki othe. p. . 5 2 2 l> o
x Kipp, cf. 2 0 ii 0 ii
Totals.42 22 27 17 4
xbatted for Messback in se\enih
The game in innings:
Sain'. Paul, !l 0 o 0 0 o 4 ti 4 L’.S 22 4
Rockville. 2 o 2 0 2 2 2 2 u—14 17 2
Summary: Home run F. Rogers.
Three base hits- Kostal. Sterzbach.
Price. Invelmj, Jacobs, tireuber. Two
has hits Sterzbach. Strom. Iwaiiski.
F. Rogers. Jacobsen. Struck out: By
Tibbetts. lh: by Knothe. 5. Bases
on halls: Oil Tibbetts 2, off Knotts 2
Hit by pitch'd ball: Kostal. Komsak.
Left on bases by Rockville.4: In Saint
Paul, 4. Time, two hours and thirty
minutes. empires: Dietrieli and
Higley. Scorer—Wallace.
Gray & Olsen shipped two cars of
cattle last Wednesday.
Alfred Jensen is very busy plaster
ing and laying brick these days.
Dutch Werner left for out west last
Tuesday morning to look for a job.
Harry Hinman, from Loup City, is
down quite often, rpairing phone
Mr. and Mrs. 0. G. Hanish, from
Omaha, are visiting here for a few
Miss Ethel Myers went out to
Thomas Jensen’s last Sunday for a
Bob Smaljohn purchased a new
Ford from Kozel & Sorensen f riday
of last week.