The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 06, 1915, Image 6

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    1 1,011’ CITY HAPPHNlXtiS 1
Lou Schwaner has just another
invoice of the popular Schaffer
fountain pens.
Found—Gold bracelet. Owner
may secnre same by calling at the
Northwestere office.
Wanted—To rent, medium size
house. Prefer lights and city
water. Inquire at this office. 20.1
Tomato, sweet potato and other
plants and fresh vegetables for
sale.—Werner Pritsehau, Phone
7102, 20-3
L. II. Hale left last Thursday
for Manville, Wyoming, where he
will take up work on his home
Mrs. George Leininger came up
from Fremont last Saturday and
visited with friends and relatives
for a few days.
Miss Esther Coltrane, of Sargent
came down last Thnrsday morning
and visited several days at the E.
A. Smith home.
Single Comb Rhode Island Red
eggs for hatching. 50 cents per
15 or §3 per 100. —Mrs. Ira Tim
son. Phone 7<K)5. 21
Attention is called to the adver
tisement of Lou Schwaner’s South
Bend watch club. A chance to
get a good watch on easy terms.
Mrs. C. R. Sweetland returned
home from Omaha Monday even
ing where she had been visiting
with friends for the past ten days.
Miss Nancy Harrod came up
from Hastings last Friday even
ing, being called here by the
serious illness of Grandma Leinin
The Ladies’ Missionary society
of the Presbyterian church, gave
a Pink Tea last Friday afternoon
at the home of Mrs. 8. E. Galla
Lots of new things to show for
boys and girls. Glad to show the
goods. Quality is the best and
prices are the lowest. Try us.—
Henry M. Eisner.
Miss Frances Jurkiewicz was a
passenger to Arcadia last Thurs
day evening where she visited with
Miss Clara Kowalewski, returning
the next morning.
Wan ted—For the Eastern war
zone, the best and most market
able horses, sufficient in size and
qnality for any of the duties re
quired there. See Myrl Warrick.
Mrs. Gus Lorentz went to Ra
venna Tuesday morning to visit a
few days with relatives, and from
there will go to Omaha, where
she will enter a hospital for treat
Dr. .T. W. Jones left yesterday
morning for the northern part ol
the state where he will make his
home with his son Hempel, who is
living on a farm near Perdum, Ne
braska. _
Frost yesterday morning nipped
considerable of the tender vegeta
tion that was not protected. The
frost was quite heavy and the ex
tent of the damage is not known
at this time.
Mrs. Minnie Schierkofrsky,
came up from Grand Island Mon
day evening, being called here by
the serious illness of her father,
Louie Bechthold, who is very low
at this writing.
fall in and let us shcfw you the
new 10 “0” size 15 jewel ladies'
watch. Smallest watch made by
American manufacturers. Prices
guaranteed lower than others.
Henry M. Eisner.
The primary and second grade
will give a May-pole dance on Fri
day, May 7th, at 2 p. m. The
work of the year will be exhibited
in the rooms. Parents and friends
are invited to attend.
Mr. and Mrs. ,T. W. Burleigh
returned from Excelsior Springs,
Missouri, where they have spent
the past month. Mrs. Burleigh's
health was greatly benefited by
the visit to the springs.
Removes blackheads, clears the
blood, brightens the eye, sweetens
the whole system, beautifies from
the inside. Nothing helps make a
pretty face, winsome smile, as
Hollister’s Rocky Mountain Tea.
Try it tonight, 35 cents.—Swanson
iii Lofholm.
L. II. Currier attended the dis
trict debate between Broken Bow
and Sargent at Sargent last Fri
day evening and acted as one of
the judges. Sargent won the de
bate, having the affirmative side
of the question, “Resolved, That
the Government Should Own and
Control the Railroads.’’ Mr.
Berryman, of Sargent was appoint
ed as delegate to the state debate
to be held in Lincoln soon.
(Continued from page one.)
and alleys report the location of
open cellarwa.vs which exist in
front of several business places
and that such action be taken that
gratings be provided for these
places and danger prevented. One
accident might be a very serious
I would suggest that street
grading be done in April and May
if possible. Grading done late in
the season on streets with much
travel is unsatisfactory.
It seems to me that immediate
action should be taken on the
proposed ordinance regarding the
hiring of the marshal and a method
to raise the necessary monies for
the city’s expense budgets.
The Loup City council met in
regular session Tuesday evening,
Mayor Outhouse and all members
present. Minutes of last meeting
were read and approved and several
claims against the city were allow
ed. Old council adjourned sine
die. New council then met;
Mayor Allen and Wm. Graefe,
new members,being sworn in. All
the official bonds were accepted
and approved. The present city
marshal was retained for one
month, the several committees
were appointed andR. II. Mathew
was appointed city attorney. No
city physician was appointed, the
appointment being carried over.
License was granted to the two
pool halls.
Board adjourned to meet on
j Monday, May 10th to discuss the
1 sewer proposition.
f 11 ..
“Best For Rest” |
“Square Deal”
. Mattresses
Made in the best equipped and most sani- J
| tary mattress factory in the world. A mat- ?
j tress without an equal for durability and ji
I comfort, regardless of price. Priced at
from $3.00 to $12.00
New Rugs
| A large assortment of the richest colorings
and finest textures of Wiltons, Axminsters,
ctnd the Hartford Bussorah, a rug unex
celled in design and coloring.
“See Daily First”
t j, I,
Men who have driven other makes of cars
for years-Men who have experimented-Men
who have been “stung”-now drive Maxwells.
Right in this town—and all over the
country—are men and women who
have been driving different makes
of cars for years, who now drive and
swear by their Maxwells.
Each year they used to buy a dif
ferent make, trying to find a car
which would suit them exactly.
When the 1915 Maxwell “Wonder
Car”—with its 17 new features and
new low price of $895, was an
nounced—these “motor wise” men
began investigating it.
They didn’t take our word or any
body’s word for it—they looked into
it themselves.
They found the Maxwell to be a
handsome, powerful, easy-riding car.
They compared it with cars that
sell at double the Maxwell’s price.
They found that the Maxwell con
tained every worth-while up-to-date
high-priced car feature.
They tested the Maxwell on hills
and on the level on really tough
They made it prove its ability to run
at low cost over' all sorts of roads.
Then they began buying and talk
ing about the Maxwell.
To-day 38,000 enthusiastic people
are driving these Maxwells. Of these
a great big percentage owned other
makes of cars before they bought
their Maxwells.
Use your common sense when you
buy your automobile. Don’t be
talked into an extravagant car or
a car that hasn’t had the “acid test”
of time.
Don’t let them experiment at your
I Read This List of Expensive Features. The 1915 MaxweU. Has These Features And Many Others.
Attractive Streamline Body
Pure streamline body; graceful crown fenders,
with all rivets concealed All the grace, stylo
and “snap” that you will find in any of the highest
priced cars.
A High-Tension Magneto
Nearly all the high priced car- have high tension
magnetos. A high tension magneto gives positive
Ignition. The Simms magneto, with which the Max
well is equipped, is recognized as one of the best
magnetos made.
Left Side Drive—Central Control
Left side steer with gear shifting levers in center
of driving compartment—center control—has been
accepted by lending rs of expensive automo
biles as the safest and most comfortable for the
I driver; that is why the Maxwell has it. The Max
well is so easy to drive and control that a child
can handle It.
1 Three-Speed Sliding Gear Tranfinrsrion
All high priced cars have a sliding gear trans
mission. It is costly to make, bur. ;t is the best.
If the motor has the power, sliding gears will
pull the car out of any nud or sand. The Maxwell
has a three-speed selective sliding gear transmission
because Maxwell engineers do not consider any
other type to be worthy of the Maxwell car.
Double-Shell Radiator with Shock
Absorbing Device
The Maxwell radiator is of handsome design,
gracefully curved, and it is built to be trouble
proof. It is the expensive double shell type and
has ample cooling capacity. The radiator is
mounted to the frame by means of a shock ab
sorbing device on each side, which relieves the
radiator of all twists and distortions of the frame,
caused by roughness of the road. The shock ab
sorbing device also minimizes the possibility of
radiator leaks.
The Roomy Full 5-Passenger Body
Adjustable Front Seat
The 1915 Maxwell has. a full grown 5-passenger
body. The front scat is adjustable, you can move
it three inches forward or backward. This makes
the car really comfortable for the driver. No
cramped leg for tall people or uncomfortable
reaching for short people. Most drivers’ seats are
made to fit anyone—so fit no one.
Low “Up«keep” Carburetor
The carburetor used on the Maxwell was espec
ially designed for it after long and severe tests
under every conceivable condition. Economy tours
conducted by hundreds of dealers and owners in
different sections of the country have proved its
efficiency. Its quick response to throttle and its
extremely low consumption of gasoline. It has
been termed the “low up-keep” carburetor.
Irreversible Steering Gear
The greatest margin of safety has been pro
vided in the steering gear of the 1915 Maxwell.
The Maxwell irreversible steering mechanism is
of the expensive worm-and-gear type and its su
periority over every other type lies in its many
adjustments. At no time is more than a fourth of
the bearing surface of the gear which operates
the worm in use. When needed, a* new bearing
surface may be had by adjusting the gear a quarter
of a turn. In short, the Maxwell steering gear
has four times the adjustment of any other kind.
Heavy Car Comfort
What surprises most people is the smooth, buoy
ant riding qualities of the Maxwell. The spring:
suspension of the 1915 Maxwell is the same c«p*tly
combination of long semi-elliptical front springs
and the three-quarter elliptic rear springs that
is used on most heavy weight, high priced cars.
The Maxwell offers you every essential of the high
est priced machines at a fifth of their cost.
One Size of Tire—Anti-Skids on Rear
The Maxwell car is one of the easiest cars in the
world on tires. Maxwell owners carry but one
spare tire and but one size of spare tubes. Econom
ical 30 inch x 3'/j inch tires are used all around.
A famous make of anti-skid tires are supplied
on rear wheels.
A Dependable Electric Starter
For $55 extra, you can have your Maxwell de
livered equipped with the famous Simms-Huff elec
tric starter. This starter is efficient, trouble proof
and easily operated.
And tbe Maxwell is completely equipped from the
clear vision, ventilating windshield at the front
to the spare tire carrier at the rear. Whe» y»«
buy a Maxwell you have nothing extra to buy.
The Maxwell Company’s Guarantee of Service to Maxwell Owners
No other automobile is backed by a more reliable service than that guaranteed every Maxwell owner. More than 2,000 Maxwell dealers
—in every part of this country—are always ready to give expert advice, to make adjustments, and to supply new parts at reasonable prices.
This splendid Maxwell dealer service organization is perfected and completed by the chain of Maxwell owned and Maxwell operated
Service Branches. Sixteen great Maxwell Service Stations are so located throughout the country that a Maxwell dealer can supply any part
for an owner within a few hours if not in his stock. Maxwell Service is one of the great advantages enjoyed by Maxwell owners.
Order a Maxwell from us now, and when you want it delivered, we will
give you your car—not an excuse on delivery day
Deer Creek News.
Roman and Tophel Bydalek helped
St. Nowicki haul hay last Tuesday.
Frank Bonc/.ynski finished picking
corn last Week by having a few help
Geo. Bydalek, of near Farwell,took
his horses and cattle to pasture at
Martin Bydales: bought a Scotch
Collie dog from Dr.A.E.Wanek of
Jurgen Ritz is putting an upstairs
on his house. It seems to him that
it is too small for his family.
Stanley Nowicki took his cattle to
pasture for the summer at his brother
in-law's, Robert Pwatek, near Far
The Deer Creek ball team had a fine
practice game Sunday. They will re
jrganize the team for the coming
season. . ,
A dance was given at Louie and
Jolm Seaboat’s last Saturday and was
livened up by some of the jolly folks
Setting into a little scrap, which was
soon stopped.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Koch and W.
Bower were visiting with their friends
last week and a farewell dance was
sivenatAlex Lalkowski’s last Sun
day, which was largely attended.
Martin Bydalek was visiting with
his nephew. Geo. Bydalek near rar
well—where lie met with a great sur
prise_for a new comer had arrived at
their home. All concerned doing
nicely. Congratulations.
"'You are hereby requested to call at
the office of city’treasurer, L. Hansen
andSpay your dog license and the
clerk will give you another tag.—
Peter Rowe, City Clerk.
Farmers and Breeder;*.
The breeding season is at hand.
I will have nay black Percheton
and young black Belgian stallions
at O. A. Woods barn the first and
last of each week, and will meet
you at the barn any other time un
less other engagements tire on
hand.—H. J. Johanson, Phone Red
71. 22