The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 06, 1915, Image 3

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When forty mothers, each with a baby, descended on the 1'niversity settlement temporary nursery at the
emergency workshop for women in New York, the problem was where to put the babies. It was solved by the gift
of a number of wicker clothes baskets, which were fitted with small mattresses and pillows.
T _ J*
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Company of Carranzistas who heroically defended one of the trenches
Bear the Rio Grande at Matamoros against the attacks of Villa's troops and
captured four of the enemy's flags.
British prisoners of war, captured by the Kronprinz Wilhelm, being
transferred from a tug boat to the dock at Newport News to take the British
ship Cassandra to England, where they planned to enlist and go to the front
despite a promise given to Captain Thierfelder not to do so. They asserted
the pledge was given under compulsion and so not binding.
Art Smith, the young Indiana aviator, who has been doing most sensa
tional stunts in the air at San Francisco since the death of Lincoln Beachey.
He recently made 22 loops in one flight.
This heroic statue of Henry Hud
son. which will be erected on Spuyten
Duyvil hill when cast in bronze, is the
last completed model by Karl Bitter,
the sculptor who recently was killed
in an automobile accident.
William Barnes. Jr., Republican po
litical leader of New York state, as
he appeared at Syracuse when his
libel suit against Colonel Roosevelt
was called for trial.
Thoughtless Explanation.
“You say this will be your farewell
appearance?” asked the interviewer.
“Yes,” answered the eminent ac
tress. "I shall retire from the state,
never to return to it.”
“What is your reason for such a
“My manager thinks it better for
business to make every* other tour a
farewell engagement.”
• __
A Catastrophe.
"There was a terrible train wreck
in our neighborhood last night”
“What was it?”
“Some boob at the party stepped on
my wife's fish-tail party gown.”
Most Dreaded Robbers of the Garden
That Work Only in the
In Farm and Fireside a contributor
writes about cutworms. The ravages
-of cutworms are fully described and
definite suggestions as to how to get
rid of them are reported. Some of the
remarkable facts about cutworms are
included in the following extract taken
from the article:
“Cutworms are true burglars.
"As long as the day lasts they re
main in hiding under sticks, stones or
trash—or even below the surface of
the ground; and as soon as night fall^
they come forth to steal the lives of
tender plants.
“It is a wiBe precaution on the part
of these insect burglars to hide during
the day, for they are smooth and plump
and just the sort of food titbit birds
are always looking for. If these night
prowling rascalb would only stop and
| satisfy their hunger by eating the
plants as they cut them down, they
would be less rascally. But no! They
go on appeasing their voracious appe
tites with merely what they bite out
in cutting down the plants; thus a
dozen plants lie flat and wilted in the
morning sun, sacrificed for one lata
‘In this respect the cutworms re
semble dogs which kill more sheep in
a flock than they can eat.”
You can feed anybody flattery if
you keep a sober face.
Attorney General Reed Issues Ruling
Regarding Assessment
of Banks.
Lincoln.—The University of Nebras.
ka Board of Regents authorized the
first two buildings to be constructed
on the city campus under the plans
for university extension. They are the
Bessey hall and the chemistry build
ing. eacli to cost $200,000. The
board also selected the site for the
new dairy barn at the state farm.
The junior medical college in Lin
coln has been abolished, it being the
intention to give these courses at
Omaha. The hoard made plans to
construct the new $150,000 hospital
bui.ding at the Omaha Medical col
lege authorized by the legislative ap
propriation. The department of for
estry was abolished at the university
and a department of poultry estab
lished at the state farm.
Assessment of Banks.
Attorney General Reed has issued
a ruling that requires county assess
ors in appraising the capital stock of
banks to give its “franchise va'u“."
This means that not only the p;#d
up and book value of the stock, sur
plus and undivided profits shall be
figured, but that the assessor is also
to take into consideration anything
else that may affect the value of the
stock. The real estate and all tangi
ble property is to be added as a part
of the capital stock value. The real
estate is then to be deducted and
taxed separately. The ruling takes
cognizance of and is issued in view,
of the corrective law passed by the
last legislature, repealing the exemp
tion that banks previously had as to
real estate mortgages.
After Session Talk.
Senator Jack Grace of Harlan
county, a member of the last and
preceding senate, was a caller at the
state house last week and in a dis- |
cussion of the statement made by
Senator Quinby of Omaha that the
senate had nineteen “wooden In
dians" in it at the last session, the
statesman from Harlan remarked. ‘T
don't know about the wooden Indians,
but I know there was one wooden
head in the senate and he came from
Omaha.” Speaking of the work ot
the last senate, the senator said he
believed the record of that body
would stand up well with the work
of other senates in the past. “One
thing is sure.” said Senator Grace, j
“if the state of Nebraska had had
only one body, the house, and no sen
ate, as Senator Quinby advocates,
there is hardly an institution of the
state but what would have been
crippled for funds to run it or have
been compelled to sacrifice its effi
ciency because there would not have
been funds to run it on a business
May Ninth Mothers' Day.
Following the custom of the last
few years Governor Morehead has is
sued a proclamation designating Sun i
day, May 9, as Molhers’ day and asks j
that a fitting observance of the day '
be followed. The proclamation in
part follows:
“Gratitude is one of the cardinal j
i virtues: to remember gratefully acts j
of kindness bestowed is an evidence j
of true nobility: to exemplify this '
by word or deed is commendable in
all. One day of the year has been se
' looted in which this may be shown in
a manner that must tend to make
ourselves and other better. It is the
day wherein we show by some out
ward token how dearly we esteem
the one who gave us birth, and
watched over us in our infancy and
youth, and who has at all times been
our best friend. That friend is moth
er. The day is intended to start in
the'mind splendid recollections of the
past, and will make that Sunday
more sacred than it otherwise would
be. II would be well if special men
tion of the day be made in all the
churches throughout the state. 1
therefore recommend that Sunday,
the 9th day of May, be observed as
Mothers' day and trust it will be re
cognized as generally as circum
stances will permit.—John H. More
Signal Officer* Service School.
The War department has author
ized Adjutant General Hall of the Ne
braska national guard to send the
officers of the signal corps to the
serv'ce school for that branch of the
service, to be held at Fort Leaven
worth. Kas, June 5 to 15.
Florence Left Out.
Governor Morehead has issued
another Greater Omaha annex
ation proclamation, which excludes
the village of Florence from the op
eration of the annexation election.
The governor's new proclamation
cancels the one issued on April 24,
and provides for an annexation elec
tion which affects only South Omaha
and the village of Dundee under S.
F. No. 2. Florence not being sup
plied from the gas plant in the city
of Omaha with its gase, does not
come within the provisions of the bill.
Guard May Take Part in Parade.
Adjntant General Hall will grant
permission to the first battalion of
the Fourth regiment of the Nebraska
National Guard, with the band of
that regiment, to participate in a pa
rade in Omaha, June 14. George E.
Begrow, chairman of the program
committee having in charge the en
tertainment of the Travelers’ Protec
tive association, which meets in
Omaha at that time, made the re
quest and the same was granted. The
band and the battalion both are lo
cated in Omaha.
Your digestion, your gen
era) health will all be
greatly benefited by the
timely use of Hostetter’s
Stomach Bitters. It is
compounded from abso
lutely pure ingredients and
those best known as real
aids to the Stomach, Liver
and Bowels. It exerts a
general tonic effect and
helps Nature promote
health and strength in
the entire digestive sys
tem. Try a bottle today
but be sure you get
Stomach Bitters
What He Regarded as ‘'Dribblings” of
Hay Was All He Was Go
ing to Get.
A distinguished member of the
Unr.ed States judiciary has discov
ered that he still has something to
learn in the direction of agriculture.
He bought a farm as a summer
home for his family, and finds especial
delight in walking about the place,
commenting on the condition of the
crops, and in many ways showing his
interest in his new possessions.
One evening during the summer he
was strolling over the farm. The
hired man had cut the grass during
the day—a very thin crop—and left
it on the ground to dry. The judge
saw it, and calling his man, he said:
“It seems to me you are very care
less. Why haven’t you been more par
ticular in raking up this hay? Don't
you see that you have left little drib
blings all around?"
For a minute the hired man stared,
wondering if the judge was quizzing
him. Then he replied:
"Little dribblings? Why, man, that’s
the crop!"
Stand More Hugging.
Patience—You know an Eskimo
maiden can stand more hugging than
we American girls.
Patrice—I wonder why?
“Oh. the fact that Eskimos have
two more ribs than any other human
face has been discovered by an Eng
lish scientist.”
Not Interesting.
‘ Millions of germs can lodge on a
pin point." said the man who is al
ways getting excite^ about some
* Well,” replied Mr. Growcher, "it
doesn't concern me. I never encour
age anybody to swallow pins.”
“Old mat Jinks is very slow in all
his ways.”
"Is he?”
"Yes. Instead of planting a running
vine on his wall he has put there a
Speaking of Position.
Patience—How does your father
stand on woman suffrage?
Patrice—He wants to sit on it.
About the time we imagine that our
cup of happiness is going to run v>ver
it springs a leak.
“Not guilty” isn't always an inno
cent remark’
Some people who pretend to be orig
inal are not even good imitations.
{?=.--. ' =
Youngster Made Good Use of
Mother’s Back.
Lover of Animals Gives Some Inter
esting Particulars of the Life in a
Colony of the Industrious
Little Animals.
One May morning I concealed my
self behind a log by the pond, within
twenty feet of the largest beaver
house. I hoped to see the young
Presently a brown nose appeared
between the house and my hiding
place. As a mother beaver climbed
upon one of the spruce logs thrust out
of the water, her reflection in the wa
ter mingled with spruces and the
white clouds in the blue field above.
| She commenced to dress her fur—to
' make her toilet. After preliminary
I scratching and clawing with a hind
I foot, she rose and combed with fore
I claws; a part of the time with both
forepaws at once.
A few mornings later the baby
beavers appeared. The mother at
tracted my attention with some make
believe repairs on the farther end of
the dam, and the five youngsters
i emerged from the house through the
i water and squatted on the side of the
I house before 1 saw them. For a mo
ment all sat motionless. By and by
one climbed out on a projecting stick j
and tumbled into the water. The oth
I ers showed no surprise at this acci
■ dent.
The one in the water did not mind
but swam outward, where he was
caught in the current that started to
carry him over the dam. At this stage
his mother appeared. She simply rose
- beneath him. He accepted the oppor
1 tunity and squatted upon her back
with that expressionless face which
beavers carry most of the time. The
I youngster sat on his mother’s back as
though asleep while she swam with ;
\ him to the house. Here he climbed off
in a matter-of-fact' way, as though a
■ ride on a ferry boat was nothing new
: to him.
uuring me summer, a majority or
J the Broken Tree beavers abandoned
the colony and moved to other scenes.
A number built a half-mile down
stream, while the others, with one ex
ception, traveled to an abandoned
beaver colony on the first stream to
the north. Overland this place was
only half a mile from the Broken Tree,
but by water route, down stream to the
forks, then up the other stream to the
colony, the distance was three miles.
This was an excellent place to live,
and with but little repair an old aban
doned dam was made better than a
new one. All summer a lone beaver
of this colony rambled about. Once
he returned to the Broken Tree col
ony. Finally he cast his lot with the
long established colony several miles
down stream.
Occasionally the remaining Broken
Tree beavers did daytime work. While
I was on the lookout one afternoon, an
old beaver waddled up the slope and
stopped by a large aspen that had
I been left standing by the other work
; ers. The bottom of this tree was
| heavily swollen. The old beaver took
j a bite of its bark and ate with an ex
pressionless face. Evidently it was
good, for after eating the old fellow
scratched a large pile of trash against
the base of a tree, and from this plat
form gnawed the tree off above the
swollen base. While he w'as gnawing
a splinter of wood wedged between his
upper front teeth. This was picked
out by catching it with the double
nails of the second toe on the right
hind foot. This aspen was ten inches
in diameter at the point cut off. The
diameter of trees usually cut is from
three to six inches. The largest of
their cutting that I ever measured was
Torturing Twinges
Much so-called rheumatism is
caused by weakened kidneys. When
the kidneys fail to clear the blood
of uric acid, the acid forms into
crystals, like bits of broken glass in
the muscles, joints and on the nerve
casings. Doan's Kidney Pills have
eased thousands of rheumatic cases,
lumbago, sciatica, gravel, neuralgia
and urinary disorders.
A Nebraska Case
B. J. Lammers, "£'Krtp!p
2630 R St.. Lincoln, 'Jyf
Neb , says: “My *
hark hothppftd
all the time and it
hurt so I could
hardly stoop. My
feet swelled and
my kidneys acted
too often, especial
ly at night. Doan's
Kidney Pills
strengthened my
kidneys and a cou
ple of boxes re
and fixed me up all right."
Gel Doan*« at Any Stove. SOc • Box *
a cottonwood with a diameter of 42
inches.—Enos A. Mills, in the Coun
tryside Magazine.
Puzzlea Uncle Pash.
From the time the coal. and iron
territory round about Jenkins was
opened up and the town began to form
itself out of the construction and pros
pecting camps, P. C. Dix, secretary
of the state executive committee of
the Young Men's Christian associa
tion, took a deep interest in its de
velopment and spent much time there
assisting in the formation of a strong
and active branch of the association.
One story he tells is of an aged moun
taineer, who, after the railroad trains
had begun running regularly ventured
down to see for himself some of the
wonders of which he had vaguely
heard. He stood on the rude platform
and watched the train pull in. After
a few minutes it backed up a little
way. “What d’ye think uv her. Uncle
Pash?’’ asked one of the loungers.
“Wal, I kin see how th’ ingyne mout
pull them thar kyars,” said the old
man, thoughtfully, ''but what gits me
is how them kyars pulls th’ ingyne."
—Louisville Times.
Extra Pay.
“Willie.” said his mother on her
return from a shopping expedition. I
told you if you were good while I was
out, you might have a piece of candy,
and now I find you’ve taken all there
was in the box.”
"Yes, mamma," replied Willie, "but
you've no idea how very good I've
An Example.
"People of this quiet, cold-blooded
disposition, don’t get into rows.”
“I don’t know' about that. Noth
ing could be more phlegmatic than
the oyster, and he's continually get
ting into broils and stews.”
The Old Excuse.
“You ought to know better, nv
child, than to pitch into a tipsy man.
Now you've fixed your husband and
he's gone oft.”
"But I didn’t know he was loaded."
Traveling in Safety.
Smith—If you don't own a motor
car, why are you wearing goggles?
Smyth—My wife has hatpins.
Wouldn’t Repeat.
Hick—This match won t light.
Hike—That’s funny. It lit all right
a minute ago.—Michigan Gargoyle.
Occasionally a workman is willing
to admit that his boss knows almost
as much as he does.
Perhaps the best hand a man can
hold in the game of life is the hand
of some good woman.
“Buy the Goods—
Not the Package”
Advises Hon. Geo. W. Perkins, Chairman of New
York’s Food Committee.
And it’s good advice! Select the food that con
tains the greatest nutrition for the least money, whether
in ornately colored package or in a plain carton.
The Grape-Nuts package isn’t pretty—no money is
wasted upon ornament—but it’s air-tight and germ-proof,
to protect the food and keep it in perfect condition.
made of selected wheat and malted barley, is delicious,
concentrated, easily digested, and contains, pound for
pound, more nutrition than beef—and costs less.
Grape-Nuts food has a delicious, nut-like flavour
that is relished by old and young. It contains no sugar
added, but its delicate sweetness is due to natural con
version of the starch of the grain into grape sugar by
long, skilful baking.
It comes all ready to eat with cream or good milk
and it’s mighty good!
"There’s a Reason” for Grape-Nuts
—sold by Grocers everywhere.