NEWS BRIEFLY TOLD INTELLIGENCE HERE GATHERED COVERS WIDE AREA. SREATER OR LESSER IMPORT Include* What Is Going On at Wash ington and in Other Section* of the Country. WAR NEWS. The interstate commerce commis sion has suspended until November 5 proposed increased rates on carload switching in South Omaha. * * * It is stated in high official quarters in Rome that it is becoming increas ingly improbable that Italy will par ticipate in the war at least for some time to come. * • * The Austrian submarine U-F has torpedoed and sunk the French cruis er Leon Gambetta in the Ionian sea. Reports say nearly the entire crew of over 700 were drowned. • • • A German aeroplane has attacked Nancy, France. Three bombs were dropped in the center of the city. Three persons were killed and a num ber of others were injured seriously. • » * The resignation of William E. An drews of Hastings, Neb., as auditor of the treasury, has been accepted and Sam Patterson of Arapahoe was named as his successor, according to reports. • • • Opposition to Italy’s participation In the w-ar is expressed by Deputy Filippo Turati one of the socia,:-t leaders, in a letter published at M - lan. Importance is attached to Sig nor Turati’s letter as it is belie\ed to reflect the attitude of Italian so ial ists. The Interior department has ren dered a decision adverse to Mc Cutcheon brothers, who claim 160 acres of oil land in the Marcopa, Cal., field, estimated to be worth $900,000. The ruling is expected to affect claims aggregating many millions. OENERA L. A legal contest by the owners of the Willard-Johnson fight films to bring the films into this country has begun at Newark, N. J. * * • The Philadelphia Automobile club has notified the Omaha Automobile club that all trans-continental tours suggested by the club had been map ped through Omaha. • * • The sum of $300,000 has been set aside as a pension fund for aged Methodist ministers by the Methodist Episcopal book concern at the recent conference at San Francisco. • * • Five thousand more men were added to the list of 125,000 unemploy ed in Chicago, when practically all o, the eighty big lumber yards in, the city closed, pending settlement of the carpenters’ strike. • • * Mrs. Alice Hicks of Omaha was awarded $1,000 in her suit against A. A. Clark, wealthy retired merchant of Council Bluffs, la., whom she charged with kissing her against her will. Miss Hicks brought suit for $50,000. * * • The German auxiliary cruiser Kronprinz Wilhelm, which put into Newport News, Va„ on April 11, after a notable commerce-destroying cruise will be interned until after the war at the Norfolk navy yard near her sister raider, the Prinz Eitel Fried rich. The Interoceanic Canal company, incorporated in 1900 with the object of connecting the Atlantic and Paci fic by a canal through Nicaragua, filed a certificate of dissolution at Trenton, N. J. The company was a $100,000,000 corporation. Its outstand ing capital stock was $7,000. * * * The Dallas-Celilo canal was opened at Big Eddy to navigation. It was completed after ten years of work at an expenditure of $4,850,000 by the federal government and opens the Co lumbia river to steamer traffic from the Pacific ocean to Priest Rapids, Wash., a distance of 450 miles, and to Lewiston, Idaho, on the Snake river, a tributary of the Columbia, 475 miles. • • • Three test suits attacking the con stitutionality of the war revenue act passed last October by congress af fecting a tax upon the capital stock of banks, were filed in the United States district court at Chicago. • • • Robbery of a chest of silver filigree work aboard the steamer Vega, a part of Italy's exhibit at the Panama-Paci fic exposition, was discovered by cus tom officials. The robbery, according to the customs officials, probably was committed at Genoa before the vessel was completely loaded. • • • All women, regardless of their sta tion In life, are now entitled to vote In Denmark. The Danish parliament adopted the new Danish constitution, one of the chief factors of which is the abolishment of sex privileges. * * * Roy Haller, who with 133 others, was indicted for the murder of Con stable W. R- Riggs, during a riot be tween striking miners and a sheriff’s posse near Farmington, W. Va., last February, pleaded guilty at Fairmont, W. Va., and was sentenced to life Imprisonment. ^ The California state assembly pass ed a bill already passed by the senate exempting alien school teachers from the provisions of a statute which re quires public employee to be native born or naturalized citizens. Bucket shops in the United States will make $10,000,000 this year If they continue at the present rate, accord ing to the report of a special com mittee of the New York stock ex change. • • • Rev. Dr. George S. Vibbert, inti mate friend of William Lloyd Garri son and Wendell Phillips and once a prominent temperance worker, died at Chicago. • • • The international woman's peace congress, which includes fifty-one Americans, has begun its sessions at The Hague. The desire of the con gress is to bring the world’s war to a conclusion and insure a durable peace. • * • Professors from the principal col | leges' and universities of the United I States, attended the dedication at ! St. Louis of the three new buildings I of the medical college of Washington i university. ! • • • Mrs. Julia Heiiner, wife of Seligman Heilner, a wealthy corset manufac turer, was found murdered in her Brooklyn home. Her head had been crushed by blows with a bottle. The motive apparently was robbery. Two valuable diamond rings were missing * * • Eighteen labor leaders and eightv two individuals and corporations are involved in eight indictments charg ing restraint of trade through inter fering with interstate shipments which w-ere returned before Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis in the United States district court, at Chi cago. • • • After describing the workings of the European cartel system of trade organizations to members of the In dustrial club of Chicago, at a banquet at Chicago, Joseph E. Davies, chair man of the Federal Trade commis sion, said: "It would be a confession of unfitness if this country should be unable to meet conditions such as these in the world trade.” SPORTING A bill legalizing horse racing in Illi nois with bookmaking included, was favoarbly reported in the Illinois state senate. * * * Harry K. B. Davis of the Presidio Golf club, San F'rancisco, won the Panama-Pacific exposition golf cham pionship at San F'rancisco by defeat ing Heinrich Schmidt of the Clare mont Country club of Oakland, Cal. • • • Only Governor Ferris’ signature is reeded to make a law of Senator Taul’s bill legalizing boxing contests in Michigan under control of a state commission. The house of repre sentatives passed the bill 55 to 40. • • • Bob Burnham won the 200 mile southwest sweepstakes automobile road race at Oklahoma City. Okla., for a purse of $5,000. His time was | 2 hours and 5(* minutes, 3-5 seconds. Dave Lewis was second and John Raimey third. * • • The Chicago Americans sold Out fielder Larry Chappell to the Milwau kee American association base ball team for a price said to be $5,000. Chappell was bought from Milwaukee two years ago. the price being report ed to be $18,000. * * * Admission to the ball games m Tes Moines has been reduced to 25 cents for women. The men will be forced to pay full price of 50 cents it 'hev wish to sit in the grandstand. The reduction is not in force on Sat urdays and Sundays. * • • Grover C. Bergdoll of Philadelphia, who drives an Edwin Special car of 299 inches displacement, is the first entry received by the Omaha Speed way association for its first annual 300-mile race, to be held in that city, July 5, for a purse of $15,000. WASHINGTON. Secretary Daniels has announced the appointment of Captain Wil liam S. Benson to the newly-created post of chief of operations of the navy. Captain Benson now is com mandant of the Philadelphia navy yard. • * • Complete preliminary estimates from all internal revenue collection districts received at the Treasury department indicate that the indi vidual and corporation income tax this year will probably exceed $80, 000,000. » • * Orders were issued directing post masters to issue to any applicant without charging the usual fee mon ey orders payable to prisoners of war in any country in the European con flict. This is in accordance with The Hague convention, designed to amel iorate the condition of prisoners of war. * • • Maps prepared by the war college showing the war zones of Europe in great detail were sent to the White House for the president’s conveni ence. Up to the present the progress of the war has been followed by the president with pins. • • • President Wilson has signed an ex ecutive order changing the name of Culebra cut in the Panama canal to Gaillard cut, in honor of the late Colonel D. D. Gaillard, who died from diseases contracted while a member of the Isthmian canal commission. • • • Assistant Secretary Phillipps of the state department, who, with Vice ■President Marshall represented the government at the formal dedication of the Panama-Pacific exposition at San Francisco, reported to President Wilson that the exposition was a suc cess in every way. . * * * Reserve deposits of the federal re serve banks increased more than $3, 000,000 during the last week, accord ing a statement of the banks con dition April 23, issued by the Federal Reserve board. X)iefe Jtbteilung tft fiir bie 5amiHenglieber, tnelcfye am Itebften Deutfcfy lefen. Som SdnuiDlalic Sc-? enrol) iiifclicit SBolfcr -- iriefltf ©er Sdjroerpunft bc» Slriegc§ licgt nad) roic par in ben Starpatben, unb: tuirb DorauC’iidjtlid) bort bleibcn, bi3 bie cine ober anbcrcSeite cntfdjeibcnb gefd)lagen. 2Pien gild bereitroillig|l 3U, bap bic Dtuffen an geroiffen Stci* len ber langeit grant gortfdjritte ge madjt babett, fiigt aber binau, bafe biefe burd) ofterreidjifdbe ©rfolgc 511m minbeften aufgeroogcn feien. Dtad) eittem bei ber bfterreidjifd) • ungarf* fdben fflatfcbaft in SBafbington einge* Iaufenen iPerid)t ap£ SBien rour* be abne ipauje aui bcibeu Sei ten be§ ©ufla . Paffey gcfiimpft. ©ie Dtuffen roarfeit immer roic* ber neue Dteferocn in» gcuer, unb ber Jtampf fall furdjtbar ^jeroefen fein. fiber bic £>pfer ber Dtuffen roaren roieberum nergeben§, aUe ibre Dlngriffe brad)en uitter bem gcuer ber bcutfd) - bfterreid)ifd) * un garifdjeu ©ruppeu sufammen. ©ufj bebeutenbe flbteilungen beutfdjer iruppen in ben Starpatben angefom mett finb, unterliegt feinem 3d)cifel mebr. gbre ftnroefenbcit rourbe be* reity meljrfad) in Sffiiener unb Jpetro* graber Seridjten errodbnt. ©ic Page am ©niefter unb, im 3u* famtuenbange bamit in ber iPnforoi na, ift etroa-y tutflar. ©ie £)ftcrrci ijer ntelbcn, bas fie roieberum eiuige ©eilerfolge 311 per3eid)uen babett, rcdbrenb 'petragrab fid) in tiefeS Sdjroeigen built. ©y beftebt fein: Sroeifel, bafj bie beutidjen DSerbiinbe* ten nod) in Peffarabteit nnb, rocitn nidjt itt ©Ijotin, fo bann bad) in feiner unmittelbarcn Dtabe ftebep. 2Ba8 fanft ber ©ittfall in 'Peffarabien ©u* te3 geaeitigt, ift faroeit fdjroer 3u be* urteilen, aber eine§ ift fidjer. 3tarfe ruffifdje Strcitfriiftc finb abgelenft unb nacb bem3iiben geaogett roarben, roo fie augenblieflid) „roal)rfd)einlid) rocniger gefiibrlid) finb, al3 an geroii |VU I'UUf'UWjU.t/U I I til. 3tm 9fietnen ober roeftlid) boDon ift Die Sage unoeriinbert geblieben. 2fm I)eiBeften tobt ber ftampf am Uupfotu-'^aB, bireft fiiblid) Don Sa nol. Xie Sage bort ift be»bdb fiir bie Ocfterreidjcr befonbcrS gefdbrlidj, roeil bie SRuffeu, bie feit Iganuar be fanntlid) fdjon am Xufla - sJ>afe fte ben, if)re linfe Slanfe bebrobeu. Xer Xufla - it'aB liegt bebeutenb nbrbli i)cr al§ ber Supfom, unb ber lljSof i'af). $,rn lenten 23iener '-Seridjt mirb; nod) imnter Don ftiimpfen an ber' StraBe nad) SBaligrob gemclbet. Gin roeitercs) ,3eid)cn bafiir, baB bie 9iuf-1 ien, roemt iiberfjaupt, fo bann nur iebr minimale JJortfdjritte gemadjt babcn. Xie friiljere iMagerungsar mee Don ^r3emt)§I ift nunmeljr fd)on feit iiber 3toci SsJodjcn an ber ftarpa tljenfront tiitig. ^ntmcrfort toiri oon neuen ruffifdjeu 2$erftiirfungcn gefprodjen, unb trotjbcm mill c§ ben Diuffcn nidit gelingen, bie 9ieil)en bei beiitfdjen SBerbiiubetcn 311 bnrdjbre djen. Sic toerben es ltie. So Dicl ift bereitS fo gut roie betoiejen. 5m 2Bcften finb bie Sruppen auf oeiben Seitcn au§ ben Saufgraben ijeraiiggetrommclt toorbeu. $toar nid)t auf ber ganjen grout, aber auf :inem fetjr toid)tigen Seilc bcrfelben, nciurtid) bei 33erbun. Sie Sliimpfe fpiclen ftd) baupifadjlid), noic ber beutfdje 'J3ioufion oerldngert. G» ift fein nener ®ampf, ber fid) f)ic-r abfpielt, benn uric bie Seutfdjcn St. 'iiiibicl feit ben erftcn Rrieggntonaten int '-Befit) baben, fo balteu bie granjofen fid) feit bent Jtugbrudje beg firieges auf ben oftlid) pon St. 2)Bbiel an ber iWofel gelcge* neu Sergeit auf benen tBont-a-'Btouf ion liegt. fftoifcfjen ben beiben 'Buitf* ten liegen bie Crteuglirep unb ?lprc* mont, in uttb bei benen fdjon Piel Slut gefloffett. Seutfdje unb gran* jofen uerfudjen fid) gegcufcitig bie Cerbinbuugeu ab3ufd)iteibcn, unb fo bie SteHuugcn bei St. iUfibicl unb $oni*a*2)fouifon unnibgltd) 311 ma dden. Sie grangofen fdjcinen toieber einmal bem SBunfd) ber bcntfd)cn giibrcr gefoigt 3U fein unb angegrif* fen 3U baben. Sie baben, mie Berlin melbet, furdjtbar babei geblutet. Sie biirftcn fidb oerblutct baben, menu Sitdjener citMidb fein fagenumfpou* nenes „iDtiHionenbeer" ampilfe fdiicfi. 9t 0 m, iiber ifJarig. git biefigen offiaiellen ftteifen mirb erfliirt, bat; Stalien fid; big ictjt nod) uiebt an bent ^riege' beteiligt babe, reeil feiitc Staatgmdnner entfdjloffen finb, fein SUfittel unuerfudjt 311 laffeit, uni auf frieblicbem SSege bag 3U erbaltcn, tooau bag italienifdje 2JoIf beredtigi ift. Gg toirb barauf bingeroiejen, bafi gtalien in ber 3toifd)enaeit tag* lid) an militarifrtjer iDfad)i unb toirt* fd)aftlid)en ^ilfsouellen fiarfer toirb, toean eg feine '-Beteiligung an bem ftriege binauSfcbiebr. Slmtlidje 'Seridjte, bie an! europai* fd)en .^auptftdbten bier eingetroffe* ftnb, ftimmen mit ber Grflarung iiberein, bafe ber §aupt3ufammenftof) atoifdben ben iBerbiinbeten auf ber ei* nett unb ben beutfd) - bfterreiebifeb* • 1 • p f ■ ■ Pi I ■ p ' ^ ungarifdjcn 2lrinccu auf ber anberen Seite, ber ltrfpriinglid) im sJJiai fiatt finben foQte, big $uni ober nod) lon ger bcrfdjoben loerben foil. Senfeni gen, meldje fiir fofortige Groffnung ber Seinbfeligfeiten finb, toirb erflii renb gefogt, baft unter ben ilmftdn ben fiir vitalicn abfolut fein ©runb Dorliegt, feine 23eieiligung on ban .striege 3U befdjlennigen, loeil feine ?lugfid)ten auf tirfolg bcffer loerben, je Uinger eg loartet. 3lufterbem irirb eg bonn bcffer imftanbe fein, benit, auf bercn Seite eg tritt, loirffame ^lilfe 311 Iciften. .$ier loirb fein SBer fud) gemadjt, eg 311 berneincn, baft ein ft'rieg mit £cftcrrcid) febr popular fein loiirbe. 3>erbinbung bamit loirb barauf Ijingeioiefcii, baft bic ita* Iienifdje 21 rtnee ifjre 2)tobilifierung feftr crfolgreid) betricben ljat, cljne but; Cefterreid) - llngarn and) nur im geringften bageger. proteftiert t)utte, tocnnglcid) biefeg &qmb bod) am nviften babei intereffiert fei. 3>n ber fd’.febenen Sfreifen toirb biefeg bal)in geocutet, baft bie giiDrer ber Sop pel ;uonard)ie bemiifjt finb, geinbfelig fciu’u gw bermeiben, unb baft fie fid) DieUcidjt bud) nod) baju berfteljcn loerben, au ber Hbtrei-ung ber bon Staiicn berlangten ©ebietgteile iljre ^ufiimmung ju gebm. 3S$n!jer ttitnw* SRufjIanb ,,ntut Jltdfie"? ©otoofji bet ^rja3$tU)S3 qI§ aud) in ben ®arpatben bcb'M fid), toie bet Siorrejponbena „§ect unb '4Solitif“ Don ntjlitarifdjer (sitt? gefcbrieben rnirb, nod) beutfdjent fMeneraiftabdbc ridjt none ruffifcfje Stvdfte gegeigt. '-Bci 'Braadiupjda toaren brei firmer forpd, bie iiberraj-lpnb uorjtiejjeu, unb in ben £arpatbe*t finb and) 3to« tteue 21 nnceforpd erjdjienen. Gd frcgt fid) nun, toobrr Siujjlanb bicfc netteit Slrbfte genotntnen bat, ba ed ;a fdion jo uiel 3Rannfd)aften an @e fangenen, Xoteit ut?b SBertounbctett oerloren bat, bafj bte flrmeen anbe rcr Sdnter bei abr.IMjcit SBerluften DoUfommen aufgerirjrn geroejen rod ren. 3iun bat SRuftlmtb aud SIficn aHerlei Golfer sun Itriegdbienfte brrangegogen, bic friifjer nidjt Sol baten roaren. Gd fft msralijdt unb fultureU eiut* f.- ntinbertoertige iSolfemiajic, bad fir i ocb roeit binter bent ruffifdjen ivtu-'r guriicfftcbt. 211. lent ?(nfd)eiu naci) fi>tn fid) bie ttcueit firafte aud biefen — iibrigens rcenig jablnridien — SBoIfttn aujamnten, bie Poraudfidjtlid) tt*’£) burd) Xruppcn r-crftdrft rourben, die aud SBarfdiau gcgogett tourben. llm ben gliigel* iitgriff auf beibett Seiteit burdjfiib rett 3it fdnnett, bat ’Jfufglanb ailed 311 jantmenge3ogen, road cd iiberbaupt nod) an tUJannfdjaiten befigt, bic aid lrl a j f e n uoriibergebenb — barauf ift ber Jpaupttoeri 311 legett — im nerbin cine Heine SSeitbuitg bcrbei fiibren fonneit. 52arin licgt aber gugleid) bie Pol* [ige Sid)erbcit ber enbgiiltigen 2iic* berlage bed ruffijdjen peered. iliufj [aub bat jopiei 'JWenfdjeu uerloren, nie anbere Cdnber tuir im garden aid §ecr befibcn. 52ad beiflt, bajj bad rujfijdjc .peer trob feiner, aflein burd) bieje Jatfadje betoiejenett ungc rjeurcn ueocrpiji man iicgrnaj jari Fcmrtte, al* e§ nod) bie iferntruppeu befafj. SBemt nun aud) nod) jcfet bei ben grofjen ruffifdjen SJicnfdjcn* maffen eine Slrmcc oorljanbeu ift, to Faitn biefe, bei loeitem nod) minber roertigere unb gablcnmdfeig betradit lid) gefd;lDdd)te Slrmcc natiiriid) nie inals barauf boffen, eineit enbgiilti gen Grfolg p erjielcn. Cft fdjon Ejabcn bie Siuffeit, toic bei ifrsasj ut)§3, eben burd) ibre grofeen Sftaffen pldfclid) Heine Grfolge elicit, bie tbcr balb burd) bic iiberiegcnc geib Ejerrnfunft $inbenburg§, ber fei..e Sruppen, entjorccbeub biefen neuen ruffifdjen SSerftarfungen, umgrup pierte, su fcproeren Scieberlagcn tnttr ben. Gntfdjcibenb finb biefe SWaffcu nie getoefen, benn ba3 beutfdje .peer riidt unaufbaltfam gegcn bic ruffi fdjen fiinien Dor unb ftebt beutc gang in geiube§Ianb. Tentfdjlaub fept ben SSiaffcn bie ubcrlegcnen Sftafpab men gegeniiber, unb $inbenburg bat bemiefen, bag er an genialen Ginfbl* [en pr Sermalmung be? SRuffcnbee rc3 unerfdjdpflid) ift. Tic neuen ffrafte 9hif)Ianb3 finb 3>erlcgenl)ctts> mafpabmen in be§ SBortc-5 ureigen fter ®ebeuhmg. £>aben bod) ©efan gene auSgefagt, bafe fie inSgefamt mtr 10 Sage auSgebilbct lrorben finb, unb bab iljrc Sdjiebi'fbungcn in — f» Sdjiiffen beftanben baben. SRait fann barau§ entnebmen, toel dun fflert biefe neuen ffrdfte bab-m. Gs banbelt fid) aud) bier 'tidjt fiir fie barum, mirflid) friegstwdjtige Sol baten aufpfteflen, fonbern bie SBelt ftet-3 mit ben bcrciti furid)ir>ort! idi getoorbenen ruffifdieti SJienfdjenmen* gen .311 oerbliiffeu. Sind) biefen neuen Grafton gegeniiber toirb bie iiber legene Sunit ber beutfdjcn giibrung, tote in alien anberen friiberen gdflen, ben ®ieg baoontragen, benn bic ruf fifdjen URaffen finb jeljt nod) oiel toe niger gefaljrlid) al» fie bei Sln§brud) be§ SriegeS toaren. G# banbelt fid) eben bei bem plofcliujcn Sluftrcteu neuer firafte nur barum, eittige Sa ge Sett 311 gemiunen, urn bie ruffi jcbe Uebcrpbl burcb entfpredjenbe beutfe^e ©egenmatpabmen 311 erlcbi gen. WAGE CASE SETTLED ENGINEMEN OF WESTERN ROADS GRANTED RAISE. EMPLOYES ARE NOT SATISFIED _ The Award Will Become Effective May Tenth and Binding For One Year Only. Chicago.—An arbitration award ad vancing to some extent the rates of pay of 64,000 locomotive engineers, firemen and hostlers employed on the 140,000 miles of line of ninety-eight western railroads in the great area of the United States and Canada, bound ed on the east by the Illinois Central and the Great Lakes, has been signed. The wage award is believed by the men to fall short of their demands. By reason of the many rules of opera tion involved no railroad will be able to tell exactly for a month at least the amount of mony involved. The surprise test remains. The award includes several re forms affecting hours and conditions of employment. Representatives of the brotherhoods expressed disap pointment at it, while the railroads in a general way considered it satisfac tory. The arbitration was strictly on the demands of the men; there was nothing for them to lose of ad vantages already enjoyed. A dissenting opinion was filed on behalf of the Brotherhoods of Engine men, in which the arbitration was branded as a failure and the New lands’ lawr, under which it was ar ranged an inadequate device for the settlement of industrial disputes. The award effective May 10 and binding for one year only, was frank ly declared as merely postponing for a twelve month the actual settlement of the differences involved. The rail road members of the board issued a formal statement criticising features of the regulations governing the ar bitration, and remarking that certain concessions, regarded as intrinsically unjust, were made for the sake of preserving peare with the employes. Judge Peter C. Pritchard of Rich mond, Va., chairman of the board, explained his position and stated that while in his opinion the men in cer tain branches of the service were entitled to greater advances than were granted, he had to make conces sions in order that an award might be made, and he found much of a hopeful nature in the award. --- 400 of 1,600 Sheep Found Alive. San Francisco, Cal.—A herder in Morrow county, Oregon, found 400 of his newly shorn flock of sixteen hun dred alive, after the pitiless storm of wind, snow, sleet and hail which for two days swept that portion of the United States lying west of the Rocky mountains. At Monterey, Cal., warehouses were blown into the bay, merchandise and all. In southern California icicles hung from apple trees. The first snow within man’s recollection fell in the Salt river val ley in Arizona, and across the Ne vada desert the wind attained the proportions of a hurricane. 1,200 Ironworkers Strike. Chicago. 111. — Twelve hundred bridge and structural iron workers struck when their demands for in crease in wages wras refused by the contractors’ association. The men also demanded that they be given the reinforced concrete work for which laborers now receive 40 cents an hour. Work on many municipal pro jects will be held up besides the de lay to private buildings now under construction. Half of Colon Burned. Colon.—More than half the city of Colon has been swept away by a dis astrous fire. Ten persons are known to be dead, including two native policemen and several hundred persons have been injured while between 10,000 and 12,000 others, mostly negroes, have been rendered homeless. The loss is estimated at about $2,000,000. Dunkirk Shelled. Paris. — German warships have been seen off the Belgian coast, ac cording to an official statement given out in Paris. Large shells to the number of nineteen have fallen on Dunkirk. Twenty persons were kil'ed and forty-five wounded. Some houses were destroyed. Crickets Destroy Much Wheat. Wilson Creek. Wash.—A co’uran of crickets four miles long and twelve feet wide mowed down hundreds of acres of wheat in Grant county. They move in four columns. Proof of Kolberg Sinking. Lerwick, Scotland. — The finding near the south end of this island of a life buoy marked “Kolberg” is believed here to confirm the report made at the time that the cruiser Kolberg was sunk In the battle in the North sea on January 4. Germans Celebrate; Arrested. Vancouver, B. C.—Four prominent German residents of Vancouver were arrested, charged with taking part with a number of other Germans, in a celebration of the German victory. Invents Unsinkable Submarine. Benidji, Minn.—Clarence A. Blain has invented a submarine which, he insists, because of suitable air ducts, is unsinkable. He says he will put it into use on the placid Lake Benidji, as a means of transportation be tween this city and other resorts. New Plan of Raising the F-4. Washington.—An effort to raise the sunken submarine F-4 by forcing air into her tanks from the cruiser Mary land, will be undertaken, according I to a report. Alliance is to have a Country c’.ub. Work on the Farmers’ bank of Craig has been started, is not serious, but the tower is a wreck and the bell damaged. The cornerstone for the new city hall at Geneva has been laid. The new Crawford city hall, erected at a cost of $12,000, has been opened. J. D. Anderson has been elected manager of the Syracuse baseball team. Theodore Nelson of Nehawka was seriously injured by being kicked by a mule. The business men of Pender have ra'ised about $1,000 to support a base ball team. Otto Wrieth of Omaha has just opened a new hardware store at Springfield. Work has begun on the excavation for the $250,000 addition to Lincoln’s postoffice building. AVork has commenced on the new $35,000 building for the state tuber culosis hospital at Kearney. The twenty-fifth annual meeting of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences wil be held at Lincoln May 31. More automobiles licenses were is sued by Secretary of State Pool last week than any previous week since autos were invented. c-ioen -vioren. living near jonnson. suffered a broken arm and internal injuries when two teams and a wagon load of oats ran over him. The Rt. Rev. Richard Scannell, bishop of Omaha, will administer the rite of confirmation to a very large class at West Point on May 10. The new Methodist bell tower, erected a month ago at Ord, fell after having been struck by a run away horse. Damage to the building A $200 diamond brooch pin. lost by Miss Effie Yager in front of her home in Hastings, was crushed by an au tomobile and its value as a pin de stroyed. The barn of E. N. Boyles, living near the Wyoming line, northwest of Harrison, was burned, together with four horses, two mules, a cow, har ness. hay and grain. Attorney General Reed hae an nounced the appointment of Ed. P. Simth of Omaha to appear for the state and the railway commission in defense or order No. 19, the class rate order. The Alliance Commercial club has shipped in 2,000 trees, paying the freight and selling them for less than cost. More trees will be planted there this year than in any five pre vious years. While working about the railroad yards at I'nadilla, Max Schreiner, manager of the Farmers’ elevator, stepped on a spike that ran nearly through his foot, causing a very pain ful wound. William O'Brien of Pilger, has received by exxpress a black bear from Nyssa, Ore. The bear was cap tured when a small cub, by Willard Davison, formerly of Pilger. It is now one year old and quite tame. An iron staple, approximately an inch an a quarter long and half an inch across, which S. C. Hawthorne of Lincoln swallowed over two years ago. was removed from his left lung during the first part of this month. Adjutant Trimble at Lincoln has received an invitation from the town of Aurora asking for the -state en campment of the Grand Army of the Republic for 1916. The encampment this year is at Minden, May 18, 19. 20 and 21. One of the most shocking acci dents in the history of Alliance occur red when Vern Lyon, the nine-year old boy of Mr. and Mrs. - Jim Scott, had his leg literally torn off at the knee as he was attempting to climb onto the rear of a buggy. ■ A twelve acre plot in the west part of Hastings has been leased by the school board for experimental agricul tural purposes upon the part of school boys, wiio will be alloted one-eight of an acre each. Eighteen boys en gaged in the experimental work last year. One lad sold $18 worth of his own products. Probing preliminary to a grand jury investigation is being carried on at Hastings. According to Deputy Attorney General Barrett, the inves tigation promises many sensational features. While riding in a carryall with her husband and family, Mrs. Phillip Volmer, who resides ten miles from Mema, fell from the back of the ve hicle to the ground and broke hex neck. She lived but half an hour after the accident. The state board of control has at* ranged that between 1,500 and 1,600 loads of sand and cement, needed for the permanent roadway which will b9 constructed on the Lincoln highway near the Kearney Industrial school, wil be baued by the bovs there. The sand will be taken from the Platte. Thousands of horses are being gath. ered at Grand Island for the warring nations of Europe. Colonel A. B. Persinger, who re sides near Chappell, had twenty head of 2-year-old steers struck by light ning and killed. The cattle were worth over $1,000. It is expected that 200 women from various parts of the country will be in Omaha May 8 to 13 in attendance upon the biennial convention of tho Woman’s Home and Foreign Mission ary society of the general synod of the Lutheran church. Thomas McCrea caught a twenty two pound catfish in the Blue river at Beatrice. Petitions are being circulated in Fairbury and the city council in an and the city council in an attempt to attempt to bring the Liberty boll through there on its way to the Panama-Pacific exposition. A herd of cattle belonging to John Haney, a prominent stock raiser liv ing near Lindsey, got into an alfalfa field and as a result some thirty head died and several more are sick. The loss will be about $3,000. LINCOLN MAN SAVES HIS WIFE Mrs. Anna A. Dahl of Lincoln RestorM When Hu6band Gives Her Wonderful Remedy. Death was close upon Mrs. Anna A. Dahl of 1430 P street, Lincoln, Neb She was desperately ill with serious derangements of the digestive tract In fact, at times she was so ill that she knew nothing of what was going on about the sick room. She recovered most marvelously. The treatment that she declared saved her was given when she was so sick she did not know until after she recovered how she had been restored. The stomach remedy, given to her by her thoughtful husband, was Mavr'g Wonderful Remedy. Mrs. Dahl, in a good letter, tells of her experience: "I feel so grateful to you 1 can t express my feelings on paper. I will make a great effort to see you per sonally soon. My treatment came while I was too sick to realize anv thing but the terrible pain. My hug band tells me I passed at least a thou sand gall stones, of all shapes and sizes. “This I know—I have onlv taken two bottles and 1 feel better than for years.” Mayr's Wonderful Remedy gives per manent results for stomach, liver and intestinal ailments. Eat as much and whatever you like. No more distress after eating, pressure of gas in the stomach and around the heart fietone bottle of your druggist now and try .t on an absolute guarantee—if not satis factory money will be returned.-Adv. Wasting Light. Mrs. Bacon—This paper says dis tinct traces of light have been delect ed in the ocean at depths of more than three thousand feet, by an English oceanographical expedition. Mr. Bacon—Perhaps some of those mermaids forgot to turn off the gas What Worried Him. “What made you so nervous while you were carving the turkey. John? You never were that way before "I just happened to think that the material I was knifing up so recklessly was worth anywhere from Z>) to 73 cents a pound.” Making the Tour. “Do you know your way around Eu rope?” “Y'es; you can go by way of Spitz bergen to the north, or through the Mediterranean to the south. I don't blame you for wanting to go around.” —Kansas City Journal. Forty Minutes Out. “How far out do you live, old man?” “Well, it’s twenty minutes from my station to the city if the train is on time, and twenty minutes from iny house to the station if I'm on time.” DON'T VISIT TUB CALIFOICNU FIX POSITIONS Without a supply at Allen’s Foot Ease, the an iseptlc powder to be sha- en into the Shoes, or dissolved in the foot-bath. The Standard Remedy for the feet for 25 years, it gives instant relief to tired, aching feet and prevents swollen, hot feet. One lady writes- “I enjoyed every minute of my stay at the Expositions, thanks to Allen's Foot-Ease >r my shoes.' Get it TODAY Aiv Keep an eye on the man who says money will do anything. The chances are that he will do anything for money. Treatment for Cats. Flatbush—Do you think cats should be muzzled too? Bensonhurst—No. throttled WOMAN COM NOT SIT UP Now Doss Her Own Work. Lydia EL Pinkham’s Vegeta ble Compound Helped Her. Iron bon, Ohio. —“ I am enjoying bet ter health now than I have for twelve years. When I be !l Ban to take Lydia E. rinkham s Vegeta ble Compound I could not sit up. I had female troubles and was very ner vous. I used the remedies a year and I can do my work and for the last eight months I have - W VI A CU 1U1 VIUC1 women, too. I cannot praise Lydia E. Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound enough for 1 know I never would have been as well if 1 had not taken it and I recom mend it to suffering women.” Daughter Helped Also. “ I gave it to my daughter when sb* was thirteen years old. She was in school and was a nervous wreck, and zould not steep nights. Now she looks so healthy that even the doctor speaks af it. You can publish this letter if you like.”—Mrs. Rena Bowman, 1613.10th Street, Ironton, Ohio. Why will women continue to suffer day in and day out and drag out a sickly, half-hearted existence, missing three fourths of the joy of living, when they can find health in Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound ? If yon have the slightest doubt that Lydia E. Pinkliam’s Vegeta ble Compound will help yon,write to LydiaE.Pinkliam IVIedicineCo, (confidential)L ynn,Massif o rad pice. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. Don’t Persecute Your Bowels Cut out cathartics and purgatives. They are jrutal. harsh, unnecessary'- T CARTER’S LITTLE LIVER PILLS Purely vegetable. Act , gently on the liver, A “liminate bile, and, soothe the delicate^ membrane of th^^ bowel. Cuttj Constipation, Biliousness, Sick Head- „ _! Carters KJITTLE aiVER ■ pills. g-raaS_ now. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature W. N. U, OMAHA, NO. 18-1915.