The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, April 29, 1915, Image 5

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    W. F. MASON, President L. HANSEN, Cashier
A Wise Man learns how to
Save his money while he is
learning how to Make it
By this sign, young, man, you
may know the amount of your
The saving habit is as easy to
form as the spending habit.
Why not form the habit that
will do you some good?
First National Bank
Loup City, Nebraska.
We Pay 5 per cent on Time Deposits.
Daily sells for less.
(iet your seed potatoes from K.
L. Arthur.
Tlieo Currier visited at Ashton
last Saturday.
See David Morrow, agent for
the “Easy” self-heating iron.
Howard Starr was a passenger
to Grand Island last Saturday.
Miss Carrie Cole visited with j
friends at Grand Island last Satur
Alva O. Lewis attended to busi
ness matters in Omaha several (
^days this week.
Henry Schuman went to Ansle.v
Tuesday morning on a business
and pleasure trip.
Miss Louise Bartunek returned
to Ord last Friday after visiting
here several days with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. James Bartunek.
Herman Wile Sc Co.*
Buffalo, N. Y.
■T'HERE is something
A more to style than
the design of a suit
and that something is
the fabric from which
the suit is made.
When we decide on a
model as a desirable
one to handle, we se
lect with extreme care
the colors and pat
terns that we wish it
made up in.
We accept only the
most exclusive offer
ings and for that rea
son alone we lay claim
to an individuality
that is usually lack
ing in most ready
made clothing.
The Hub
Clothing Co.
Loup City, Neb.
Daily sells for less.
Lester Hiddleson spent Monday
at Grand Island.
T. D. Wilson was a business
passenger to Rockville Tuesday.
Mrs. T. R. Lay and two chil
dren visited in Rockville Monday.
Victor Viener left Monday
morning for Omaha on a business
For Sale—Rhode Island Red
eggs. Mr. Chris Christiansen.
Rhone 9012. 23
Leave orders for Roy McDonall
dray at either lumberyard or Tay
lor’s elevator, or phone Brown 57.
320 acres of iand close to Loup
City for rent. 70 acres broke, bal
ance in mow grass. See W. F. Ma
Gus Oltman returned to Omaha
Tuesday morning after visiting
some time here with relatives and
J. W. Long and L. V. Slocumb
went to Kearney Monday, to at
tend the state Sunday school con
John Burrowes and Arthur
Rowe went to Ansley Wednesday
morning, where they will do some
work for John Ohlson.
Found—Child’s stocking cap,
red star embroidered in front.
Owner may have same by calling
for it at the Northwestern office.
Several of our citizens, it is said,
went to Ashton in an auto last
Saturday, being caught in the
rain and coming home on a hand
Victor Gordon arrived here from
Elkhart, Indiana, last Saturday,
expecting to visit here and at Ar
cadia for some time with relatives
and friends.
Mrs. Herman Kickert and little
girl of Grand Island, came up last
Thursday-evening for a short visit
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Louie Rechthold.
The Misses Catherine and Ma
linda Pageler were passengers to
Arcadia last Thursday evening
where they will visit with their
brother, Will Pageler and wife.
The eighth grade boys and girls
gave a surprise party on their
teacher, Mr. J. F. Nicoson last
Friday evening at his home.
Light refreshments were served
ami all reported a good time.
Litchfield can boast of one of
the pioneer settlers of Nebraska.
Uncle Albert Dickerson came to
this state sixty years ago April 22,
1915, first locating at Falls City,
in 1855. He has been a resident
of Sherman county since the early
eighties, and is still hale and hearty
for one of his advanced years.—
A special election will be held at
Ravenna on May 4th, to vote up
on the saloon question again, it
being claimed that the election
held some time ago, at which time
the saloon question was decided in
favor of the dry policy, was illegal.
Considerable bad feeling was
stirred up at Ravenna as a result
of the last election. The result at
the coming election will probably
be very close.
Daily sells foi less.
R. H. Mathew was at Rockville
on business last Thursday.
Rev. F. W. Gutli was at Rock
ville on business Monday.
Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint
Hansen Lumber Co.
Sam Weaver of Arcadia was a
Loup City visitor last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Norton Lambert
were at Rockville on business last
Mrs. E. G. Taylor and daughter
Lucile, visited with relatives at St.
Paul last Saturday.
Dr. Bilon, Eye Specialist, will
be here again Wednesday, May 5,
at Jung’s Restaurant.
Rev. J. L. Dunn left Monday
morning for Tilden, Nebraska,
where he goes to take charge of a
Let us repair that watch, or if
it is not worth repairing trade it
in on a good watch.—At Lou
Sell waners.
Two stacks of good draw hay
for sale. Inquire of Lars P. Niel
son, Wiggle Creek district. S4
per ton, in stack.
Single Comb Rhode Island Red
eggs for hatching. 50 cents per
15 or $3 per 100.—Mrs. Ira Tim
son, Phone 7005. 21
Clarence Coltrane and Frank
Zwink went to Omaha last Friday,
expecting to make the return trip
in Air. Zwink's new auto.
The ladies’ Industrial society
will give an open kensington at
the home of Mrs. Will Mason on
next Wednesday afternoon.
For Sale—Team of horses, three
and four years old, (JO bushel white
seed corn $1 per bushel.
Fred Zwink.
Mrs. A. D. Travis, who has
been visiting here with her son,
Bert Travis and family, returned
to her home at Aurora Wednes
day morning.
Miss Hallene Mellor left Tues
day morning for Central City and
Polk, Nebraska, where she will
visit with Miss Blanche Draper
and other friends.
The county board of supervisors
were in session Tuesday and
Wednesday. A full report of the
proceedings will be published in
next week’s paper.
Wanted—For the Eastern war
zone, the best and most market
able horses, sufficient in size and
finality for any of the duties re
quired there. See Myrl Warrick.
Howard, Hamilton, South Bend,
Elgin, Waltham and Hampden,
are some of the makes of watches
we are showing. You will find
our prices as low or lower than
others.—Lou Schwaner.
If you suffer from headache,
nervous exhaustion, dizziness, neu
ralgia, pain over the eyes, in
somnia, sick headache, etc-, stop
using medicines, and consult Dr.
Bilon about your eyes, at Jung’s
Hotel, Wednesday, May •>.
Miss Emma Howe has been re
elected teacher in the Moon dis
trict, This makes her sixth term
in this district, and carries with it
a substantial increase in salary,
which is evidence of the general
satisfaction -she is giving as a
| Grocery .
If you are looking for the
place where you can and
will get real GROCERY
values for your money
R. L. Arthur's is the
store to which you should
turn your footsteps.
i It is an
| Established Fact
That our stock is always
S complete and our prices
are such as will meet
competition, and abso
lutely consistent with the,
quality of goods we carry
that are always standard.
Try us and you’ll
come back.
Daily sells for less.
E. T. Thrasher, Painter, and
Paper Hanger. 15tf
w anted lo pasture a few horses
or colts.—L. X. Smith. 19-2
E. A. Miner and family visited
! friends at Austin last Thursday.
Miss Regina Beshaler was 1;
passenger to Rockville Wednes
j day.
Vincent Johns went to Grand
Island Monday morning to spend
j several 'days.
Used typewriters, all makes, at
jail prices. O. E. James, Y. M.
j C. A., Grand Island, Xebr.
Our cook stove coals can't be
beat. Clean, hot. quick fire. Spring
prices Hansen Lumber Co.
Mrs. Clara Cox went to Aurora
yesterday morning for a short
visit with relatives and friends.
Mrs. Xels Jensen left Monday
morning for Scranton, Iowa, where
she was called by the death of her
Mrs. A. T. Forcell. of Central
City, Nebraska, arrived here last
Thursuay for a visit with her
btothers and their families.
Mrs. R. P. Morris and children,
of Ogden, Utah, arrived here Mon
day evening for a visit with her
sister, Mrs. Wilbert Morris and
Everyone should help make the
Loup City clean up campaign com
plete, by applying a Mound City
Horseshoe Paint or Varnish to the
needed surfaces. It is sold only
by Swanson & Lofholm.
William Neville, who has been
| employed at Ogle’s garage for
some time, went to Arcadia last
week where he has employment in
a blacksmith shop. He expects
to move his family to Arcadia soon.
Hollister’s Rocky Mountain Tea
is nature’s own tonic, purely vege
table. Its use is not followed by
devitalizing after-effects. Safe
and sure, try it for debility,
anaemia, poor appetite, Spring
tiredness. Tea or Tablets, 35c.
Swanson A Lofholm.
Clothing Sale
We are going to close out our entire
line of Boys’ Clothing. We will have
two tables. Prices will be
First Table
$3,98 |
Seed Table
I $4.98
Come early while' you may have a
good selection. Sale begins Saturday
morning, May 1st.
Loup City Merc. Co.
Daily sells for less.
E. T. Thrasher, Painter and
Paper Hanger. 15tt
F. E. Brewer sells insurance
and trees and shrubs of all kinds, j
The B. of E. club met with Miss,
Pearl Needham Tuesday evening.
If you want good, prompt d ray
ing call on Roy McDonall, phone
Brown 57. 13tf j
German millet seed at 75 cents
per bushel.— D. B. Carpenter.
Phone 9703. 19-3 j
M rs. Rena V. Mellor entertained
the P. E. <). society at her home
Tuesday afternoon.
Miss Wauneta Conger, of Ar
cadia, visited with relatives, and,
friends here last Friday.
Get our prices on watches and
let us show you the different
styles we carry. —Lou Schwaner.
Fresh lettuce,asparagus, onions,
rhubarb and parsnips now on sale.
Also tomato plants.—Werner
Mrs. Clarence Sweetland left
Wednesday morning for Omaha,
where she will visit with friends
for several days.
Vic Swanson bought a new Max
well car in time to get one good
ride before the rains made mud
out of the roads.
The Misses Amelia Ilansen, Rose
Dolling and Helma Jung, visited
with relatives and friends at Rock
ville last Saturday,
Pure bred barred Plymouth
Rock eggs for setting. 50 cents for
15 or §3 per hundred. —Mrs. H.J.
Johansen, Phone Red 71. ID
Will Hawk, W. O. Brown and
George McFadden. returned home
from South Omaha last Thursday
where they had been with some
Swanson & Lofholm are showing
a very complete line of hammocks,
tennis rackets, baseball goods and
fishing tackle.
W. S. Waite left yesterday
morning on a business trip to
Greeley, Central City, Ord and
Crete. He expects to be gone for
several days.
Your panama hat cleaned and re
blocked. guaranteed as nice as new.
All kinds of hats cleaned, reblocked
and rebound. $1.50 each. Get it
done now. Loup City Tailor Shop.
For Sale:—One pure Shorthorn
bull, page woven wire fencing and
barb wire at factory prices, 8-bar
fencing at 18 cents per rod and
stock food at one half price.—L.
X. Smith, Phone Black 12. 25
C. J. Tracy is finishing the ce
ment work on the new school house
in district No. 12, four miles north
of town, this week. This is one
of the finest rural school houses in
the county, 24x36 feet and full
Carl de la Motte. of Litchfield
was in Loup City on business last
Thursday and made this office a
pleasant call. Mr. de la Motte
has been a subscriber of the North
western ever since the first issue,
a great many years ago.
Coming on 'their own private
trains of double-length cars, Bar
ton & Bailey’s world celebrated
shows are well prepared to give
us the very best of everything and
from all accounts they certainly
do so. One day only afternoon
and night, at Loup City Thursday,
May 6th.
Several nice rains the past week
have livened up things generally.
Nearly an inch of water fell, com
ing in gentle showers thus en
abling all of the water to soak in
to the ground. Prospects for a
bumper crop never looked better
in this section of the state.
With Barton & Bailey's world
celebrated shows are the greatest
and most expensive feature acts
ever known. Among these are
the most daring horsemen in the
world imported direct from Bussia,
and known as the Czars Cossacks.
Barton & Bailey will be with us
afternoon and night, on Thursday
May 6th.
A meeting of the base ball fans
was held at the court house last
night to see what could be done
towards organizing a ball team
here. The national game has been
somewhat neglected here the last
few seasons and it is hoped that
interest enough may be aroused to
enable Loup City to have a win
ning team this season.
The Catholic church was the
scene of another wedding Tuesday
when two popular young people
from north of town were united
in marriage by Father Cudzenski.
The marriage service was given in
the Polish and English languages.
The young couple that were united
for life were Mr. John Mazenkow
ski and Miss Maggie Kowalski,
who will make their home on a
farm about eight miles north of
town. The service was witnessed
by a large number of people, many
from around Ashton and Rockville
being present.
High Art Clothing
Made by the Strauss Clothing Company
I /CLOTHING that is made of good materials, by
I tailors that are artists at their trade, and of
new and original weaves today cost the wearer
no more than the shoddy made in sweat shops.
The average man likes good clothes, clothes that
fit, and at reasonable price. An inspection of my
stock will result in you finding just what you want.
Fly Time Coming
Get your screen doors early. We carry all
sizes screens, also plain and famcy screen doors.
Brighten Up—Paint Up
Our paints guaranteed. Special prices on
entire stock paints, oils, stains and varnishes.
Sqare Deal. Fence
Hog, field and poultry fencing.
Ladders! Ladders!!
Step, straight and extension ladders. Better
I buy. one.
You Will Like It When From
Hansen Lumber Co.
The Refrigerator
is the article that is concerning the house
wife who aims to have her vegetables and
cooked foods always in good condition.
For Saturday we are offering the
“White Clad”
at $22.00
This refrigerator usually sells at $25, and is with
out a rival as a sanitary cooling device. It holds
125 pounds of ice; the interior is enameled, the
food trays are removable and easily kept clean.
We have other makes selling as low as $1 3.
Lawn Mowers
We have the last word in grass cutting machinery.
The “Mound City” is the easiest running and
most satisfactory mower on the market. We have
them in all sizes and at the lowest prices.
Hardware, Implements and Furniture
Clean Up Paint Up
Put a little sunshine in your home
and H. & M. paint on your home
We have both
Yards at Loup City, Ashton, Rockville, Schaupps and Arcadia