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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1915)
LOUP CITY NORTHWESTERN CHIPMAN & HARTMAN. Publishers. 1 Entered at the Loup City Postolfioe for transmission through the mails as second class matter. Every subscript ion is regarded as an open account. The names ol* subscribers ( n\ ill !»»• instantly lernoved from our mail ing list at the expiration of time paid for. if publishers shall be notified; otherwise 3v: aoaoj ui ujuuida \\\.\\ uoijduosqtis the designated subscription price. Every subscriber must understand that these conditions are made a part of the con tract between publisher and subscriber. SEMI-CENTENNIAL. With the legislature out of the way and polities in abeyance for the better part of the year, Ne braska is free to consider its ap proaching fiftieth birthday anni versary. On. March 1, 1817, less than two years hence, Nebraska will end its first half century of statehood. The state cannot af ford to let this date pass without fitting recognition. At the age of fity years a geo graphical state should begin to ac cumulate the sentiment and the vision [out of which a spiritual state is built. This birthday comes, fortunately, at a decisive period in the fortunes of Nebraska. Ne braska became a state in 1867. It was not until many years after that, twenty or thirty, according to individual opinion, that it be came certain of establishing itself ' as a great, rich state. The years of struggle for existence are now passed. Nebraska has won eco nomic freedom on the basis of an assured agriculture. The time has come to consider the future use of that freedom. The coming semi centennial presents an opportuni ty to sum up Nebraska’s achieve ments, to encourage a just state pride, and to create an enthusiasm for the great future which can be built for Nebraska. It is not too soon to be thinking of the form which the recognition of the coming date shall take. The celebration should be as broad as the state, and should be all in clusive in spirit. It should not be a mere flash of a day or a week. It should be the culmination of months of attention to the build ing of the past and future Nebras ka. Perhaps from the state uni versity, whose existence is practi cally identical with that of the state, might well come the central inspiration—from the university and its everywhere presentalumni. But all Nebraska organizations and interests should join in mak ing the semi-centennial an epitome of Nebraska’s past and present and a prophesy of its future.—State Journal. Sometimes dad says that the paper, somehow, ain't just right and does a lot of kickin’ when he reads it Thursday night. He says there ain't a dadhurned thing in it wortli while to read, and that it doesn’t print the kind of stuff that people need. He throws it in the corner and says it’s on the bum, but you’d ought to hear him holler when his weekly fails to come. He reads about the weddings and snores like all get out, and he reads the social column with a most derisive shout: he’ll read about the parties and fuss and fret and groan and say they print the paper for women folks alone. He says of information, it don't con tain a crumb—hut you d oughter hear him holler if the weekly fails to come. An then when dad goes ’way and stays a day or two, I tell you he gets riled and says what awful things he’ll do if the paper fails to mention him as be ng out of town—he almost had i notion to knock some printer lown. He never does, however, ivhen he sees one he is mum, but rou'd oughter hear him holler when his paper fails to come.— Tseeola Democrat. One of the principal causes ofi iconomic waste in the United! ■hates has been the destruction of j property by tire. Annually there is destroyed by fire in this country tin average of $250,000,000 worth of property. This is a positive, irrecoverable loss of this much actual constructed wealth. In Nebraska the annual loss has been about $2,000,000. The amount of fire losses in the state since the establishment of a state tire mar shal department in July, 1909 has been about $10,000,000. It may be claimed that this loss was covered by insurance. But when we consider that the insurance companies must be reimbursed by the policy holders it will be readily seen that the people really pay for this loss and waste. Governor Morehead has issued a proclamation designating Friday and Saturday, April 23d and 24th as “clean up days’* throughout the state. lie urges all cities, towns and country places to observe these days in cleaning up, thus safeguarding the health in in every community in which the cleaning up process takes place. The state legislature has adjourn ed. A few good laws were passed, but many issues of great im portance were overlooked. An Old Sale Bill. A sale bill printed in l’ike coun ty, Missouri, sixty-nine years ago, is a curiosity in the state archives at Kansas City. As reproduced by a local newspaper it reads: PUBLIC SALE. State of Missouri, county of Pike. To whom it may concern: The undersigned will, on Tuesday, September 29, A. D., 184b, sell at public outcry for cash, on premises where Coon creek crosses the old mission road, the following chattels, to-wit: 6 yoke of oxen with yokes and chains, 2 wagons with beds, 3 nigger wenches, 4 buck niggers, 3 nigger boys. 2 prairie plows, 25 steel traps, 1 barrel pickled cabbage, 1 hogs head tobacco, 1 lot nigger hoes, 1 spinning wheel, 1 loom, 13 fox hounds, a lot of coon, mink and skunk skins, and a lot of other ar ticles. Am gwine to Crlifornia. As an inducement for a crowd, free head cheese, apples and hard cider are a part of the bill of fare. We offer this as evidence that the world is some better than it used to be. People are not sold at pub lic auction these days only when they sell themselves. Application for Liquor License In the Matter of the Application of VV. A. Odendahl for Liquor License: Notice is hereby given that VV. A. Odendahl did.on the 21stday of April. 1915, file his petition with the village clerk of Ashton. Nebraska, addressed to the trustees of said village, asking for a license to sell at retail, malt, spirituous and vinous liquors, in the building situated on lot four(4). block six (t>), of the original town of Ash ton, Nebraska, for the municipal year beginning on the 1st day of May, A. I). 1915. and continuing for one year from and after its date, in the man ner provided by law. Any objection or remonstrance to the issuance of said license must be filed in writing with the village clerk of said Village of Ashton, Nebraska, on or before the <Sth day of May, 1915. W. A. Odendahl, Attest: Applicant. II. W. Ojendyk, 20 [seal] Village Clerk. i he Tornada Season is here! Or had you forgotten it> Remember WISCONSIN in 1914 and Nebraska in 1913 t /■"r.nd guard against the loss of your property. Do you know when your turn will come? Of all protection an an Insurance Policy in a strong Old Line compang, such as we rep resent is best. FIRST TRUST COMPANY Loup City, Nebraska V Farmers and Mule Breeders The breeding of mules for farm use has been neglected in this sec tion for .years. As a work animal it is conceded that the mule has no equal. Harry Obermiller, who lives just south of Schaupps, and who is an old-time and experienced mule breeder, announces that he will offer for service this season, Prince Albert, a magnificent black Spanish Jack, lie is a big fellow; is 16 hands high and weighs 1,050 pounds. He is a jack of fine ac tion and has a record as a foal getter. The service fee is $10, and I he will make the season at Mr. Obermiller’s farm, a quarter of a mile south of Schaupps. Mr. Ober milier announces that he will make a specialty of breeding so-called barren mares. OUR ADVERTISER. We wish to call the attention of our readers to the live merchants of Loup City who appreciate the value of printer’s ink as an ad vertising medium. Those who have new ads in this issue are: First National bank. Loup City State bank. First Trust Company. C. L. Arnett, refrigerators. Victor Yiener, clothing. E. P. Daily, refrigerators. Gus Lorentz, clothing. Busy Bpc Hat Shop, Saturday sale. O, S. Mason, plumbing and heating. C. C, Cooper, general merchan dise. Loup City Mercantile company, dry goods. For Sale. One low truck farm wagon, one .Jennie Lind walking cultivator, one 14-in. stirring plow. Deering mower, live or six acres of ground in alfalfa, fenced chicken tight. ’For terms and particulars see Al fred Anderson. CHEAPER COAL Commencing April 1st we reduce our price on all coal, owing to lower prices at the mines. Pinnacle, Rock Spring, Aztec and Canon City. See us for prices and quality. Taylor’s Elevator. Farmers and Breeders. The breeding season is at hand. I will have my black Perche’on and young black Belgian stallions at O. A. Woods barn the first and last of each week, and will meet you at the barn any other time un less other engagements nre on hand.—H. .J.Johanson, Phone Red 71. 4 22 Order of Hearing and Notice of Probate of Will. In the County Court of Sherman County, Nebraska. State of Nebraska,) County of Sherman)®' To the heirs, devisees, legatees and to all persons interested in the estate of Christian Hansen, Sr., deceased; On reading the petition of Christian Hansen. Jr., praying that the instru ] merit filed in this court on the 30th. | day of March, 1915. and purporting to be the last will and testament of the said deceased, may be proved and al lowed, and recorded as the last will and testament of Christian Hansen, Sr., deceased: that said instrumentbe admitted to probate, and tbe admin istration of said estate be granted to Christian Hansen, Jr., as executor. It is hereby ordered that you, and all persons interested in said matter, ; may, and do. appear at the County | Court to be held in and for said coun i ty, on the 1st. day of May, A. D. 1915, . at 10 o’clock a. m., to show cause, if any there be. why the prayer of tbe petitioner should not be granted, and that notice of the pendency of said petition and that the hearing thereof be given to all persons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this Order in The Loup City North western, a weekly newspaper printed in said county, three successive weeks prior to said day of bearing. Witness my band, and seal of said court, this 10th, day of April A. D. 11915. (seal) E. A. Smith County Judge, last published April 29. Loup City Flour Is j Guaranteed. i Order of Hearing and Notice of Probata of Will. In tiie County Court, of Sherman County. Nebtaska State of Nebraska, i Sherman County, To the heirs, legatees devisees and to all persons interested in the es tate of Michael Donalioe, deceased: On reading the petition of Thomas A. Donalioe praying that the instrument tiled in this court on the 25th day of March, 1915, and purporting to be I lie last w ill and testament of the said deceased, may lie proved and allowed, and recorded as the last w ill and testa ment of Michael Donalioe, deceased: that said instrument be admitted to probate, and the administration of said estate be granted to Thomas A. Donalioe as executor. II is hereby ordered that you and all persons interested in said matter, may,and do appear at thecount court to be held in and for said county on the 27th day of April A. D. 1915, at lo o'clock a m. to show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the pe titioner should not lie granted, and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof lie given to all persons interested in said matter by publishing a copv of this order in the LoupCity Northwestern a weekly newspaper printed in said county.three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. Witness mv hand, and seal of said court,this 7th day of April A.D. 1915. [seal] E. A. Smith, CountyJ udge. Application For Liquor License. In Hie (Matter of the Application of Frank Dymek for Liquor License: Notice is iierebv given tliat Frank Dymek did, on tlie Otli day of April, 1915. tile his petition with the village clerk of Rockville, Nebraska, address ed to the trustees of said village, ask ing for a license to sell at retail, malt, spirituous and vinous liquors, in the building situated on lot three (3), block t wentv-seven (2~). of the original town of Rockville, Nebraska, for the muni cipal year beginning on the 1st day of May, A. D. 1915, and continuing for one year from and after its date, in the manner provided by law. Any objection or remonstrance to the issuance of said license must be tiled in writing with the village clerk of “said Village of Rockville, Nebraska, on or before the 30th day of April. 1915. Frank Dymek, Applicant. Attest: J. E. Sorensen. (seal) Village Clcfrk. FOR SALE Ten head of young horses and mules,some seed corn, kaffir corn, milo rnize.feterita and millet seed, til Christ Zwink, phone 7frt)2. Coupon for FREE Music Dept. Z-Serie« 1915 Cut or tear out this coupon, r m in your name and address, attach the coupon to your letter and mail it to Dept Z, Lyon & Healy, Chicago In your Utter please state whether you are thinking of getting an upright, grand or player-piano. The sending of this coupon with your name and address filled in and accompanied by a brief letter, entitles you to six pieces oi copyrighted piano music delivered to you iree ■ and without placing you under obligation. Fill in your name [ and address on the lines below. I I Name___ J| Address.....^ Here is Our Offer Six pieces of good copyrighted piano music postpaid with our compliments. If you are thinking of getting a piano, simply write your name and address on the above coupon and attach it to a brief letter. All you need to say in your letter is to tell us which piano catalog to send to you, viz: upright piano, grand piano or player-piano. Mail coupon and letter to Lyon & Healy, Chicago, and we will send to you free a roll of music consisting of six pieces of copyrighted instrumental music of our selection. The music will be sent to you together with the Lyon & Healy catalog you ask for. We pay the charges and deliver the music and catalog postpaid free to you. Please do not send the coupon unless attached to a letter. A short, simple letter will do. Write now. Lyon & Healy Piano Style K— $350 May be bought on EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS Factory far oversold until now. Nothing like it in America. Product of the new Lyon & Healy factory—the world’s finest piano factory. Lyon & Healy pianos are sold by local piano dealers everywhere. Buyers have an opportunity to see and hear the Lyon & Healy in their own community You will be surprised and pleased with the six pieces of music we will send to you when we receive your short letter and the coupon. We pay the postage and all of the costs in sending the music to you. You place yourself under no obliga tion in sending for the free music. Read offer carefully and send letter and coupon today. LYON & HEALY, Sltst Chicago CIRCLE TOURS TO THE PACIFIC COAST In planning “The Perfect Coast Tour” or the “See America Tour,” Scenic Colorado is of first im portance. No coast tourist could afford to say that he had not included ‘Scenic Colorado” either one way or the other in this world’s greatest rail journey. Go one way via Seattle, Portland, and during the season visit either Glacier or Yellow stone National Park. Link together these scenic routes with the Ocean Coast voyage between San Francisco and Portland. Through the season, various publications, special folders and the like will be available,des criptive of the Burlington circuit rates and through service routes. J. A. DANIELSEN, Agent L. W. WEEKLY, General Passenger Agent 1004 Farnuqi Street, Omaha. REFRIGERATORS The season is at hand when the housewife begins to have thoughts of the care of her vegetables and meats during the hot summer months when cooked foods spoil rapidly or are polluted by the housefly. A sanitary refrigerator is a necessity and the buyer should use care in the selection of a cooling device. Wisconsin “Badger” Refrigerators are made of thoroughly seasoned ash lumber. They are perfect in workmanship, attractive panelled case in beautiful golden oak finish. The sanitary features are removable and can be cleaned at will. The ice rack is of galvanized steel and removable. The gal vanized steel drip cup prevents odors from entering the refrigerator. The careful buyer will find features in this refrigerator that are not equaled by others. The range in price is from $18 to $30 DAILY’S “See Daily First” WHEN LOOKING FOR A SQUARE WEAL DROP IN AT THE ... * Ideal Bakery & Restaurant: SOUTH SIDE OF PUBLIC SQUARE Meals, Lunches and Short Orders at all i Hours • ; We Also Carry a Full Line of Bakery Goods. Careful Attention Given all Special Orders. . Cream Puffs and Boston Brown Bread every Saturday after noon. Put in your order early. ij Business and pr ROET. P. STARR Attorney at Law LOUP CITY .... NEBRASKA R. H. MATHEW Attorney at Law And Bonded Abstractor LOUP CITY .... NEBRASKA AARON WALL Lawyer Practices in All Courts LOUP CITY .... NEBRASKA LAMONT L. STEPHENS Lawyer First National Bank Building LOUP CITY . NEBRASKA ROBERT H. MATHEW Bonded Abstracter Only Set of Abstract Books in County LOUP CITY - - - NEBRASKA O. E. LONGACRE Physician and Surgeon OFFICE, OVER NEW BANK Telephone Call No. 39 A. J. KEARNS Physician and Surgeon Phone 30—Office at Residence Two Doors East of Telepone Central LOUP CITY .... NEBRASKA A. S. MAIN Physician and Surgeon LOUP CITY .... NEBRASKA Office at Residence Telepone Connection ofessional Guide V. I. McDONALL Prompt Dray Work Call lumber yards or Taylor's eiev.ii Satisfaction Guarani i Phone Brown 57 C. R. SWEETLAND Plumber tk Electrician For good, clean and neat v. Satisfaction Guarani ■ Come and Get Ms Pin - V/ALTER THORNTON Dray and Transfer Call Cumber Yards or T. ylor s Elevator Phone Brown 43 J. E. Bowman, M. D. Carrie L. Bowman, M. D. BOWMAN & BOWMAN* Physicians and Surgeon' Phone 114 LOUP CITY .... NEBRASKA S. A. ALLEN Dentist Office Upstairs in the New Si ne Bank Building LOUP CITY - - - - NEBRASKA W. L. MARCY Dentist Office: East Side Public Square Phone Brown 116 LOUP CITY .... NEBRASKA E. T. BEUSHAUSEN Licensed Embalmer Funeral Director Graduate in Anatomy, Sanitary S ,-ru - and Embalming of liarn.-s Embalming School New Elliptic Springs and Rubber Tired uneral Car. Calls Answered Oay or Nieht. Phone No. lnd Lady Assistant in Connection