The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, April 22, 1915, Image 3

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riere are shown two of the kaisers submarines that are so busy destroying British merchantmen. Below is the
I-2S. and above monster 1-36, one of a new type of submarines, of which this is the nrst-photograph. The latter
has a radius of 3,000 miles and can dive 150 feet. Her masts fold down when she submerges. These pictures were
taken from the Dutch steamship Batavier V, which the submarines captured
wjh ■I . ■' m - —■ _
Remarkable photograph of the execution of a German spy taken at the moment that the squad of French sol
diers were firing the fatal volley.
Plank bridge across an irrigation canal by the Australian troops near
their camp by the pyramids of Egypt. The planks are supported by empty
kerosene tins.
Germans in Belgium get a bit of
sport now and then and at the same
time a welcome addition to the larder
by hunting rabbits. Here is one of
them bringing down a fine brace for
the mess.
I iiXDiRv.r'ir f*s
The opposition to Italy's participation in the war on the part of the
socialists of that country has largely abated and some of them have even
organized a battalion. Lieutenant Labayola, assigned by the government to
train them, is here seen drilling a squad in Milan.
Temperamental Hen.
About three weeks ago one of Mr.
J. H. Dickson's roosters got into a
fight and came home all bloody and
eyes closed and one of the hens be
came despondent and jumped on the
paling fence and hung herself, but
her sister broke her hold and I doc- '
tored the rooster and got him all
right, and the next week, the day be
fore George Washington's birthday,
he got into a fight again and came
home all done up. and so the same
hen saw him and went to the same
place and hung herself again, but this
time we failed to see her in time, as
she was about gone when Mr. Dick
son found her, and so I dressed her
We had her for George's birthday din
ner. This hen was laying every day.
Mr. Dickson and my father subscribe
for your paper, and they were both
witnesses to this.—Hernando Corre
spondent Memphis Commercial-Ap
"1 hear he's WTitten a popular book.”
“Yes. It's having a remarkable
Oh, it’s one of those untrue to life
tales, then?”—Detroit Free Press.
William Hale Thompson, Republi
can, was elected mayor of Chicago by
a plurality of nearly 140,000. He is
In the real estate business and has
long been prominent in political and
I club life.
Army Surgeons Have Found Their
Most Helpful Ally in Clean
In the Franco-Prussian war out of
every 100 men wounded and operated
upon 75 died of blood poisoning. In
the Boer war and in the Russo-Jap
anese war of every 100 men wounded
and operated upon only two died. The
explanation of these astonishing fig
ures is cleanliness.
Today in Serbia men are dying in
scores of typhus fever, a disease which
has been practically stamped out in
this country by Listerism. Yet only
forty years ago, when it was known as
jail fever, it was terribly prevalent. It
was conveyed by body vermin. Here
again it is a question of cleanliness.
According to Lieutenant Adduisell,
M. D., just back from the front, unless
a vital spot is struck there was little
danger to life from a rifle bullet. If a
man lived to be carried ofT the field
and died he died of septicema, or
blood poisoning, and here it was that
science came to the front. He had de
vised a little phial of iodine, which
every man could carry in addition to
the field dressing supplied by the war
office. A wounded man had only to
break oil the end, pour a little iodine
in and upon the wround and on the pad
of lint, get it bound closely, and what
ever else he died of he would not die
of blood prisoning.
The greatest bank is the Bank of
England, London.
First Thing Road Builder Should
Strive For Is to Have Ground
work Good and Solid.
(By E. tv. HOCSE. Colorado Agricultural
The good roads movement in Colo
rado seems now to have acquired full
swing and the next ten years will see
most of our important roads surfaced
with gravel. It is important that this
gravel be placed upon a good founda
tion or it will be mixed with the clay
and lost.
Some time ago an important road
was being surfaced and those in
charge were plowing up the old road,
which was very hard, the lumps were
being broken as much as possible,
then the road was given a light roll
ing, wet thoroughly and the gravel
then spread and rolled. When asked
why they were putting the gravel on
the soft mud foundation, the reply
came. “So that it will knit well with
the clay.” This is exactly what should
be guarded against as much as possi
ble and is the very thing road builders
should seek to avoid.
Let us remember that gravel will
knit or mix with the clay below in
spite of all we can do, but the harder
the clay foundation surface is and the
firmer it is compacted, the longer will
the gravel stay on top and give a
smooth wearing surface and the long
er the road will last.
All authorities are agreed on this
point, and the first thing that a road
builder should strive for is to have his
earth foundation solid and hard and
the drainage so fixed that it will re
main so.
Motorists Interested in Study Now Be
Ing Conducted by National Prison
Labor Committee.
Road work for misdemeanant pris
oners Is the subject of an investiga
tion which is being conducted under
the joint direction of the National
Committee on Prisons and Prison La
bor and the graduate highways de
partment of Columbia university.
James Leland Stamford, who is in
charge of the investigation, has had
considerable experience in the road
camps of Georgia, where the majority
of male prisoners are worked on the
The committee will consider in de
tail such matters as the most econom
ical size of a road gaag. the cost of
Convicts at Work on Public Highway.
guarding, supervising and mainte
nance and the approximate value of
a day’s work, 'it will also show the
possibility of increasing efficiency by
means of the payment of wages, recre
ation after work hours and the short
ening of sentence for good conduct.
Conditions in the different sections
of the country are to be dealt with,
especially as to the effect of the
weather and the cost of stock.
In Kalamazoo county, Mich., and
other counties where road work has
been tried, even under experimental
conditions, it has been found eminent
ly successful. In fact, the knowledge
that a jail sentence will mean hard
work on the roads has a tendency
to decrease the number of commit
ments, vagrants keeping away from
counties where they will be subjected
to work of this character.
Source of Information.
Persons interested in the good roads
problem, either from the engineering
or the legislative standpoint, will find
the report of the joint congressional
committee on federal aid to good
roads a convenient source of infor
mation. It not only contains the most
extensive data ever published on this
subject, but contains a bibliography
which gives a list of books, pamphlets,
and speeches on all phases of the good
roads problem. The report is printed
as House Document 1510, Sixty-third
Congress, third session
Time to Clip Horse.
Clip the heavy-coated horses when
the hair begins to shed. Blanket them
warmly, and never let them stand in
the open uncovered, and there will be
no danger from cold.
Can Eat Too Much.
The pig can eat more than he can
digest and digest more than he can
Seed Potatoes.
The seed potato should not be al
lowed to sprout.
For Young and dd
The acute agonizing pain of
rheumatism is soothed at once
by Sloan’s Liniment. Do not
rub—it penetrates to the sore
rt, bringing a comfort not
amed of until tried. Get a
bottle today.
Here What Others Say :
*‘I highly recommend your Liniment
the beet remedy for rheumatism I ever
UHed. Before using it I spent large sums
o! money trying to get relief of the misery
and pains in limbs and body, so I tried
your Liniment both internal and external
and I found quick relief, and now am
well and strong again.”—Geo. Curtis, 225
A. loth St., Springfield, IlL
Here’s Proof
“I wish to write and tell you about a
fall I had down fourteen steps, and bruised
my neck and hip very bad. I could not
sleep at all. I sent my wife for a 25 cent
bottle of your Liniment and in two days’
time I was on my feet again."—Charles
t'.ydc, 1325H Pravne Ave., St. Louis, Mo.
I :
for neuralgia, sciatica, sprains and
All Druuists, 25c.
Send four cent! in stamps for s
Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Inc.
Dept. B. Philadelphia, Pa.
Reported Incident Seems to Show That
Belgians and Germans Do Not
One hears (by way of France) that
the German conquerors in Brussels af
fect an elaborate politeness toward
the inhabitants. How the inhabitants
sometimes receive these amenities is
indicated by the following story: On
the platform of a tramcar stood a
worthy Belgian smoking his cigarette.
Aboard came a Prussian officer with
a monocle.
"Your pardon, sir,” says he with the
monocle, "would you be so very oblig
ing as to lend me a light?"
Gravely and in silence the Belgian
offers his cigarette.
"Thank you a thousand times for
your extreme kindness,” say the Ger
man, handing back the cigarette.
.But the Belgian wears an air of
utter astonishment. "Thank you,” he
says, “1 do not smoke."
And so the German remains some- j
what abashed with one cigarette in
his mouth and another in his fingers, j
The Dead Vowel.
Doctor Barton, warden of Merton
college, Oxford, was the oddity of his
time, says Tit-Bits.
As he was a man of remarkable
sympathy, people told him everything
that happened. A gentleman, coming
one day into his room, told him that j
Doctor Vowel was dead.
“What!" said he. “Vowel dead?
Thank heaven, it is 'e,' and neither
'u' nor T!”
Her Thought.
Patience—The witch tree of Ne- .
rada is so luminous that a person
standing near it can read ordinary
print easily. The tree itself can be
seen for a mile on the darkest nights.
Patrice—That, evidently, is no
place for a hammock.
The Correct Classification.
“I hope, Uncle Mose, you are not
a misanthrope.”
“No, sah; I’se a BaptisV’
Along about the time she is twenty
five a girl gets over the fear that
somebody will marry her for her
Effort to Exercise Too Great a Re
straint on Child Is Deprecated
by Writer.
In the Woman's Home Companion |
appears the first of a series of articles
on the care of children entitled "Your
Children’s Clothes.” The author tells
the following story and gives some
good advice:
"A child's clothing is a factor of
very great importance in the develop- !
nient of his body and character. Last
summer at the seashore a mother
complained to me of her four-year-old
boy, ‘Johnnie cannot keep his clothes
clean for five minutes!’
"I watched this little boy at play,
and though I saw the truth of the
mother's complaint my sympathies
were decidedly with the little boy, be
cause the person at fault was not the
child, but the mother. All that morn
ing the little boy -was harassed and
suppressed, as he probably had been
from his earliest childhood, by such i
phrases as: 'Don't, Johnnie, you will ,
get your clothes dirty!’
"Here was a child whose develop
ment was stunted and sacrificed for
the sake of his clothes. He had never ;
been given a chance to play freely, j
to exercise freely, to learn to do ;
things by the actual doing of them. j
and so, therefore, he naturally had 1
never gained control over his muscles.
He was flabby and clumsy, he stum
bled over everything, he could hardly
throw a pebble into the water without
falling into it. This child, though ap
parently well and strong, and bright
enough, was practically helpless phys
ically, and by this lack of muscle co
ordination his mentality and spirit
were affected.”
Dictating Aloft.
When the mi'ritary aeroplane is
scouting, it usually carries two men.
One is the pilot, who runs and steers
the craft; the other is the observer,
who marks the placing of the hostile
troops, the position of their guns, the
movement of trains, and the like. The
observer also makes many sketches
of the ground over which he is fly
ing—work that often interferes with
his writing notes and memoranda In
certain conditions of flight, too, it is
often hard for him to use a pencil
and paper. To obviate that difficulty,
the military aeroplane, says the Scien
tific American, now frequently carries
a phonograph, with a speaking tube
running to the mouth of the observer,
so that by talking into the machine at
any time during the flight, he can re
cord his observations, and still have
his hands free for his field glass or
his sketching pencil.
Rose Tree Bloomed at Christmas.
A pretty story of a rose which
bloomed at Christmas in front of some
trenches occupied by a German regi
ment of guards in France is told in
the Frankfurter Zeitung. The rose
bush was growing in a huge hole torn
by a shell in front of the guards'
trenches-. The little plant soon be
came the jealous care of every man
of the company before whose trench
it grew. To their intense delight, on
Christmas eve the rose tree' bloomed.
The company decided to send the rose
to the emperor. The kaiser was de
lighted and promptly ordered the poet.
Richard Voss, to write a poem about
the incident. The poem has now
been printed, and a copy of it is to
be sent to every guardsman con
cerned in the affair.
The Elusive One Point.
"Possession is nine points of the
"True, but the lawyers can keep a
poor man fighting for that other tenth
% -— 1
No Wonder.
She—How pale the moon is!
He—Yes; it's beenmut late for sev
eral nights.
The Fitting One.
"What kind of floral decoration
would you have for this hen party?”
"Why not try egg-lantine?”
If men were judged by their neck
ties not more than one in every 500
would pass the examination.
When a man has something that he
can't sell and can't even give away he
can alwaj’s raffle it off.
After Winter’s
Wear and Tear
one requires a food in Springtime that builds up both brain
and body.
What better than the delicious, scientifically prepared
easily digestible pure food-"
Grape-N uts
Made of wheat and malted barley—this food supplies
in splendid balance, the elements necessary for upbuilding
and keeping in repair the brain, nerve and muscle tissue.
Grape-Nuts has a rich, nut-like flavour—always fresh,
crisp, sweet and ready to eat direct fr om package with
cream or good milk.
Thousands have found Grape-Nuts a wonderful invig*
orator of both brain and body—
“There's a Reason’’
—sold by Grocers everywhere.
It is a sure enemy to
health, strength and hap
piness. It robs you of
your appetite, causes con
stipation , bilious spells and
a general rundown condi
tion, You can help Na
ture conquer it bv the
timely aid of
Stomach Bitters
It will help you bring back
the appetite, aid diges
tion and promote health
in a general way. For
over 60 years it has en
joyed public confidence.
Try It Today. Avoid Substitutes
A Familiar Cackls.
Fine music and fine poultry were
two things of which little Ella's father
was very fond. Recently he bought a
talking machine, and among other
records was one of a very brilliant
aria by a great coloratura soprano.
The baby listened closely to the runs
of the bewildering music until the
singer struck some high arpeggios
and trills at the close, when she ex
“Daddy, listen! She’s laid an egg’"
—Ladies' Home Journal.
Low round trip fares are now la
effect via the Scenic Highway of the
Northern Pacific Ry. to California's Ex
positions via the North Pacific Coast.
These tickets permit liberal stop-overs
and enable the tourist to include both
Expositions as well as a stop-over at
Yellowstone National Park via Gardi
ner Gateway.
If you will advise when you will plan
your western trip, I will be pleased to
quote rates, send a copy of our hand
some Expositions folder as well as
Yellowstone National Park and travel
literature, and assist you in any way
possible in planning your 1915 vaca
tion trip. A. M. Cleland. General Pas
senger Agent, 517 Northern Pacific
Ry., St. Paul, Minnesota.—Adv.
Does Egg Dance at Seventy-Eight.
Albert Pankopf, seventy-eight years
old. bent and white-haired, danced
blindfolded among 18 eggs, laid in
two rooms at intervals of a foot, for
several minutes without breaking a
shell. For more than fifty years Pro
fessor Pankopf has been performing
this feat, but at the annual Schlacht
fest of the Saxonia and General Ger
man Benevolent association he danced
as never before. The years dropped
from him as he danced. When the
music stopped the old man fell into
J the arms of a spectator. “Weak
heart,” he gasped. He soon recov
ered himself and bowed in response
to the cheers.—St. Paul Dispatch.
Children Not to Blame.
Mrs Bacon—I see several French
artists have agreed to sign all their
works in future with thumb prints to
prevent frauds upon purchasers
Mr. Bacon—Now, dear, when you
see any thumb prints on our paint
ings don't, for pity sakes. blame it
on the poor innocent children!
Their Policy.
"The military stations in attacking
hostile aeroplanes follow a regular po
litical reform course.”
‘‘In what way?”
“They go gunning for the men
I higher up.”
Getting Ready to Jump.
Yeast—Is he still on the water
Crimsonbeak—Well, he’s not still on
it; in fact, he’s very restless.
When a widower's name is men
tion it is in connection with the asser
tion that he is trying to get married