The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, April 08, 1915, Image 8

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    The Old Adage
“Don’t lock the barn after
the horse is stolen”
applies to insurance as well as
to other things
March, April, May, June and July
are months when windstorms and
tornadoes are most destructive.
If your property is not fully protected let us write
you a policy before it is too late. We represent the
very best companies doing business in the state
and the rate is low. Come in and talk it over.
Loup City, Nebraska
D««r Creak News.
F. J. Maciejewski painted his
house last week.
Chris Hansen Jr. was on the
sick list last week.
Master Eddie Carsten spent Sun
day with Bydalek’s.
Chas. Carsten sold a horse to
Geo. Ritz last week.
Ignaz Haremza and wife visited
with F. J. Maciejewsk Sunday.
Mrs. Felix Kowalewski is visit
ing her father, Frank Bonczynski.
Geo. Ritz traded a fine team of
horses to a horse buyer in Ashton
. last week.
Theresa Clara Martin and Ed
Xowicki,spent Sunday with Martin
Bydalek’s folks.
Miss Maggie Peters gave up her
position in Ashton working for
Farrah & Wekebay.
Henry Peters who is working
for Pete Jensen, came last Sunday
for a visit with his folks.
Johnny Rapp has been a mail
carrier on this route, he taking
M. J. Vencent’s place.
Any one having a fine three
year old mule for# sale, inquire of
F. J. Maciejewski, Ashton, Neb.,
Miss Maggie Platek returned to
her home in Farwell after staying
a couple of weeks with her sister.
Mrs. St. Nowicki.
The exact date for the basket
social and program at school Dist.
No. 12 is on Saturday April 10.
Everybody welcome.
Herman Stange of Yutan, Neb.,
and student of the Grand Island
Business College, who made Plam
beck’s a brief visit, last week and
who also visited with Geo. Ritz
and the Hansen Bros., departed
for his home Friday morning, Miss
Minnie and Freda Plambeck ac
companied him as far as St. Paul.
Rockville News
Mrs. H. H. Helinke is reported on
tlie sick list.
C. F. Krehmke has been hauling
lumber for the past week.
Frank Sundstrom was up from-l’al
mer last week visiting with friends.
S. E. Fletcher received a car of
small cattle which he will pasture un
til fall.
Geo. Coulter has been hauling lum
ber for a few days, building out on
his farm.
P. K. Pederson, former%>arber from
here, now at AsHlon, slopped off here
between trains.
Miss Ethel Myers our eighth grade
teacher went to Lincoln last Friday
to visit with her folks.
Lamont Stephens, our new county
attorney, was down from Loup City
last week on business.
A. J. Wilson went to St. Paul a few
times to visit with his sick and aged
father, who is very sick.
Gust Werner is still batching, but
is expecting Mrs. Werner and daugh
ter Ella home about Saturday.
R. W. Sundstrom went to St. Paul
last Monday to attend the meeting of
the Sherman Howard base ball league.
Carl Dietrich was down from Loup
City last week trying to sell some
papers for the Bensclioter printing
S. E. Branscomb was up town last
Thursday for the first time since last
fall, on account of being confined to
his home with sickness.
The committee of the German Ya
rein is busy this week making ar
rangements for their public dance
next Saturday April 10, at the new
opera house.
, Paul’Gilmore is unloading his trac
tion engine which he purchased from
the Avery Implement company and
intends to do all kinds of plowing
this season with it around in the
Last Tuesday was e ection day.
There were two village trustees to be
elected in place of John Seabeck and
Dr. Dickinson, but Dickinson was re
elected getting 21 votes and F. A.
20% OFF
For Cash
at Daily’s
All Styles
All Prices
April 8 to April 15
38,000owners have given the acid test
to38,000Maxwells in the last 18 months
Every car made in the gigantic Maxwell factories is just as finely finished, just as handsome
an automobile as if it were especially made to be exhibited at the New York Automobile Show,
or some dealer’s fancy Showrooms.
BUT—and here is a great big
BUT—38,000 of these Maxwell Cars
have actually been turned out and
have actually been driven thousands
of miles by 38,000 Maxwell owners.
These owners have cHyen their
Maxwells up hill and dowr* ill—over
all kinds of country roads and over
city streets, everywhere that four
wheels will go.
Most of these 38,000 Maxwells
have been rained on, snowed on, and
put to every kind of a rough and tum
ble test that time and use can give a
car—and that’s what we mean by
the “Acid Test.”
If you have any neighbors among
these 38,000 happy owners, ask them
to tell you all about their experience
with their Maxwells.
If you don’t happen to know any
neighbors who own Maxwells, here
are a few facts to think about—things
to consider—then you can come in
and see this 1‘Wonder Car” and add
up these facts for yourself.
But don’t forget this—the Maxwell we will show you is an exact duplicate of these 38,000
tried and true Maxwells that have stood the rough and tumble “Acid Test.”
And Here Are Some Vital Points to Think Of
Satisfaction and Service in a Nutshell
To the automobile owner satisfaction and ser
vice means a car of beauty, refimmeut an 1 com
fort combined. One that possesses the many con
veniences. is easy and simple to « perate; properly
designed and constructed of the best materials and
whose operative cost injury low. lie wants motor
car efficiency and niaMfurn
AW This Has Been A.ccoiaplis<hed in
the Maxwell
Through the high ideals and stananrds, won
derful engineering genius, remarkable resources and
the accumulated experiences gl* : 1 froir yea's of
automobile experience, the Maxwell organisation
have accomplished what a few years ago many said
was impossible.
The Maxwell is Not the Result of
an Experiment
It was not luck \)r the result of an experi
ment on the public, but good hard business judg
ment that made the Maxwell of to-day possible.
Able engineers spent month do-igning this
powerful, efficient, light-weight car. The best
metallurgists in the w olds -in ms laboratory (the
Maxwell's own plant' tested materials and formu
lated new heat treatment tl r gave this car a re
markable light weight and yet the groat strength
which it possesses and which stands ad the abuse
heaped upon owuer-dnveu cars.
It was real genius that gave to the Maxwell
the powerful motor that enables Maxwell owners to
go wherever tour wheels wi*l travel, ever all roads,
up all grades, through any sand, any mud.
Beauty and Comfort af well us Strength
And Maxwell builders added f> thii “wonder
car," not only all «he cr.nvpv.ies:* • > \v« r and dur
ability, but also the refill*-iv.' :*t : beaut* ul lines
of the mu-h higho* ]• • o. i lines,
crown fenders. fim u .* vr a. . all the little
details taut nake M.xvi; • i>r«.ijf| i-i ihcir
Every Feature of iVe ! Construction
Every feature of r. c-»r*stru--:io:» t'. t is
to be found in cars :_uy times its pi ice
will be found In the Maxwell. And In addition
there are many mechanical features that are stru t y
of Maxwell design. How we have improved the
lamps, made them rattle-proof by using extra braces
ai.d eliminated the hinges, made them dus>pr »of.
easy to clean and adaptable to use in any des.n l
position ; the manner in which we have protected
one of the best radiators that money can buy from
the many twists and strains of the car, in fact, con
st runted a full floating radiator—the way in which
Maxwell has provided for proper lubrication and
thorough cooling of the motor and has gi\en one
square inch of braking service for every twelve
pounds of weight; how our engineers have equipped
Maxwell cars with a spring tension fan that adjusts
itself to any pressure on the belt, makes the
The Maxwell Company’s Guarantee of Service to Maxwell Owners
No other automobile is backed by a more reliable service than that guaranteed every Maxwell owner. More than 2,000 Maxwell dealers
—in every part of this country—are always ready to give expert advice, to make adjustments, and to supply new parts at reasonable prices.
This splendid Maxwell dealer service organization is perfected and completed by the chain of Maxwell owned and Maxwell operated
Service Branches. Sixteen great Maxwell Service Stations are so located throughout the country that a Maxwell dealer can supply any part
for an owner within a few hours if not in his stock. Maxwell Service is one of the great advantages enjoyed by Maxwell owners.
F. 0. B.
Order a Maxwell from us now, and when you want it delivered, we will
give you your car—not an excuse on delivery day
Dunker got elected by 111 votes, John
Seabeck getting 13, Ed Isaacson 12,
H. Bushhousen 10. Against Sunday
baseball 5, and for Sunday baseball 20.
All for wet and no dry votes.
I __
Order of Hearing and Noticcof
Probate of Will.
In the County Court of Sherman
County. Nebraska.
State of Nebraska, ) ss
Sherman County, 1
To the heirs, legatees devisees and
to all persons interested in the es
tate of Michael Donahoe. deceased:
On reading the petition of Thomas A.
Donahoe praying that the instrument
tiled in this court on the 25th day of
March, 1915, and purporting to be
the last will and testament of the said
deceased, may be proved and allowed,
and recorded as the last will and testa
ment of Michael Donahoe. deceased:
that said instrument be admitted to
probate, and the administration of
said estate be granted to Thomas A.
Donahoe as executor.
It is hereby ordered that you and all
persons interested in said matter,
may,and do appear at the counts’ court
to be held in and for said county on
tlie 21th day of -April A. D. 1915, at
10 o’clock a. m. to show cause, if any
there be, why the prayer of the pe
titioner should not be granted, and
that notice of the pendency of said
Ideal Bakery & Restaurant |
Meals, Lunches and Short Orders at all
We Also Carry a Full Line of Bakery Goods.
. • Careful Attention Given all Special Orders.
Cream Puffs and Boston Brown Bread every Saturday after
Put in your order early.
petition and the hearing thereof be
given to all persons interested in said
matter by publishing a copy of this
order in the Loup City Northwestern
a weekly newspaper printed in said
county, three successive weeks prior
to said day of hearing.
Witness my hand, and seal of said
court,this 7th day of April A.I>. 1915.
[skal] E. A. Smu’H,
, 1 County Judge.
Last pub. April 8
DM it Slnglehandcd.
“Why didn’t you call a police
man when the holdup man attacked
you,” asked the police judge of
the victim. “Say,” replied the
victim, “that guy didn’t need any
help; he frisked me singlehanded.”
Subs i for the Northwestern
Monday,' April 12th
The Lucas Show
In High Glass Vaudeville
Singers, Dancers, Comedians, Musical Acts, Aerial Gym
nastc, Etc. Two Hours of Fun.
Doors open at 7:30 Show starts 8:15
Admission First Night 10c