The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, April 08, 1915, Image 5

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    The Ralston Health Shoe
“The Perfect Shoe”
$4.00 to $6.00
Clothing and
Daily sells for less.
E. T. Thrasher, Painter and
AY. L. Smith, of Miller, Nebr.,
was here Saturday.
F. O. Price of Litchfield was
here on business last Friday.
Mrs. E. E. Ditto was a passen
ger to (fraud Island Saturday.
Mrs. Rena Mellor has been ill
with la grippe the past few days.
d. C. Wall of Litchfield was a
county hub visitor last Saturday.
Fresh vegetables of all kinds
every Saturday atR. L. Arthur's.
Mrs. S. A. Pratt was over from
Hazard last Thursday visiting with
Mrs. J. W. Amickand son .Tack
were Grand Island visitors last
Mrs. Joe Thompson and little
daughter Dorris, were St. Paul
visitors Tuesday.
Mrs. E. G. Taylor who has been
quite ill for the past week is able
to be areund again.
For Rent, cottage first house
east of Sweetland’s feed store, in
quire of Alfred Bailie. tf
Miss AYaunetta Conger came
down from Arcadia last Friday to
attend the high school dance.
Miss Florence Leininger, who
is attending AA'esleyan college at
Lincoln, is home fjp<' a short visit.
The monthly social of the B. Y.
P. U. will meet at the Baptist par
sonage Friday evening. The Reds
will entertain the Blues. Hope to
see all the young people present.
Miss Froelich, who recently
’ 1 ” " 1 at store in Loup
“Busy Bee Hat Shop" A casual
glance will convince one that the
store has an appropriate name.
■Paper Hanger.
her store the
Daily sells for less.
We Will pay 12c per lb for hens
at the Creamery.
Ravenna Creamery Co.
Fresh vegetables of all kind
; every Saturday at K. L. Arthur's.
Visit the Busy Pee Hat Shoji.
If you are not a customer now.
you will be.
Everybody's doin' it. Doin'
what? Buying spring hats at the
Busy Bee Hat Shop.
If you want a dray, phone A. L
j Enderlee. Black ti3. or leave your or
der with either lumber yard or E. (i.
Taylor. Best of service guaranteed.
Mrs. Chas. H. Leininger arrived
! from North Platte Monday even
[ ing for a visit with relatives and
j friends.
Miss Ruth Rein of Ashton spent
Friday evening and Saturday here
visiting at the Dieterieh and Gas
teyer homes.
The Misses Geraldine and Evan
geline Waite were passengers to
Grand Island last Saturday, re
turning the same evening.
Mrs. E. E. McCray’ and daugh
ters returned from Sargent Thurs
day, where they attended the fun
eral of Mrs. McCray’s mother.
Mrs. Nels Jensen entertained
Mrs. E. W. Thompson’s Sunday
school class last Sunday at her
country home. All report a good
Miss Pearl Needham gave a sur
prise party at her home last Satur
day evening in honor of MissClora
Plant. The evening was spent in
playing games and light refresh
ments were served. All report a
fine time.
Mrs. J. W. Conger, Mrs. E.W.
Thompsen, Mrs. R. I). Hendrick
son and Miss Constance Jenoer.
went to Sargent last Thursday
evening to attend the session of
the District Meeting of the Re
lieccah lodge.
Three-Button Novelty
Sack, No. 814
1P% AVE you ever heard the
'fable of the fox that in
vited the stork to dinner and
then offered food on a plate
which the stoik could not
eat owing to his long pointed
When we invite you to this
store to inspect clothing of
of elegant quality, we do not
serve it to you at prices so
high that we cannot buy
In fact there is nothing
“foxy” in the methods of this
store, as you will find after
once trading here.
VICTOR VIENER, Proprietor.
Daily sells for less.
E. T. Thrasher, Painter and
Pajier Hanger. 15tf
Don't let your boy miss any of
the .Toy lecturers.
Fresh vegetables of all kinds
every Saturday at R. L. Arthur’s.
Busy Bee hats and the prices
they sell at please all who inspect
A. X. Cook returned home last
Friday from Iowa where he had
l»een on business.
Used Typewriters, all makes, at all
prices O. E. .lames, Y. M. C. A.,
Grand Island, Kebr. nov 10
Leave orders for Roy McDonall
dray at either lumber yard or Tay
lor's elevator, or phone Brown 57.
A new line of the latest novelties
in hair ornaments just received at
; Schwaner’s. See the window dis
Mrs. Theo. D. Wilson is report
ed in much better health, which
is pleasing news to her many
The High School orchestra gave
a dance at the Daddow opera house
'last Friday evening. All report
a good time.
Come out to hear the Joy lee- j
I turers every night. Song service
at eight o'clock, at which time lec
tures will be given.
Just unloaded some extra nice
Koutt county and Rock Springs
nut. Ideal cook stove coals,spring
prices. Hansen Lumber Co.
Kuscoe Owens came home from
Grand Island College last Wednes-1
day to spend Easter with home
folks, returning Monday morning.
Mrs. Jess Marvel was here over
last Sunday from her home in
Custer county spending Easter va
cation with her parents, and en
joying a visit with her countless
| friends.
‘"Wanted—Men who desire to
earn over Sl25.00per month write
us to-day for position as salesman;
every opportunity for advance
ment. Central Petroleum Co..
Cleveland. Ohio.’,
The K. of P.’s held an extra
session last Wednesday evening
and did a lot more degree work.
The boys have enough work al
ready in sight to keep them busy
for several months.
The nice spring weather has
created great activity among the
i farmers. Spring work has been
greatly delayed but if the present
weather continues for a short time
} spring work will be cleaned up in
, good shape.
Harry Obermiller of Schaupps,
was a Loup Ci^y visitor Wednes
day of last week. Mr. Obermiller
has an announcement of import
ance to farmers and mule breeders
in this issue of the Northwestern.
April showers wash and clean old
Mother Earth of Winter’s germs
[and impurities. Hollister’s Rocky
Mountain Tea does the same thing
| for your stomach, bowels, blood
; purifies, cleans you thru and thru,
a mostthoro SpringtonicRemedy.
35c. Tea or Tablets—Swanson &
A rthur Casteel, Harold Burt and
Roland Goodwin, loaded a car of
stock and goods at Ravenna last
week and left for Winnet, Mon
tana, where they have splendid
320 acre homesteads. Theirfarms
are located 35 miles from a rail
road, with a railroad under con
struction near by. They will
spend the summer there, return
ing here late in the fall.
The many friends of Grandma
Leininger will deeply regret that
her condition has been quite
serious for the past week, having
suffered a relapse. However, lat
est reports are more encouraging,
and it is believed she will improve
from now on. —
Last Sunday was a big day for
our Presbyterian friends, for at
the morning service there were,
we understand, fifty-five additions
to the church, a few by letter, but
the majority on confession of faith,
the result of the recent evangelis
tic meetings. Communion service
was also held in the morning, an
unusually large congregation be
ing present.
Dry Goods
We have just received a new
line of white goods in the very
latest patterns, such as Rice
Voiles, and the Seed Voiles.
Prices, jier yard
29c to 75c
Silk Crepe Duchenes
50c to $2.00 per yd.
Silk Poplins In all the
Latest Shades
A new line of spring cloaks
to arrive this Friday. Call and
see them.
Lonp City Mercantile
Daily sells foi less.
Dr. Carrie L. Bowman left for
Omaha Saturday noon.
Dr. Theo. Aye went to Arcadia
Friday evening, where he has sev
eral patients.
Mrs. W.S. Waite went to Grand
Island last Friday morning to do
some shopping.
C.C. Cooper returned last Thurs
day evening from a business trip
to Fort Dodge, Iowa.
Newest creations in handbags,
both leather and silk. See them
on display at Schwaner’s.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Tony
Spotanski living southwest of town
a girl on Thursday, April 1st.
R. C. Rhode Island Red eggs
for sale, 20c for 13. Phone 9013.
Mrs. Wm. Critel.
William Graefe spent a part of
last week with relatives and friends
at his old 'home at Grand Island.
Mr. and Mrs, John Cynova and
Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Wharton, at
tended the funeral of a relative in
Ashton Monday.
In another column will be found
the railroad time tables which are
published as a matter of news for
the convenience of our readers.
Schwaner has just unpacked a
shipment of hair ornaments that
are the latest novelties in this line.
Tbeprices are astonishingly reason
able for this class of goods.
For flour and feed call on J. J.
Slominski. Also agent for the
Farmer’s Creamery company.,
highest market price paid for
cream and produce. Agent for
Sure Hatch Incubator and V. S.
separators. J. J. Slominski.
M's, F. M. Henry left last
Thursday morning for Tipton, la.,
called there to join Mr. Henry at
the bedside of his aged mother,
who was dangerously ill. Mr.
Henry had preceded her to Tipton
by several days, owing to the
mother’s serious condition.
Miss Winnie Outhouse came
home from Ravenna last Friday
for the Easter vacation. Tke
many friends of the talented home
girl will be pleased to know that
the school board of Ravenna have
selected her as one of the teachers
for the coming school year, a well
deserved compliment to her abili
ties of a teacher.
Our streets were the most crowd
id with friends from the country
last Saturday of any day during
the past winter, a tribute to about
the first decent day of the past
four months. Our merchants
reaped a rich harvest, too, by the
way. as everybody seemed intent
an buying, and the stores were
aver crowded most of the day.
The many friends of I. C. Smith,
aur popular tailor, will be pained
to learn of the death of his brother,
Mr. Carl Smith, at Riverton, la.,
on Tuesday of last week. Mr.
Smith was called to Riverton some
two weeks ago by the brother’s
serious illness, but left him con
valescing, apparently, and news
of his death came as a distressing
Daily sells for less.
W« will pay 12c per lb. for hens at
the creamery.
Ravenna Creamery Co.
E. A. Miner made a business
trip to Wolbach and other points
last week.
If you want good, prompt d ray
ing call on Roy McDonall, phone
Brown 57. 13tf
Miss Meroe Outhouse came in
from her school to spend Easter
with home folks.
Most complete stock paints, oils,
varnishes in Loup City, get our
prices, Hansen Lbr. Co.
Mrs. Aug. Dietz and two daugh
ters went to Kansas City, Monday
to make a short visit with rela
Mr. and Mrs. Parry came over
from Litchfield last Saturday for
an over Sunday visit at the Albert
Boecking home.
Miss Hallene Mellor came up
from Grand Island last Thursday
evening for a short visit with her
mother, sister and many friends.
Clarence Peterson and Roscoe
Owens returned to their school
duties at Grand Island Monday
after spending a few days here at
Clifford Rein came up from Lin
coln last Friday to visit here over
Easter Sunday, returning to the
capital city Monday.
Everybody and their families,
especially their boys, come and
hear Prof Joy lecture on “train
ing’’ by the art of Contact.
S. C. Brown Leghorns, the kind
that lay, the kind that pay. Eggs
for sale, 20c for 13.
Mrs. Wm. Critel. Phone 9013.
C. L. Helton, formerly manager
of the Northwestern, left for Stur
gis, S. 1)., last Friday where he
has a good position with the
Banner, published in that city.
Mr. G. S. Leininger. who with
his family are in Lincoln, on their
return from their Florida trip,
was called here last week by the
serious illness of his good mother,
Mrs. Margaret Leininger. return
ing t-o Lincoln Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Root were
called to Denver last week by the
death of Mrs. Root’s good mother.
We have heard no particulars.
Our people will deeply sympathize
with them over the deepest loss
that can come to the human heart,
that of mother.
Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea
is nature's own tonic, purely vege
table. Its use is not followed by
devitalizing after-effects. Safe
and sure, try it for debility,
anaemia, poor appetite, Spring
tiredness. Tea or Tablets, 35c.
Swanson & Lofholm.
Mrs. Etta R. Long and son Mas
ter Ray Long, of Mayfield. Ken
tucky, on their return trip from
San Diego, Calif., where they
have been visiting Mrs. Long’s
brother, A. P. Culley, stopped off
here for a short visit with Mrs.
Long's nephew, W. F. Mason and
family of our city.
A dray signal in front of the
keystone Lumber Co's yard, which
was erected by Ed. Radciiff last
Friday, caused a great deal of
curiosity until the workings of the
new device was explained. The
signal was placed to enable the
draymen to keep in close touch
with the office, making it very con
venient for all parties concerned.
S. N. Watson of Aurora, ar
rived here last Friday to take
charge of the Adam Ghering farm
in the Wiggle Creek district,
which he has rented for the com
ing year. He expects his family
the latter part of next week. The
[►eople of that splendid neighbor
hood may be congratulated over
the addition of this most estimable
family in their midst.
If the Northwestern is not bp to
the usual standard thi^ week we
iisk our readers to be patient with
us and in due time when we get
Ijetter acquainted in the town and
county we can get out a much
more readable paper. It is quite
ii proposition to come to a new
community and attempt to give
ihe local news as complete as We
would like, but in a short time we
hope to be able to give our readers
i paper covering the county news
is full detail.
Square Deal Fence, double locking stay wires.
Hogs can’t buckle or lift this fence. Also
Field and Poultry Fencing at Special Spring
“Victor” Hot Galvanized latest improved model
farm gates.
Get Our Special Prices on Houseaud Barn paints.
We carry everything in Lumber a:*d Build
ing Material. Be sure to figure with us.
We can put $ $ $ in your pockets.
Call For Yampa Valley Routt Co. Lump and Nut
and Rock Springs Nut. The ideal cook stove
coal. Spring coal prices now in effect.
You Will Like it When From
Hansen Lumber Go.
Before Buying Co Down To
E. T. Beushausen’s Furniture Store
and Get Prices on the Largest, Most Up-To
Date Furnitnre Stock Ever Shown
m* u. in Loup City
Brass and Iron Beds, Dressers, Chiffoniers, Com
modes, Rockers. Dining and Library Tables,
Davenports, Leather and Rope Portieres. Chenille
and Damask Couch Covers and in fact everything
found in a first-class furniture store.
Rugs? Yes we have them all sizes and designs.
No inflated price, but everything marked in plain
figures. The sale is on every working day of tin
“The Furniture Man”
", --5^ 4CL ** *■ *Mfik n» _
Kokomo Pioneer Fence
Witji our line wires nil of equal length ami the
coil we put in th3m, we are so sure of results that we
place one of our guarantee signs in each roll, which
guarantee means that every roll of fence will stretch
like a ribbon.
Yards at Loup City, Ashton. Rockville. Sehaupps and Arcadia
“Th* Store That Satisfies'’
We have the exclusive sale
of Albert Lea Corsets. I Vices
range from
' 50 cents to $5
at 25c each
We have also contracted with
the New Idea Pattern Co. for
their full line of pattems%and
they will arrive next week.
Any pattern in this line 10c.
Loup City, Nebraska'
Farmers and Mule Breeders.
The breeding of mules for farm
use has been neglected in this sec
tion for .years- As a work animal
it is conceded that the mule has no
e<|ual. Harry Obermiller, who
lives just south of Schaupps, and
who is an old-time and experienced
mule breeder, announces that he
will offer for service this season.
Prince Albert, a magnificent black
Spanish Jack. He is a big fellow;
is 16 hands high and weighs 1,050
pounds. He is a jack of fine ac
tion and has a record as a foal
getter. The service fee is $10, and
he will make the season at Mr.
Obermiller's farm, a quarter of a
mile south of Schau pps. M r. Obei
miller announces that he will make
a specialty of breeding so-called
barren mares.
Joy brings joy to everyone.
Hear him at the Methodist church
from Sunday night to Friday night
Loup City Flour is sold
by all our merchants.
Special prices to all on 5
and 10 sack lots. Patro
nize the home mill.